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Showing posts with label US Jupiter Returns 2013 and 2025. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Jupiter Returns 2013 and 2025. Show all posts

Jul 5, 2021

Horoscopes: Jupiter Stations in June and October 2021

Jupiter in 2021 and 'The Big Bear' in the Room

by Jude Cowell

Monday July 5, 2021: Below are dual DC Horoscopes of transit Jupiter's two stations this year: Rx (retrograde) on June 20th @2Pis11 and Direct on October 18th @22AQ19. In this post I'm relating the Great Benefic to his role as 'the General' although you know that mundane Jupiter can wear many hats and play multiple roles, even as 'the thespian', 'the politician', 'the banker', 'the CEO', 'the broadcaster', 'the promoter', and 'the guru'. But for the purpose of this particular planetary 'change of direction' (seemingly!), I've penned on a particular Sabian Symbol for Jupiter the General's rounded-up degree (23AQ) due mainly to President Biden's announced withdrawal (Rx) in April 2021 of US troops from Afghanistan expected to be completed by September 11, 2021. This roughly follows the cosmic calendar of Jupiter the General so it will be interesting to observe whether events "on the ground" occur as scheduled (by September 11, 2021) or follow more closely Jupiter's cosmic schedule - As Above, So Below.

Yet we should also note that transit Jupiter won't reach and surpass his Shadow Degree (of 2Pis11 where he retrograded in June) until January 9, 2022 (on or about) so that Jupiterian events, conditions, and people will be able to move forward more easily and with fewer delays and obstacles from there.

Although they're penned on the charts, here I'll type out for you the midpoint pictures that have stationing Jupiter as apex planet along with a few of their potential expressions - the first on June 20, 2021, the second on October 18, 2021; that Jupiter is stationing suggests an extended period of time, plus, any, all, or none may apply and can be activated by transits and progressions:

June 20th Jupiter Rx = Saturn-Neptune (illness; weakness, etc): 'egoism; narrow-mindedness; depression' (sometimes expansive Jupiter can 'grease the slippery slope'); 'sensitivity; lung or liver disease' (R. Ebertin). From N. Tyl add: 'very upset with the ways of the world; losing the will to fight'. And M. Munkasey adds, 'deceptive practices concealed by religious ceremonies or implications'.

October 18th Jupiter = Neptune-Pluto (organized crime; the supernatural): 'sectarians; peace-lovers; a high degree of perception' (R. Ebertin). Tyl adds. 'in love with life; possible religiousness; "Thank God"; feeling at one with the way things should be'. Munkasey adds, 'social or political pressures; increased need to find a better way to spend your life' (and a better job?); 'expanded desires to enjoy a better future; improving your mental state but only by neglecting others'.

Well, there you have it, sort of a spot-check on Jupiter's 2021 stations and his path on into early 2022! For more information on Jupiter in relation to the United States of America, and for tracking purposes, you may wish to consult the Horoscopes of US Jupiter Returns for 2013 (current!) and 2025 (upcoming!).