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Oct 11, 2006

Bush defends Rose Garden

UPDATE 7:20 pm: just had some time to look through my files of personages to see if anyone's chart in particular had links to Bush's press gaggle/self-justification session this morning, and one name in particular popped out immediately--natal and sec progressed: Henry Kissinger. Thought you should know...

...original post starts here:

George Bush began defending himself, his policies, his handling of North Korea, his removal of Saddam from power, his incorrect, lowballed Iraqi civilian body count, and Denny Hastert this morning in the Rose Garden, 11:02 am edt.

Yesterday's US ammunitions stash being blown up in Baghdad was no more than a background whisper when the increased violence was touched upon during the 63 minute session.

11:02 am: WHAT...Rising was 2Sag49--"3Sag": "Two men playing chess"...ya think?

WHY...Mc 17Virgo31--"18Vir": "A ouija board"...great, maybe that would help. The unconscious/neg/shadow side of this degree is: a bondage to superstition and a surrender to the unknown.

Midpoints also rising:

Mercury/Pluto, the propaganda duo, which are personalized in Bush's natal chart by being placed in his first house...

Mercury/Pluto = Asc: exercising influence upon one's environment; intellectual domination. (Don't snicker--he was so angry he forgot to mispronounce the bigger words. The man's no dummy, as I've always said!)

also Neptune/Mc = Asc: acting and pretending; living in an unreal world; taking the wrong path or pursuing the wrong objectives; uncertainty or insecurity.

When a reach-around reporter asked him if he would do anything differently in Iraq, he had his chance to frame the issus as, "Abu Graibh hurt us internationally--eased us off the moral highground."

The fact that he, Bush, was not ON moral highground after the way he lied us into an illegal war bwo illusory WMD was glossed over. His ability to ignore peoples' opinions on his Iraq wolf-crying vs what he says now about US threats made to North Korea, Iran, etc, is never addressed. A "moral highground" would come in handy, but all Bush has is the shifting sand of his own lies, propaganda, and oil controlling attempts.

No time to type out all the midpoint pics, etc, but I can tell you the chart--and the chart for his big finish today (a curt, "thank you for your interest", 12:06 pm) show a personally insulted, angry, sharp-tongued man who's feeling the restrictive effects of the current Saturn to natal Venus transit he's laboring under.

Today's 'press conference' further emphasized Venus/Saturn restriction as tr Venus conjuncts natal US Saturn (authority; control) in the Sibly chart.

He's not feelin' the love, people, and the "chess game" is a stalemate he resents having mentioned as reporters uttered the fact that some are accusing him of failing--with North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and the rest of the world he pretends to ignore. This press gaggle was set up to answer the North Korean dictator...he had to say something after the nuclear tests his adm tried to say were "maybe nuclear" tests!

More than once he used the "finish the job or they'll follow us home/listen to bin Laden, don't believe me/the enemy will follow us here" lines--and they'll be searching for YOU, George, as they were on 9/11/01. Seems they want to "finish the job."

Transit Neptune today at "18AQ": "A man unmasked"--still causing trouble in Washington. The unconscious/neg/shadow side of this degree: self-betrayal through exceptional ineptitude.

Chart-ruler--the Republican mantra'd Jupiter "21Sco" at "A soldier derelict in his duty." Descriptive for Mr Bush. And with Jupiter inconjunct (150 deg, an aspect of adjustment) the Moon (the public), the spinning heads and Bush shills will have much work--spouting and touting--to do to make today's performance acceptable to the American people.

No, Bush isn't feeling as invulnerable as before. And it shows. Yet my sympathy is with America--Bush I can still do without.

10.11.06 1:50 pm

2:06 pm: neglected to say that the Sun today is conjunct the US sec progressed Mars now Rx by progression for the first time in our history...Sun highlighting our military/war/quarrels which I think relates among other issues to the blowing up of our munitions in Baghdad. We haven't heard the last of that esp considering how little we've heard--and it's a big honkin' Oops on our part.

3:03 pm: NPR just reporting a small AIRCRAFT was flown into a NYC BUILDING but I'm not seeing anything about it online. As mentioned earlier, tr Venus conj US Saturn-- tr Mercury was conjunct US n Saturn on 9/11/01.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is the world going to hell? Coming to an end? (Mark Foley, NYC plane crash, North Korea threatens nuclear war.) What do the stars have to say? (I don't mean Evangeline Lilly) Are we going to get hit by an asteroid within the next week? The next century? Have a nice day. (Just trying to be funny in the face of so much sh*t in the news.)