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Showing posts with label James Monroe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label James Monroe. Show all posts

Mar 8, 2021

May 2021 Neptune opposes US Neptune: Ideals and Immune Systems

March 8, 2021: Virgo Sign of Health - and Employment

by Jude Cowell

Below is a DC Horoscope for the moment on May 1, 2021 10:44:49 pm EDT that 2021 Neptune opposes US natal Neptune (22Pis25 vs 22Vir25) across the victim-savior axis of Virgo-Pisces. This is the first of three such oppositions, the others are listed in the text, below. Also prominent in this horoscope and relating directly to Health concerns, plus, Neptunian spirituality, is the Moon-North-Node midpoint ('Moon-NN' = Immune System; Spiritual Unions) conjunct the globally significant Aries Point ('AP') which conjuncts the 1776 IC 00Ari47, the Basis, Foundation, or Root of the Matter. Yes, this is a global phenomenon ('AP') for Gaia's 'immune system' of defense has also been weakened, as you know.

Note: Use of one or the other US horoscopes would naturally yield different timing results, but this is the chart (center) that I tend to use most often (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) for America even though the hour is a bit on the late side and the Founders were likely having dinner by then!

Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes. Listed transits include:

2021 Pluto oppo US natal Mercury Rx across the 2/8 financial axis, 2021 Jupiter conjunct US natal Moon (We The People: $?), 2021 Moon-Mercury midpoint = 1776 Neptune and opposing US natal Neptune; 2021 Mars conjunct 1776 Jupiter; and 1776 Saturn-Neptune midpoint (the illness axis, also social welfare) conjunct 2021 Midheaven ('MC'). Potentials of transits and midpoint pictures are sprinkled around the bi-wheel as are a few details concerning the Neptune-opposite-Neptune transit, highlighted in blue. Plus, the Saturn-Neptune duo relates to systems such as Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Zionism, Capitalism, and other such manmade -isms.

And note that therefore 2021 Neptune squares US natal Mars (@21Gem22 in natal 7th house) which activates our 1776 Mars-Neptune square, and suggests a period of potentials such as fevers, headaches, infections, weakness, exploitation, harm, paralyzed activity, healthcare and hospital issues, scandals involving the Armed Forces, the 'fog of war', and/or industrial espionage (Ebertin). These are already expressing, aren't they? Financial issues are also found in the chart but this post isn't for that, although I should point out that the 2021 North Node of destiny @11Gem03 points toward 2021 Midas as the gold-lover sits between the 1776 Descendant axis of Partnerships (12Gem08) and the 2021 Descendant (15Gem54). And as you know, Midas is most often retrograde but on May 1, 2021 it is not. Obviously, finances are involved in both health and employment issues and the much-needed passage and signing of a Covid Relief Bill is apparently on America's 'path' (NN) - perhaps to be achieved this week. Meanwhile, in the realms of higher or lower ideals, Neptune vs Neptune = materialism vs spiritualism. The choice is yours! It may help that the cosmic weather on May 1st is a practical Earth blend of Sun Taurus-Moon Capricorn, a reliable combination of energies with a paternal concern for those in need! And this is the natal personality blend of President James Monroe (RR: C) born in 1758 with a Mars-Neptune conjunction in Leo - and throughout his life James was on the sickly side.

And so I'm suggesting that 'weakness' includes weakened immune systems, plus, our natal Neptune in Virgo, sign of Health but also of Work, hints at our current employment-unemployment conditions and weaknesses. Trusting the numbers isn't easy, is it? Well, we know that the undermining function of Neptune in its own sign of Pisces has been at work for some time at work and within our immune systems.

Now the three oppositions of transit Neptune to US natal Neptune are penned upon the chart but, to close, I'll type the list for you here as well:

1. May 1, 2021; 2. August 21, 2021; 3. March 1, 2022.

Please stay safe and well everyone! jc