, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Jul 10, 2008

Jupiter's closest approach to Earth now!

Heads up, skywatchers!

Space Weather News for July 9, 2008

JUPITER AT ITS BRIGHTEST: Jupiter reaches maximum brilliance this week, on July 9th, when it makes its closest approach to Earth for all of 2008.

At sunset, look low and southeast for a beacon of light brighter than any star. That is Jupiter rising for an all-night transit across the southern sky. During this time of closest approach, Jupiter makes a wonderful target for backyard telescopes.

Even small telescopes reveal the planet's cloud belts, its four largest moons, and the Great Red Spot, an anti-cyclone twice as wide as Earth. Just a few days ago, the Great Red Spot ran over a sibling, the Little Red Spot, and may have destroyed the smaller storm.

Amateur images of the collision are featured on today's edition of SpaceWeather News!


With Jupiter now Rx in Capricorn (sign of law, business, and politics), I thought you'd like to know that now's the best time of 2008 to see the big fella!

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