, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Mar 19, 2006

OR...leaving Iraq would be like...

...facing reality, sobering up, and stopping short of 58,000 notches on your gun, Mr Rumsfeld.

Note from history: In 1839, the British power went into Afghanistan "upon an unrighteous cause. The punishment which Providence, in the natural course of events, brings upon such errors, overtook it toward the close of 1841, and on the 6th of January (1842), it became a necessity that an army of 4,500 men, with 12,000 camp followers, should commence a precipitate retreat from its Cabul cantonements, through a difficult country, under frost and snow, which it was ill-fitted to endure, and harassed by hordes of implacable enemies."

To read more, click on link above to The Book of Days, select>>Wars, and "The Retreat from Cabul, 1842."

3.19.06 9:01 am est

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