, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Jan 11, 2007

maiming and draining America

When George Bush completed his surge speech last evening at 9:22 pm est, tr Jupiter 10Sag13 had just crossed the IC, the Foundation or Base of the chart...aka the HOW Point...aka The Drain.

The Sabian Symbol for "11Sag" is instructive:

"A golden-haired goddess of opportunity"...REWARD:

pos: an irresistible confidence in self and a tireless outreaching to all the wonders of an everyday world;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: consistent diversion of effort to worthless ends.

Bush was put into the role of US President and remains there because he pleases those who put him there. The escalation of war in the Middle East (against Iran primarily) is what the red herring of 'surging Iraq' was invented for so their plans for domination of the entire region may continue.

The last time Bush left the US, I suggested that someone change the locks on all the White House doors but my suggestion wasn't taken--and now look.

Some people are raking it in, some are dying. The ones who are raking it in are sending more people to die or be maimed. Bush stirred up what has always been a hornet's nest, now he's pretending he can calm things down with more bloodshed and a 'stronger-armed' occupation. Even the number of US troops isn't honestly given....there are many more troops there than Bush admits.

Capitol Hill wimps out once again and the American people's wishes don't count...who will stand against a madman? A Hill full of madmen and madwomen?

We used to say the emperor has no clothes but still he was allowed to go on. Do we have the will to act in our own self-interest? Will the railroading ever cease?

Maiming America has been the point and at that Bush, poppy Bush, and their fellow intitiates have succeeded...admirably.

America...Down the Drain with George Bush...but the prosthetic devices are state-of-the-art.


Sabian Symbol "11Sag" from: Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones is available at

Can I lighten up? Try a 'surge' limerick at Lim's Limericks. You may as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel for the civilians of Iraq who will surely die in even greater numbers now. How will it all end?

I wish we could will November 2008 to come more quickly!
Twilight (Ann)