, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Oct 31, 2006

"stuffed suits" who never served

Today Tony Snow said that Senator Kerry "not only owes an apology to those who are serving, but also to the families of those who've given their lives in this."

And when he says, "IN THIS"...Snow means the Iraq War "this." This is the this to which he refers.

White House Spokesman Slams Kerry Remark continuing the kill-the-messenger-avoid-the-message tactics which Kerry then called the "classic GOP playbook." He also called Snow a "stuffed shirt" ha ha.

Guess the wiffle ball is in Tony's court now.

SO'W has to be with Kerry on this one--WHO owes our troops and their families an apology? The liaring war-profiteers who sent them there under a ruse?

Say whaa-a--aa, Mr. Snowjob? Rrraow-w-w-w! Cat Fight! I LOVE Washington Cat Fights when they're among politicians who are just shining us on anyway all the way around.

Will Slam-the-Messenger-Who-Tells-the-Truth work for the jingoist GOP just before midterm elections?

YOU be the Decider. Please.

10.31.06 2:32 pm EST--Yayyy-y-y! We got our real time back--now if we can just get our real country back, that'd be very cool!



Anonymous said...

Seems like you've got it backwards. You are lauding the messenger instead of critiquing the message. Snow and others are criticizing the message; which essentially says anyone in the military is an idiot. Kerry was not disparaging Iraq (which would be fair game) but our troops.

Jude Cowell said...

Hi Travis,

So you're saying that Snow isn't critiquing a man who served when Snow and this administration refused to serve when their turns came?

You define Kerry's remarks as "anyone in the military is an idiot"--which I do not. Kerry's remark was seized upon because they thought they Could make hay with it by using the old prejudice against Kerry to diffuse the
issue--and I'm sure it worked with some people.

So who do you think is benefiting from Bush's war? The troops? Hardly.

Who has the biggest stake in the war continuing? The troops? Puh.

When it comes to Tony Snow's feeble attempt to divert more negative press from his boss's doorstep, I think you recognize Rovian tactics as well as I do and the main difference is that you seemingly approve of them.

So assuming you're not on the payroll, we'll have to agree to disagree.

As I've said before, NO ONE wanted Bush to be good for America any more than I did--because my nag in the race is and was this nation, and as a child of the Revolution I'd be daft if I'd felt any differently about him.

But Bush and Cheney had other ideas. I am not surprised, but I am disappointed. I've always been extremely fond, you see, of the US Constitution, and would like to keep it intact.

Thanks for your comment,

jc (and there are no Kerry fans around here. His trying to pass his remark off as a bad joke is pathetic--as is his joke-telling ability generally. But Bush does owe the entire world an apology--and so does the House on Capitol Hill. And the infestation continues...)