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Jul 23, 2024

Astrology of 2 Presidents Stepping Down: 1796 and 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

First, you may wish to check out VP Kamala Harris' first remarks after Biden stepped down from the 2024 campaign.

And perhaps you've seen yesterday's horoscope of the Full Moon @29Capricorn under which President Biden ended his 2024 Campaign while retaining the presidency. And by now you've probably heard multiple comparisons being made between Presidents Biden and Washington - George Washington, The Father of Our Country, and our first executive leader who stepped down from the levers of power via a resignation letter dated September 19, 1796 (see the chart, below). The phrase "gave their all for their country" springs to mind for both men of character, serving until age caught up.

Washington's Farewell Address.

Then notably, George Washington at his first election refused monarchical titles which set the example for all future presidents. Well, if Tr*mp in 2016 got the memo, he must have chewed it up and swallowed it, and would do so again should he get the opportunity.

So here are four Horoscopes concerning these matters; three are in bi-wheel form, the last chart is singular; in order they are:

1. George Washington's natal (inner) surrounded by his resignation letter (September 19, 1796, set for noon):

2. Washington's natal (inner) surrounded by the July 21, 2024 Capricorn Full Moon conjunct Washington's natal Midheaven of Career and Public Status!;

3. VP Kamala Harris natal (inner) surrounded by Biden's Resignation Announced Chart (1:46 pm edt; symbolically set for Washington DC);

And finally:

4. The Biden Resignation Announced Horoscope with 1Sco41 ascending - conjunct the natal Mercury of VP Kamala Harris!

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