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Oct 26, 2006

Meet the Dems: Levin, Pilosi, Feingold

My intention is to post some info on prominent Democratic personalities in case we find ourselves travailing under them once November midterms settle in--strictly a "just in case".

Today we have on deck: Carl Levin, Nancy Pelosi, and Russ Feingold.

These were chosen in a clump because they share Full Moon personalities, and are within range (no birth times known) of having the obsessive-compulsive Quindecile aspect between Moon and Mars.

As you know, the natal Moon describes much about our emotions, and Mars represents the dsesire nature--how we intitiate and direct our actions and energies.

In a mundane chart, the Moon = the public or the people--so in a politician's chart, this has an obvious connection to their natal Moons. Politicians obsessed about the public? Ya don't say! On behalf of the public would be appreciated!

Two of the charts we'll consider today--birth times unknown--will have two possibilities for the Moon's positions since she moves quickly through the 24 hour period and may move into the next sign. Exs: Carl Levin, who has Moon in Aquarius in he was born after 4:02 pm, and Russ Feingold with Moon in either Virgo or Libra.

Let's get the Moon/Mars *Quindecile out in the open first: may be agressive in fulfilling needs, emotionally abusive or ruthless; hair trigger temper tantrums and quick mood changes may be prominent; strong, passionate emotional convictions which may result in positive outcomes when put to practical use. (Sounds helpful for a politician!-jc)

Levin, Pelosi, and Feingold share the Full Moon personality blend which is often viewed by others as "the extremist." This blend (and the correct Moon sign doesn't affect this assessment) has a sense of life vs death, and fertility vs barrenness--a polarization which is constantly affecting this personality.

Balance and stability need continual shifting in the life perspectives, and a "middle of the road" must be found in order to achieve the high objectives of this blend.

One moment there is a sense of security--materially and intellectually--the next there is a plunge into turmoil which affects all relationships.

The most basic purpose of the Full Moon personality is preservation of the species and if a well-rounded, mature personality is developed by adulthood, the goals are within reach in spite of the constant inner state of flux.

There are hair trigger emotions (underscoring the above-mentioned Moon/Mars aspect), great self-expressive ability, and creativity. A constant stream of feedback and approval is required from others or the self-esteem swings very quickly down to the depths of despair and self-doubt.

There is a good ability to learn by one's mistakes, and a conformity vs anarchy element may be noticed. A keen sense of purpose, a sense that life is to be lived in the here and now, and major achievements mark this blend esp if the volatile child is allowed to develop into a stable adult. This is the "own best friend or own worst enemy" combo which ideally becomes the mature achiever.

The following are the Images for Integration (from Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Chas and Suzi Harvey):

Carl Levin (June 28, 1934): Sun Can/Moon Cap:

An ancient water mill works away in rhythmic fashion, meting out just the required amount of fluid force to grind the corn that nourishes and sustains the village.

If born after 4:02 pm, Sun Can/Moon AQ:

A mother and child skip down the street, arm in arm, to attend the Vision for World Peace charity fete in the part...The world as family...A science museum inside a restored medieval castle...Carl Orloff's Carmina Burana.

(Perhaps someone who knows Levin better has a good guess as to which is correct--I vote for Moon in AQ, plus, "Carl" Orloff!-jc)

Nancy Pelosi (Sun Aries/Moon Scorpio):

Charlie Chaplin saves a maiden in distress...a passionate woman sells herself for her cause...The Godfather films. (Pelosi shares this natal blend with Tom Delay--shocking!)

Russ Feingold (Sun Pisces/Moon Libra, at sunrise):

A theatrical-musical artist entertains his entourage of friends and fans...Two lovers dream the same dream...A team of writers create a masterpiece.

Or, if born with Moon in Virgo:

A mosaic picture of the universe, each piece perfect in itself...Small events bring enormous consequences...Faith and reason shake hands.

(Someone who knows more about Russ Feingold could probably answer: is he a Virgo worker or a Libra charmer? I'm going to guess Moon in Virgo because I'm hoping
"Faith and reason shake hands" is the case which would be a welcome change in Washington, wouldn't it?-jc)

Well, there ya go: my first installment of Meet the Dems!

To be continued...

10.26.06 3:36 pm edt


*165 degrees: popularized by Dr. Noel Tyl, and further discussed in Ricki Reeves' book, The Quindecile, the Astrology and Psychology of Obsession, which you'll find at

And on a different note, sort of...need a chuckle? Don't forget to visit Lim's Limericks for groanworthy verses with political flavorings as dictated by Mr.A.Cat, formerly in service to our nation.

And here's a SO'W Shout-Out to for all your DC area needs and info on music, restaurants, and more!

Fristy advice to GOP hopefuls

Bill Frist says the media hasn't covered the passing of the energy bill last year by Congress which has resulted in "taxcuts and lower gas prices."

Dear Bill, most voters weren't in a high enough bracket to receive your taxcuts other than the measly one Bush used just after he slipped into the White House backdoor the first time. Whom do you think you're talking to?

Frist to GOP hopefuls: Don't Stess Iraq is quite ridiculous...quite a stretch. To the voters who got the taxcuts it isn't news and probably comes under the preaching-to-the-choir category, and is there anyone who doesn't know that there's more in play with lower oil/gas prices than what a rubberstamp Congress enacts?

This latest (president-in-his-own-mind) Frist crowing may fool a few voters, but I hope most people have been paying closer attention to Washington and our do-
little Congress than to be swayed by such a weak argument!

Judging by the polls of our disapproval of Congress, Frist's effort at midterm elections damage control falls far short of the reality of the real world outside the beltway.


Outburst: Comet Swan

Space Weather News for Oct. 25, 2006

COMET OUTBURST: Astronomers report that Comet Swan has suddenly increased in brightness 4-fold, from magnitude +6 to +4.5. This makes it a naked-eye object in dark skies and a lovely sight through backyard telescopes. The cause of the outburst: A new vein of volatile ice may have opened up in the comet's nucleus. Solar heating transforms this freshly-exposed material into streams of bright, reflective gas and dust. Indeed, backyard telescopes seem to show new tendrils of gaseous material in the comet's long tail.

Visit for sky maps, images and more information.

Signs in the sky? Is the Swan trying to tell us something?

10.26.06 11:19 am


Oct 25, 2006

Bark from the White House

As Bush barked from the White House this morning he again defined our generation with the challenge that "defeating extremists is the calling of this generaton."

Assuming that he's correct, let's get outselves out for the midterm elections and restore some balance in Washington--in Congress, if not in Senate.

He's not, of course, referring to the extremists who are infesting Washington these last several years--that would take a long look in the mirror (are we sure he has a reflection there to see?)

While Bush catapulted prop, then "answered" lovely setup questions lobbed at him from "reporters" in cahoots (or merely cowed by the hint of litigation?) transiting Mars, Venus, and the Sun were nestled around the "2 Scorpio" degree of the NWO's natal Sun. So he was speaking from "on high" all right--direct from the puppetmasters to you, m'peops.

Remember that yesterday was the NWO's (and the UN's) birthday(s)--see previous post.

And last weekend's meetings supposedly concerning the Stay the Course/Cut and Run mantras were about how the phrases might need retiring from use because they've became sound bite lightening rods--not for any true Change of Course policy considerations. As Halliburton says, things are $going well$ in Iraq.

It would be a huge surprise if Bush's reassessment of his war in Iraq has anything to do with anything but the midterms at this timely point--ya know it's true.

Here's a timely quote from a man who actually WAS a Republican once upon a time--before they became virtually extinct:

Now those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth, and let me remind you they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyranny: Barry Goldwater (thanks to )

Tyrannical barking, skewily defining an entire generation of people, oil barons seeking more control of the Middle East's oil reserves no matter how many pawns have to die--it's Bush in the catbird seat 2006 in process of dissolving America, and leaving the Sheeple to depend on---wait for it---the DEMOCRATS, enablers of the tyranny, who gaze longingly at the ideal of "Peace" and at color swatches for their new drapes.

May I suggest a lily-livered puce for the throw rug?

10.25 06 12:36 pm

ps: the ongoing Jupiter (Rs)/Saturn (Ds) square is exact today (final time, #3 from 12:54 pm --2:46 pm edt) signaling the end of a 5-year+ period of cost-cutting by US corporations. We've seen massive legislative stalemates with the two societal planets (Jupiter/Saturn) increasing tensions within our 2-party system.

It's been a time of major structural (Saturn) changes in the US economy and in the way we do business--with the Sheeple on the shaft end so far. Trade agreements are obviously a large part of this re-structuring as are corporate outsourcing and downsizing which have caused so many losses and misery in the US job situation.

So SO'W wishes to send out a sarcastic 'thanx' to corporate America with its sorry, oppressive, greedy, and plutocratic Pluto/Chiron ways. You set yourselves above your country a long time ago and now your plans are nearing ultimate fruition, NWO in tow. You imagine yourselves above the common man, but that's where you're wrong. Any sheeple in any nation is far superior to you...morally, spiritually, and Utimately.


Oct 23, 2006

Happy Birthday New World Order!

Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe. Frederick Douglass

An "organized conspiracy to oppress, rob, and degrade"? The NWO will be 13 years old Tuesday, Oct 24. The United Nations and the NWO share a birthday--what a happy surprise! Which means that the UN (Oct 24, 1945) and the NWO (Oct 24, 1993 is the chart I use--Uranus conj Neptune #3) have the same Sun degree of "2 Sco":

"A delicate bottle of perfume lies broken releasing, its fragrance."

Keynote: The accidental nature of opportunities that impel one to break away from a past, the remembrance of which is still poignant and cherished. Older feelings are poignantly remembered even as one moves into a new and wider sphere of experience.

Keyword: the past one has SURRENDERED. Appropriate for New World Order (Odor?) plans, si?

And since there are those who believe we're being set up to accept the UN as an arm of the NWO, it may not be so accidental that they share Sun (purpose) degrees.

Add to this the fact that the NWO has another Return ongoing, its Mercury (communications; thinking) Return. This Return is emphasized by a couple of things--Mercury and expansive, codifying Jupiter have been traveling in tandem--conjunct--and the Mercury Return is a triple one due to Mercury's soon retrogradation at the end of October.

NWO's Mercury, which natally is conjunct Mars (energetic opinionation; thought = action) has and will return to its natal degree 22Sco25 on these dates:

Oct 21; Nov 3; and Dec 2, 2006.

(UN's Mercury Return was in mid-October.)

Look for some highlighting of this degree during this time period, and of course, a triple Mercury Return will entail some review, reassessment (Bush this weekend supposedly reassessing the Iraq War? Or as I had thought, reviewing The Agenda, including the midterm elections In Light Of the Iraq War Propaganda?), and re-doing. Plus, HARPING on one's point is a definite possibility with a triple Return.

Many people have mentioned this administration's concern with how things sound rather than how they actually can put me in that category...Saturn's reality vs Neptune's illusion continues to affect the entire world and has been most useful for their propaganda purposes.

NWO's Mercury degree> "23Sco": "A rabbit metamorphoses into a nature spirit"...

Keynote: The raising of animal drives to a higher level. Keyword: TRANSUBSTANTIATION (has a religious ring, doesn't it? Kind of Vaticanesque.)

The rabbit is traditionally a symbol of overabundance of progeny, thus of a great stress on procreative and sexual processes (abortion and gay marriage ban? pedophile priests and politicians?-jc)

"Nature spirits" on the other hand, represent the higher aspect of life energies, and they are said to guide those normally invisible forces controlling the growth of all living organisms.--*DR

Sounds like they're up to their old tricks of "control" and if perhaps you should hear a mention of "rabbits" in the next few weeks, remember the Mercury of the NWO may be speaking out! Or is it...synchronicity?

10.23.06 11:40 am


--*Dane Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala

Oct 19, 2006

Pluto's Cloak of Invisibility stolen

Now I know why scientists recently demoted Pluto from the planetary pantheon--they were planning to steal his Cloak of Invisibility!

Scientists Create Cloak of Invisibility using microwaves to detect a copper cylinder. (Is this why I keep dreaming of copper the last several weeks?)

If the Cloak actually works, it'll be happy days for military applications...or at least in Rummy's coppery dreams.

10.19.06 11:19 am

(copper = Venus = Statue of "Liberty")


Bush says, habeas who?

Don't miss this barfworthy info from

'That's outside the bounds of American history.' Howard Fineman, MSNBC's 'Countdown,' commenting on Bush's signature on the Military Commissions Act of 2006 17 Oct 2006

'National yawn as our rights evaporate' --New law redefines habeas corpus; law professor explains on 'Countdown' 18 Oct 2006 Keith Olbermann: President [sic] Bush, happy Habeas Corpus Day. First thing this morning, the president signed into law the Military Commissions Act of 2006, which does away with habeas corpus, the right of suspected terrorists or anybody else to know why they have been imprisoned, provided the president does not think it should apply to you and declares you an enemy combatant... Does that not basically mean that if Mr. Bush or Mr. Rumsfeld say so, anybody in this country, citizen or not, innocent or not, can end up being an unlawful enemy combatant? Jonathan Turley, George Washington University Constitutional Law Professor: It certainly does. In fact, later on, it says that if you even give material support to an organization that the president deems connected to one of these groups, you too can be an enemy combatant. And the fact that he appoints this tribunal is meaningless. You know, standing behind him at the signing ceremony was his attorney general, who signed a memo that said that you could torture people, that you could do harm to them to the point of organ failure or death. So if he appoints someone like that to be attorney general, you can imagine who he’s going be putting on this board.

Olbermann: The Day Habeas Corpus Died 17 Oct 2006 Keith Olbermann: Today, 135 years to the day after the last American President (Ulysses S. Grant) suspended habeas corpus, President [sic] Bush signed into law the Military Commissions Act of 2006. At its worst, the legislation allows President Bush or Donald Rumsfeld to declare anyone — US citizen or not — an enemy combatant, lock them up and throw away the key without a chance to prove their innocence in a court of law. In other words, everything the Founding Fathers fought the British empire to free themselves of was reversed and nullified with the stroke of a pen, all under the guise of the War on Terror.

The death of habeas corpus --Olbermann: 'The president has now succeeded where no one has before' 11 Oct 2006 On "Countdown," Keith Olbermann examined the Military Commissions Act of 2006 and what it does to something called habeas corpus: "The president [sic] has now succeeded where no one has before. He’s managed to kill the writ of habeas corpus. Tonight, a special investigation, how that, in turn, kills nothing less than your Bill of Rights... The reality is without habeas corpus, a lot of other rights lose their meaning. But if you look at the actual Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments of that pesky Constitution, you’ll see just how many remain for your protection.

Shame on Us All --History should record October 17, 2006, as the reverse of July 4, 1776. By Robert Parry 18 Oct 2006 From the noble American ideal of each human being possessing "unalienable rights" as declared by the Founders 230 years ago amid the ringing of bells in Philadelphia, the United States effectively rescinded that concept on a dreary fall day in Washington. At a crimped ceremony in the East Room of the White House, President George W. Bush signed the Military Commissions Act of 2006 while sitting behind a sign reading "Protecting America."

Bush signs terror 'torture', trials bill 18 Oct 2006 US President [sic] George Bush today signed a bill allowing tough CIA interrogation and military trials for terrorism suspects. The new law means Mr Bush can continue a secret CIA program for interrogating terrorism suspects he believes have vital information that could thwart a plot against America.

Bush Signs 2007 Defense Authorization Act 17 Oct 2006 The fiscal 2007 National Defense Authorization Act provides more than $530 billion for the military to 'win' the war on [of] terror. Senate and House conferees added a $70 billion supplemental provision to the $462.8 billion in budget authority to cover the cost of ongoing operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa, as well as other expenses affiliated with the war on [of] terrorism.

Who voted to violate the Constitution and their oath of office? By Mark Yannone 17 Oct 2006 The following congressmen voted for the Military Commissions Act of 2006 (a.k.a. The Detainee Bill, a.k.a. The Torture Bill, a.k.a. The Death of the Great Writ of Habeas Corpus).

Hastert: 'Democrats would pamper terrorists' By Frank James 17 Oct 2006 ...House Speaker Dennis Hastert issued a statement today in which he lauded the president and congressional Republicans for enacting the legislation [Military Commissions Act of 2006]. "The Democratic plan would gingerly pamper the terrorists who plan to destroy innocent Americans' lives. While House Republicans work to deal with these dangers like establishing Terrorist Tribunals that will prosecute enemies of America, Democrat Leader Pelosi and 159 of her colleagues voted in favor of NEW rights for terrorists." #

And Denny Hastert would pamper Mark Foley as long as the cat was still in the bag.

Once the cat got out, it was a different tail, wasn't it?

10.19.06 12:15 am


Oct 17, 2006

Ken Lay "innocent"!!!

sez the judge! No kiddin'--so the US government will stop trying to collect millions from Lay who may now "RIP"--wherever he may be! Party On!

(Civil cases not effected...Sue On, but good luck to ya!)

10.17.06 5:37 pm
