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Showing posts with label Biden Oath of Office. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biden Oath of Office. Show all posts

Jan 20, 2021

January 20, 2021: Biden Oath of Office with New Moon at Midheaven

January 20, 2021: Since I'm trying to take in all the ceremony and celebration of today's Inauguration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr, not many notes today but the following is a bi-wheel of the January 13, 2021 New Moon @23Cap13 (center) and the time (1:48--1:49 pm) that the Presidential Oath of Office was taken on the West side of the US Capitol Building, so recently breached and overrun by the 'Trump Mob'.

As the 'Syzygy Moon' of Inauguration 2021 (last lunation prior), the January 13th New Moon is significant and predictive, and turns up (as the Cosmos would have it!) conjunct The Goal Point of the Biden Oath-Swearing Horoscope (outer) - along with powerful, transformative, regenerative Pluto. (See center of the bi-wheel for Sun-Moon = Pluto.)

As you see, lower left, the rounded-up degree of Mercury in Aquarius, planet of oaths, vows, oration, ballots, voters, and such, has an interesting Sabian Symbol - "19AQ": "A Forest Fire Quenched."

In both cases, Venus is chart-ruler (Libra rising and Taurus rising) and makes only one applying aspect in the New Moon chart, a trine to Uranus which suggests the longed-for potential that 'justice and equality can flourish' (1A00). Right away President Biden signed Executive Orders meant to improve our situation and I'm sure we'll hear more them about later on.

Yet in today's horoscope, chart-ruler Venus is unaspected which to me suggests the isolated conditions associated with the US presidency and perhaps our discarded-for-the-last-four-years tradition created most strongly by President Truman's insistence that "the buck stops here," a shout-out to presidential responsibility and accountability which a majority of Americans - and probaby the rest of the globe - pray has returned to Washington DC.