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Jan 8, 2007

the birds of Austin

My thoughts are with the people of Austin TX and NYC today ever since I heard that Bird Deaths Shut Downtown Austin and that a mysterious gas odor was wafting over Manhattan and New Jersey.

Therefore, I've been studying charts for both cities along with--you guessed it--the charts for Homeland Security ("HoSec" Nov 25, 2002 1:44 pm est) and for the New World Order ("NWO" Oct 24, 1993--the Great Uranus/Neptune conjunction.)

Are there correspondances? You betcha!

My typing finger will fall off if I try to type it all in, but some interesting factors stand out:

In the sunrise charts for Austin and Manhattan today, the NWO degree "18Cap" is rising...Sun = NWO (Ura conj Nep)..."18Cap": "The Union Jack flies from a British destroyer" = SUPERVISION...

pos: the self's ever-widening spread of interest in its insatiable desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself on everything it touches;

neg/shadow side: smug or strong-armed paternalism.


Then let's look at the oppressive plutocratic Pluto/Chiron combo's New Moon phase (conjunction) of Dec 30, 1999 at "11Sag+"...and they paralleled one another in mid-August 2004, y'know.

Today's Austin chart has Sun/Mc ('the Goal') 11Sag41, plus...HoSec's natal Pluto/Chiron midpont 27Sag04 is now being triggered by tr Pluto--today at 27Sag18 with HoSec's natal Mc ('the Goal') being 28Sag37. This is conj Fixed Star Acumen, keywords: "enduring attacks which weaken", and as synchronicity would have it, the birth of HoSec has tr asteroid, Morya MC ('the Goal.')

(Perhaps you've read my previous post on Cheney's 2001 sec progr'd chart, the Pluto/Chiron duo, and the morning of 9/11.)

You can see that the hatching of HoSec never filled me with confidence, can't you?

Gaseous Birds of 2007:

"This all" began yesterday--Sunday--with the derailing of a subway car in Washington DC (3:45 pm est)...Moon 7Vir20 conjunct Ic (endings; partings) at 9Vir42--conj Bush's natal Mars, the instigator and activist. Tr Moon is conj Fixed Star Facies, "ruthlessness or the victim."

Facies (fah sheez) has a kind of a do-unto-others-but-do-it-first flavor and these mysterious happenings will put Bush's troubles off front pages for a day or two (although I've not had time to see just how much space they're being given online as of yet.)

And where is gaseous, poisonous Neptune in all this?

At 18AQ22 of late--opposite and triggering the Mother of All Eclipses 18Leo+, the degree of vengeful Venus on the morning of 9/11/01.

This is the Eclipse predicted by Nostradamus many moons ago as being the "King of Terror" Eclipse and it seems to me the good doctor's predictive abilities are not in question esp when you consider what we've experienced in the New Millenium Which Su*ks So Far.

HoSec's natal Neptune 8AQ334 triggered today by tr Chiron 8AQ21; HoSec's n Moon 9Leo45, conj Bush and GOP's n Mercury (I'm just sayin'.)

We know where NWO's n Neptune is--conj Uranus "18Cap."

An interesting connection between HoSec and NWO:

NWO's n NN 3Sag33 (associations; joinings; meetings; encounters; the path of destiny) is conj HoSec's n Sun 3Sag19. Natal Mercury in the HoSec chart 9Sag51 is being conjoined by tr Jupiter 9Sag43 this very day...Merc/Jup = expansion of ideas and plans (can I get another Yuh-huh?)

So is America under attack from without or within? Both, as you know...

Tr Sun and Mercury were conjunct for Sunday's train derailing as well, at the NWO degree, "18Cap."

But Back to Pluto/Chiron:

Tr Mars 23Sag55 is approaching Plu/Chiron midpoint and Mc of HoSec...very sensitive area of late with Pluto's hanging about it off and on due to Rx.

Pluto/MC ("the ultimate power position"--Tyl): let's get the dates in mind for tr Pluto conj HoSec's n MC, shall we?

Power and power-behind-the-throne issues along with death concerns may be prominent at these times, and a transformation--also a province of Pluto--may be seen concerning the HoSec organization itself...dissemination is the phase of HoSec natally--puttin' out those ideas and plans to the people...n Moon trine Mercury.

Yet the 'transformations' HoSec is most interested in is the nation's...and the world's.

2007 transit Pluto 28Sag37 on or about:

1. Feb 24; 2.May 8 Rx; 3. Dec 18; in 2008: 4.Aug 17/18 Rx; 5. Oct 1.

Must mosey now but all I can say is, lock up your parakeets, fasten your seatbelts, and be very afraid--but not for the reasons they tout.


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