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Showing posts with label Rs vs Ds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rs vs Ds. Show all posts

Dec 10, 2021

The Democratic Party and the Summit for Democracy

by Jude Cowell

December 10, 2021

On October 14, 2014 I published the 1801 Democratic Party Horoscope for "future reference" (sans details; data based on the Papers of Thomas Jefferson). On the image I penned its Sun-Moon blend, "Sun AQ-Moon Aries = 'self + society" which to me suggests the less selfish focus of most if not all Democrats as opposed to the greedy, self-serving GOP. Yet as you know, there are multiple versions of horoscopes online for the Democratic Party and one that expert astrologer Jessica Adams has written about is the January 8, 1828 Portsmouth, New Hampshire chart which is, she writes, the time "the Democrats were born." Why, there's even a Democratic Party Horoscope set for 1792!

Then in similar fashion, Horoscopes for Republican Party's founding are at least as varied and thus, confusing, although the chart for March 20, 1854 6:30 pm LMT, Ripon, WI is a favorite of many with Sun conjunct Aries Point and Moon in Sagittarius. Well, perhaps Sacred Geometry being "a thing" during America's founding era as an esoteric part of Freemasonry, the confusion over which founding horoscopes for either political party are correct could be purposeful. Meanwhile, erstwhile astrologers with political leanings trudge onward.

With the Biden Agenda is a Democratic Saturn in Play?

So basically, this pre-weekend post includes a reminder that, at least for those who use the February 17, 1801 Democratic Party Horoscope, the "The Tower Eclipse" of 2018 with its 'collapse and rebuild' themes eclipsed the natal Saturn of the Democratic Party. And now in 2021 we have President Biden's "Build Back Better" agenda and legislation which seems to me necessary results of the cosmic and earthly energies that We The People are now mired within (like kittens in string!) and, like the mythical phoenix, must rise from. So my thought is that perhaps the eclipse of the Democrats' 1801 Saturn, planet of government, authority, austerity, responsibility, authenticity, consolidation, and laws, marked the required rebuilding as being a task for a Democratic president to manage, particularly since Republicans always overspend like drunken sailors when in control of government resources, then leave the messes they create for the next Democrat in the White House to repair. And of course, considering President Biden's advanced age, he's in the Saturnian phase of life of the senex, or, the old man) - and wisdom and experience are both favored words of old man Saturn.

But Astrological Saturn Also Stands for Obstacles and Delays

Meanwhile, wealthy plutocrats and their political handmaidens on-the-take (whether Rs or Ds) constantly gaslight the American people via A Flag That Turns Into an Eagle That Crows" with faked patriotism and a sinister brand of nationalism if the 'economic royalists' deign to show any patriotism at all - and if democracy's nemesis, Rupert Murdoch, allows it.

Yet despite all this, one of my fondest hopes for my country as 2021 draws to a close is that President Biden's global Summit for Democracy, in progress as I type (Dec 9 and 10, 2021), will become a major part of our national renewal as it highlights corrective solutions to the current Democracy vs Fascism/NeoNazism stalemate especially since difficult Solar Eclipses from 1932 and 1933 will soon repeat in 2022 and 2023. The purpose of the Summit is billed as, "to set forth an affirmative agenda for democratic renewal." To the ears of this Child of the Revolution, it sounds excellent!

And we should note that word is, the uninvited Russia and China are most unhappy that the Summit is being held at all. In fact, China has already caused trouble by somehow forcing Pakistan not to attend!

Nov 22, 2020

January 5, 2021 Georgia Runoff for Control of the US Senate

The New Year Brings a Major Political Event in My Home State of Georgia

by Jude Cowell

Georgia State Capitol Building: Gold Dome; Connor.carey at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Early in the New Year, two political contests will determine which party controls the US Senate beginning in 2021 and their outcomes will determine how well the Biden-Harris adminstration can manage its work. Predictably, Senate Majority Leader Mitch "grim reaper" McConnell and certain Republican groups are spending many millions of advertising dollars in Georgia in hopes of retaining control of all Senate proceedings and thereby keeping the gavel of power out of the hands of a Democrat. No longer the party of 'fiscal responsibility' one must wonder at the GOP's broader agenda which seems to be the sabotage of our nation into penury and collapse. Of course you may disagree, dear reader, but there it is.

Meanwhile, there's a website with all you need to know about the Georgia Runoff Election of January 5, 2021 between Kelly Loeffler (R) vs Raphael Warnock (D) to complete the term of Senator Johnny Isaakson (which ends in 2023), and incumbent Senator David Perdue (R) vs Jon Ossoff (D). Naturally the information is aimed at Georgia voters and includes a list of significant dates, 2020 into 2021:

November 18: mailing of absentee ballots began

December 7: deadline to register to vote

December 14-31: early in-person voting

January 5: Election Runoff for two US Senate seats.

Now since I relocated to Raleigh NC in early 2019, I can't say for certain that statewide polling locations in Georgia are open on January 5, 2021 during the same hours as those of my former county of residence (7:00 am to 7:00 pm) but I imagine this to be the case. If you're a Georgia voter, check with your county to be sure. After all, in ye olde 13th Colony, there's no telling what underhanded tricks may be used to suppress or negate your vote.

Astrologically, there's a 'sense of social justice' to the day's cosmic energies with Sun in Saturn-ruled Capricorn and Moon in Venus-ruled Libra for the 24 hours of January 5, 2021. Voting planet Mercury is also in Capricorn (at 7:00 am: 25:04, to 25:53 by 7:00 pm) and is under great pressure, even constraint and suppression, because impressionable Mercury (although not so easily swayed when in Capricorn!) is traveling as the filling in a cosmic sandwich between karmic planets Saturn (2AQ08) and Pluto (25Cap20), actors with control, manipulation, and power tucked under their belts.

(In previous posts, I've referred to Mercury as the 'tofu planet' since it tends to absorb the flavors of the planet/s it touches or contacts (plus, that of the ruler of the sign it's in). Political campaigns are all about persuading voters and leaning on them in one way or another is not so rare an occurrence as it ought to be in America. No less so in Georgia.)

Of course here, Pluto in Capricorn is closer by degree to the voting planet so there's a Mercury-Pluto conjunction to consider while keeping a decidedly Saturnian influence. Mercury-Saturn suggests that voters will have researched the candidates and the situation but are focused primarily how outcomes will affect local concerns via state politics. Note that the Mercury-Saturn planetary pair may also relate to dishonest, untrustworthy people, and to serious or sobering discussions and negotiations.

Then naturally with Mercury-Pluto expressing powerfully we may expect potentials for excessive zeal, influential speeches and/or writings, propaganda, demagoguery, plagiarism, fraudulent representations in communications, public recognition, use of suggestion or persuasion, deep research (ex: opposition research into opponents), crafty subtlety, overestimation of self, shrewd planning, irritation, impatience, and/or just plain secrets, hidden or revealed.

Yet I have faith that many Georgia voters will realize that on January 5th they are faced with conditions of 'stark realism' and the karmic need to face America's problems directly rather than stalling proposed solutions for them on a powerful senator's desk. It remains to be seen whether Georgians will vote with the future of our entire country in mind, plus, with an urge to rescue from Republican zealots the social safety net programs such as Social Security and Medicare that so many citizens' lives depend upon. As always, I'm cheering for the common good.

So in closing, here is one of the 'Images for Integration' of the Georgia Runoff 2021's Earth-Air Sun Capricorn-Moon Libra blend of conscious and unconscious energies:

"A visionary statesman fights a duel to see justice done" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad.)

And perhaps you'll agree that justice done would be a very pleasant change after four scofflaw years of you-know-who.

Feb 28, 2020

Moon-Tracking DNC 2020 and RNC 2020

February 28, 2020: Solar and Lunar Considerations for DNC and RNC 2020

by Jude Cowell

Dual Images: DNC opens July 13, 2020 Milwaukee, WI "12:00 am" CDT (upper right); RNC opens August 24, 2020 Charlotte, NC "12:00 am" EDT (lower left). Charts are set for 12:00 am in order to 'snag' the earliest positions of both Sun (leadership) and Moon (We the People; the public mood). The DNC lasts until the evening of July 16th while the RNC winds up during the evening of August 27th. Ranges of motion of Sun and Moon over those dates are listed, below.

Both conventions fall under the disruptive influences of the 4 North Solar Eclipse which perfects at Summer Solstice June 21, 2020 @00Can21, a Cardinal World Point of manifestation, fame, recognition, and global events. Eclipse themes include potentials for: 'restraint, restriction, separation, inhibition, and illusion along with events that block progress and a tendency toward misjudging strength or the situation' (Brady's Predictive Astrology). One wonders if the corona virus contagion is included within these themes since by Summer public gatherings may be limited in scope, barely attended, or cancelled. Be that as it may or may not be--

DNC and RNC 2020: Tracking the Sun and Moon

Tracking both Sun (leadership) and Moon (the public mood, plus, you and me) through both charts/conventions over the length of each party's dates of activity (from 12 am to 11:59 pm each day) can be revealing. First comes the Democratic National Convention from July 13 to July 16, then the Republicans take center stage from August 24 to August 27. Note that during RNC 2020, Donald Trump enjoys a Lunar Return (to 21Sag12 conjunct his natal South Node) on Wednesday August 26th at 9:53:26 pm edt with Mars trine Moon (things hum along, males cooperate) and Neptune continues its off-and-on square to natal Moon (shifting alliances, undermining obstacles, confusion, lethargy, and/or deception). A lunar return at this particular time may be an indicator of people returning to Trump as their candidate or nominee based on emotional considerations and/or unconscious motivations. Also, on August 19th perfects RNC 2020's Syzygy Moon, a New Moon @26Leo35--conjunct Trump's natal Mars which denotes a new cycle of activity for him, plus, a seeding of new plans with his typical Martian qualities of aggression and brashness.

There are three Sun-Moon blends during each political party's convention thanks to Luna changing signs; the following notes are primarily from Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey, and one of their "Images for Integration" is included to describe each combination of energies:

With the convention's Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior) actually the Lunar Eclipse of July 5th (@13Cap37), DNC 2020 opens July 13th with Sun Cancer-Moon Aries, a steamy, perhaps scalding or sterilizing Water-Fire blend with a Moon-Mars influence that comes out fighting, is passionate about individual rights, combines tenderness with bravado, and has a patriotic heart committed to personal values. Yet a sharp tongue may be evident along with a brisk, authoritative manner hiding that sensitive lunar-ruled Sun sign. Image for Integration: "A suffragette takes to the barricades in aid of her cause." Note that Luna enters Taurus on July 13 at 12:33:49 pm CDT giving a second blend to consider, plus, the Moon conjoins Uranus @10Tau16:33 on July 14 at 9:13:56 am CDT denoting potentials for emotional excitement, restlessness, a sudden change of circumstances, an unusual woman, a humanitarian doctrine expressed via rapport with all nationalities, and/or feelings of anxiety.

And so July 14th's Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus is a practical Water-Earth blend with Moon-Venus vibes that suggests the intuition, responsibility, and tenaciousness of a practical idealist and the talent of a natural psychologist. However this blend can become stubborn, fussy, and autocratic at times while exhibiting old fashioned values, shrewdness, and an ability to listen to the needs of others, but with a tendency toward subjective prejudices. Image for Integration: "A flourishing family business."

Then on July 16th at 12:19 am CDT, Luna enters Mercury-ruled Gemini and an ethereal Sun Cancer-Moon Gemini Water-Air blend begins to flavor DNC proceedings. This chatty combination suggests potentials for self-deprecating humor, wittiness, sensitivity to others, and popularity but can tend toward indecisiveness or vacillation. Shrewd yet warm-hearted, this perceptive blend is that of a natural teacher. Image for Integration: "A family plays a game of charades." (This word picture makes me wonder if the outcome of the DNC's political performances is predetermined and meant only as entertainment for the masses! But that's my cynical nature typing after almost 15 years of peering at DC Politics through the revealing lens of Astrology. You, dear reader, certainly don't have to agree!)

Now for the three Sun-Moon blends of RNC 2020. And stay tuned for the most significant midpoint pictures in force during the whole of both conventions for they'll be added to the end of this post.

RNC 2020 opens on August 24th with Sun Virgo-Moon Scorpio, a practical Earth-Water blend influenced by intense Mercury-Mars-Pluto vibes. This blend suggests dedication, resourcefulness, loyalty, subjectivism, opinionation, and piousness; it prefers to get on with a useful, dutiful, well-defined job. Analytical, rational, and critical, folks influenced by the vibes of Sun Virgo-Moon Scorpio are far more emotionally motivated than they believe themselves to be, tend to exhibit a fighting spirit, and can be fanatical about "getting it right." Note that anti-abortion laws may be part of this picture and its Image for Integration is: "A zealous insect-lover stands quietly in the bushes observing the mating habits of the praying mantis." (Nosy much?) And actually at its opening the Scorpio Moon precisely opposes radical Uranus in Taurus with potentials for erratic or nontraditional behavior, anti-social conduct, and a tendency to misjudge other people.

(So both DNC and RNC contain strong Moon-Uranus influences which may be exciting but hint at sudden reforms, emotionally immature people, and/or leaders who rule by whim. That's on both sides.)

Then on Tuesday August 25th at 8:48:54 am EDT, Luna enters Sagittarius creating a Mercury-Jupiter flavored Sun Virgo-Moon Sag combo of Earth and Fire, the scorched-earth blend of a bull dozer. Under these influences the convention's atmosphere turns rather restless yet remains under a measure of control--plus, criticism takes on a more moralistic tone. Offended beliefs and high standards for others lead to emotional distance and aloofness yet rules and traditions can be tossed away or ignored when it's personally convenient for rule-makers. In part, 'prim and proper eccentrics' may be who is described here.

Finally, RNC 2020 closes the evening of August 27th with a Sun Virgo-Moon Capricorn combination of energies, a double-Earth blend, its deepest fear that of losing control. Luna enters ambitious, austere, authoritarian Capricorn in the early afternoon at 1:36:39 pm EDT after floating out-of-bounds of the earthly plane since 8:30 am EDT, a detached and/or alienated condition for the public's Moon. This may suggest some loss of audience or public favor especially since the Moon simultaneously conjoins its own transiting South Node which may suggest a loss of popularity and/or bad timing. Meanwhile, ambition, skepticism, workaholism, and polished professionalism are exhibited onstage along with a basic expectation to 'get back what's been given' (or, a tit for tat attitude? too much austerity?). Long-held convictions are a driving force while rational justifications for every action and goal are well-rehearsed and ready for presentation. For this blend let's add two Images for Integration: "A headline: Small town boy makes good...Fine bone china," perhaps with an emphasis on China.

Now to close, let's consider the two significant midpoint pictures which remain in effect during each convention:

For the Democrats the ongoing influence is Neptune-North Node = Uranus creating potentials for 'self-willed motives that upset group expectations; becoming upset over the anti-social conduct of others; a sudden displacement from associations; and/or the undermining of relationships'. I suspect this may refer to the DNC taking away the people's choice of Senator Bernie Sanders as the Democratic nominee but of course this situation may morph into different circumstances by July. However, the Neptune-NN pairing does suggest anti-social conduct and a lack of community spirit from any angle--and Michael Munkasey in Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets reveals it as "a leadership which is unwilling or unable to consider the demands of its people." Add the Moon to the midpoint picture (when Luna meets Uranus @10Taurus!) and we have 'someone feeling ostracized' (Tyl). Is that We The People whose preference is being ignored by the DNC, Bernie being cheated, or both?

As for the Republicans, the ongoing midpoint picture through the entire shebang is Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto with potentials for: 'immense effort, violent changes, separation, restriction (resonates with 4 North eclipse themes listed, above); intense business activity, a total reversal of plans; dramatic thrust of self; control of the situation; fearlessness; and/or major change of situation'.

Note: All midpoint pictures in this post are a combination of Tyl, Munkasey, and Ebertin with a little bit of yours truly tossed in.

Well, there's my limited assessment of DNC 2020 and RNC 2020 through a Solar-Lunar lens. As always your on-topic comments are welcome and all gracious Shares are much appreciated! jc

Oct 30, 2019

Exposing Republican's Malicious-- Christmas Plans?

October 30, 2019: Here's a segment from today's Thom Hartmann broadcast in which Thom reiterates his famous Two Santa Claus theory because he sees Republicans beginning to use it yet again:

And you know that to distract from his impeachment woes, Trump would just as soon pull another government shutdown as mismanage the US economy in some other way, or endanger our national security for the benefit of his pal Putin, right?

Plus, speaking of Christmas 2019 reminds me of our previous discussion concerning the December 26th Solar Eclipse that ends 2019 with Jupiter-Pluto issues, and how the Jupiter-Pluto duo relates to plutocrats, to the Federal Reserve, to other domestic and global banking and investment matters, and to large-scale project managers, contractors, and wheeler dealers of all kinds.

Jan 22, 2018

Astro-Notes: Is Stephen Miller the rat in the shutdown woodpile?

Photo: By Gage Skidmore [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons (File: Stephen Miller by Gage Skidmore.jpg) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

A Few Astro-Notes concerning Stephen Miller

by Jude Cowell

The natal horoscope of 'political scientist' and Trump Senior Advisor Stephen Miller has a Rodden Rating of AA (BC/BR in hand) if you're curious about the guy some are blaming for influencing Donald Trump's intransigence on immigration issues during current congressional negotiations. Senator Lindsey Graham is one such casting shade upon Stephen Miller for his outside-the-mainstream opinions on DACA and other immigration issues--and for his influence on the rule-by-whim Mr. Trump. Here's today's Bloomberg update on the shutdown.

Stephen Miller August 23, 1985 4:53 pm PDT Santa Monica, California (RR: AA). Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, changes); Moon out-of-bounds (faulty or distressing relationship with Mother); Moon conjunct Uranus (intuitive, seeks emotional excitement, erratic mood changes, extreme emotions, often cranky and irritable). Tellingly, Sun in Virgo (@00:46 in 8th house of the Occult--other metaphysical and occult factors are shown elsewhere, see his PE, below) indicates a mother-ruled child. Sun sextile Pluto (shared with Trump) denotes those whose deep desire is to control the world, are self-reliant, and base their lives on winning vs losing (see his Pluto conjunct MC, below)

His Earth-Fire personality blend is known as a 'bull-dozer' who may push his moral certitude upon others. Dictatorial and insensitive to other people, Mr. Miller values rationality over human suffering while shoving through his preferred political policies (Sun Sign-Moon, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

A bright note is a first-house Jupiter Rx in Aquarius (9:36) denoting social concerns, a broad intellect, and a knowledge of human nature. Yet the placement also adds self-will and a potential for indecisiveness (Ebertin).

A Caution from Royal Regulus

Also in Mr. Miller's natal chart, we find Moon in Sagittarius (11:14), sign of immigration and foreigners so one may be tempted to think his interest and hard line views are emotionally based. Sun @00Vir46 conjoins royal star Regulus--and the natal Ascendant of Donald Trump--both of which were 'eclipsed' on August 21, 2017 by The Great American Eclipse. As you know, Regulus is the 'kingmaker' star and when conjoining a natal planet can denote an individual with a 'king complex'. Now you and I both know that Mr. Trump is the epitome of this narcissistic, me-first psychological complex and apparently Mr. Miller is a victim of it as well. His Mercury in proud, royal Leo adds to his thinking on the topic of 'rulership' and the right to attain and wield it. So these days, it seems the divine right of kings is alive in the White House! However, Regulus always contains an important cosmic caution: success if revenge is avoided. Otherwise, gains will be taken away.

Yet the planet of dreams, visions, and ideals--Neptune--conjoins one of the Cardinal World Points of fame, fortune, and recognition on the world stage (00Cap56 Rx) in the 12th house of...Politics and Karma. As you know, Saturn-ruled Capricorn is the sign of government, law, and business. In support, his Mercury-Mars conjunction in brash Leo suggests strong political opinions and a tendency to quarrel over them, perhaps in a self-interested fashion (Leo).

Now with Saturn-ruled Capricorn rising, Stephen Miller may have had a hard road during his early years and even now seems older than his mere 32 years would suggest. A Saturnine expression seems always on his face--perhaps because a Capricorn Ascendant suggests discipline, austerity, plans formulated secretly, and a reserved demeanor (frowny!) Everything Mr. Miller does must have a definite purpose and serve a pragmatic end. In short, if you're looking for fun, a barrel of monkeys Stephen Miller is not. And note that the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis is intercepted in his natal chart suggesting a cosmic imperative to deal with such issues during his life time. this relates to a Mercury-Jupiter opposition which squares his Nodal axis (public contacts) and indicates one who is indiscreet (similar to Mr. Trump with his Mercury-Neptune square), holds illogical beliefs, feels intellectually superior, tends to over-promise (like Trump), and becomes flustered when under scrutiny for his memory fails him under stress. We saw this recently in one of his TV appearances with Jake Tapper. Here's Seth Myers speaking with Mr. Tapper, who's known Stephen Miller for years, discussing Miller and the cut-short interview.

Chart-ruler Saturn in 10th house (@22Sco08) makes no applying aspects in the chart though there is an applying Mars-Saturn square (see the aspect, below). Natal Saturn in Scorpio adds to his Saturnine demeanor a serious attitude, obstinacy, and a tendency to probe deeply into metaphysical subjects and to apply such principles in a practical manner.

Venus and Pluto

Perhaps the most prominent chart factor in his chart is, of course, Pluto @2Sco26 conjunct MC, the Goal-Aspiration Point. This supports his Sun-Pluto sextile 'control' implications and also his metaphysical and occult interests (like Hitler!) Actually, the shape of his natal planets show Venus @25Can05 as leader of a Locomotive pattern of high-powered success, a pattern which may ride roughshod over others in order to achieve its goals. His 7th house Venus has only a separating trine with authoritarian Saturn (in 10th house = a fall from grace? plus, Saturn-Pluto = SN in 10th house) so a sense of loyalty may be evident along with a reserved, even cold, demeanor. At 25Cancer, Miller's Venus precisely conjoins Mr. Trump's Venus in Cancer with Trump's Saturn nearby. Is theirs a long-lasting love match?

Politics and Gut Feelings

And ruling Mr. Miller's 3rd house of Communications via Aries and his 10th house of Career and Public Status via Scorpio is Mars which forms a square with Saturn (3A00). This aspect can indicate a career in Politics although it also indicates difficulty relating to others. Sullen anger, resentment, callousness, and an austere disposition may be noticed, plus, a Mars-SAturn square can attract potentials for accidents or even violence. Another suggestion here is restrictions in career matters (which some Americans think is a good thing).

Another chart factor spread across Miller's chart is high intuition of which he apparently has gracious plenty. Besides, his visionary, impractical Sun-Neptune trine (0A10), one such indicator is his Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series, the 5 North which, prior to his birth, manifested on May 19, 1985 @28Tau50 (among the Pleiades constellation and its difficult stars of rage and fury). 5 North themes include hunches, prophetic dreams, and deep insights (Brady), and it last manifested in 1985, as noted. The next occurrence of a 5 North Solar Eclipse will be on June 10, 2021 @20Gemini.

Taken all together, I'd have to say that Stephen Miller is a cantankerous blend most noticeably under the sway of three prominent chart factors: his Moon-Uranus conjunction, a problematic Mars-Saturn square, a Sun-Pluto sextile, and powerful Pluto in occult Scorpio at Midheaven. Disagree if you wish, but there it is.

Well, there are many more chart factors for Stephen Miller that are worth consideration and for brevity's sake, I hope you'll study the natal horoscope of Mr. Trump's Senior Advisor if you haven't already!

Nov 28, 2017

Horoscope Dec 8, 2017: Government Shutdown?

Here is a horoscope set for 11:59:59 pm est at the Capitol Building which may go into effect at midnight on December 8, 2017 when the US Government in Washington DC allows itself to 'run out of money'. As you see, Mercury, planet of deals, negotiations, votes and tricks, is retrograde (4th house) after its recent conjunction with the karmic planet of systems,structures, and lawmaking, Saturn. Both Mercury and Saturn conjoin significant fixed stars and there are other stars active in the chart including Denebola rising (with US natal Neptune in Virgo in tow) and royal Rigel at Midheaven with Donald Trump's natal Uranus, his quirky guiding planet (because Uranus is oriental in his natal chart and whimsically leads the rest of his planets).

Of course, the Midheaven (MC) is the Point of Aspirations and Goals and is the WHY? Point of any chart. And you remember that in May Trump tweeted that the US Government "needs a good shutdown" in September 2017 when Congress was supposed to be debating the budget. Instead it's happening this week though 'debate' may be too strong a word for these jokers.

Testosterone-driven Mars is at a critical-crisis 29th degree of balancing Libra in the 2nd house of the National Treasury along with banker Jupiter in Big Business Scorpio. Opposite in the corporate 8th house of Debt, Credit, and Other People's Money is disruptive Uranus @24Ari49 conjoined with ethics asteroid Pallas, both Rx.

This December 8, 2017 chart is set for 11:59:59 pm est and it's a serious Saturn Hour. The retrograde chart-ruler Mercury applies once--to a trine with disruptive Uranus (1A19) indicating 'how things will proceed'...'dealing with larger social issues' and 'international finance favored' (as listed on the chart, lower left). Yes, Washington DC put the US under the influence and control of international bankers giving Huge Loans to Government decades ago--and karma will not be denied--what was sown will be reaped. Perhaps this is where Trump's Uranus at MC comes in with its Sabian Symbol:

"Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd."

Plus, who can forget that, in his own words, Donald Trump Is Really Really Proud to Be 'the King of Debt'!

Well, I've never liked spending very much time blogging about a horoscope of an event that may not even happen so if you wish more astro-notes on the topic, set up the chart or enlarge the above image to read some basic chart factors which include the current 1 North Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, the 'Great American Eclipse' with its themes listed, upper right, for as you know, there is a huge amount of 'distortion' being carried on and purposefully used as a political ploy against the American People.

Related: Trump Inauguration 2017's 2018 Solar Return.

Nov 18, 2017

Republican Tax Cuts to Harm the American People

Update Nov 20, 2017: Bruce Bartlett has a piece published today in The Guardian today, Republican tax cuts will hurt Americans. And Democrats will pay the price in which Bartlett asserts that Republicans know they'll lose in 2018 and 2020 which will put Democrats in office but Democrats hands will be tied on the economy and budget for years to come. And that's a major goal of their 2017 tax cut tactic. It's part of the '2 Santa Clause' con game that both parties engage in. (See video link, below). Original post begins here:

The indented paragraph, below, was originally posted January 27, 2017 here on Stars Over Washington yet for legislative reasons I'm re-publishing it today, November 18, 2017, because the House passed the Republican Tax Cuts and Jobs Bill this week. And so mayhem has occurred on Capitol Hill as billionaires and other GOP donors rejoice at our expense.

The tweeted announcement of the bill's passage that I saw Thursday afternoon was time stamped 1:58 pm on 16 Nov 2017 by @HouseGOP with deceitful Neptune in Pisces rising and austere Saturn in Sagittarius at the Goal-and-Aspiration Point (MC) of the 1:58 pm est horoscope set for the Capitol Building. As you know, the Saturn-Neptune pair relates, among other things, to social concerns and programs for the retired and the needy among us, and suggests America's invisible (Neptune) government (Saturn), what some now call the 'Deep State'.

See 115th Congress: Tax Cuts and Jobs Bill but now the US Senate version of tax-cuts-for-the-rich must be reconciled with the House bill, for better or worse. So while we still can, we must express our opinions by phoning the US Senate at 202-224-3121.

And remember that the Republican Party (March 20, 1854) is now in process of a drawn out Neptune Return of five conjunctions to 14Pis01 extending from 2017 until the end of 2018. Illusions and delusions abound! Plus, an interesting midpoint picture formed on Nov 16, 2017 at 1:58 pm est of Sun-Neptune = Pluto (@18Cap): tragic deceptions or illusions (Ebertin). Yes, I believe that tragedy will be the result of the GOP tax cut legislation if the Senate chimes in and passes the bill in order to make the Koch Brothers and other billionaire donors wealthier by making the American people poorer.

Please note that minor editing has been applied by yours truly to this, a 'previous post':

My suspicion is that most people could agree that the positive traits of Pisces such as compassion and creative inspiration are much preferred when dealing with societal problems and issues rather than austerity measures that cause suffering when cutting funds for social programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and/or Social Security (insurance premiums paid in for years by holders who trusted government officials who now make up a long line of embezzlers, thieves, and worse). Such cuts will not only cause suffering and harm to the American people but will seriously affect the US economy, damage that is already in the works under the GOP 'repeal and replace' ideology meant to sabotage the ACA and end or limit health insurance of millions of citizens. Such massive social safety net cuts will also affect the middle class via family ties to the targeted individuals--the elderly, ill, dying, mentally impaired, and needy children.

Destructive Pluto, the Creeper and Saboteur

Please note that for yours truly, it is not the form of the US government (a Republic with representative democracy) that this American has lost faith in, it's the infiltrators, saboteurs, and agents of destruction who pretend to represent their 'constituents' that I take major exception to. They are, in fact, in breach of the public trust while merely masquerading as US politicians. Yet even if the centuries-old Grand Plan to destroy civilization is fable and not fact, such agents are perpetrating before our very eyes exactly what the 'Great Plan' outlined years ago and called for with the Hegelian Dialect as one of their main tactics--create the problem (thesis) then apply a previously designed 'solution' to it (antithesis) which benefits members of the ruling class and the international bankers who fund them. This describes events such as 'false flag ops' and weather disasters which are not so 'natural' after all---one as a pretext to dismantle more of our freedoms and rights and the other to commandeer property for corporate interests. For the ruling class, any depopulation which occurs from these events is considered by them to be a bonus.

The 'New World Order' Pair of Planets: Uranus and Neptune

In the New Millennium, as transit Pluto in Capricorn repeatedly creeps over the Uranus-Neptune Conjunction/s degree of 1993 (18Capricorn), a revealing midpoint picture uncovers a suspicious tale of: the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise (1993 Uranus-Neptune = 2017 Pluto--Tyl). In Sabian Symbols, the Key phrase for '18Cap' is POLITICAL POWER...with its negative/shadow side/unconscious expression: 'smug or strong-armed paternalism' which ought to sound extremely familiar and disturbing to every American since it's occurring now. And we have the current sexual misconduct and harassment against women (and against some men) to show for tolerating such rampant paternalism.

Now here is a mildly edited excerpt from a 2011 SO'W post:

The Hegelian Dialectic is designed to get us into a frenzied defense or offense of a particular idea or thesis. The natural outgrowth of the original idea is the opposite idea or anti-thesis, which will breed its own defense and offense. The predetermined answer of the power elite class will be the synthesis of both sides of the conflict--win-win for them, lose-lose for We The People.

In America, probably the most familiar example of the Hegelian Dialect is the Republican and Democratic parties. On the right are the Corporate Fascist Republicans that are pro debt, pro war, pro corporation, and pro austerity for We The People. On the left are the Socialist, Communist Democrats who are pro tax, pro social issues, and pro labor. Both of these factions (of one political party!) fight back and forth year after year in a contrived, scripted drama known as Washington Politics. The synthesis of these two seemingly opposite ideas or parties, is the middle of the road 'lesser of two evils' conundrum that comes up most clearly in every election, debate, or in legislation yays and nays on Capitol Hill. Thespians all!

Now many times since SO'W began in 2005, I have posted that, My only nag in the race is America and so I post it again today. Yet tragically, Mr. Trump has been in office less than one year but so far he and his fellow conspirators have managed to handicap our nag in major ways--by tactics such as relinquishing the reins of global leadership and by attacking from the inside what America has traditionally stood for, imperfect as our nation is. Do you believe that the Republic of China is the next 'world leader'? Then, dear reader, we are in complete agreement. Unless top dog turns out to be Trump's favorite, Russia.

So in closing, here is a link to the audio-video of President John F. Kennedy in 1961 delivering a speech during which he remarks upon the "monolithic and ruthless conspiracy" of which I continually complain.

Here's a video link to a younger Thom (weren't we all??!) explaining the 2 Santa Clause theory of US Politics.

Mar 28, 2017

Political Ideology in Astrology

Once again here is Guest Blogger Kevin Estes, a young California astrologer who writes the Left Wing Astrology blog, updating us on his work with Political Ideology indicators in Astrology charts:

Political Ideology In Astrology

by Kevin Estes

This is an updated guide explaining the theory of Alan Lin at and AstroLibertarian which I have expanded to include celebrities, local politicians, and people I know, with a few tweaks to it, as shown below.

The Aspects

Conjunction - 0 degrees (positive); Opposition - 180 degrees (negative); Square - 90 degrees (negative); Trine - 120 degrees (positive); Sextile - 60 degrees (positive); Semi Sextile - 30 degrees (negative); Semi Square - 45 degrees (negative); Sesquiquadrate - 135 degrees (negative); Quincunx - 150 degrees (negative); Quintile - 72 degrees (positive); Biquintile - 144 degrees (positive); Squine - 105 degrees (negative); Quindecile - 165 degrees (negative); Parallel - equivalent to a conjunction in declination (positive); Contraparallel - equivalent to an opposition in declination (negative).

Both the parallel and contraparallel are 0 and 1 degree orbs. I give wider orbs, often as many as 10 degrees (for tiebreakers, Alan goes up to 12 degrees for conjunctions and oppositions regularly, which I sometimes go past 10 as my Mercury is conjunct the Venus that's opposite my Neptune, and both are in Gemini, and thus ruled by Mercury. The usual limit is 7 degrees, as 8 degrees is over a quarter of the sign), to conjunctions, oppositions, squares, sextiles (he goes to three degrees here, though the sextile is a much bigger aspect than than the quincunx, sesquiquadrate, quintile, and biquintile), and trines, and up to 5 degrees for the minor aspects (he goes two to three degrees for minor aspects).

Rising Signs

I use the collages at this link to match someone's picture with each rising sign until I get the best match: Linda Goodman Forum24.

Aries risings tend to have arched eyebrows similar to a ram's horns, Taurus risings tend to have thick necks and a sensual look, Gemini risings tend to have playful eyes and a youthful look, Cancer risings tend to have a very innocent and homey look, Leo risings tend to have long hair and a dignified look, Virgo risings tend to have an ordinary look, Libra risings tend to have a very beautiful and balanced look, Scorpio risings tend to have penetrating eyes, Sagittarius risings tend to have diagonally arching eyebrows and a narrow head, Capricorn risings tend to have a very bony look, Aquarius risings tend to have an aloof and weird look, and Pisces risings tend to have a dreamy look. Always look to see if the first influence you find is because of the Sun or Moon sign, as these placements also have a huge influence on the appearance.

The Planets

Moon - The Moon, its ruler, and 4th house ruler in aspect to the North Node, 4th house, and the sign of Cancer indicate a conservative impulse in terms of social issues (abortion, gay rights, immigration, environment, prayer in schools, death penalty, drugs, stem cell research, etc.), and aspects to Neptune, the South Node, the 12th house, and sign of Pisces indicate a liberal impulse. Mixed signatures trend to lean to the right, unless the leftist aspects clearly win (like a trine to the South Node and conjunction with Neptune vs. a sesquiquadrate and quincunx with the North Node).

Venus - Venus, its ruler, and 2nd house ruler in aspect to the North Node, 2nd house, and the sign of Taurus indicate a conservative impulse in terms of economic issues (taxes, entitlement programs, free trade, school vouchers, minimum wage, gun control which implements restrictions on the purchase of guns, health care, etc.), and aspects to Neptune, the South Node, the 12th house, and sign of Pisces indicate a liberal impulse. Mixed signatures lean to the right, unless the leftist aspects clearly win. A strong Pallas can sway someone to the right economically as well. Many people who are culturally conservative can have left wing economic indicators, though this doesn't always point to supporting left wing economic policies, as left wing economic indicators can point to strong support of deficit spending in order to strengthen the military, and even fascism, which likely explains the left wing economic indicators of George W Bush, Paul Ryan, and Donald Trump.

Pallas - Pallas or its ruler in aspect to the Sun, Mercury, and North Node indicate a libertarian impulse, wile aspects to the South Node and Pluto as well as hard aspects (opposition, square, sesquiquadrate, quincunx) to Jupiter indicate an authoritarian impulse. Most politicians have mixed Pallas or aggressive Pallas, signifying a strong authoritarian nature, whether it's accepting bribes from corporations or forcing their innate world view on the people.

The Nodes - The conjunction, trine, sesquiquadrate, and quincunx aspects are stronger than their counterparts (opposition, sextile, semi square, and semi sextile respectively), and thus they should be given more weight (for example, the North Node conjunction would count over the South Node opposition).

The Left

In all of my research so far, leftists tend to have strong left wing indicators both economically and socially. The reasoning for this is because Neptune has no boundaries in its empathy. It empathizes with the lower class who struggle to meet ends meet, women who were rape victims or who aren't ready to have a baby, oppressed minorities, people who are discriminated for being LGBT, etc. Neptune's strong influence on those in the left without strong Moon and Venus aspects to the North Node may be a cause for males on the left to appear more handsome than males on the right (examples being most of the Hollywood actors and the last two Democratic presidents).

The Right

Unlike the left, rightists often have right wing indicators in one area only (some have them in both categories, like Ted Cruz), and it doesn't matter which one. People who lean right usually do so because of fear in a certain area. Fear of communism, fear of going to "hell" for supporting socially liberal policies, fear of being taken over by another country, etc. This is what makes conservatives come off as more rigid in person than liberals who come off as more loose. Influence of Venus and the Moon without Neptune's influence overwhelming it may be a cause for females on the right to appear more feminine (NOT attractive, that's different) than females on the left (Michelle Malkin is a prime example).

Fake Liberals and Conservatives

While most people tend to express the views related to their astrological impulses, there are people who have risen to prominence whose charts show the opposite ideology of what they express in public. These people are quite common in Hollywood and the state and federal government. In Hollywood, the liberal celebrities are much more famous and successful outside of the actors in action movies (Mel Gibson, Chuck Norris, Sylvester Stallone, Steven Seagal, Bruce Willis, Clint Eastwood, Arnold Schwarzenegger) and game show hosts, who are extremely conservative as a whole.

For example, Billy Crystal is a notable actor who expresses left wing views, but his chart shows the exact opposite, which means that he's likely a Democrat in order to be successful in Hollywood. And Rick Perry is well known for being an Evangelical extremist, yet his chart has a strong left wing pattern, which shows that he is likely Republican in order to be successful politically in Texas, a very conservative state. The reverse is also present as Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein has a strong right wing pattern, which means that she's likely a Democrat in order to be successful politically in California. This hasn't happened yet with local politicians, as their elections are non partisan, and thus their party affiliations match their astrological impulses. In regards to journalists, news anchors, and political commentators, this is a non issue as the conservatives tend to be featured on conservative news channels and websites, and the liberals tend to be featured on liberal news channels and websites.


It is well known that the liberal "blue" states are along the coasts (while the northern Midwest states like Illinois are around lakes) while the conservative "red" states are more inland, and that liberal areas are more urban than conservative areas, which are more rural and suburban. This is because Neptune, the main indicator of liberalism in the chart, rules water. And the reason for conservatives, especially cultural conservatives, living in more isolated areas is because Cancer, the sign that the Moon rules, is associated with cultural norms and security, and thus cultural conservatives tend to live in areas with people who share the same views. This is why the southern "Bible belt" states, the northwestern states that aren't on the coast (which includes rural Alaska), and the Midwest states outside of Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota are more conservative than Nevada, the Pacific coast states (which includes Hawaii), and the Northeastern states, which are known for a more urban lifestyle, which goes hand in hand with more population density.

In my state, California, the more rural middle portion of the state (which includes Bakersfield, Fresno, Stockton, Merced, and Modesto) is significantly more conservative than the more liberal southern and northern portions of the state, where Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, and Oakland are located, which are more urban. I grew up in a city that was very suburban and car oriented, and it's no coincidence that most of my high school classmates are conservative, as are around half the teachers at that high school. Where I live now, everything is more centrally located, and it's no coincidence that most of my neighbors are liberal and that there's more population density. That's why the wealthy urban cities in SoCal, like Beverly Hills and Santa Monica, are significantly more liberal than equally wealthy suburban cities, like southern Orange County. This is why Hollywood (which Neptune also rules as it rules TV, film, and culture) celebrities, who are extremely liberal, are located predominantly in these urban areas next to water.


Political views are an astrological complex, just like character (the signs your planets and ascendant are in), which is why it's pretty much impossible to change someone's viewpoint, no matter how well thought out your argument is, thus making it a waste of energy to even try. If more people knew this, there wouldn't be as much division in the world as there is today, because people would know that neither side is right or wrong. I'm not saying that you can't express your opinion on a news article publicly, but not to force those same views on others, as it rarely, if ever, ends well. Hardcore socialists? They can't help it. Extreme capitalists? They can't help it. Patriotic Christian conservatives? They can't help it. Pro choice LGBT rights activists? They can't help it. Anti police state Libertarians? They can't help it. Just like how you can't help it if you express a certain trait because of your Sun's sign. Only authoritarian Pallas aspects should be controlled (just like how only the negative traits of your Sun sign should be controlled, as they could have a negative effect on others), otherwise you won't be expressing your true self. The more people realize that political viewpoints are innate, much like your gender, skin color, and sexuality, the more we can focus on the true enemy, that is purposely dividing us because of these innate characteristics.

Here are some references which show how political ideology expresses itself in your appearance and actions:

Survey Says GOP Women Are Prettier; Political Views Innate Acquired; A Face for Politics: New Study Shows We Can Tell Democrats from Republicans in Head shots; How Ideology Colors Morality; Biology Ideology: John Hibbing Negativity Bias

Thanks Kevin!

Also by Kevin Estes: Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, and the Pluto Return.

The above article is published by permission of its author and appears on his blog Left Wing Astrology.

Jan 3, 2017

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan Speaks at 115th Congress opening - video

January 3, 2017: the 115th Congress opens, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) delivers soothing remarks, and now that Insult Campaign 2016 has ended, he calls for respect between the parties:

It's going to be a long year. Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2017.

Oct 24, 2016

In 2016 Even Dead People Don't Vote Republican!

In These Late Days Mr. Trump Sees Zombie Voters

Over the weekend, former NY mayor Rudolph Guiliani continued his advocacy on behalf of Donald Trump and the candidate's "rigged election" claims that include the idea that dead people vote. However, Mr. Guiliani puts a finer point to the argument by noting that dead people tend to vote Democrat which must fairly suggest the opposite--that dead people (who usually have sent in their ballots and then had the misfortune to achieve their demise prior to Election Day with many states counting their votes) so that a compelling argument may be made for the idea that even dead people don't vote Republican, a wise choice which this blogger heartily yet belatedly agrees with.

As he increases the odds for a future status as a sore loser (and in this he is definitively Republican), you may wish to check out Mr. Trump's Bogus Voter Fraud Claims at

May 25, 2016

Majority of Americans Are Desperate For a Third Party Candidate - clip

For decades Washington DC sent American election experts around the globe to demonstrate to other governments how to hold democratic elections (or perhaps how to rig the results?) Now in 2016, our own elections have been turned into caricatures of their former selves and for comedians, the jokes just write themselves.

Candidate Bernie Sanders aside for a moment, would you vote for a 3rd-party candidate if there were one of merit in the race?

May 18, 2013

Does a Presidential "pall" show in Inauguration 2013's Horoscope?

Do Current Washington Scandals Show in Inauguration 2013's Horoscope?

by Jude Cowell

On May 15, 2013, Peter Baker of the New York Times published Onset of Woes Casts Pall Over Obama's Policy Aspirations a headline in which astrologers can easily find mention of Inauguration 2013's Midheaven (MC = The Goal) if they so desire.

Then today, the Washington Post's Dan Balz published Obama's Trust in Government Deficit so we find that MSM and other media types are jumping en masse onto the Doubt Obama bandwagon. One supposes it sells or clicks for their bottom lines or for whatever Down with Government ideologies anyone may hold as they and their hidden backers work to weaken America toward easier take-over.

Now as you remember, President Obama's second term officially began at noon on Sunday January 20, 2013 but the public swearing-in was held on Monday January 21, 2013 due to the tradition of avoiding Sunday sacredness (my personal belief is in the Seventh Day Sabbath so it would make little difference to my ilk if the ceremony had been held on a 'Sun'-day, the first day of the week as you see on your calendar--but his first term ended and a new one began at noon of January 20th with the primary difference between the two horoscopes being Moon in Taurus on the 20th, Moon in Gemini approaching Jupiter Rx in Gemini on the 21st; President Obama's natal Moon is in his 4th house @3Gem21.)

So here's a another look at the Inauguration Horoscope of January 20, 2013:

For astro-notes on the chart, see my previous post Inauguration 2013 Horoscopes (both charts shown) though of course no one knew then what scandals would occur--or which events would be blown out of proportion. ("Worse than Watergate"?, cry Republicans. Really? Well, I resided in Washington DC during Nixon's Watergate scandal and I don't believe you or your politically driven 'outrage'.)

In the horoscope above, I point your attention to its 1st house South Node of the Moon and my reading of it in the linked post. SN in 1st house is not a good portent and describes early-on difficulties for the president's second term. In part, a rising SN denotes the separations I mention in the post, plus, bad timing with one's endeavors along with limiting conditions. In a word, the Republican plan of obstructionism.

For as Tamara Keith of NPR reports concerning 'Heritage Action': Conservative Advice To GOP: Don't Legislate, Focus on Scandals in an attempt to ensure that the president's agenda will be stymied and obstructed during his second term--leaving the American people to suffer as collateral damage, as usual.

How I wish Election 2014 results for all obstructionist-Ayn-Randers in Congress with their lousy children-starving, survival-of-the-fittest Shrink Government agenda would find them tossed out with their dirty bathwater!

On-topic: Food Stamp Cuts Spark Bible Debate (Matthew 25.)

Next-Up from the Cosmos: the May 25, 2013 Lunar Eclipse @4Sag08 which spotlights Election Day 2012's Mercury Station Retrograde (Mercury = voting)...uh-oh!

Also available on this blog: May 2013 White House Scandals and Mars-Neptune Concerns starring Mars (motivation, action, energy, males, police and military) and Neptune (scandal, deception, illusion, delusion, the media, the masses, The Divine.)

Jan 6, 2013

2013 Energies and 113th Congress = Sun Cap--Moon Virgo

2013 Opens with Earth-Fire Energies and a 113th Congress with Practical Possibilities

by Jude Cowell

With the January 3rd swearing in of the 113th Congress of the United States, we find its signature Sun-Moon blend to be Sun Cap-Moon Virgo, a practical Earth-Earth combo of energies which gives me a tad of hope that this particular gaggle of lawmakers (with obstructionists continuing their heel-yapping aimed at government shutdown and other mischiefs) will make serious efforts to treat our nation and the American people (such as Hurricane Sandy victims--and all women) better than did the non-productive 112th Congress.

And yet the Uranian anarchists who've wormed their rotten way into Congress (and joined the new world order shills and agents already there) don't cause me to think that the US government is dysfunctional or broken--though they're trying. But their outrageous behavior and obstructionist antics do cause me to think that traitors to America and American sovereignty should be expelled from government asap.

Year 2013 Imprinted with Sun Cap-Moon Leo Energies

Some key phrases that describe the atmosphere or flavor of Year 2013 based on its beginning Earth-Fire Sun Cap-Moon Leo blend (Jan 1, 2013 12:00 am ET Capitol Building) include: volcanic lava creates new land, a bulldozer pushes ahead no matter what, the enthusiastic doer, practical visionaries, eyes toward the main chance, sense of humor, rational bias, compulsive need for control and power, tremendous certitude concerning ideologies, dictatorial and insensitive to the needs of others (more of same), powerful egos, can make high-powered decisions and shove through policies, authoritative, authoritarian.

Actually, Fire-Earth describes the natal blend of old J.P. Morgan (Sun Aries-Moon Virgo), as you may know. Perhaps a famous quote from his nibs (a nwo agent, too, btw) might sum up the sort of mindset of the Washington varmints and operatives that the American people will suffer by during Year 2013:

"I don't hire a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do; I hire him to tell me how to do what I want to do."

Plus, the Sun Cap-Moon Leo combo is shared natally by Mao Tse-tung who in his own nwo way suggested a ploy we now see implemented by infiltration of our federal, state, and local governments:

"Wherever we go, we must unite with the people, take root, and blossom among them..."

Welcome, dear reader, to 2013.

And on a more positive level, be sure to check out Dipali Desai's consideration of the January 11th New Moon in Capricorn.

Sep 10, 2012

9.10.12 Congress' pre-election session (Virgo-Cancer)

In Spite of Approval Rating in Dumps, Congress Skulks Back to Washington

by Jude Cowell

Well, the US Congress has returned to Washington today to that Masonic temple on The Hill and has threatened to do a smidgeon of business such as applying itself to a stop-gap budget this afternoon to keep the place open and what passes for functioning. Or not.

Sun and Moon Tracking September 10--14, 2012

Perhaps a brief consideration of this week's personality blends of Sun and Moon, plus a few key factors, will give us hints of the flavors we may expect to encounter during week as Congress purports to get something done on Capitol Hill.

Naturally the key combo of the week is the blend of today, Sept 10th, which at noon finds: Sun 18Vir20 conjunct Mercury 18:27 in 10th house of Public Status/Career @ '19Vir" = "A Swimming Race" which might obviously refer to Campaign 2012; Moon 11Can44 in 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, and Credit = '12Can' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message," a Sabian Symbol which can't help but remind us of America's biggest creditor, China. Are our congressional members taking orders from abroad? From more locations than one, I suspect.

Now Sun Vir-Moon Can is an interesting and practical Earth-Water blend of familial energies which concern nurturance and is shared natally by John Locke (the 'Father of Classical Liberalism') and author Upton Sinclair. This post will close with quotes from each, below, to further describe the week.

Sun Vir-Moon Can has a mind v emotions quality which can be nervous and defensive, yet 'principled but flexible' may be its best description; its 'Images for Integration' will somehow relate to the activities and discussions of Congress this week whether the public is privy to them or not:

"Two old Chinese women gossip about family problems as they work rhythmically in the rice paddies...The Working Mother...A nutritionist serves his family organically grown chicken soup."

There are a few midpoint pictures for Monday Sep 10th which may be of interest as well--any, all, or none may apply:

At noon edt: Mars/NN = ASC: vigorous cooperation (!);

Sun-Pluto = Mars 11Sco46 ('12Sco" = "An Embassy Ball"): ruthlessness; desire to perform record achievements;

Mercury-Pluto = Mars (still within orb as during DNC 2012): sharp criticism; desire to attack others; a blackmailer; indefatigable; ability to master great tasks;

Mars-Neptune = Pluto (the US Mars-Neptune square is our greatest flaw): causing brutal damage to others or suffering it; dissolution or death (Ebertin.)

Now on Wednesday September 12th, the Moon will conjoin Venus 6Leo36 ('7Leo' = "The Constellations in the Sky") so the week's flavors shift to Sun Vir-Moon Leo, an Earth-Fire 'scorched earth' blend as Sun 20Vir17 and Mercury 22:11 snug around Fixed Star Denebola ('to go against society; out of the mainstream'):

Sun Vir-Moon Leo hints at strong intellect, nobility, and discretion; it has an elegant cast to it thanks to royal Leo though a self-pitying vanity or conceit may be noticed. Its 'Images of Integration' are:

"Cinderella works diligently to produce her wedding gown...A medieval monk crowns his cathedral with a 300-foot spire...A senior doctor cheerfully changes an old lady's bedpan."

Maybe Cinderella is preparing for an 'Embassy Ball'? And I'd rather the monk change the bedpan!

Then on Friday September 14, the Moon sails into Virgo where the Sun still shines creating a very earthy, fussy Sun Vir-Moon Vir blend which identifies closely with work and perfectionism. This is the natal blend of former senator and President Lyndon B. Johnson and we can only wish we had someone of his legislative (arm-twisting) calilber in the Senate now to put so-called 'Tea Party' members in their places so that actual governing might occur.

This is a conscientious combo so perhaps the alarmingly few congressmembers who are there to accomplish something decent on behalf of the American people will speak up during this brief pre-election session of Congress, or at least during the upcoming lame duck session.

Sun Vir-Moon Vir's 'Images for Integration': "A well-oiled printing machine hums away, producing perfectly bound copies of The Layman's Guide to Essential Nutrients...A ballerina practices alone in a room of mirrors and, sensing her potential imperfection, focuses on her flaws and begins again."

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Well, that's two days, Monday and Friday, with references to nutrition and nurturance with a doctor and an old lady in between. Hmm. Let's end with the quotes as promised, above:

"New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common." (John Locke)

"Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?" (Upton Sinclair)

And as I always answer to no one in particular: yes, it is altogether a Utopian dream because the ruling class gives up nothing of what it has taken from those it considers to be beneath it--Until we unite and stop the ridiculous 'partisan' bickering with which they keep us divided and conquered--long enough on November 6th to kick out those who've caused the mind-numbing gridlock on Capitol Hill since 2010 and send candidate Mitt 'Wall Street' Romney and his prissily dancing horses back from whence they came.

Sep 3, 2012

Astro-Notes on DNC's opening Sep 4, 2012

Taking a peek at the DNC 2012 opening chart for September 4, 2012 @2:00 pm edt Charlotte, NC the Goal Point (MC) shows an Angular constellation which 'keeps on giving' when it comes to the relationship between the American people and President Barack Obama and one which he uses to good effect: Obama's natal Mars conjunct and veiled by US natal Neptune, our 'rockstar' combination.

Yet as you know, this planetary synchronicity may also hide his true motivations and actions and cause us confusion and disappointment especially since our expectations were set overly high for one president to satisfy--especially when half of Washington's politicians were/are determined to see him fail and have no compunction about allowing America to fail with him--as long as they win. Yet is Mr. Obama's tarnished pedestal now too dull to allow him to continue his administration's goals for a second term? Can fours years possibly be enough time for a president to repair 8 long years of Republican heisting, greed, and wars fought on credit card?

Or will voters abandon Pres. Obama in a snit of impatient miffdom and take an even more plutocratic-oppressive course with the Saturnian Romney-Ryan platform of austerity, disenfranchisement, and hardship? (More WAR will be in the mix with Romney-Ryan, too: RNC 2012's opening chart reveals ASC = Mars-Pluto...'a coercive demeanor that intimidates', says Munkasey.)

Of course the conjunction between the president's motivation-action-desire planet, Mars, and our national planet of dreams, visions, and ideals, Neptune--in the sign of Virgo (Work and Dedicated Service; employment) is significant at MC in relation to our aspirations and for what we may expect from the 2012 Democratic Convention as it proceeds and its platform of investment in the America is spotlighted.

A culmination will be reached the evening of September 6th when the President accepts his party's nomination for a second term after being nominated by former President Bill Clinton on Wednesday night, Sept 5th. Mention must be made of the Sept 6th transit of Mars 9Sco+ to the president's natal Neptune, a time when actions may be creatively inspired but also secretive, unwise decisions may be made, and caution around gas, chemicals, and water is advised. Or perhaps this Mars-Neptune transit simply underscores our shared Mars-Neptune connection for his speech should be quite an uplifting experience expressing compassionate idealism!

Now some say that on Sept 5th, Mr. Clinton may pull a 'Chris Christie' and talk mainly about himself and his accomplishments rather than of Barack Obama but I doubt the Comeback Kid would be that tone deaf to what We the People are wishing to hear. Do you? Unless you tend to revel in the Clinton mystique, that is.

DNC 2012 opens Sept 4, 2012 Charlotte NC

Now I'm looking at the DNC opening's horoscope set for 2:00 pm edt (with no time to search for more timely info!) because that's the hour that RNC 2012 opened on August 28, 2012. This makes for a fair comparison of charts even if the DNC opening hour isn't precisely 2:00 pm. And delegates are already descended upon Charlotte as I type along with protesters against the Ds' use of corporate money (campaign contributions, DNC in corporate venues, which I decry as well but where else is large enough for expected crowds?)

Well, tomorrow at 2:00 pm Sept 4, 2012 Charlotte, NC, we find 8Sag45b Rising which makes Jupiter *14Gem57 the chart-ruler and which emphasizes the polarity of Fixed Stars Aldebaran and Antares--success through integrity, and obsessed with success These stars were emphasized in the RNC 2012 chart as well (2:00 pm) and I leave it for you to place the emphasis on which party expresses which archetype most closely though naturally Politics in general is constantly influenced in these ways. But with a Fixed Star, its 'caution' or flaw to avoid will at some point bring loss of success if tempering advice is neglected or ignored.

A Notable Difference: RNC v DNC

On August 28, RNC 2012's opening (with Jupiter as chart-ruler and ruler of NN 00Sag14 rising which conjoins Paul Ryan's natal Neptune--contact with and possibly deception toward the masses) and that of DNC 2012 with 8Sag45 rising is that for the GOP (a Jupiter-named entity--'grand' yet with Saturn's 'old'), there were no major applying aspects to or from Jupiter; for DNC 2012, Jupiter and the Sun (leadership) are applying to a dynamic square (2A21) indicating that goals can be achieved but over-promising is a no-no for future success. '2:00 pm' on both Aug 28 and Sep 4 rises during an Hour of Jupiter, planet of vision, ideals, religion, and ideology, including political ideology.

This week, transit Venus (evaluations; national treasury; relationships; the attraction principle) has come to opposition with US natal Pluto suggesting a time of cut-throat competition, underhanded manipulations, passionate power struggles, jealously, and past slights which have no real connection to present circumtances.

And while the American people may be gripped by forebodings over the entiure political process and what any of them intend to visit upon us--some of which are irrational fears instilled by propagandists--a hint of RNC 2012's Lunar occultation of mystical Neptune (@1Pis+) as Mitt Romney accepted his party's nomination reverberates in the DNC 2012 chart from a Moon-Neptune sextile (Tau-Pis) which forms a YOD (crisis; crossroads; special task; spiritual opportunity; karmic decisions) that points toward US natal MC (The Goal; US n MC = 1Lib in Sibly chart) which lends DNC 2012 a midpoint picture any, all, or none of which may apply:

Moon-Neptune = MC: imagination can pay off significantly (Tyl); gaining notoriety by explaining visions of the future; personal guarantees which may be unfulfillable (Munkasey); a sensitive and inspired character; being gripped by forebodings (Ebertin.)

If DNC 2012 opens after lunch tomorrow, the Moon (we the people) will have left Martian Aries (protests?) and entered Venus-ruled Taurus where Luna is exalted.

This gives DNC 2012 a financially savvy, kindhearted Sun Vir-Moon Tau flavor which is shared natally by actor Peter Sellers who advised us that, "There are some satisfactions you can only find in work."

Blog Note: If all goes well, I plan to return here later in the week to post on further events at DNC 2012, in particular President Obama's acceptance speech the evening of September 6th so please stay tuned if you can. And...

Happy DNC 2012, Everyone!

Related: Youth Vote Seen as Key for Democrats in November 2012.


*Sabian Symbol for the chart's 7th house soon-to-Station-Rx, investing Jupiter @'15Gem' = "Two Dutch Children Talking"...CLARIFICATION and self-confidence! (M.E. Jones); are someone's secretive campaign funds from abroad sent from the Netherlands? Just a wild guess! jc

Aug 10, 2012

While Governor, Mitt Romney taxed the blind!

Oh here's an distressing bit of news about Gov. Mitt Romney from Esquire's excellent Charlie Pierce on how Mitt Romney, while governor of Massachusetts, taxed the blind because they were blind!

You know the more outrageous the news about Mitt Romney gets, the more I think he's a fake candidate meant to hide the identity of the true GOP presidential candidate who will be nominated at a brokered convention--one who is advantaged by not being challenged, criticized, or slammed in Democratic campaign ads. Now that would be a crazy political strategy for Republicans to use, right?

Of course!

Jun 27, 2012

"The Wrath of Cons"--Jon Stewart (video)

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart hilariously explained Republican wrath over the ill-fated Fast and Furious gun-tracking program last evening and their echo chamber of talking heads attempting to link it to Nixon's Watergate scandal (!) so I hope you didn't miss it! Besides, I lived in Washington DC during Watergate, and you, Fast and Furious, are no Watergate...

Jun 12, 2012

Atty General Eric Holder w Neptune to Mars

Now you know that Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder is under fire from Republicans over the Fast and Furious fiasco, a Mars-themed project of misbegotten proportions.

Taking a peek at Atty Gen Holder's natal planets to see if current planetary transits are creating upsetting contacts with his natal planets, we see that tr Mars approaches Holder's natal South Node (SN @20Vir07), a point of separation and highlighting his past actions which are proving to be embarrassing for the White House--as embarrassing as the Republicans can make them.

Will Atty Gen Holder be politically forced to step down? Well, a separation may be in the cards for him with the Saturnian Mars-to-SN influence especially with the recent Mars retrograde period over his SN degree. Testy transiting Mars passed his Rx shadow degree (the degree on which he'd earlier turned Rx) on June 19, 2012 @23Vir06--conjunct US natal Neptune and President Obama's natal Mars.)

Adding confusion, obfuscation, and possible deception (which Fast and Furious very much involved), we find that tr Neptune in early Pisces has been conjoining off and on Mr. Holder's n Mars 29AQ20, the planet of guns, weapons, and shooters, and will go on to conjoin his n Jupiter 8Pis53 in the future. Also, tr Chiron (The Wound; the Blindspot) @ 9Pis45 today is in contact with n Jupiter, planet of ideology, beliefs, faith, expansion, development, and money. Mr. Holder, his reputation, and the White House are being wounded by the GOP investigation into Fast and Furious though a similar program was perpetrated under George W. Bush.

Of significance to today's topic is the Neptune to n Mars, a time when physical accomplishments (like Fast and Furious) are plagued by misunderstandings of methods and goals. Deception and confusion undermine efforts and relationships with males (Mars), and recognition is not forthcoming. In this case, congressional testimony was forthcoming instead (negative recognition!) as some opponents made certain to misunderstand though admittedly the program does seem to have been handled in ham-fisted fashion.

(Plus, that fancy deceptive practices tactic the FBI and CIA tend to engage in to entrap people who might not otherwise have had the means to do what they're accused of doing always represents Orwellian overreach to me. And what's the high side of showing yourselves to be sneakier than the sneaks you're after? To justify your organization's existence?)

Other areas of focus for a Neptune to n Mars transit applicable to Mr. Holder's case are the penal system and fraud.

Well, other than giving his birth data and Sun-Moon info below, that's all I wish to say about the Attorney General's planets today and his kerfluffle with (the convicted) Darrel Issa and the overbearing GOP who'll do anything to keep the Democrats out of the White House in November 2012. Now you know I believe that there's little difference in political parties in the US since they're only factions vying for control of the global government helm (as they think. But China may have something to say about it.) So perhaps one or both of the "Images for Integration" of Eric Holder's Sun AQ-Moon Can (Moon in Cancer for the 24 hours of his day of birth) may seem on the significant side to you:

"A social worker bypasses bureaucracy to save a mother and child...A childhood memory becomes the basis of a new world order." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Eric Holder January 21, 1951 New York, New York (birth hour unknown--noon used; the Sun AQ-Moon Can personality has the ability to rationalize irrational actions and become absorbed in abstract causes which seems to me part of what happened with Mr. Holder during Fast and Furious. Who can say?)

Jun 5, 2012

Horoscope of Venus Transit 2012: Equal Pay for Women, a Recall Vote, and a Queen

In May I blogged aloud whether Greece would leave the EU in tandem with Venus transiting the Sun, a rare cosmic event occurring today or tomorrow (June 5 and 6, 2012) depending on where you are located on Earth. NPR has good coverage of the event, text or audio.

Astrologically the Transit (or Occultation as Venus journeys between Earth and Sun) may be seen as a conjunction by degree....On the level of Politics and Business, it may be interesting to consider the implications of the Sun/Venus combination. Is it synchronicitous that the US Senate is set to vote this afternoon on equal pay for women (Venus) with Republicans carrying their usual flag for Business (men), while Democrats say they're championing equal pay for Women?

Yes, Venus' material values and money are on top of many menus this week with feminine Venus transiting the masculine Sun.

Now concerning the Senate'e procedural vote today, Sun = business (usually men, certainly ego and here paternalism with Venus signifying not only women but evaluations and material earnings (in the US women earn 77 cents for each dollar a man earns so we see who is more valued in American society--even though many women are the only breadwinners for their families, a circumstance seldom of their own choosing.)

Now in my blogging quest to provide you with the best astrological information I can muster, I shall quote from Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets by Michael Munkasey even though Mr. Munkasey isn't a fan of being precisely quoted and considers his analyses inspirational. Well, so do I. But helpfully, his format uses the Hegelian Thesis-Antithesis model with the resulting Synthesis turning up in the realm of Experience or Outcome in society; naturally, with Venus Transit 2012 visible over the planet, the following may apply to any nation or business-related endeavor:

Potentials for Sun/Venus in Politics and Business:

"Thesis: Using the wealth available to a nation or business to sustain its image or authority; how a society shapes the direction of its growth; the nature of reserves, resources, and the role they play in development.

A leadership which doesn't appreciate the role that art or culture plays in developing the character or identity; a society which is estranged from its leadership; little development of artistic or musical heritage."

We may look to today's re-call vote (Venus re-trograde in voting Mercury's sign of duplicitous Gemini with Mercury out-of-bounds of the earthly plane--watch for vote-counting discrepancies and hopefully a large record-breaking turnout with Mercury OOBs) on paternalistic Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (Sun) with collective values and workers' rights hanging in the balance (Venus!), the current and very soggy Jubilee celebration of Queen Elizabeth (signified by both Venus and the Sun--or is the Sun her master?!), and other news items for clues concerning real world outcomes of Venus Transit 2012. Click to read of the Queen's celebration which has made barely a ripple on this side of the pond; included is one Brit's comment on Her Majesty's remoteness (aka, 'estranged' as mentioned above) as Venus sails across the Sun like a very damp flotilla cruising the River Thames.

Now here's a view of the Venus Transit 2012 horoscope set for the Capitol Building Washington DC; please to click to enlarge and read my scribbly notations for midpoint pictures, a T-Square pattern between Jupiter/NN and Neptune, and more; US natal planets are penned around the outside of the chart with US n Saturn 14Lib48 (lawmakers; managers; Democrats) at MC, the Goal and Public Status point; as you know, Saturn in 10th house is the 'fall from grace' indicator if Saturn's lessons of maturity are not learned, honesty is not upheld, and life's responsibilities are not honored (I'm looking at you, US House of Representatives--and at men who abandon their women and don't pay child support...ya know who ya are):

Sun and Venus @ 16 Gemini: "A Woman Activist In An Emotional Speech Dramatizes Her Cause" = "the PROSYLYTIZING MIND...Keywords: A passionate response to a deeply felt new experience." (Dane Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala.) Noted on the horoscope is Venus Transit 2012 taking place Tropically among the stars of Orion the Hunter.

And the negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc) expression for '16Gem' as given by Marc Edmund Jones in The Sabian Symbols in Astrology?

"A bias forever exalting itself."

Sounds just right for a self-satisfied Sun/Venus conjunction and super-decriptive of the majority of our self-serving US Congress members who continue to place power, wealth, and weird Utopian ideologies far above the needs and preferences of We The People whose government it is.

Raise taxes on the rich who can afford it--and stop waging war!

Jan 19, 2012

'Wild Card' Eclipses of November 2011 and May 2012

November 2011 and May 2012 Eclipses Spotlight Mercury/Jupiter

by Jude Cowell

The current Solar Eclipse from the 14 North Saros Series in which events are occurring manifested on November 25, 2011 at 2Sag37 ('a peculiar turn of events') and the next Solar Eclipse will occur on May 20, 2012 at 00Gem21, opposite the November 2011 eclipse.

In between the two Solar Eclipses fell a Lunar Eclipse on December 10, 2011 at 18Gem11 triggering America's natal Mars in Gemini.

You remember that the November 2011 Solar Eclipse occurred within two days of the deadline of the so-called 'Super' Committee of 12 congressional elites who came to no agreement concerning their debt reduction duties, an outcome which is to trigger automatic cuts for which no single US politician may be blamed. (They think they're so slick, don't they?!)

So we haven't heard the last of the budget reduction negotiations with the American people still being held hostage to austerity promoters who are attempting to starve the baby before tossing it out with the bathwater--and the 'baby' is a sovereign and solvent America.

That austerity measures (against those who can ill afford further reductions) used as financial 'solutions' hasn't worked in Europe seems not to trouble US conservatives--or maybe they're hoping the American people won't notice the glaring obviousness by Election Day 2012.

In fact, US economist Joseph Stiglitz says that "European austerity plans are a suicide pact" that collapses economies. Well, duh! That's a major objective of the Global Governance agenda, as I've groused here many times before--to collapse the global economy and build it back in the image of the totalitarian model they prefer (the mark of the beast?), aka, a New World Order.

(Scroll down this blog's sidebar for a video of Bush Sr announcing the inevitability of a NWO around the time of the Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune, the 'Enlightenment' planets. Remember Poppy's famous slogan, "a thousands points of light"? It's from his 1988 RNC speech which also contains, "Read my lips: no new taxes!" among other gems--text and video here.)

So with eclipses being the 'wild cards' of the Universe and since we're poised upon the spotlighted Gem/Sag axis as I type, the influences of sign rulers Mercury (Gem) and Jupiter (Sag) are active within the Collective until Solar Eclipse polarities switch emphasis to the Taurus/Scorpio (Venus/Mars-Pluto) axis with the Solar Eclipse of November 13, 2012 at 22Scorpio (more on that eclipse later.) Yet even then, one more Lunar Eclipse will manifest at 7Gemini on November 28, 2012 thus wrapping up our Gem/Sag lessons until year 2020.

Let's consider the Mercury/Jupiter combination of energies which now color many of the events and issues of 2012.

When Mercury (thinking processes, communications, senses, oration, etc) combines with Jupiter (expansion principle, growth, abundance, largess, faith, ideology, philosophy, relating, etc) an interesting dynamic is described as their planetary energies are combined and strengthened. Naturally, all things mercurial are increased by Jupiter's touch and a wealth of ideas often results. Common sense, the intellect, optimism, erudition (especially in retirement or solitude), plans for gorwth, and constructive thinking are on the menu, along with enthusiasm (for ill or good!)

On the negative side, over-stretching or ignoring boundaries and verbosity are possibilities along with a potential for exaggeration or over-embellishment which makes Washington's euphemism for their habit of telling lies--to misspeak--is prominent as well though it's difficult to imagine when falsehoods are not one of their favored tactics to get what they want by hook or crook. And some of them are or have been on the shady side including those who hide their fortunes in the darkened shade of palm tree tax shelters like the Cayman Islands, as Mitt Romney is now reported to do.

Perhaps the news that Rick Santorum actually won in Iowa rather than Mitt Romney is a Mercury/Jupiter case in point with Mercury relating to voting and Jupiter to numbers or tallies.

As Always, Jupiter and Saturn

As you know, austerity is the province of planet Saturn, and together, Jupiter and Saturn are known as our societal planets for their constant stand-off between Saturnian restriction and Jupiterian expansion describes one of society's greatest needs: balance between opposing forces to create stability, the yin-yang of our dualistic world.

And in Mundane Astrology (with this blog concerned with its sub-category, Political Astrology), Jupiter and Saturn may be used to signify America's two political parties (between which many people see little difference--I tend to think of them as factions of warring ideologies more than actually differing parties especially since they've made everything an Us v Them/class warfare stand-off.)

Now not every mundane astrologer agrees with me on this, but I use Jupiter to represent the Republican Party ('Grand' Old Party of the wealthy--as Harry Truman said of them at the 1948 DNC, they're the party of "special interests--always have been and always will be"), and Saturn for the Democrats (being the older of the two parties, a little dour at times, and not as flamboyantly theatrical--with a few exceptions through the years. Republicans do like to leave Dems with Saturn's accountability, don't they? Takes the heat off the GOP, they hope.)

Now if everyone in Washington played fairly and were open about their true allegiances, perhaps the balance we sorely need, so wistfully expected by America's founders through 'checks and balances' provisions, would be easier to maintain than we currently experience. However, ideological forces within and without our government are at work and have been since America's first cry and before.

Let's hope and pray that We the People will continue waking up to Washington's machinations and mummeries in time to Save Our Republic for we cannot automatically assume that national politicians will do so as they jockey for top positions within the devilish New World Order.

Further reading: Graphics: European Debt Crisis Explained.

Plus, President Obama is now within his three-fer Mars Return 2012, a two-year cycle of new activity which began for him on January 14, 2012. The recent smoke bomb tossed over the White House fence garnered the president a Martian calling card and I'm glad that he and Michelle were having dinner at a restaurant down the street and were in no danger, with 'smoke' ruled by Neptune, and Mr. Obama's natal Mars 22Vir35 sitting directly upon US natal Neptune 22:25.

Currently I'm in a wait-and-see attitude as to whether the apparent smoke bomb was thrown by Occupiers for most of them had left the scene of their White house protests by the time the bomb was thrown and everyone knows the tiresome tactic that police or other entities use to stain the integrity of peaceful protests with violence by embedding police officers to cause trouble and adulterate a protest's public support on behalf of the corporate masters who sign their paychecks.

As expressed decades ago by candidate Harry Truman, here's a good Rs v Ds example of History repeating with similar themes a la Campaign 2012:

For progressive reading and video viewing, you may wish to visit Thom Hartmann, Amy Goodman, and/or David Pakman.

And, as always, please become involved with Move To Amend Citizens United while we still have a tattered republic in dire need of saving!