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Showing posts with label President Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President Obama. Show all posts

Sep 3, 2013

Syria, Capitol Hill, and the Sept 2013 New and Full Moons

Powerful Manipulator Pluto Busy in Syria and on Capitol Hill

by Jude Cowell

Today it is reported that the Syria Resolution Will Hit Right Mark, Predicts Obama which completely bypasses the opinions of the majority of the American people who agree that another Pentagon intervention on Middle Eastern sand is a very bad idea. Genuinely so. But expecting any good faith efforts from the bandits and charlatans who infest Capitol Hill is a waste of our time especially since this Political Theater script is being written elsewhere.

Plus, the Israel lobby in DC will direct the votes of senators and representatives alike of both parties but particularly those of the Republicans.

As we've seen in the years since January 2009, the undermining and thus the weakening of the US government has been in high gear for racial prejudices can always be used against America and we will now be encumbered by more performances of the anti-Obama kind which may discredit his legacy as president while it also demonstrates the weaknesses now showing in our republic form of government. The US is not a democracy if it ever was so we can predict with 99.9% certainty that We the People's views on military intervention will not be taken into consideration. With each new president, the agenda of the global domination/new world order plan "must be followed; very little option to do otherwise" (Tyl).

But then most regular folk don't pine for Global Government the way the Jupiter-Pluto types do, those who can mount large-scale enterprises and foment war whenever it suits their psychopathic obsession with grabbing ultimate control of the world, its people, and its resources. Waging war is a 'handy' form of de-population after all, and the property of millions of exiles may never belong to them again, ancestral lands or not. Plus, dispossession and disenfrachisement are favorite tactics of Pluto-Chiron, the Plutocracy duo of primal violence, prejudice, and exploitation.

Looking at the two Syria natal horoscopes in my files (January 1, 1944 12:00 am Damascus and the Assad coup chart of November 13, 1970 at dawn), the 1944 natal chart's Sun is now precisely conjoined by transiting Pluto @9Cap59 Rx (which forces a new start), and the 1970 chart's Pluto @29Vir01 is rising precisely at the Full Moon's perfection on September 19, 2013 (@26Pis40) when the chart is set for Washington DC. That makes two Pluto assignations with destiny of a vastly transformative nature and my heart and prayers go out once again to the good people of Syria and to those in the entire region of the Middle East.

Yet some empathy is due the American people as well since people don't start wars, only governments at the insistence of the Global Crime Syndicate (headed, some say, by the Vatican Bank) do.

New and Full Moons of September 2013 (Washington DC):

On September 5, 2013, a New Moon @13Vir04 begins a new cycle of activity and perfects at 7:36:08 am edt with, sad to say, 23Vir19 rising and 22Gem24 at MC (Aspirations; the Goal) which puts America's natal Neptune on the Ascendant (what's coming up--loss and fraud) along with President Obama's natal Mars (action; energy; motivation) which is masked by US natal Neptune making the president's motivations and actions difficult to see or understand clearly. At the New Moon's MC is America's natal Mars in duplicitous Gemini which tallies with reports that the US and others have had 'boots on the ground' in Syria for some time now (commando forces.)

So the fog (Neptune) of war (Mars) that lurks within our nation's problematic Mars-Neptune square is on the rise with its misguided actions/confused motivation implications. Well, if Congress makes a decision this week or next on Syrian intervention by the US, it will be fraught with misinformation and deception, some of which is supplied by the president, some by lobbyists and others who intend to profit by exploiting the dire situation in oil-rich Syria.

Note: all of Congress returns to session on September 9, 2013--between these two Virgo-Pisces lunations across the victim-savior axis. The populations of each nation are being victimized!

A dynamic T-Square pattern between the financier-class Jupiter-Pluto duo (criminal elements with great social influence; religious leaders who want political control--AIPAC? Evangelicals? Both?) which points toward radical Uranus Rx in Aries (Utopians and blind zealots--Ebertin) so we have potentials for quick exploitation of every situation, sudden reforms, overturning the tables, and/or getting back on track or finding a better one (Ebertin; Tyl.)

The New Moon culminates on September 19, 2013 with a Full Moon @26Pis40 perfecting at 7:12:51 am edt; the horoscope contains a brutal Thor's Hammer pattern formed by the Mercury-Jupiter square aimed at fraudulent, misleading, confusing Neptune (@3Pis20 Rx which squares Mr. Obama's natal Moon in Gemini, a time of being at the mercy of confusing situations and facing undermining obstacles when loyalties are undependable and alliances shift--recently, to France from Britain, as the script goes!)

This cosmic pattern results in a midpoint picture that denotes bamboozling or misleading people, erroneous thinking, putting too much faith in poorly explained theories (a constant charge made against Mr. Obama), successful attempts at deception or speculation, and a lack of realism. (Inside the Beltway? Puh! As always, they are not in the 'real world'.)

And of course, whenever Neptune is active in a mundane chart we tend to think of The Masses who are being bamboozled into yet another unwin-able war, and the Mass Media folk who enthusiastically promote the Global Government agenda through such bamboozling of the American public who have been habitually used by foreign bankers and other operatives to finance the military arm of their tiresome global agenda.

Recommended: September 5, 2013 New Moon insights may be found in Julie Demboski's post All in the Family...'14Virgo' = "A Family Tree" (MEJ.)

Astro-Note: Adriano Carelli, who does not use the rounding-up method for degree symbols, gives '13Vir' of the New Moon as "A rose on a Greek cross (the Rosicrucian symbol)" which reminds me of Britain's Rosicrucian-Zionism with its long-term desire for triggering World War III and setting up a World Kingdom based in Jerusalem. The Full Moon symbol for '26Pis' = "Judith, beheads sleeping Olophernes", a revolutionary and warlike degree which is that of Robespierre's natal Uranus, the anarchistic ruler of his natal Aquarian Ascendant.

Aug 26, 2013

"I Have a Dream" Aug 28, 1963 vs Aug 28, 2013

"I Have a Dream": "Let Freedom Ring" August 28, 1963 vs August 28, 2013

by Jude Cowell

Considering the association of astrological Jupiter with the concept of freedom, comparisons between the 1963 speech delivered from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and the speech's 50th anniversary this Wednesday as marked by President Barack Obama with a speech of his own, may be worth denoting here.

How'd That Freedom Idea Turn Out? 2013 Transits to MLK Speech 1963

Below is a synastry grid between the two dates/speeches based on their horoscopes set for 3:00 pm edt, the moment of MLK's admonishment to "Let freedom ring" was given. On Wednesday, Dr. King's glorious call will be remembered by the ringing of bells across the globe in participating locations at 3:00 pm in the applicable time zones and this may bring to mind many comparisons--and great differences--between Freedom 1963 and Freedom 2013.

Or should I say, Restriction of Freedom 2013?

Across: August 28, 1963 3:00 pm edt Lincoln Memorial Washington DC; Down: August 28, 2013 3:00 pm edt Lincoln Memorial Washington DC:

Note: On Tuesday August 27th, expansive Jupiter exactly conjoins US natal Sun (the leader; the president) as noted here (horoscope shown) and by the 50th anniversary of Rev. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech on Wednesday, Jupiter remains at the 13th degree of Cancer so the transit is still in progress (click for details) and influencing the president and other US leaders.

As you see, the 2013 Sun is naturally conjunct its 1963 position though one degree further along; both speeches are delivered during Mercury Hours (good for speaking and delivery of messages and ideas) with Mercury the Messenger @1Lib30 (conjunct MC and even closer to US natal MC 00Lib53) in 1963, and @9Vir26 in 2013. 1963's Uranus-Pluto midpoint = 2013 Mercury which indicates preoccupations with new ideas and plans, and shows that President Obama may mention the Uranus-Pluto conjunction/s indicators of upheaval, protests, strikes against inequality, and the labor movement which MLK was in process of uniting with the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s.

And this People Powered union the global government transnationalists could not allow Rev. King to put into effect--he was 'too popular'. Our current influences in society from the Uranus-Pluto Cardinal Square (2010--2015) time a phase of blockages and obstacles within their broader cycle: progressive disruptor Uranus, the rebel and anarchist, vs ancient Pluto, the powerful exploiters and wealth-hoarders who manipulate events from the seclusion of their ivory towers--and Banking Houses.

As in 1963, the 2013 Sun conjoins 1963 Uranus, planet of freedom and independence, a time of group participation and the benefits thereof, plus, a focus on such things as technology, the media, and being noticed for originality or uniqueness.

In 1963, Saturn Blocked the Dream's Implementation

Now with Neptune the planet of dreams, we may notice interesting correlations between 1963 and 2013. First, however, we may wish to notice that on August 28, 1963, Saturn, the planet of reality, realism, and restriction, squared Neptune (5A25) denoting someone--the dreamer, Neptune--attracting secret enemies. A Saturn-Neptune square may also signify the use of cunning, deceit, and devious methods to attain goals, and involvement in scandal and intrigue.

This brings to mind Saturnian FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover who used such methods and tactics against Dr. King who may have resorted to use of deviousness himself (who wouldn't with J. Edgar on their case?) Clearly, since Dr. King knew he was on the government hit list, the Sun-Pluto = Uranus midpoint picture of 1963 shows he was indeed 'carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself', with the power-craving duo of Sun-Pluto denoting, among others things, martyrdom.

No, Dr. King did not reach the Promise Land with us nor have we reached it 50 years on with anti-social forces working hard these last decades to regress American society on all levels, including Voting and Civil Rights! Plus, as you know, income inequality in 2013 has only ballooned to crashing proportions.

So let's get back to the synastry grid and dreamy Neptune, planet of inspiration and spirituality, but with a potential for deception and fraud. Neptune is the most active planet in this 1963--2013 comparison and in 1963 was posited @13Sco11 where transit Saturn will soon visit. Will this be the grim face of reality? Or, a dream come true?

2013 Neptune opposes 1963 Sun indicating goals and purposes not attained (as noted above), undermining of efforts to reach objectives (bringing martyrdom to American leaders has done that craftily), and eroded effectiveness of leaders. Also, scandalous situations and dishonest people often damage reputations with Neptune opposite Sun.

2013 Neptune opposes 1963 Venus showing confusion and deception in relationships; attempts to resolve difficulties are eroded by mistrust and falsehoods while diplomatic gestures are empty, monetary matters are liable to sink or slide into bankruptcy, and promised cooperation may never materialize--or if it does, it hurts more than helps.

2013 Neptune is also involved in an applying minor aspect (semi-square = 45 degrees) to 1963 Jupiter, planet of freedom (as noted--Jupiterian freedom tends to be within codified laws and traditions while Uranian freedom is a disruptive and rebellious energy which may require revolution to be attained.) The semi-square denotes the use of slight exaggerations and an insidious undermining of plans due in part to unwarranted optimism; fanaticism is masked by idealism--and any combination of the inflationary duo of Jupiter-Neptune often denotes flights of fancy, speculation, waste, fraud, promotion, and/or the grand spirit.

1963 Jupiter Rx @18Ari52 (ruler of both charts) makes no other applying aspects in the 1963 chart which partially describes how the dream of Jupiterian freedom has not been realized as We the People want or had expected. Yet in pioneering Aries, Jupiter wants his freedom!

In addition, "I have a dream" (Neptune)--"Let freedom ring" (Jupiter) is supported by 2013 Jupiter trine 1963 Neptune, a period of tricky circumstances and complex legalisms, a need to focus on reality, a potential for much inspiration, and possibly benefiting from 'dumb luck'.

2013 Chiron opposes 1963 Pluto, a condition which echoes the Pluto-Chiron opposition in President Obama's natal chart and describes those who struggle to express archetypal energies into awareness within the collective psyche.

Now certainly there are many other factors worth considering in both horoscopes including several planetary patterns and much information may be garnered from additional study of Dr. King's natal chart and that of others. So I hope you'll set up the horoscopes for yourself and let me know if you have any thoughts astrologically and/or politically! Both charts/speeches show Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rising with Venus-ruled Libra at both Midheavens (The Goal; Aspiration--a dream of balance and fairness...Libra!), and these Angular cusps echo those of America's natal chart of July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA.

August 28, 2013: The People's Moon inconjunct Pluto, the Assassin (0S49)

In 1963, a happy Sagittarian Moon (We the People) was rising in 1st house while in 2013, stealthy Pluto Rx @9Cap07 rises and promises the continuation of secret control and plutocracy, and a potential for events and conditions which are too large or overpowering to handle while We the People (Moon) are expected or required to adjust (inconjunct) to power-craving Pluto's insensitive demands and hidden agenda in 2013.

Now on video, here is "the moral leader of our nation", Dr. Martin Luther King Jr speaking on August 28, 1963:

Jul 24, 2013

7.24.13: US Jupiter Return inspires Obama speech on Economy

Obama's Speech on the economy begins with a Void-of-Course Moon

by Jude Cowell

Today at 12:55 pm edt, or 1:00 pm cdt, depending on the source (and probably not beginning on time but the official time seems to be 12:55 pm) at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois, President Obama speaks about the US economy in a effort to refocus attention on finances and jobs.

At 12:55 pm cdt, we find 24Lib28 rising which makes evaluating Venus chart-ruler during this Hour of the Sun (the president.) The speech's Sun @1Leo59 will soon cross the Midheaven (MC) of Goals and Aspirations with MC @28Can51. The president's natal Saturn Rx in Capricorn conjoins the IC (Foundation of the Matter; The Drain) along with America's natal Pluto Rx which, when the energies are taken together, show concerns about rising from difficult situations and the hard work and privation the rising involves. The VOC Moon denotes that today's event will proceed without interference, or, that nothing turns out as expected--unless he speaks until the Moon enters Pisces.

Still, there are adjustments (inconjunct) to be made between leadership (Sun) and the people (Moon) for an inconjunct between the luminaries denotes his attempt to win approval from the public (and thus pressure Republicans to cooperate), along with the expression of an altered perspective that can provide many advantages if successfully utilized and directed. Yes, generous, advantageous, investing, monied Jupiter is well-represented here.

Venus-Neptune: unrealistic dreams

As for chart-ruler Venus' two applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects, we find that the planet of money and attraction first opposes Neptune (4Pis48 Rx--the masses; the media) which hints that once trust has been shattered as it has, it will be difficult for Washington politicians to gain it back, and that some of them follow an idealism which is based on a clouded vision. I would ascribe this to the Global Government-NWO crowd of faithless politicians and their financial backers but maybe that's just me. At any rate, few can deny that America is being collapsed in a methodical way particularly since the 1980s and the deregulation of Wall Street firms made Global Corporatism our government's 'god'. Their anti-sovereign campaign is doing quite well against the 'old-fashioned' nation-state that citizens of nation-states prefer to live in, thanks very much.

Now on Monday July 22, 2013, America's natal Jupiter @5Can56 returned to natal position in the 'Sibly' chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) marking a new round of Jupiterian activities for our nation. This includes finances but also denotes expansion, investment, broadening of vistas, Jupiter the General's war and conquest efforts, religion, philosophy, and broadcasting from the Bully Pulpit such as President Obama does today--concerning economic issues.

However, he begins today's speech (assuming it starts on time or thereabouts) with austere Saturn rising @5Sco02 and North Node (a Jupiterian point) @13Sco17 also in 1st house. This Nodal position hits the US Inaugural Descendant (partnerships; open enemies) so transiting SN of the Moon now languishes upon the Ascendant of the Presidential Oath-Taking. 'Outstanding in his field', separation, or some mixture of both? Saturn in 1st house indicates stoppages or at least, delays, while NN in 1st provides an indication of good fortune.

the only midpoint picture is the ongoing Neptune/NN = Pluto where perspectives are difficult to blend with that of others. Plus, the Neptune/NN combo indicates a lack of community spirit, something powerful, manipulative Pluto now uses for his propagandistic purposes that keep the American people divided (and thus, conquered.)

Activist Mars, god of war and drone strikes. is out-of-bounds (OOBs) @7Can31 conjunct Mirzam, a star of The Announcer and of one who has something to say or express. Orating Mercury @14Can06 conjoins US natal Sun and Dog Star, Sirius (the mundane becomes sacred) which supports the 'announcement' theme of the speech's horoscope. Plus, Mars by degree joins in with the closed circuit of energies and urge for security and protection seen in the Water Grand Trine between Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune so perhaps Mrs will trigger action on the level of Social Responsibility.

The Moon's entry into Pisces will allow her to join in the Grand Trine as well, yet it's doubtful that such triggering will affect the GOP considering the party's recent progressed opposition of SP Moon and SP Neptune by which delusions, confusion, lies, fraud, and deception were handed to Americans who are felt by Republicans to be social burdens and parasites.

Apparently the Rs think that using US taxpayers' funds to invest at home for our sakes interferes with their next misadventure abroad when there are new territories to conquer, more natural resources to plunder, and a Global Government to set up as their ideology demands from atop the heights of Jupiter's expansive realms.

Pluto Opposes from Controlling Capricorn

Meanwhile, transit Pluto @9Cap44 Rx in the speech's 3rd house of Communications continues to firmly oppose US natal planets in Cancer--today Mr. Underworld is between exact opposition to US natal Jupiter (5Can56) and US n Sun (13Can19) so Mr. Obama's titanic struggles with global internationalists continue to mar America's future prospects even though austerity measures both here and abroad have proven themselves to be fruitless for growth, development, and economic improvement, but are a requirement for those Utopians and neocons determined to collapse governments and ruin economies so that a 'new economic order' will be accepted by the people as 'the only remedy'.

A Venus-Saturn contact

Chart-ruler Venus then goes on to sextile Saturn (2A@@) which signifies those with good investment and business sense, interests in future growth and development, and good communications skills. And with the speech's Sun @1Leo59 conjunct President Obama's natal Mercury (2Leo20), we may expect that today's speech will be bracing and thoughtful yet taken as antagonistic in the ears of his Republican opponents who are determined that his will be a 'failed presidency'.

Uranus-Pluto and the Moon at a 29th degree

Naturally, the tiresome, rebellious Uranus-Pluto square energies under gird all issues (until 2015)--here 2S45, and the Moon (We the People; the public; publicity; emotional moods/trends) @29AQ43, a critical-crisis degree, in 4th house of Real Estate and Domestic Scene is anxious to move into mystical if confused Pisces which Luna does at 1:23 pm edt. America had a Lunar Return today--27AQ10--at 9:43:34 am edt, White House, in Return 6th house of Military and Police Service, Work and Employment, Health Concerns, and Daily Rounds so We the People remain acutely aware that job creation is the key to our lagging if slowly improving economy. Now if only Washington kept our dwindling social conditions in mind long enough to accomplish worthwhile changes and implement the investments our nation needs.

One more note about the speech horoscope--it has a splay pattern of planets which denotes an intensity that can't be limited to a single point of application (M.E. Jones) so that we may expect several ideas for solving economic woes to be offered by President Obama as he kicks off today a series of speeches on the US economy--and then by the Saturnian austerians on the rise in 1st house in corporate-minded Scorpio, sign of spies and betrayals. The Leo Sun (the president) is squared (blocked) by Saturn (3A03) @'6Scorpio' = "A Gold Rush" (Jones) so Republican obstructionism toward the policies put forth by the president remain suspect in the eyes of those who would cause this administration's Saturnian downfall as this difficult transiting aspect echoes America's natal Sun-Saturn square.#

And since Jupiter's realm also includes ideology, we find the concepts of expansion/investment v restriction/austerity at the base of the stalemate in Washington economically, politically, and otherwise.

For a broader view of America's Jupiter Return of July 22, 2013 with the Return horoscope shown and notated by yours truly (as seen through a common good lens), you may wish to order the 19-page printable Stars Over Washington Report on Jupiter 2013 (PDF format) from the sidebar of this blog. Our recent Solar Return 2013 is also available. Thanks! jc

Great reading is Gary P. Caton's recent TMA article The 79-Year Cycle of Mercury and Mars in the USA Horoscope with the Mercury-Mars duo a signature for political opinions and arguments.

7.26.13: notable in the president's speech is his "get back to basics" theme which tallies with our national Jupiter 'getting back' to its natal degree!

May 25, 2013

Horoscope: Summer Solstice 2013 in Political Astrology

Summer Solstice June 21, 2013: Mars-Pluto and the Jackass

by Jude Cowell

Please click horoscope image to enlarge:

Summer Solstice 2013: Sun to World Point 00Can00:00 @1:04 am edt Washington DC; Hour of evaluating Venus (@22Can06 conjunct Mercury 22:01 in 5th house); chart-ruler Jupiter with sub-ruler Neptune, the speculator pair, are actors within a Water Grand Trine (6A09--see bottom left of chart); secretive Neptune @5Pis19 in its own unconscious 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Large Institutions such as prisons (closing of Gitmo?) and hospitals (vets, Obamacare?) precisely conjoins President Obama's natal 1st house Chiron Rx @5Pis19. Their precise conjunction has a fated reap-what's-sown quality and denotes strong psychic energies being unconsciously expressed by the president concerning 12th house matters.

Compassion, aid, and/or propaganda (the media; the masses; surveillance) may also be indicated by this placement of Neptune.

Now as you know, Water Grand Trines have a protective imperative and all such planetary patterns indicate closed circuits of energy. Guarding against stagnation and inertia is problematic with all Grand Trines and especially so when more than one appears as here: there are two if we count the ASC with Moon, Mercury-Venus, and Sun-Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune.) The quality of Water seeks peace, tranquility, and safety and many of us will tend to retreat into our private worlds if and when we can. Naturally domestic issues will be high on our lists of concerns as well.

Additionally, the two Grand Trines, made more complex by Jupiter still in Airy Gemini while the Sun has entered Watery Cancer, signifies America's current debilitating conditions and we have only to glance toward Capitol Hill ideologues and bigots to remember that this is what we're experiencing across the nation due to what I termed here in 2012 as "Jackassian Politics." I was surprised last evening to hear MSNBC's Chris Hayes on his program All In using the description of jackassery behavior for certain Republican-Tea Partiers. But we can't be the only ones who've noticed!

Mr. Hayes on Republicans Behaving Badly as they attempt to break the Senate:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Now if you listen to the full broadcast of All In, Chris also discusses the Jackassery Politics as practiced by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel who is closing 50 schools in the city while using taxpayer millions to build--wait for it--a sports stadium. Jackassery abounds everywhere we look!

Now back to Summer Solstice 2013:

Rising is 27Pis31 along with two midpoints: 1. Uranus-NN denoting radical political groups and reformers; 2. the forceful Mars-Pluto midpoint which gives dangerous and ruthless tones to the chart and to the hot summer season. Also, Mars-Pluto opposes US progressed Neptune which adds potentials for disasters caused by water, oil, or gas, causing secret harm to others, and use of cunning and deceit--you know: Washington and state politicians behaving badly.

Now that 8th house Moon (We the People) @27Sco52 nears the Inaugural 2009 Moon (29Sco45) and conjoins here President Obama's natal MC (Aspirations; The Goal) which hopefully indicates his efforts to bring relief and improved conditions (such as infrastructure investments which would solve more than one problem) yet we find Jupiter @28Gem53 conjunct IC (Foundation of the Matter) and '28Gem' is a degree of BANKRUPTCY in Sabian Symbols. Can our economy hang on until America's next Jupiter Return (5Can56) on July 22, 2013? Will nation-building investments or roads and bridges finally arrive in the nick of time to create jobs and increase our safety?

Perhaps! For we know that debt, credit, shared resources, and Big Business are on top of our national agenda this summer with the Solstice North Node of Future Direction posited in Scorpio and in Watery Scorpio's natural 8th house--plus, Scorpio's Mars-Pluto influences rule the Solstice ASC in Washington, as noted above. Building bridges would be a great use of this forceful energy. More war and drone strikes? Not so much.

Well, there are many more chart factors to consider but I don't want to ruin your fun (check out that Scorpionic Saturn Rx just barely in 7th house and the critical 20Cap degree on 11th cusp!) so I'll close by detailing the midpoint pictures formed in T-Squares between Sun, Jupiter, MC, and the ASC in the Summer Solstice 2013 horoscope:

Sun-MC = ASC: personal relations or associations (Ebertin); needing to be forthright and honest about how your accomplishments and contributions can help others (Munkasey.)

Jupiter-MC = ASC: pleasant contacts that support one's personal success (Ebertin); a need to absorb life's lessons; needing to understand the motives and intentions of others; reminders that one must work with others (Munkasey.)

Yes, that last indicator is aimed toward all our anti-government jackassian politicians who know who they are.

May 18, 2013

Does a Presidential "pall" show in Inauguration 2013's Horoscope?

Do Current Washington Scandals Show in Inauguration 2013's Horoscope?

by Jude Cowell

On May 15, 2013, Peter Baker of the New York Times published Onset of Woes Casts Pall Over Obama's Policy Aspirations a headline in which astrologers can easily find mention of Inauguration 2013's Midheaven (MC = The Goal) if they so desire.

Then today, the Washington Post's Dan Balz published Obama's Trust in Government Deficit so we find that MSM and other media types are jumping en masse onto the Doubt Obama bandwagon. One supposes it sells or clicks for their bottom lines or for whatever Down with Government ideologies anyone may hold as they and their hidden backers work to weaken America toward easier take-over.

Now as you remember, President Obama's second term officially began at noon on Sunday January 20, 2013 but the public swearing-in was held on Monday January 21, 2013 due to the tradition of avoiding Sunday sacredness (my personal belief is in the Seventh Day Sabbath so it would make little difference to my ilk if the ceremony had been held on a 'Sun'-day, the first day of the week as you see on your calendar--but his first term ended and a new one began at noon of January 20th with the primary difference between the two horoscopes being Moon in Taurus on the 20th, Moon in Gemini approaching Jupiter Rx in Gemini on the 21st; President Obama's natal Moon is in his 4th house @3Gem21.)

So here's a another look at the Inauguration Horoscope of January 20, 2013:

For astro-notes on the chart, see my previous post Inauguration 2013 Horoscopes (both charts shown) though of course no one knew then what scandals would occur--or which events would be blown out of proportion. ("Worse than Watergate"?, cry Republicans. Really? Well, I resided in Washington DC during Nixon's Watergate scandal and I don't believe you or your politically driven 'outrage'.)

In the horoscope above, I point your attention to its 1st house South Node of the Moon and my reading of it in the linked post. SN in 1st house is not a good portent and describes early-on difficulties for the president's second term. In part, a rising SN denotes the separations I mention in the post, plus, bad timing with one's endeavors along with limiting conditions. In a word, the Republican plan of obstructionism.

For as Tamara Keith of NPR reports concerning 'Heritage Action': Conservative Advice To GOP: Don't Legislate, Focus on Scandals in an attempt to ensure that the president's agenda will be stymied and obstructed during his second term--leaving the American people to suffer as collateral damage, as usual.

How I wish Election 2014 results for all obstructionist-Ayn-Randers in Congress with their lousy children-starving, survival-of-the-fittest Shrink Government agenda would find them tossed out with their dirty bathwater!

On-topic: Food Stamp Cuts Spark Bible Debate (Matthew 25.)

Next-Up from the Cosmos: the May 25, 2013 Lunar Eclipse @4Sag08 which spotlights Election Day 2012's Mercury Station Retrograde (Mercury = voting)...uh-oh!

Also available on this blog: May 2013 White House Scandals and Mars-Neptune Concerns starring Mars (motivation, action, energy, males, police and military) and Neptune (scandal, deception, illusion, delusion, the media, the masses, The Divine.)

May 16, 2013

May 2013 Scandals Infuse Tea Party with new steam

Bubbling on the Hob: Reheat and Serve

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps current scandals and pseudo-scandals now plaguing the White House will keep boiling long enough to add steam to the near-deflated Tea Party movement, perhaps not. But for now we may as well pass the buttered scones and jam for we know Republicans won't let a good scalding cup go cold when there's a chance to further undermine the presidency of Barack Obama.

Here you'll find, if you please, some basic information on the history of the Tea Party movement which seems to have begun with blogger and Seattle mom Keli Carender (aka, Liberty Belle) and her organization of a "Porkulus Protest", plus, the rant by Rick Santelli on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange on February 19, 2009. Was his supposedly off-the-cuff remarks inspired by corporate bank rollers who then backed 'grassroots' Tea Party rallies?

Yes, for the president and his Fail-Obama Republican opponents, February 2009 was a very busy month and the first full month of the president's first term. Here's a ramble down memory lane with President Obama signing the Stimulus Bill on February 17, 2009 in Denver, Colorado. The horoscope I have is set for Denver when the Sun 29AQ15 conjoined Midheaven (The Goal Point) with Mars and Jupiter conjunct @10AQ08/11 and US natal Mars in Gemini rising (12:13:54 pm MST):

At 12:13:54 pm MST, there formed a 'Fist of God' planetary pattern (aka, Thor's Hammer) between austere Saturn @19Vir50 Rx in 4th house squaring the Ascendant @22Gem56 and pointing toward the Mars-Jupiter conjunction and the North Node @9AQ07.

In addition, the Moon (the public) @9Sag10 was in 6th house at that time and conjoining Royal Star Antares with its volatile theme of: obsessed with success..The People and the hot-natured Tea Party movement?

And of course Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, planet of expansion, money, investment, and expenditures and was on its way for a first Great Conjunction (of three all through 2009) with Neptune, the inflationary pair of bubbles, speculation, and spend-thriftiness. Their first conjunction perfected on May 27, 2009 conjunct US natal Moon--'little sense of reality; involved in speculation'--Ebertin.

Yet I don't recall the 2009 Stimulus Bill as creating millions of jobs as advertized and promised but I do believe it saved quite a few!

Feb 14, 2013

Feb 13, 2013 Activist JFK Jr arrested in Washington

The risky Keystone XL Pipeline is the first issue environmental activists including Robert F. Kennedy Jr are protesting against to get President Obama's attention (and this blogger heartily thanks them for their efforts):

Here's an astrological look at the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy Sr if you'd care to check it out.

Feb 6, 2013

Pluto Ascends! More than killer drones: ARGUS (video)

Peep-eye! Wave to the camera, everyone!

America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition keeps on developing more and more accurate surveillance techniques and devices, doesn't it? Mercury's eyes with Pluto, associated with the sign Scorpio, of spies and surveillance fame, uses its eagle totem to soar thousands of feet above our heads and watch us like hawks.

And of course, the Mercury-Pluto duo falls across the Cancer (home; security)/Capricorn (control; management) axis as obsessive Pluto plods through Capricorn now on his way toward America's Pluto Return/s of 2022 so perhaps we should keep the Sabian Symbol for US natal Pluto (27Cap33) for '28Cap' in mind as we 'lean forward' into what appears to be morphing into a dystopian future:

From Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology:

'28Cap' = "A Large Aviary"...COMMUNITY.

Positive expression: exceptional success in making all personal concerns a matter of common welfare:

Negative (Unconscious/Shadow Side): loss of all character in sheer officiousness.

This symbol relates on one level to the Pentagon.

Then there's the karmic intent, the symbol for the prior degree--and a mention that these degrees appear at Midheaven (MC = The Goal) in US Inauguration Horoscopes along with US natal Pluto itself:

'27Cap' = "A Mountain Pilgrimage"...PERSEVERANCE.

Pos: total reconciliation of mind and heart in an unquestioned devotion to some worthwhile task at hand; (ex: "winning minds and hearts" by aggressive invasion? killer drones are making that ridiculous propaganda even more ludicrous. jc);

Neg: satisfaction in superficial allegiances and a parade of false virtue.

Apparently, the president's targeted killing list which can include Americans 'believed' to be linked with al Qaeda isn't illegal if we do it but how many of us want Richard Nixon's rationalization for breaking the law staining our national conscience in this way? Well, it already does, "collateral damage" and all. And who knows who will be the next drone-wielding president with his or her ability to play judge, jury, and executioner without even a shred of probable cause or due process?

And what entity will secretly direct said president? Opportunities for abuse of the drone program are multiple--imagine what another neocon war hawk Commander-in-Chief can do--or what another government or group with hacking power can do.

So I suspect the riddle of the transiting Pluto-Chiron midpoint conjoining US Inaugural Sun (the leader; the president) for recent Inauguration ceremonies is now at least partially solved. The combination of Pluto-Chiron and its primal violence, disenfranchisement, oppression, racism, capitalism, totalitarianism, and all manner of other -isms that plague mankind is now revealed in part as the president's killer drones. If you're a target or in the wrong place at the wrong time, can it get more oppressive than that?

Yes, the imperialists' global government plan grinds on and all is done under the auspices of "keeping America safe". Their thinly veiled ruse becomes more threadbare by the minute! Is seems that Inauguration 2013's 10th house Mars (strikes, attacks, violence, war) in detached Aquarius signifies on one level drone strikes ordered by the White House and perpetrated by remote (AQ) control. That the draconian issue is receiving more and more attention in the news is shown by the public 10th house status of Inaugural 2013 Mars.

In fact, The Nation's Greg Mitchell writes about a drone base in Saudi Arabia!

And interestingly, George W. Bush ordered drone strikes while in office beginning in 2004, the year that Pluto paralleled Chiron in mid-August (parallels are like strong conjunctions and are timing devices) after their Great Conjunction in late 1999--conjunct US natal Ascendant in the 'Sibly' '12Sag' = "A Flag Turns Into an Eagle That Crows." Now there's that plutonian eagle again with Dubya acting under the 'authority' of the US flag. And as you know, in late 1999 they were heralding the 'New Millennium' and scaring everyone with the Y2K scenario that was allegedly going to 'end the world as we know it'.

Trudging Up the Mountain...

For further reading on mountain and pyramid archetypes (which relate to America's Great Seal symbols, our nation's ultimate destiny (the 'Great Plan'), Mt. Meru, the center of the world, Atlantis, and more) you may wish to try Bibliotecapleyades.

And to view a variety of videos on a range of topics, visit Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Now here's Morning Joe's Joe Scarborough venting over, and guests discussing, presidential drone strikes (if you don't mind sitting through a brief ad):

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Dec 28, 2012

12.28.12 POTUS calls 'fiscal cliff' meeting w Jupiter Rx rising

12.28.12 WH 'Fiscal Cliff' Meeting: YODs of Crisis w Jupiter Rx Rising

by Jude Cowell

A peek at today's horoscope of the 'fiscal cliff' meeting between President Obama, the four House leaders, and VP Biden shows 11Gem21 rising with Jupiter Rx @8Gem05, conjunct US natal Uranus 8Gem55. As previously noted, Jupiter to natal Uranus tends to be a time when financial and political matters go smoothly but Jupiter's weakened Rx condition creates delays and glitches as banker Jupiter has crossed and recrossed our national Uranus, planet of change and disruption.

Called for 3:00 pm est, an Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, changes, instability, publicity--a PR exercise?), the YOD of recent and future days is now joined by the Sun @7Cap30 approaching Pluto @9Cap12 which adds complexity (and hopefully leadership) to the crisis-ridden stalemate and gives an additional midpoint picture with positive potential to consider:

Sun-Saturn = Jupiter: break up of a relatonship or value system for eventual recovery and gain; the cloud with the silver lining. (Tyl.)

Does this support a happy resolution based on today's meeting? Not so fast! For among other factors, chart-ruler Mercury @25Sag46 ('26Sag' = "A Flag-Bearer in Battle") is out-of-bounds of the Earthly plane and up to who knows what, is deposited by Jupiter in Gemini (a 'friendly' mutual reception) which is Rx, and makes no applying aspects at all...only a lonely separating semi-square with Saturn in business-oriented Scorpio, in the 6th house of Preparation.

There is, however, a high-flying KITE pattern of potential success with its tail the recently Full Moon (at 5:21 am est today), now @11Can55, in 2nd house of the National Treasury, though one must use Chiron @5Pis54 to complete the KITE pattern--Neptune is slightly out of orb. (This Chiron is at President Obama's natal 1st house Chiron degree, 5:19.) As the tail wagging the KITE, the Moon's Sabian Symbol seems appropriate to mention since US debt and credit are at issue: '12Can' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message." comment.

As mentioned above, the Sun (leader) approaches wealthy puppetmaster Pluto when the president may receive an extra boost of power to get matters settled though I'm not certain the deal will be completely to the liking of those who re-elected him--those who still, unlike the radical Utopians who've taken over the Republican Party, believe that government retains a responsible and accountable role in our lives.

And though I hope today's meeting will bring solutions, it isn't very promising with Mercury's condition and lack of applying aspects for Mercury rules meetings, agreements, and deals.

So I shall emphasize again the importance of Jupiter's Direct Station of January 30, 2013 @6Gem19, and of its subsequent forward movement into April, then late June, when financial matters may also move forward along with the Great Benefic.

For more on astrological Jupiter, see recent posts on this blog.

Coming soon: horoscope of the 113th Congress. Stay tuned!

Dec 23, 2012

Greenspan admitted The Fed is above US law (video); plus, Full Moon coming

Former protege of Ayn Rand, Mr. Greenspan Speaks about The Fed

by Jude Cowell

Here's a 48-second snippet from 2007 of Jim Lehrer interviewing Alan Greenspan who headed America's Federal Reserve System for several years:

Text of the full interview may be read here. A link to Mr. Greenspan's book is included if you're so inclined. As you know, reporter Andrea Mitchell has been married to Mr. Greenspan since 1997 and I continue to find it curious that her news program appears on the demi-progressive MSNBC. Yet MSNBC and NBC are Rockefeller enterprises after all.

For videos on a variety of topics visit Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Fiscal Schmiscal, Let's Call the Whole Thing Off

Here's an intriguing opinion piece on Rockefeller-Obama Republicans which makes the case that President Obama panders to the Republican Party--not because he doesn't negotiate well (as Rockefeller media and others propagandize), or that he's "weak"--but because he's one of them.

Related reading: Who's Done More Damage: Bernie Madoff or Alan Greenspan?

Stage Craft: It's All Political Theater, Dahlink!

Fast-forward to the current 'fiscal cliff'-sequester negotiations of December 2012 and we continue to see Mr. Obama putting certain concessions 'on the table' than what progressive voters who re-elected him expected since he now so obviously has a mandate from The People to protect us. Social Security? Mr. Obama campaigned on not including it in the fiscal deal since it has no part in creating the deficit. But now 'on the table' is a potential change in SS cost-of-living raises which will affect millions of seniors through disguised cuts as the years go by, thus removing money from the US economy, money that would've been spent. And that doesn't mention the potential for suffering.

Yes, FDR's New Deal programs are under seige by plutocrats as they've been from the time they were set up. But their enemies in 2012/2013 may prove more successful at gutting them than ever before for the culprits are hiding behind the cleverest mask of guile yet taken up by America's plutocratic class of power elites...aka, "the Democrats."

Yes, I do hope I'm being a paranoid Capricorn (very possible!) with this theory and that none of the above is the case, and that the label 'Democrat' still means We the People have a fighting chance to have our concerns addressed and resolved on Capitol Hill with some measure of honesty and clarity toward a 'more level playing field'. Plus, the nasty thought of 'population control' based on a 'survival of the fittest' creed (of Ayn Rand and others) comes to mind because of the coldhearted behavior of Washington politicians, whatever their party label.

So whether you bought that badly-acted Boehner Herding Cats matinee on the evening of December 20, 2012 or not (and their subsequent skedaddle out of town for Christmas break), don't be surprised if things turn even weirder and crazier during the last week of December--under the light of the December 28th Full Moon which takes us whimpering across the expiring-tax-break threshold into 2013. (Full Moon and 'fiscal cliff' horoscopes shown.)

That Lunar Madness under a Full Moon increases the number of crimes has been documented after all, as some police departments have attested--or, is it only because more activity occurs on Moon-lit nights?

Wonder if The Moon Society has studied the phenomena?


Here's a preliminary post on the Inauguration 2013 Horoscope with a bare minimum of astro-notes and analysis until early January.

A Holiday Blog-Note: with family coming into town, this is my last SO'W post until after Christmas Day 2012 so I wish y'all a safe Merry and a Happy!Jude

Dec 20, 2012

The Mystery of Boehner's Plan B and a Temporary YOD

A Saturnian YOD, a Selfish Republican Ploy, and a Merry Christmas! to Us

by Jude Cowell

After hours of watching political pundits and reporters talking on TV about how Speaker John Boehner will put up his 'Plan B' for a House vote today, I've been waiting to hear them answer their own queries: Why is Mr. Boehner wasting time (and our money) proposing Plan B when it won't pass the Democratic Senate?What is he up to?

If any pundits have mentioned or written about the reason for Plan B, I've missed it and believe the answer to the Mystery of Plan B is found in Boehner's remarks: that if Plan B isn't agreed to by President Obama, then HE will be the one who is "responsible" for the biggest tax increase" on the American people in US history...not Republicans who, it has been often said since the November re-election of Barack Obama, will be held responsible for driving our nation off the (artificially engineered) 'fiscal cliff' if the White House won't compromise.

He said it himself! So can Boehner's cynical political ploy be any clearer? Won't any political expert on my TV state the obvious? Does the good of the country figure into the deal for the GOP at all?

Well, I wanted to get that said before I popped but have little time today for Political Astrology blogging so I'll simply add a few notes: no matter what occurs in Washington DC today, all day the Sun (leadership) remains at 29Sag+ (29 = a crisis degree), with its Sabian Symbol for '30Sag': "The Pope Blessing the Faithful." Now I don't even want to go there. Where? Where the Vatican might have any say in America's budget/fiscal negotiations of 2012. You can't make me (!) but you might imagine for yourself.

And with the Moon (We the People; publicity) in Mars-ruled Aries today, tempers may flair. Plus, the Sun-Moon blend of energies may lend a smidgeon of flavor to whatever occurs this December 20, 2012:

Sun Sag-Moon Ari (double Fire = volatile, hot, dramatic) tends toward a dislike for details (maybe ALEC can write something for our bought-off 'lawmakers'--again), a neurotic need to be affirmed as "the biggest and best" (politics!), insensitivity when listening to others (if they listen at all), impatience, courage, and falling into black moods when things don't go their way.

And with a temporary YOD pattern between Moon-Jupiter-Saturn joining the current Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter Rx YOD, the planet on the 'hotseat' (YOD's apex) is constricting Saturn which happens to be conjoining President Obama's natal Neptune in Scorpio.

Now Alan Oken gives a Moon-Jupiter sextile as the 'ray of hope' aspect (I know, because there's one in my natal chart and he consulted with me on it)--and I believe I've heard that phrase used by pundits this week already though it seems impossible that Plan B is that hope--especially since the Moon-Jupiter sextile is the base of a YOD pointing to Saturn and to the president's natal Neptune.

The midpoint pictures the temporary YOD pattern creates may be quite revealing--see what you think:

Moon-Jupiter = Saturn: interference through outside restrictions; becoming distant from important emotions.

Moon-Jupiter = BHO's n Neptune: losing focus of objectives; success feels like its leaving one's grasp.

Well, I hope that President Obama doesn't 'lose the plot' and succumb to the GOP 'Plan B' attempt to make the White House the scape goat for America going off the 'fiscal cliff' come 12:00 am New Year's Day 2013. Besides, the public knows who's most to blame and their initials are GOP.

Oh, and the Harveys give two 'Images for Integration' in their Sun Sign-Moon Sign book to describe the Sun Sag-Moon Ari combo so I'll close with them and with two quotes from someone who shares the blend natally:

"He who would be King postpones the coronation for a trek through the Himalayas...A mature student discovers her political convictions and debating talents through confronting the corruption of academia." (Then she's got a lot of debating to do!)

"There was things which he stretched but mainly he told the truth."

"Always do right; this will gratify some people and astonish the rest."

--Mark Twain (known for his black moods.)

Dec 17, 2012

Electoral College votes Monday 12.17.12: is Obama re-elected?

Electoral College 'Faithless Elector" Rare but a Potential

by Jude Cowell

On Monday December 17, 2012, America's arcane Electoral College casts their votes across the nation in order to settle the November 6, 2012 Presidential Election. Since President Obama garnered 332 electoral votes in November to Mitt Romney's rather anemic 206, few Americans fret that an upset is in store for the president.

But What Does Pluto Say?

As you know, voting Mercury performed a retrograde station at 6:03 pm est on Election Day 2012, then seemed to move in backward direction toward an opposition to Mr. Obama's natal Moon @3Gem21. Astrologers (and pundits!) everywhere predicted an extended ballot tabulation though hopefully not as contentious a one as the 2000 'hanging chad' election. And though state dust-ups have drawn things out in 2012, the presidential outcome at least has been straightforward.

And so, 'voter' Mercury Rx on November 6th may on one level symbolize the official Electoral College announcement of a definite victor which will be made on January 6, 2013 and will bring the entire 2012 Election process to a close.

By then, transit Mercury @9Cap32 will be in close conjunction with powerful Pluto @9Cap31 in the 9th house of Higher Education ("College"), as you see in the noon horoscope displayed below, set for the White House as a signifier for the entire nation; click chart to enlarge and perhaps you'll be able to read a few basic notes scribbled thereupon including US natal and BHO natal planets--one thing I neglected to fill in is, Mercury turned Rx "@4Sag18":

Horoscope: January 6, 2013 noon EST White House; Electoral College to Declare Official Victor of the November 2012 Presidential Election.

3rd quarter Moon = 'crisis in consciousness' stage; Mercury OOBs of the Earthly plane (may signify Mr. Obama's much larger share of votes); Mercury rises with Fixed Star Acumen (enduring attacks which weaken, not the only indication of weakness in the chart--see: Mars midpoint picture, below.)

Hour of Jupiter (Rx @7Gem16 in 2nd house of Values/Earning Ability/National Treasury); tr Jupiter continues to trigger US natal Uranus 8Gem55 denoting political and financial success; chart-ruler Mars @9AQ10 in 11th H of Groups and Associations and about to cross into 10th H of Public Status--Mars also rules 8th H through Scorpio with 8th cusp conjunct President Obama's ('BHO') natal MC and Romney's ('MR') natal Moon-Jupiter conjunction.

Chart-ruler Mars applies (0A48) to a square with restrictive Saturn denoting blocks, challenges, issues of bad timing, and possible threats to authority; plus, add the Moon (the public) to the square with testy Mars and we may have some hot feelings in the mix--then the Moon will soon meet depressive Saturn--are the people's electoral wishes to be thwarted? Surely not!

Now since it's the noon hour (a good time for announcements), the Sun (the leader) @16Cap32 conjoins MC (The Goal) with the Mercury-Pluto conjunction on the 9th H side of the Midheaven; Venus @26Sag54 attends.

Midpoint pictures are formed which may or may not apply to our topic:

Sun-Mercury = MC: standing up to the test; successful communications.

Sun-Pluto = MC: vocational upset and change to adopt new perspectives; striving for power and control; leadership qualities.

Neptune-NN = MC: inability to achieve aims without the help of others.

Sun-Neptune = Mars: weakness.

The next two pictures only apply at noon with 23Ari38 rising but they may be worth considering in light of the contentiousness, denial of reality, and sour grape attitude of the Republican Party whenever they lose presidential elections after which they continue denigrating the character of the Democratic president who bested them--and this one dares to be African-American by half!

Pluto-ASC = Neptune: suffering from the actions of bad, malicious, deceitful people.

Mercury-ASC = Neptune: deception; falsehood; slander; libel; disappointed or deceived by others; thinking badly of other people.

(Midpoint pics from Tyl and Ebertin.)

One transit to the President Obama's natal chart listed on the horoscope but which must be mentioned: tr Saturn to natal Neptune in Scorpio which brings along the grim face of reality---or, allows a dream to come true.

So! You noticed the YOD pattern of crisis/turning point/special task? With the brilliant, innovative Jupiter-Uranus sextile at its base, the 7th H Moon @6Sco20 is apex of the configuration. Now Scorpio is a Fixed sign of rigid energy but the Moon is Mutable, changeable, and denotes fluctuations. Near staid, status quo Saturn, ruler of Capricorn (sign of government, law, and business), my suspicion is that the rigidity of the public's landslide for President Obama will hold with the aid of stable Saturn yet perhaps we shouldn't entirely discount a tendency toward Scorpionic betrayal ("faithless elector"?)

Or, are we only seeing the Fixed tendency toward decisiveness here? Well, the January 6th Moon in Scorpio could be describing some number of Electoral College voters who, after all, are members of the American public themselves. They have to be, right?

Thing is, an apex Moon in a YOD pattern indicates those who must learn to decode the emotional messages received from others so that they may set out on a new path ("lean forward"?) where the interests of the weaker among us are defended and addressed successfully. (Tierney.)

Yeah, I thought that's what we voted for in November.

And apparently in America, that is only possible with a Democrat in the White House, if indeed it's any longer possible at all.

Nov 29, 2012

11.29.12 Romney's lunch w Pres Obama: Neptune rising

How yummy! Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is invited to the White House today to lunch with President Obama and many reporters are wishing they could be flies on the wall during this super-private chow down and meeting!

Well, I'm no fly either but I do sashay into the use of Political Astrology now and then to uncover a few things not always seen with the naked eye, fly or otherwise.

Today at *12:30 pm est at the White House, the ascending sign and degree = 4Pis33 which, of course, brings up Fixed Star Fomalhaut (potentials: success through noble ideals; karma; magic; fame or infamy) along with Mr. Romney's natal Mars in Pisces followed by his n Mercury and Sun in murky Pisces.

Yet even closer to the luncheon Ascendant at 12:30 pm is President Obama's natal Chiron 5Pis19 Rx (in his n 1st house of Self; he's in the midst of his five-fer **Chiron Return, as you know--dates listed below) And with transiting Neptune @00Pis27 ('1Pis' = "A Public Market"), some acting and pretending may take place, along with Neptunian idealism and creativity--will fraud also be discussed? Is the Neptunian dish Oysters Rockefeller on the menu?

Well, my blogging time is brief this morning, so let's merely consider a few factors about today's Sun-Moon blend including what Charles and Suzi Harvey give as the blend's Image for Integration which seems to me to apply rather closely to the situation at hand. See what you think about this persuasive, idea-filled Fire-Air "live wire" combo of "bluster and bombast" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign:

As with yesterday's Lunar Eclipse, today is imprinted by a Sun Sagittarius-Moon Gemini blend denoting wit, intellectualism, irony, and sociability; a negative is spreading oneself too thin and not completing projects. Its Image for Integration reminds me of Republican charges against our Democratic president concerning his "redistribution of wealth" tendency, as they call it. And of course, this applies to the current 'fiscal cliff'/Bush-tax-cuts-expiring impasse now occurring in Washington DC as the clock inches nearer and nearer to January 1, 2013 12:00 est.

Sun Sag-Moon Gem: "Robin Hood as a young boy plays truant from school to go to his archery lesson, but ends up teaching his card tricks to his master."

Ha! Wonder what soup today's secretive lunch will begin with?

Oh, and by the way: the Moon's Sabian Symbol at 12:30 pm is quite descriptive of the White House table of plenty:

'20Gem' = "A Cafeteria"; keyword = SUPPLY.

Positive expression: a fullness of contribution and an effectiveness of requisition in all personal relationships;

Negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): a chronic inability to make decisions or a hopelessly dilettante spirit. (Jones, The Sabian Symbol in Astrology.)

*My use of 12:30 pm est for setting up today's horoscope is based on hearing Richard Wolffe give it last evening on MSNBC as the time of today's White House lunch.

*President Obama's Chiron Return dates: May 21, 2011; June 27, 2011 Rx; Feb 26, 2012; Oct 19, 2012 Rx; Dec 10, 2012; natally, Chiron in mystical Pisces gives him a "knight in shining armour" glow which may "perform heroic deeds at great personal risk" (R. Nolle's Chiron.) May this include having a White House lunch with Mitt Romney?!

Update 1:50 pm: serving Mr. Romney Oysters Rockefeller might be too deliciously ironic if my theory that the Nov 6, 2012 election was about President Obama being a 'Rockefeller Democrat' vs Romney as a monarchic 'Rothschild Republican' is correct! jc

Oct 22, 2012

Oct 22 2012 Debate: "hovering hawk" v "exotic moth"

This evening's final presidential debate on Foreign Policy between President Obama and Mitt Romney in Boca Raton, Florida (at 9:00 pm edt with US natal Uranus rising) has interesting 'Images for Integration' to describe it when we consider its Sun-Moon blend of Sun Scorpio-Moon Aquarius:

On display will be powerful intellect, intense determination, and a sharp sense of humor with this Water-Air combo of energies; a tendency toward cynicism may also be in evidence as well as 'freedom-closeness' issues.

"Images for Integration: A hovering hawk surveys the world, at one with nature...An exotic moth emerges from its chrysalis, in perfect form, a specimen of the sublimity of nature's intelligence."

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

As for which Image describes which candidate better is for you to decide!

Oct 10, 2012

Fat Cats of the Revolution w a crisis-degreed Eclipse

Of Fat Cats, Eclipses, Inheritance, and JP v FDR

by Jude Cowell

In what must be a facetious manner, J.P. Morgan's Jamie Diamon says he "should have caught London whale's trades. No kiddin'!??

Well, I've yet to forget how the House of Morgan, a banking entity known in America as various forms of "J. P. Morgan & Co.", backed the ploy to depose President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the mid-1930s because of his New Deal programs and I would not be surprised if biological and philosophical spawns of past traitors continue to bedevil us as they fight for the same cause--to dismantle, collapse, privatize--the social safety net of the American people and its coffers along with LBJ's Great Society programs.

According to most plutocrats, it seems that money is only worth the plutocrat it bails out. The needy? Forget them. Streets lined with tattered soup kitchen customers won't bother the conscienceless wealthy class nary a jot, they have bigger pictures to consider.

Can you tell I've begun reading The Plot to Seize the White House by Jules Archer?

After the last four years of extremely poor behavior on the parts of the Republican Party and its Tea Party wingers (and their corporate backers such as the Koch Brothers), the historic tale of Smedley Butler and the uncovering of what might have become more than the coup of a presidency but an assassination attempt by--you guessed it--high-flyin' financiers colluding their shriveled little hearts out in smoke-filled back rooms--well, I don't have to tell you that old J.P. and his ilk backed the entire enterprise to rid themselves of FDR and install a Fascist regime with its reins in but a few select claws.

Yes, I know it's considered impolite to ever mention the concept of Fascism in relation to current actors, political or otherwise, but really now! For how long must a spade be a litter box pooper-scooper in disguise?

In the 1930s, the Robber Baron types, their spawn and kin, used the ruse of "Return to the Gold Standard" as cover for their activities and true purposes while the American Legion whistled a Jupiterian tune! So right away you can see how certain moneymen took great exception to the rule of President Franklin Roosevelt who took the US off the gold standard among other things that enraged the wealthy class.

Reminds me of 2012 and how Wall Street and other financial titans have pretended to get their feelings hurt when President Obama referred to them as "fat cats"! As if they aren't...

Now here's the president in a 60 Minutes segment which aired on *December 13, 2009 in which "fat cat bankers" are called out but who have managed to avoid the 'pitchforks of the people' and the Justice Department prison sentences so far:

November 6, 2012?

If this fat-cattiness is the sort of behavior you prefer at the top of the heap running this nation--while trusting them to 'care' about US workers--then you probably think Slippery Mitt is your guy. He loves the corrupt vulture capitalist system so much, he intends to corrupt it through more de-regulation! But what will happen when No One in business in this country trusts anyone else because everything has been rotted out by too many people following examples set by crooks of the global underworld crime syndicate? Doing any sort of business will become absolutely impossible. But never fear for perhaps we'll have Mittens performing his best Reagan impression to inspire Americans into some form of greatness up on a hill somewhere...


*December 13, 2009 falls into the 11 South Solar Eclipse Saros Series which manifested on July 22, 2009 @29Can26, as you may recall. Of course any 29th degree is a critical or crisis degree, and the Sabian Symbol for '30 Cancer' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution"...INHERITANCE. (Jones.)

11 S themes include: 'the need to make sudden reforms; old methods or ideas fail and new systems are required to deal with events; issues must be handled in new ways; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed.' (Last occurred 1991; next: 2027.) (Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady.)

Not such easy eclipse themes to inherit and deal with during the first year of your presidency, are they? And with the opposing party opposing and undermining everything you do! Why, it's almost as if certain Washington politicians with all their Masonic trappings and finery knew of 11S's reputed influence making it a near-certainty that to trip up President Obama, they'd trip up America, too--plus you, me, and all our kin.

So what do you call such sour grapes behavior by a group of sociopaths who with each generation imagine themselves to be the only legitimate presidential occupants of the Venusian Oval Office? En masse we voted for Barack Obama, yet they--as was done in the mid-1930s against FDR--attempt to depose the president as insufficient and not up to the task!

Oct 4, 2012

Oct 3, 2012 Obama v Romney Debate (video); w Jupiter the Cat

First Debate October 3, 2012 9:00 pm--10:30 pm ET: Obama v Romney

Well, the Astrology of the first debate last evening showed Romney having an edge and we certainly saw his hunger for White House power flashing through that fixed smile. It's no surprise that Mitt the Bully showed up and President Obama let him show himself off while the urbane Mr. Obama looked down at his papers (was he grading a test?) too often and for too long with what appeared to be extreme dislike for his Piscean opponent. Well, at least he was visible at the podium, right? And he did bring up some good points.

But as you noticed, President Obama seemed to have an unaccustomed feeling of being challenged. Methinks The Office and its exalted bubble does that to a person (if they weren't arrogant enough before.) Plus, I've heard that the president really doesn't like Romney though he's definitely not alone in that sentiment--many Republicans don't like Mittens either. So did Romney increase his 'likeability quotient' with you by displaying a ride-roughshod performance in which he seemed to compare President Obama to his lying sons?

As previously and curiously noted, when the debate ended at about 10:33 pm EST last night, lying Neptune was at the top of the horoscope, a signature of Mitt the Fish with his Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Pisces. My suspicion is that fact checkers will do their jobs for Mr. Romney flip flopped again on his policies and was coy about his plans for America as he attempted to appeal to the 47% of us he'd condescendingly dissed on May 15, 2012 (as seen in his secretly recorded rant to millionaires.)

Plus, Neptune now squares Mr. Obama's natal Moon (3Gem21, in natal 4th house) so it's a time of confusing circumstances, shifting alliances, and a potential for showing a lack of confidence. Is that what we saw from him last evening?

Biden v Ryan

Well, I just looked again at the horoscope of the VP debate on October 11, 2012, and wouldn't you know? Again it's 9:00 pm--10:30 pm ET, and nebulous, hard to oin down Neptune is at the top (MC) of the chart, the WHY? Point that describes The Goal and Aspiration.

If I have a chance later, I'll post both the 9:00 pm and 10:30 pm horoscopes of the October 11 VP debate and we'll discuss a few chart factors. For now, here's a quote from a comedian who shares natally the Sun-Moon blend which will be in effect the evening of October 11, 2012--does it apply to the Biden v Ryan debate? You decide:

Sun Libra-Moon Virgo: "The 'what should be' never did exist but people keep trying to live up to it. There is no 'what should be', there is only what is."

Lenny Bruce


Now if you're a fan of Astrology and cats as am I, you may want to watch the very talented Jupiter the Cat answering questions. Wonder if Jupiter debates?

Oct 3, 2012

Election Day Mercury, Sabian Symbols, and Mitt's Shady Voting Machines

by Jude Cowell

If you're like me you've been wondering how in the world Mitt Romney can pull a victory rabbit out of his tophat in November considering his dismally low polling numbers. Well, here's one clue: Vote Counting Company Tied to Romney, one of Rove-Bush's old tricks--and you know how that shadiness turned out.

Yes, the November 6 Election Day Mercury, planet of votes, voting machines, ballots, and decisions, will Station Rx in Mr. Romney's natal 7th house (DESC 1Sag01) while opposing President Obama's natal Moon (3Gem21 in n 4th H) around 6:03 pm (ET) at '5Sag':

"A Wise Old Owl Up in a Tree" which Marc Edmund Jones explains as NORMALITY:

Positive expression: exceptional wisdom or effective self-restraint in each detail of personal accomplishment;

Negative (Unconscious/Shadow Side--jc): self-betraying intellectual and emotional smugness. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

Of note is Adriano Carelli's symbol for November 6's Mercury Station Rx degree yet he tends to 'keep' a degree without rounding up so let's check out the symbol for '4Sag' in Carelli's The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac:

"A Grated Window in a Mediaevel Manor" which tells of a "warlike and impulsive nature [that] will stay hidden till drawn out and revealed by circumstances apt to produce an outburst of rightful wrath or ambitious fury. Till such time, [he] will look like a good-natured man, rich in deep-felt affections but full of reserve; not submissive but unassuming and self-contained; kind, correct in business, sensitive and watchful, with a slight hint of tameness but ready to defend himself.

On the contrary, when the bugle has blown, there he will go, leaping out of his den to do or die, a hero or a villain, violent and ruthless, a real daredevil."

Well! The symbol itself sounds rather Anglo-Saxonlike and the explanation more than a little like Mr. Romney himself--other than the "correct in business" part though he says we should take his word for it--and he will be, if he takes the helm of the Oval Office, a cozy collaborator of the plutocratic, monarchical neocon-Zionist-Vulcans who love little more than the profits and power they garner from waging perpetual war while they think to set up a global government in Jerusalem. (One reason they like to keep the Middle East stirred up.)

Yes, a second term for Barack Obama will bring the continuance of similar imperialist policies for there is a higher earthly authority at work than the presidency of the United States of America (and the Pentagon is part of its military/policing arm.) Yet a mandate from the people ought to mean something--well, it once did and may again--if American voters turn out in huge numbers for Mr. Obama which will make 'the fix' that's in for Romney-Ryan all the more difficult to justify while hiding just how crooked the win-at-any-cost Republican Party truly is.

Will SCOTUS intervene again? Wouldn't surprise me. And a final decision--if not on who won the presidency, then on Senate and House winners--may not be known until mid-December as timed by trickster Mercury all frustrated by its retrograde period but at last moving beyond its shadow degree of 5 Sagittarius. Maybe Supreme Court Justices are the "Wise Old Owl"!

"We don’t think you grow the economy from millionaires on down. We think you grow the economy the old-fashioned way from the middle class out."

--V.P. Joe Biden

"Whoever wins this next election is going to set the template for this country for a long time to come. We can settle for an economy where a shrinking number of people do very, very well while everybody else must struggle to get by or we can build an economy where everybody has a fair shot and plays by the same set of rules."

--President Obama

Don't know about you, but I'm with those guys!

You'll find more on Romney and Bain Capital, plus other interesting and timely information available at Alex D'Atria's Political Astrology so please do check it out!

Aug 18, 2012

Election Day 2012 drenched w a karmic Scorpio Eclipse

A Solar Eclipse in intense Scorpio marks November 2012 Elections

by Jude Cowell

As you know, Scorpio is a karmic (reap-what's-sown) sign and one must act on the up'n'up in order to make any real progress when a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio manifests. Intensity and force are provided by Scorpio's ruler and sub-ruler, Mars and Pluto, which are most formidable when their energies act in tandem and together, often supply a karmic "something you were always meant to do" feeling. And with Scorpio, an image of political "snake oil" is typically applied.

With all eclipses behaving in Uranian fashion as 'wild cards of the Universe' and thus having a reputation for uncovering even the darkest of secrets, we may expect November 2012 to be revelatory for its unmasking of Scorpionic secrets with a distinct potential for betrayals and suspicion that, when used in political propaganda, may have the effect of swaying voters in one direction or another. Some of us may even resort to 'opting out' and staying home on November 6 but this would be a a very bad mistake, folks, because that's what undermining factions want Americans to do. Plus, remember how neocon warmongers simply crowed over the beauty of Afghanistan and Iraq holding "democratic" elections under George Bush? Well then, even though US elections are rigged, let's not give them up so easily for they same so'n'sos ought to be crowing for our democratic process, don't you think?

The Solar Eclipse of November 2012

The month of November 2012 is notable not only for America's hugely important presidential and congressional elections (November 6, with voting planet Mercury Stationary that very day @4Sag18 and turning retrograde at 6:03 pm est--is this the electorate 'turning back' to President Obama?), but for its 15 North Solar Eclipse @21Sco56 on November 13. This eclipse occurs close enough to Nov 6 be the Solar Eclipse of Election Day 2012 (within two weeks), with its theme of 'joy through commitment.' (Brady.) Well, I don't like to type this out loud but with Mercury turning Rx on November 6, we may expect that results are disputed and that deciding outcomes may drag on, possibly until mid-December when a forward Mercury reaches and moves beyond its shadow degree of 4Sag18.

Please Pass the Turkey and the Lunar Eclipse

Though Thanksgiving Day is early this year (Nov 22), a busy November brings a second cosmic event--an almost-Thanksgiving Lunar Eclipse on November 28 @6Gem36 with the Sun falling into the happier Sagittarian zone of the Zodiac. The Moon is near transit Jupiter 11Gem54 Rx with US natal Uranus 8Gem55 stimulated. (Moon-Jupiter = US n Uranus: confidence; expectation of reward. --Tyl.) However, you'll note that the Lunar Eclipse ruler, Mercury, is Direct @18Sco24--approaching the Nov 13 Solar Eclipse degree, but the Sun's ruler, Jupiter, is Rx, another indicator of delays and hindrances relating to leadership (Sun-Jupiter), and potentially to money, support, bankers, and other corporatists (Jupiter.)

Also, this Lunar Eclipse is significant for being one of 2012's close-to-Earth Supermoons, as defined by master astrologer Richard Nolle.

Another Factor about November 6's Mercury Retrograde Station

Though Mercury trines technology inventor Uranus Rx @5Ari09--voting machine glitches made easy? or, easily solved?), its Rx Station strongly opposes President Obama's natal Moon in Gemini (Moon = 'reigning need'--Tyl), an indicator that his plans and schedules are in a something of a bind, and that Mr. Obama will be confronted with conflicting opinions regarding his re-election. Someone may have a change (Mercury) of heart (Moon)--whether for the incumbent president or against him remains to be seen but Mercurial young people may be of special note, and obviously reporters and journalists will be in the mix. Personally, I wouldn't rule out the Chamber of Commerce (Mercury) playing what is perhaps the largest role in opposing the president for they seem determined to do so.

At any rate, his re-election progress is blocked and will be obstructed again once Mercury retraces its path to 3-4-5 Sag and opposes natal Moon. After that, perhaps President Obama's goals will once again be implemented from the White House Oval Office after the dust and deceptions of Election Day 2012 settle.


Alert: Liber has kindly left a link to a 6-minute pro-Obama campaign video with political lyrics if you don't mind a little singing now and then. And really, who does?

Jul 21, 2012

On Romney's Progressed Lunar Phase (Balsamic)

(The following should be filed under Sometimes You Just Want to Be Wrong...)

A Few Astro-Reasons Why Mitt Romney Could Take the Cake on November 6th

by Jude Cowell

Now I know that Mr. Romney won't know what to call the cake, but he may just take it and rush into the White House on January 21, 2013, much to my chagrin...

In 2011, I mentioned on this blog that Mitt Romney enters a Balsamic Sun-Moon phase by progression on September 22, 2012, just in time for the November 6, election/s. As you know, Balsamic phases are the dark of the Moon, just prior to a New Moon whether by transit (real time) or progression (moving the natal chart ahead approximately one degree per year of life to gain hints about one's evolutionary progress and 'time of life'.)

The Balsamic phase of the Moon often relates to 'taking over where another has left off' and/or may bring endings, partings, and separations. Natally, this phase describes one who is born with a prophetic streak (ex: George Orwell) but here we're talking about progressions. Now if you follow the link above, you'll find some info on Romney's Secondary Progressions and his Natal Chart data with the correct birth time--9:51 am, though some of my earlier posts here about Mr. Romney do not have his birth time (which Astrodatabank provides, as I discovered later on, for SO'W is quite gray around the muzzle, you know!

Therefore, today's post is an update due to the fact that November 6th is upon us, and I had not fully considered in 2011, as Romney entered the presidential race (again!), that the November 6, 2012 election/s will be affected by the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse in Scorpio with its 'joy through commitment; taking on responsibilities' theme (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) My point is that I'd taken Romney's SP Balsamic phase as inauspicious for starting a new presidency when it could also describe a 'taking over' of duties when another (President Obama?) could not, for some reason, carry on. I don't want to believe it, but there it is.

Yet when endeavors are begun under the influence of a Balsamic Lunar phase, they often do not last the duration or end suddenly which may indicate a presidency of less than four years if Romney wins (or, 'wins' if the election is skewed and marred as in November 2000 with voting Mercury moving retrograde on Election Day 2012 as in 2000. And you know what miseries that wrought for America. Say, one of the Romney sons isn't named Chad by any chance, is he?)

Another consideration is what Secondary Progressed Lunar phase has President Obama reached in life? Well, he's on the downside of a SP Full Moon which was exact on November 6, 2011 (precisely a year before this year's election!) @1Ari10 which conjoins US natal IC (The End of the Matter; The Foundation) in America's natal chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Phildelphia, PA.) This degree was recently transited by radical Uranus and conjoins the Aries Point of fame, recognition, and prominence of course, but this may not be enough cosmic fuel to garner Mr. Obama a 2012 election victory though the 'light' of his SP Full Moon certainly hasn't faded completely (his Disseminating phase begins March 13, 2015.) And 2012's election outcome may depend almost entirely on how successful GOP dirty tricks against him turn out to be.

Will the American people succumb to a vulture capitalist as CEO-president? For a different outcome, a landslide for Mr. Obama will be necessary, sans dancing leave your sofa on November 6th and it will be there when you return.

Meanwhile, candidate Romney, who seems to be in possession of the greater campaign chest of gold and rubies, has a boost from the Sabian Symbol of the degree at which his SP Moon enters the Balsamic phase which may possibly be supported by the theme of the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse occurring within the two-week time frame of influence upon the 2012 election/s. His SP Balsamic Moon degree (10Ari24), rounded up is:

'11 Aries' = "The President of the Country" which I confess chills my soul with its "1% president" implications that intend to gut our social safety net programs to the bone in order to gift even more Corporate Welfare to those who have no need of it--plus, the degree's word picture has a negative/shadow side connotation for something which Romney seems to me to possess in great Jupiterian abundance: vain pretense.

Now, a la Ann Romney, that's all You People need to know about my concerns that Mitt Romney and clan will take all the cake. And being greedy, they'll gobble up all the crumbs, too.

Barack Obama August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii (Sun Leo.)

Mitt Romney March 12, 1947 9:51 am Detroit, MI (Sun Pisces.)

Jul 15, 2012

Horoscope: New Moon July 19, 2012

A New Moon July 19, 2012 Opposes US natal Pluto in Capricorn

by Jude Cowell

Below is the horoscope of the New Moon @26Can54 on July 19, 2012 at 12:24:02 am edt Capitol Building Washington DC. It's a Saturn Hour with a couple of Cardinal T-Square patterns formed between a conflict-ridden Mars-Uranus opposition and powerful manipulator Pluto 7Cap46 Rx in 9th house (when the chart is set for DC), and Saturn/ASC pointing toward the Sun and Moon in 4th H of Home, Homeland, and Real Estate.

(Cardinality means that events are likely to occur if at least three factors support them.)

Perhaps the potential manifestations contained within the chart's midpoint pictures (from the T-Squares and other midpoints) will yield information about the new cycle of activity timed by this New Moon in Cancer, sign of home, nurturing, security, and business matters.

The pictures are listed below the horoscope image (with interpretations by Noel Tyl); any, all, or none may apply. Click the chart to enlarge for some basic information and for a notation that the transiting South Node of the Moon (3Gem52 in 2nd H) is now lining up with President Obama's natal Moon, an indicator of separation (from public approval? in the home? more threats to Mrs. Obama? hopefully not), bad timing issues and scheduling conflicts, and a lack of cooperation from others. Any misuse of position, power, wealth, or popularity may turn up on the president's menu over the next few weeks and will be hard to deal with until this difficult karmic influence has passed.

Plus, you see Mercury Rx @11Leo52 backing off a bit from transiting the president's natal Sun (a time of self-expression and focussing on one's own ideas--and of blending one's ideas with that of others) and is in process of a drawn out Mercury Return for Mr. Obama (2Leo19 in his natal 6th house with natal Sun which spotlights his interests in Health.)

Midpoint Pictures July 19, 2012 12:24:02 am edt Capitol Building Washington DC:

Mars-Uranus = Pluto: intervention of the big shock; force; a Higher Power. Pluto in 9th H may indicate troubles abroad with wars and occupations or with US foreign policy; terrorist attacks cannot be ruled out, plus, GOP opposition to Obamacare (6/12 axis) is obviously on the agenda of certain political factions with 'factions' ruled by Pluto in Mundane Astrology.

Saturn-ASC = Sun: taking full responsibility; strategizing for personal freedom; making things happen through hard work.

Saturn-ASC = Moon: difficulty being accepted; depression due to environment.

Pluto-ASC = Neptune: vision to fulfill; embarrassment to transcend; fight against rumor; something paranormal influences situations.

Saturn-Uranus = MC: recognition of one's thrust for individuality or loss of self to the grip of controls; break away from the old. (Saturn QD Uranus = interruption of governing systems; defiance of law and order--The Quindecile--Ricki Reeves); this picture is prominent for its angularity at MC and its connections to government, old v new, and the Middle East.

Saturn-MC = NN: major stroke of fate may affect all development.

Saturn-MC = President Obama's natal Moon: renunciation; an attack on private emotions.

Sun-Moon = US natal Pluto: a critical time of development; separation in order to start anew (New Moon); potential new perspectives in relationships.

A 2nd H Jupiter conjoins US natal Uranus which shows much activity concerning group causes and an expansion of personal networks; Venus 15Gem00 returns to her June 5, 2012 Transit position--both are 'money planets' so financial issues are denoted including the US Treasury (2nd H.) The 14 South May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse (chart shown) may give people 'something to cry about' (conjunct Alcyone) with its degree conjoining 2nd cusp. At the least, 'an obsessive idea may finally be accepted' (Brady.)

The New Moon's Sabian Symbol ('27Can') relates to its 4th house position:

"A Furious Storm Rages Through a Residential Canyon" which highlights storms and water damage from weather conditions, possible turbulence at the White House, and/or a potential for more real estate or mortgage difficulties in the US. Yet perhaps the 'new cycle of activity' indicated by the July 19 New Moon will work on beneficial levels as well.

Addionally, transit Jupiter in Gemini is within orb of squaring President Obama's natal Pluto in Virgo, a period which began on July 9, 2012 and occurred July 14 (exact), on July 19 (this New Moon!), December 29, 2012, January 10, 2013 (exact), February 18, 2013 (exact), and March 3, 2013, a period when covering too wide a base is problematic and sights must be shortened in order to make progress--one step at a time.

Thanks for reading!