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Sep 7, 2006

Atlantis launch?

Thursday Morning TOUCH DOWN!! Yayy-y-y-y--y!

Landing UPDATE Wed 9.20: NASA Clears Shuttle for Return to Earth hopefully Thursday morning. My prayers are with them...necessary considering nebulous, dissolving, mysterious Neptune at the Ic/Foundation of the Launch chart--the chart for the mission itself. Mystery objects floating plus prayers--triple Neptune!

UPDATE Tuesday 9.19: Don't know whatcha got 'til it's gone?

Mystery Object escapes from Atlantis, engineers are "concerned"...they don't know what it is or if it's "crucial" so NASA Delays Return for Space Shuttle but weather was making an early landing Wednesday look iffy even before the Mystery Object crimped their style. Thursday or Friday may be the ticket.

Hope it works out for them..."Atlantis"...what a name...sheesh.

3:40 pm

UPDATE Saturday: at 11:15 am edt, all systems went...Atlantis Now Headed for Space Station .

UPDATE Friday morning: NASA Leaning Toward Postponing Launch ...keep leaning, NASA--keep on leaning.

>Thursday's post:

All week I've held myself back from criticizing the possible launch of shuttle Atlantis. First I have to mention that I dropped my dentures back when I first heard someone had chosen "Atlantis" as a name for a shuttle...keywords: abuse or misuse of power; ethics; a sense of imminent doom. Considering the myterious and fabled civilization's ultimate fate, the name isn't exactly a lucky charm.

Putting that freely-admitted prejudice aside, here is the chart for the possible launch Friday, Cape Canaveral, 11:40 am edt.

Normally we think of Jupiter on the Ascendant/rising as protective, and I certainly hope this is so. Yet at 11:40 am, Jupiter is the apex planet in a Fixed T-square between the Saturn/Neptune opposition I've complained of before.

(The Saturn/Neptune combo is associated with loss, denial; martyrdom; grief. There is a positive side, but usually it has to do with putting art, literature, or music into form--don't think it applies here. Historically and politically, the Saturn/Neptune pair are significators of communism.)

Saturn/Neptune = Jupiter: sensitivity; depression; narrow-mindedness; egoism; very upset with the ways of the world; losing the will to fight (this launch decision is not unanymous, so will the yeas give up on launching Friday? Shuttle orbiter projects manager, Steve Poulos, says they're "good to fly" Friday. With Jupiter's role here, I suspect money and funding are main issues in this go-ahead.)

Saturn/Neptune = Asc: limitation of freedom; emotional suffering; feeling confined; sense of being "out of the group"; the loner. (Perhaps this describes one person at NASA who's vehemently against this launch...?)

As an apex planet of a Fixed T-square, Jupiter operates in an opinionated and dogmatic way, and if I had to guess a name as to who Jupiter represents in this chart, it would start with Dick and end with Cheney. (Remember a while back Cheney was gung-ho on a launch, bad idea as it was--he had his grandchildren there to see it. Quelle disappointment.)

There is an intensity and a one-trackedness to apex Jupiter here--an intolerance of the belief systems of others.

Pluto is also at the apex point of a Mutable T-square between Moon/Mercury, and Mercury/North Node, and Mercury represents travel, esp air flight.

Moon/Mercury = Pluto: persuasion or being persuaded; new perspectives; necessity to adjust to new conditions; a reorientation of one's thinking caused by events coupled with destiny; tragic realizations (if so, I hope they're in time to scuddle.)

Mercury/NN = Pluto: the desire to be intellectually superior; lording it over others.
(This midpoint picture has been in effect during Bush's speeches this week.)

Pluto as apex of a Mutable T-square has an intense desire to fulfill ambitions through the use of force, manipulation, or subversive actions. This, I believe, is at the base of their mysterious fuel-cell problems, and it's called sabotage.

Pluto in a Mutable formation such as this is a malcontent...a revolutionary with a hair-trigger nervous system who possesses a strong urge to tear down and destroy concepts and theories which he feels lack depth.

He can be a socially-effective propagandist whose concepts have a deep and unsettling effect upon mass consciousness (hey--sounds like Bush), and his thinking is, needless to say, radical. An example of this configuration natally would be Karl Marx (hey--sounds like Karl Rove.)

If you enlarge the chart, you'll see asteroid Atlantis in the 9th house of foreign enemies, and asteroid Arachne, with her obvious spider and 'web' connections, in the 8th house, opposite Pluto.

Along with Arachne's tech association, we see Uranus (technology; electricity; disruption) again nearing Fixed Star, Achernar, keywords: risk of rapid endings. At Wednesday's launch attempt, the Moon was conjunct Uranus and NN, and now, as you see, she has moved on past and toward the end of Pisces...nearing the Aries Point.

Also, Thursday was the day of a Lunar Eclipse, and without time to do justice here this week to a Lunar Eclipse post, I'll just say now that the Culmination stage is past...not the best time to be startin' somethin'.

The good news is that all week, Mars has been at 29 degrees Virgo, 29 being a Critical degree (critical during Bush's White House speech, too), but has now reached 00Libra...a World Point. Mars isn't happy in Libra though, and Saturn at 18Leo53 is triggering the Sun/Moon degree of the super-difficult Mother of All Eclipses of Nostradamus fame (August 11, 1999)...his "King of Terror" Eclipse.

So really, protective Jupiter rising has a lot to do tomorrow--my hope is that NASA may decide after all to wait for a better day in October. But if they go through with the launch, my prayers are most certainly with them.

9.7.06 11:16 pm


NASA Decides to Try Friday Shuttle Launch; Will Not Replace Troublesome Electrical Component

using: Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl; The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney.

Sep 6, 2006

is Blair still in London?

If seven junior members of your party resigned today in protest against your tenure of leadership, you might be glum and blue. So how's Tony taking it?

Looking at his progressed charts--Secondary, Minor, and Tertiary--for today, and considering today's transits to his chart/s--there is glummery afoot, for he's desperately trying to take a new look at realism these days.

Time is limited for spending on this joker this evening--besides, he'll stay in office as long as his puppetmasters want him there, just like Bush will do--but one of the more telling midpoint pictures stands out in Blair's Minor chart (mental/causal plane):

With the Jupiter/Saturn combo's connection to politics, we find it is conjunct his Minor Ascendant and Minor Neptune, too...

Jup/Sat = Asc: the tactician; keeping properly in one's place (until the hullabaloo blows over, he hopes);

Jup/Sat = Neptune: bewilderment; not knowing which master to follow. (The one headed out the door would be good. Not that what's waiting 'round the bend is a bargain. Just like here in the US--if we should end up with Cheney or any other in line of 'succession', we'll be no better off and perhaps worse.)

Now Mr. Blair reached the Culmination/Full Moon stage in his Secondary chart on April 10, 2005 (5Cap11)...some would say he's on the down-side of his pursuits.

The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon degree "5Cap": "Indians rowing a canoe and dancing a war dance"> Keyword: MOBILIZATION (quite descriptive, yes?);

Pos: a capacity for aggressive leadership and an unusual effectiveness in sidetracking minor issues for the sake of major achievement;

Neg: unnecessary moods and tantrums.

Even more enlightening may be the opposite degree which is the Illumination Point and relates to his Unconscious> "5Can": "An automobile wrecked by a train"> Keyword:

Pos: a special genius for a creative reorganization of all experience (that's the deal with this crew);

Neg: an insensitive recklessness (like invading Iraq based on a tissue of lies?)

Well, the world is paying heavily now for Mr. Blair's following a master of some kind. Unfortunately for the world, it seems to be one with hooves and a barbed tail, and if it's George Bush...his regime is on the shaky side, too.

Oh what tangled webs they weave--meanwhile transiting Neptune (webs, veils, deceptions, illusions) is at the "A man unmasked" degree again. Beware, those with something to hide!

Think I'll post a Blair limerick and a Bush one, too at Lim's Limericks (as soon as I can navigate over there--Blogger is acting squirrelly tonight)...because I need a snicker just thinking about these clowns.

9.7.06 7:38 pm

7:45 pm: almost forgot: the Image for today's Sun Virgo/Moon AQ blend: Aliens land and embark on building a new and improved world order.

"Improved"--THIS grief and strife represent an improvement?


using: Sun Sign, Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey; Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.

Sep 5, 2006

Rove and the US Constitution

The new book, The Architect, about Karl Rove "outs" him as having a gay (step) dad.

Hopefully, the book has more interesting information to say than that (who cares?) except for one thing--Rove and Ken Mehlman (whose sexual orientation has been questioned for years) have promoted the gay marriage issue as a political tactic on behalf of the GOP while invading the privacy of homosexuals who are already dealing with difficult issues in our culture. Duh...are Rove and Mehlman hypocrites?

Apparently, the South Node transit (separation; letting go) to Rove's natal Saturn (authority; control) is still affecting his position and status--only inside the White House is he still worshipped. Outside is another matter.

Terri Gross will interview the book's authors on Fresh Air tomorrow (Wednesday in this market--check your local listings) so it'll be interesting to hear how Mr Rove, who has said that he "changes constitutions" comes across as "The Architect."

And the irony? that James Madison is called The Architect of the Constitution--and that Rove should be graced with a similar title in spite of his attempts to undermine and destroy our Constitution--he is, of course, the architect of the Bush regime which has that intent. Quite a different thing--and Rove certainly gets the joke.

And twice George Bush has taken an Inaugural oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution--it's been 5 years+ of ribald yucks all around the Oval Office, no doubt.

My previous post Get Your US Constitution While Ya Can has details on the document, and the chart is seen above. You'll that notice that the midpoint between Saturn and Pluto have had Uranus triggering it since Bush took office...

Saturn/Pluto = Uranus: brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack, regardless of potential losses. (Shout-Out to Noel Tyl's Solar Arcs directory.)

With its IC, the Foundation of the chart, at 17Pis46, we know that Uranus, the rebellious reformer, the disruptor and revolutionary will soon conjunct this IC-the first conjunction is in May, 2007. But Uranus may act early, late, or never--"expect the unexpected" is the motto with Uranian transits.

Transiting Neptune 18AQ once again--the "A man unmasked" degree, so the new book, The Architect, may excel at doing just that...but are we prepared for the ugliness underneath?

9.5.06 2:18 pm


Sep 4, 2006

buh bye Mark McClellan

9.4.06: 5:30 pm, NPR reporting that Mark McClellan is leaving his post as head of Medicare/Medicaid programs. This is post #3 for McClellan in the superb Bush administration--remember he's involved in the morning-after pill lawsuit from his tenure at the FDA, and began as Bush's "top health advisor."

McClellan spreads that Bush sunshine wherever he goes (sunshine = incompetence), so whichever "think tank" takes him in--good luck to ya.

As you know, McClellan was the "send the money back" damage control officer mentioned in my you stupid stupid glitch post of August 23. And I still say SOMEone had to write the dratted letter in the first place.

5:55 pm

Update: Why, Tom, Why??? Tom Ridge has a new job advising the government of ALBANIA on how to join NATO, and on how to fight organized crime!

He'll be a "super-envoy" visiting Albania every two months. Why, Tom? Why can't America--who first made you rich--have some of that crime-fightin' expertise? Aren't America and HoSec where you got that about-to-be-well-paid expertise?

Don't know about anyone else, but I feel used and betrayed by old Tom. Why--Tom could teach the Bush administration how to join with others and work together! SUCH a loss...(insert sorrowful headshake)...

tags: Albania

"they simply don't like us"

"Problem is, we get oil from some parts of the world and they simply don't like us. The more dependent we are on that type of energy, the less likely it will be that we are able to compete and so people can have good paying jobs." --George Bush

So there ya go, America--you're using so much of the oil that's made the Bush and Cheney families filthy rich, that now the good paying jobs will go to someone in those places full of people who simply don't like us. You'll have your 'oil addiction' to blame, but don't blame George or those good folks at BP.

There's so much hypocritical propaganda in this speech, my keyboard is freezing up with derision. As a Child of the Revolution, you may love America as MUCH as I do, but you do not love her more. And George Bush and his ilk don't love her at all.

You don't cheat and steal from a country you love. You don't undermine in every way possible what or whom you love. And you don't try to make black into white and white black if you're on the up-and-up just to hang onto your ill-gotten power with an eye toward world domination...and further line your filthy pockets in the process.

"Some parts of the world simply don't like us"? Most parts of the world hate us for complex reasons, all of which we have brought on ourselves with our meddling, our bombs, and our betrayals. We have shoved our beliefs and Our Best Interests down their throats and expected them to like it because it was the great America calling.

Now they're shoving back, and George goes on to say, "MY MESSAGE TO THE WORLD is this: just treat us as we treat you."

Uh-oh. Bad choice of words, couldn't seriously want them to do that.

Bush Warns on Foreign Oil Dependence to promote the ethanol lobby, and even more to the point, to neutralize Americans' opposition to nuclear proliferation and plant building--in spite of the fact that we've got more nuclear waste now than we know what to (safely) do with.

So labor on George, catapultin' that propaganda on Labor Day, and threatening American "good paying jobs" as if their loss is our fault for depending on the only energy source we've had available--and whose fault would that be?

9.4.06 1:45 pm


Sep 2, 2006

where in the devil

Sunday: from SO'W's By-Now-You've-Heard Department: No.2 al-Qaida Leader in Iraq Arrested north of Baghdad a few days ago "along with another group and a few of his aides and followers."

This coup for the GOP, coming just in time for November US elections, means that al-Qaida is now suffering from a "serious leadership crisis."

And they're not the only ones.

Remember November.

9.3.06 12:15 pm


From Albert Brooks' character in the 1987 film Broadcast News (Twentieth Century Fox):

AARON ALTMAN: What do you think the Devil is going to look like if he's around? Nobody is going to be taken in if he has a long, red, pointy tail. No. I'm semi-serious here. He will look attractive and he will be nice and helpful and he will get a job where he influences a great God-fearing nation and he will never do an evil thing ... he will just bit by little bit lower standards where they are important. Just coax along flash over substance ... Just a tiny bit. And he will talk about all of us really being salesmen. And he'll get all the great women. #

There are those who believe the devil has a physical headquarters on earth and its name begins with L...a vast and ancient city much in the news these days...and very active in the terroism department. Perhaps a re-reading of C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters would profit, for they hit the mark on this subject, don't they?

More later...

9.2.06 3:39 pm

>Here's a Shout-Out to the "news unfit to print" at Irregular Times .


Aug 31, 2006

IMPEACH Campaign 9.1.06 noon

Between my ongoing ISP problems, Ernesto-related storms, and the overload of Blogger that may be occurring today near noon, I'm racing to post this chart of the White House at zero hour--if it comes off.

As websites and blogs across the nation (and beyond?) paricipate in the IMPEACH blackout of their first pages, what's going on at George W. Bush's White House?

Enlarge chart to read my chicken scratches for the non-astrology speaker among you--the two of you really should get together more often...but on to the chart:

We see Jupiter in spying Scorpio Rising, therefore Angular and active, at the "Telephone linemen at work" degree. I'm sure they are. (Of course, any of this is operable by self or by others and so must be considered on many levels in our dualistic world.)

Two midpoint pictures of note emerge:

At the top of the chart, MC or Aspiration/Career Point, we see:

Venus/Saturn = Mc: urge to seek solitude; inhibited desires.

Sun/Mercury = Bush natal Mars: agitated thinking; upsets and quarrels; thinking critically; the will to fight; nervous drive.

Neptune at the "A man unmasked" degree is at the Ic/Foundation Point, and asteroid, Hera, is conjunct Descendant (Others; Partnerships; the Public), keywords: keeping tabs or bringing to account (on account of he sux.)

SN, a separative, unconscious point, is conjunct warring Mars--they were close on 9/11/01 and usually have to do with war, but also with unconscious motivations and actions. Kinda describes the "stay the course" trait of this administration...but if your actions aren't giving the results you want, you're bashing your head against a brick wall, aren't you? Irrational will isn't strength, as I've said before about this man.

Also, this tr Mars has recently crossed Bush's secondary progressed Ascendant (23Vir03), and SN will conjunct this sec Asc in Novemeber ("remember, remember...")
and sooner, if you use Mean Node--I'm using True. This is not a good place for Bush to be operating from, and old mistakes will continue to be made--unless he's prevented.

And in his sec chart there is sec Moon conjunct Ic, which I've posted on before, which usually means change in the residence and possibly the career (please!)
Sec Moon "23Sag": "Immigrants entering a new country." Hmm-m-m.

Sec Uranus/NN (association with unusual, reformist groups) has been at sec Mc for a while now, still in orb today:

Uranus/NN = Mc: the desire to bring joint plans to fruition.

We know.

All in all, there is much agitation at the White House today, and perhaps the IMPEACH Campaign figures little in the important dilemmas of his day. Chart-ruler Mars makes no applying aspects in the chart with the except of a nagging semi-square to its Ascendant. The Mars/Pluto square is separating, but still in orb and so is unconscious. Separating sqaure = crisis in consciousness. Will the Campaign finally get through to his noggin that no one approves of his lousy residency?

Back again, transit-wise, we have a T-square between Saturn/Neptune (loss; renunciation; suffering) pointing at Jupiter = very upset with the ways of the world; losing the will to fight; egoism; sensitivity;

and another T-square:

Mars/NN = Pluto: violent or enforced separation; performance of a joint record achievement (hope that's the Campaign!)

There's more to say, but I fret that Blogger will be inundated as I try to publish, so let me hurry and say that I'm participating in the IMPEACH Campaign as best I can considering my tech-challenged brain, my current computer problems, and possible Blogger outage upcoming.

This chart is the least I can do for the cause.

9.1.06 11:34 pm

Hint: you'll find IMPEACH at Lim's Limericks too.


lying with impunity

Seems Rummy and his friends think they're the only ones entitled to do that.

He lies awake at night fretting over the enemy's clever manipulation of media--not because of the body count in Iraq, aka the notches on his gun. So that must be the point--about 3 am--when Rummy turns to impunity and says, remind me to call Karen Hughes about that medal she's expecting.

"The enemy" good at media manipulation--is he referring to the jihadist kind, or to the bleeding-heart liberal bloggers? Those who expect and demand truth from their governments--those bloggers? The ones who are vastly disappointed in the 'watchdog press' that Rummy apparently let out with the cat around 3 am?

Rumsfeld apparently doesn't know that I, for one, hold him and his 1% gang responsible for taking us to war with spin instead of truth--at a time when we needed upright actions and integrity, we got this crew of crime bosses, energy barons, dice rollers, and propagandists.

He doesn't sleep at night...for all the wrong reasons.

8.31.06 11:26 am

This from LegitGov:

WHEN IN DOUBT, ATTACK THE MEDIA: The other aspect of the latest push is to attack media coverage. The coverage isn't negative because things are going badly, it's because the press is being duped by terrorists. On Monday, Donald Rumsfeld said "he is deeply troubled by the success of terrorist groups in 'manipulating the media' to influence Westerners." Rumsfeld has a new strategy to get more positive coverage: buy it. The Department of Defense is "put out for bid a two-year, $20 million public relations contract that calls for extensive monitoring of U.S. and Middle Eastern media in an effort to promote more positive coverage of news from Iraq." According to a public relations professional, "They want it [news] to be received by audiences as it is transmitted [by them], but they don't like how it turns out. "The 12-18 person team would monitor the news and "propose four to eight public relations events per month, such as speeches or news conferences, including 'preparation of likely questions and suggested answers, themes and messages as well as background, talking points.'"


>How about an Iranian blog written by a Zoroastrian Astrologer? Ali Mostofi's Iranian Opposition wants to establish a common platform for all Iranians in opposition. "Everyone can have his angle and opinion in Iran." And, "Ahmadinejad cares not for money with South Node in Taurus...he is driven purely by dogma."

With its history info and news links, you may want to check out Ali's blog!

Aug 30, 2006

why follow when you're already home?

Thursday UPDATE on UPDATE: Scroll to August 27 post for an UPDATE on the Comair crash...lack of sleep seems to be pulling ahead.

7:00 pm UPDATE: from

NSA Mobilizes Against Leaks 30 Aug 2006 The National Security Agency has instructed all of its employees to "actively" watch for unauthorized disclosures of classified information in the press and online, and to report such disclosures to the authorities.

Senate moves to give Bush more power to wiretap 29 Aug 2006 A bill that expands President Bush's ability to wiretap American phones and conduct other forms of domestic surveillance will likely appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee next Thursday, RAW STORY has learned.


Bush White House said subpoenaed by wiretap lawyers 29 Aug 2006 Two attorneys representing claimants in a lawsuit over wiretapping by the National Security Agency claim that they have sent subpoenas to the White House today, RAW STORY has learned.

Raw Story

Here's my earlier post of today:

Mr. Bush recently has increasingly emphasized that if the U.S. withdraws from Iraq, the "enemy will follow us home," as he said at a fund-raiser for former football star Lynn Swann's Pennsylvania gubernatorial campaign.

Yet the greatest enemy in our measly 230-year history is already among us and occupying the White House and the Pentagon. We could've turned the puppy away a few years ago--beginning with Jimmy Carter's residency, but we didn't--we had no clue what was on their agenda.

Now we have a flea-infested kennel of rottweilers bedeviling us.

The rottweiliers are playing poker with our lives and futures while Iran plays chess. Rummy is disturbed at how smart the enemy is and I'm disturbed at how dumb he and his fellow litter mates are. Hubris has its own particular streak of stupidity, it seems. With their "regime change" mantra, they pretend not to notice that it is their regime which needs changing most. "New fascism" is the same old same old, Rummy, and you should know.

Then there's greedy imperialism from our robber barons being revealed in 's article, "Oil Company CEO Pay Averaged $32.7 Million in 2005, Study Says"...does that make you want to buy another SUV? I think not.

Ah, November--how I wish it would make a difference. Find a non-professional politician to vote for if you can, and insist upon term limits, would be my best advice for America--and check the membership roster of the Trilateral Commission before you vote--if you don't, it'll be new boss same as the old. From Carter to Clinton to to Pappy Bush to Volcker and Cheney to Gore--they wear different masks, but have the same masters...including some of our CEOs and media muckity mucks.

Talk about being sold out--the scale is so mindboggling (and long-in-planning) that average citizens prefer to ignore it--and their own complicity points the leash at their muzzles, fleas and all.

8.30.06 2:22 pm

On TV now: Alabama Pastor Dwayne Blue was arrested for praying too loud at a revival. This news from the "700 Club"--funny how Robertson puts this bit on his program without mentioning that it's the Bush police state doing the arresting.
And don't fret--I turned on the tv and it was on the channel for this program--it's like listening to Rush in my car--the signal only picks up there so I spy and marvel at his techniques while driving!


Aug 28, 2006

our high rollers roll on

Just to be sure you haven't missed this sparkling list of Senate millionaires who are against increasing the minimum wage, here's the list from Think Progress complete with goofy mugshots.

8.28.06 6:39 pm

UPDATE of sorts: Be sure to familiarize yourself with The Security and Prosperity Partnership Places One's Life Savings at Great Risk by Jan Allen.

Allen's article is, however, on a GOLD promoting site.

But is this "Progress Report" on such a site, too? The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America: Progress--with regards from the White House .

8.29.06 6:24 pm


(Another big thanks to Jerolyn Janssen!)