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Jan 4, 2007

Comets and Majority Leaders

Space Weather News for Jan. 4, 2007:

DENVER FIREBALL: A spectacular fireball streaked over Denver, Colorado, this morning. Observers described it as "brilliant, slow, twinkling, sparkly and full of rainbow colors." Contrary to some reports, it was not a Quadrantid meteor. It was the decaying body of a Russian rocket that launched the French COROT space telescope on Dec. 27th.

Links to video and a ground track may be found here.

HOT COMET: Comet McNaught (C/2006 P1) is plunging toward the Sun. It won't hit, but at closest approach on Jan. 13th it will be much closer to the Sun than the planet Mercury. The comet will experience fierce heating and it could brighten considerably, emerging from the encounter brighter than a 1st magnitude star.

For the next few mornings, northerners can see Comet McNaught before it disappears into the Sun's glare. It's an easy target for binoculars hanging low in the eastern sky at sunrise. After Jan. 11th, only SOHO (the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) will be able to track the comet as it angles toward the bright Sun. SOHO images are posted in near-real time on the Internet, so you can watch the comet-sun encounter and see what happens.

Observing tips and more information at

You know what I've been thinking about Nancy Pelosi, don't you? That she is part of the US sec progr'd Mars turning Retrograde in July 2006. Plus, if she's a comet, they don't hang out in our neighborhood for long before they've hit the bunny trail of outer space. And this morning's 'comet' over Denver was only Russian space junk. Putin? Then "Putin" was enabling a Frenchman...the COROT (hmm-m-m...insert chin stroke.)

Keeping Accounts bwo Saturn:

The 110th's swearing-in today is part of Congress' ongoing Saturn Return...

Natal Saturn 23Leo44, tr Saturn at noon today 24Leo17 Rx so it's a Return Period concerning issues of control, authority, and leadership. Saturn's timekeeper function may also cause loss, if it's time for it...loss of leaders and entertainment figures--also part of Leo's province, the stage of the world--as we've seen with President Gerald Ford's passing, and that of soulful musician James Brown.

NPR reported today that Sen Tim Johnson is still in critical condition so the balance in the Senate may be tipping toward the Rs time to save George and Dick? Keep faithful guards posted at his door, I monkey business or the dirtiest of tricks please.

And we hear today that White House counsel Harrriet Miers is leaving, as with JOhn Negropointe, tsk tsk. And our isolated Saturnian actor-as-leader, George Bush, is more alone than before...

"A New Day in Washington" (Reid): so we're all Shiny, Happy People?

Comparing the natal chart of Congress (Nov 17, 1800 9:30 am LMT NS) with the Noon chart for today at the Cap Bldg there are reciprocal links between Moon (the public) and happy, jovial Jupiter was conj Congress' natal Moon the 3rd week of Dec '06, and tr Moon will conjunct natal Jupiter in a couple of days--when Moon reaches 4Leo26.

Yes, Moon-Jupiter flavorings give feelings of happiness, success, contentment, religiousness; and there's possibility the judiciary will become more important (Tyl.) The word is, Opportunity, and as we know, the Dems now whooshed into office have great opportunity upon their doorstep, and the American people have one also--if it's respected and not monkeyed with by the pocket-liners-in-charge--and their enablers with the greased palms.

2006 Is Gone and Yet:

Oh--and bin L wants Rs in, not Ds. Glad someone can see a marked difference between them. WAR ESCALATION s*cks. Bad idea. We'll be sorry if we let him railroad Congress, Senate, and us (but leave me outta this) into a worse nightmare.

Globalists have their plushy you?


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