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Showing posts with label Josephine Baker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Josephine Baker. Show all posts

Sep 26, 2023

Those Celebrity Spies of Hollywood!

A Tribute to the Anti-Nazi Actors of World War Two

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

When it comes to war, who better to become spies than actors already accustomed to hiding their true identities? The lists of anti-Nazi spies of World War Two are now known to include several famous actresses and actors whose secret activities were successfuly concealed - everyone recognized them so passports were seldom if ever checked, their appearances in certain venues were distracting, they knew how to schmooze with anyone while gathering information, and they could travel wherever they wished.

For example, the very popular Josephine Baker spied for her beloved France as she traveled with invisible-inked intel written on sheet music sewn into her clothes. Well done!

Please note that this post is inspired by watching an intriguing 52-minute video this morning: The crucial role of Hollywood spies--from Cary Grant to Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo.

Sounds like yet another reason the current crop of fascists such as Tr*mp and the 'maga' GOP 'hate' Hollywood and the film industry Jews therein - it's an old grudge they hold against people in the WWII era who stood in the way of Hitl*r's Nazi world domination agenda.

Well, I'm very glad they did! Now the estimable Taylor Swift, with her ability to inspire new voter registrations, a pro-democracy move, probably won't be welcomed at Mar-a-Lago any time soon. For as The Independent put it a few days ago, Taylor Swift call to action drives 13,000 people every 30 minutes to voter registration site. So that's another well done!

Meanwhile, it just so happens that three of the Hollywood actors mentioned in the video have previously been profiled on my Neptune's Silver Screen blog of celebrity horoscopes, trailers, and photos.

If curious, here's a list of their astro-portraits:

Cary Grant (pictured above; public domain);

Marlene Dietrich (FBI head J. Edgar Hoover didn't trust her but did he trust anyone?);

Greta Garbo who, curiously enough, played the role on film of one of the most famous spies of all, World War One's Mata Hari!

Now on the topic of spying we would be remiss to skip over a previously published astro-comparison between Ian Fleming and Sean Connery, two men whose collaboration on author Fleming's James Bond double-oh-seven character made Sean Connery mega-famous and defined for generations of audiences the archetype of the elegant, always successful spy. Yet as far as I know, Mr. Connery was only play acting and not a real spy at all--but Ian Fleming had been!

So let's close on a more current note: a recent question posed by a BBC writer but perhaps you already know the answer, If Trump isn't a spy, why is be being charged under the Espionage Act? After all, 'agent orange' faces only 31 charges over stolen documents. So far!