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Showing posts with label Trump Saturn in Cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump Saturn in Cancer. Show all posts

May 10, 2020

July/December 2020: Pluto opposes Trump natal Saturn

May 10, 2020: Today I'm publishing a DC Horoscope showing transit Pluto @23Cap48 (in transit 4th house, highlighted in red) opposing for the third (and final) of three times Trump's natal Saturn (@23Can48 in his natal 11th house; highlighted in green). Pluto's first opposition to his natal Saturn occurred on February 12, 2020, the second on July 12, 2020. Obviously the events of February 2020 were problematic for Mr. Don't Blame Me as he attempted to downplay and dismiss the coronavirus/Covid-19 contagion, while July 12th and December 20th events and conditions in the real world remain to be seen and experienced.

Meanwhile, We Have the Investigative Lens of Astrology

Needless to say, powerful, wealthy, stealthy Pluto opposing the planet of authority, realism, and accountability - karmic Saturn - identifies a period full of power plays and challenges to his and our government's authority and control. These conditions and circumstances have become more intense in 2020 for Trump and thus for our nation as we see from the late Capricorn line-up of planets which will more of less culminate with the December 21, 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in Airy Aquarius.

So 2020 Pluto's opposition to the authority, authenticity, maturity, and sense of reality (Saturn) of Trump includes his management (Saturn) of current crisis conditions which are cosmically imprinted upon current and future events by the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto (January 12, 2020 @23Capricorn--conjunct Trump's natal Vertex of fate encounters) - and opposing his cold Saturn in the watery, subjective, tribal sign of Cancer. As you know, their conjunction started a new 33-to-38-year cycle of all that the karmic duo influences or relates to, and it timed the ending of their last cycle which began on November 8, 1982 @27Lib36 under Mr. Reagan--his harmful 'Reaganomic$' springs to mind).

So in the DC Horoscope below, I've noted (lower right corner) the T-Square formed by the Saturn-Pluto opposition squaring transit Mars (in 7th house @22Ari39: Aries, the warrior planet's favorite sign) denoting potentials for 'the necessity to fight for one's existence, brutality', and/or 'assaults' of some kind (Ebertin). To this midpoint picture Noel Tyl adds: 'fighting battles to keep life going; enormous undercurrent of frustration'; and/or 'a gun with a cork in its barrel'. And since American 'goes' wherever Trump goes, this picture also relates to society in as a whole and to males in general, plus, to warriors, activists, fire-starters, and malcontents.

DC Horoscope: December 20, 2020 Transit Pluto Opposes Trump natal Saturn (#3 of 3); exact at 1:24:24 am est: Hour of an Out-Of-Bounds Mercury; chart-ruler Venus Tilts a BOWL:

As you can see, rising is 14Lib48, the exact position of US natal Saturn (July 4, 1776) and conjunct the natal Chiron of Donald Trump who has wounded our Saturnian form of government in every way he and his enablers can devise. So this charts timing allows the midpoint of the speculation/inflation pair of Trump, Jupiter-Neptune in Libra (also 'political conflicts'--Ebertin) to rise as well, a picture of crooks and swindlers for Trump who is both the wound, the wounded, and the one who wounds (Chiron). From America's exalted-in-Libra Saturn wedged between Trump's Jupiter-Neptune (see notes, lower left) we continue to experience potentials of 'a combination of real with unreal in activities, disappointments, discontent, consequences that issue from false hopes', and 'a feeling of being abandoned by luck' (Ebertin).

Plus, America's Saturnian representatives such as lawmakers, lawyers, judges (SCOTUS), DOJ, those in charge, experts, hard workers including miners, government workers, and the seniors among us, both wise and foolish, are implicated as early concerns rising in this chart. And obviously, the US Congress is on the cosmic menu, as it always is under the destructive influences of Trump.

Well, there are several more chart factors worth mentioning but I shall end with the primary reason this horoscope is being published today: to show transit Pluto opposing Trump's natal Saturn #3 of #3 so that we may consider the opposing Sabian Symbols of Pluto ("24Capricorn") and Trump's Saturn ("24Cancer") across the security/ambition axis. As with all degrees directly opposite one another, any degree serves as the Illumination Point of its opposite.

Note: why am I adding only the negative expressions of the Symbols? Because politics.

2020 Pluto "24Capricorn": "A Woman Entering a Convent"; negative/shadow side expression: "abject surrender to weakness"; natal Saturn "24Cancer": "A Woman and Two Men on a Bit of Sunlit Land Facing South" (Mar-a-Lago?); negative/shadow side expression: "a devastating sense of ineptitude and estrangement from reality" (Jones).

Now if any reader of this post thinks this doesn't sound just like Donald Trump and the current "leadership" America finds herself struggling with under mismanager Trump's hazardous tutelage, we shall simply have to disagree! jc


Is this post too fussy for you? Improve its tone by adding an insightful on-topic comment or two of your own! But as always--any and all ads will be rejected. jc

Apr 24, 2020

DC Horoscope: FEMA with April 2020 planets

April 24, 2020: Below is the 'noon' Horoscope of FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency created April 1, 1979 when President Jimmy Carter signed the government department into being. Surrounding the chart and highlighted in blue are today's transiting planets (noon edt), plus, a few of Trump's natal planets such as his 11th house Saturn in Cancer rising on FEMA's 'noon' Ascendant followed by his natal Venus.

The current off-on conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn conjoins the noon chart's Descendant, and FEMA's Pluto Rx @18Lib02 conjoins Trump's natal 2nd house Jupiter Stationary. Rounding up the degree of their Jupiter-Pluto pairing, we have: "19libra" = "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" which in my opinion relates to the current banditry of N-95 masks and other medical supplies ordered by certain states but "seized" by FEMA (and/or other entities) on behalf of Trump's purloined stash (some say, intended for red states only and/or for selling to foreign buyers--creating profit for Trump?):

Anyway, be that as it may or may not be, publishing the FEMA Horoscope here makes the (noon) chart available online in case anyone wants to utilize it or follow transits or progressions in the future that affect its planets. Plus, you see the Water Grand Trine which adds a protective vibe to the agency along with protective Jupiter exalted in Moon-ruled Cancer but at a critical 29th degree ("30Cancer" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution") and straining to enter Leo.

And note that the melancholy Moon-Saturn midpoint conjoins the noon Ascendant suggesting 'meetings with sick or depressed people' (Ebertin). Of course, this FEMA does, or is supposed to do.

Well, my work here is almost done but I should add that there are two factors I neglected to pen upon the chart:

FEMA's Syzygy Moon, New Moon @6Ari50--where 2020 Chiron, the wounded healer, now traverses (conjunct the 'noon' MC)--and FEMA's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') in the 17 South Saros Series which perfected on February 26, 1979 @7Pis29--opposite karmic Saturn, planet of authority, responsibility, hard work, and loss. Themes of 17 South eclipses: 'good news concerning relationships; sudden success with group matters' (Brady).

Perhaps you remember that a 17 South Solar Eclipse last manifested on March 20, 2015 @29Pisces - another 29th degree - and although 17 South themes sound rather nice, at Spring Equinox 2015 it eclipsed, and its positive themes were interfered with, by a difficult fixed star, Scheat, which is known primarily for its negative potentials of 'misfortune, suffering, suicide, murder, imprisonment, and/or "malevolence of a sublime scope"' (A. Louis).

And the March 20, 2015 Solar Eclipse which triggered "malevolence of a sublime scope"? It's the Prenatal Eclipse of Trump's June 16, 2015 "prez bid" New Moon @25Gemini of malevolence which perfected the very morning the propagandist, with his natal Mars in Leo opposing US natal Moon (We The People--and our Aquarian Moon opposing his Mars), descended the Trump Tower escalator to perform his political charade for a paid-to-be-there audience.

This fellow exists deep in the realms of malevolence! So Let's Never Forget that Trump was born under the cruel influence of a malignant midpoint picture--Mars-Saturn = Pluto with potentials for: "brutality; the rage or fury of destruction; intervening of a higher power; bodily injury or harm; murder, death of many people" (R. Ebertin).

And - more's the pity - the greedy geezer is now in charge of FEMA.