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Showing posts with label Uranus in Gemini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uranus in Gemini. Show all posts

Jul 21, 2016

Video: Trump Failed Air Kiss Most Awkward Convention Moment?

Here's David Pakman with what may be the most awkward moment at the RNC so far. But wait! Donald Trump's acceptance speech is tonight and you never know with Trump whose quirky Uranus in Gemini leads all the rest of his planets:

May 24, 2016

The Core Values Of America Are Progressive! - clip (w/ Saturn/Uranus)

America's Core Values? Saturn and Uranus!

How prominent is planet Uranus in America's natal horoscope and the American psyche? Discovered in 1781 between the American Revolution and the French Revolution, the quirky 'sky god' of lightening bolts and awareness, of rebellion, genius, innovation, progressive ideas and ideals, and independence has been referred to by yours truly as American's Totem Planet...our primary planetary representative in the Cosmos, we could say.

Yes, shock, disruption, and breakage can suddenly occur with Uranus in the picture, and destiny is diverted onto a new and unexpected path toward the future.

True enough but then there's US natal Saturn, planet of conservatism, authority, austerity, responsibility, restriction, authenticity, laws, government, business, the past, and the status quo, exalted in the sign of Libra in our July 4, 1776 panoply with all the diplomacy, balance, fairness, and scales of justice the sign confers. Yes, it's Plato's Ideal (Uranus) poured into Saturnian Form--and the form became the New Atlantis, that Utopian Dream of Plato, Bacon and others, with a capital city ("on a hill") that morphed into the New Rome of Washington DC, determined at all costs to conquer the world.

Yet with our nation's Uranus at 8 Gemini and Saturn at 14 Libra, this Airy (mental) duo of exciting ideas and decent values had moved beyond an exact trine (120 degrees) by July Fourth but had engaged as such off-and-on in their beneficial trine aspect denoting that our early American revolutionaries went on to earn the freedom they enjoyed through taking measured risks. Optimism in the future and adherence to ethical standards aided our early rebels in their quest for a New Order of the Ages as shown by our ethical Libran Saturn and futuristic Geminian Uranus.

So which planet is more descriptive of America's core values?

Republicans are fond of saying that the United States is a conservative nation. In part, of course it is. Yours truly is conservative in some ways but progressive in others for everyone has both Saturn and Uranus somewhere in their natal charts and if both planets express, then why not a blend? Yet America was founded upon the ideals of freedom, independence, and equality and has long been touted as 'the only nation founded upon an ideal'. Agreed. And that ideal and the novelty and genius of our founding is most closely described and identified by Uranus in Mercurial Gemini with Plato's Ideal a model!

Okay, I'll hush for now and turn you over to progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann who has some ideas of his own:

Jul 26, 2014

Transit Event Jan 2015: Uranus 12Ari56 conjunct South Node

An Incidental Astro-Consideration: Uranus/South Node Together at Last

by Jude Cowell

As nearly as I can tell, the transit of disruptive rebel Uranus (a zealot and anarchist when in Mars-ruled Aries, says Ebertin) with transit South Node of the Moon, a Saturn-ruled point of separation and unconscious behaviors yet there are potential talents meeting at 12Ari56 on January 20, 2015 during the wee hours after 2:00 am est--something like 2:26:20 am if I had to guess but check it for yourself, plus any other times the two might have been at same degrees/minutes. SN points toward Saturn and his usurper Uranus (Ouranos) and the antithetical relationship they played out in a father v son myth-y sort of way. Or, perhaps archetypally speaking they're always 'at it' somewhere in the Universe with no resolution in sight and none wanted--a 'restriction v freedom' stalemate, a conflict older than the hills and much more fatiguing for us all. Particularly in Israel-Palestine with the Saturn-Uranus duo signifying the two enemies stewing within their continual conflict in an endless cycle of revenge.

As you know, '12 Aries' is traditionally considered a critical degree as is its opposite degree, '12 Libra.' Take this as you may if you use such factors in your horoscopic considerations. Yet the line must be drawn somewhere and we'll be at this all day if we don't take a stand for simplification and brevity in chart studies and writings. However, even moderation must be moderated, as a wise fool once asserted.

Now what can quirky genius Uranus, the one I call America's 'totem planet', be up to while traveling with the Moon's South Node? Uranus, The Awakener (aka, The Witness) has been activated every time we go to war though it's true that Uranian action may spring upon us early, on time, late--or not at all. And when US natal Uranus has been triggered, we're not talking little skirmishes and hidden coups but World Wars and whatnot.

Guess we should face it ahead of time that Uranus-conjunct-SN carries vibes of disruption via war and revolution, sad to say, though its effects depend on where and how other horoscopes/planets are contacted from the 12-13 Ari/Libra degrees. Also, social changes that upset communities and individuals we see already, plus, technological shifts that throw off our usual balance may appear and our methods must be quickly adjusted to keep up especially since unpredictable catalyst Uranus isn't much interested in pausing for slowpokes!

Then as we might expect given our nation's history with atom-splitting and big-a*s explosions that kill large numbers of people at will, US natal Uranus @8Gem55 possibly qualifies within the first degrees of Gem/Sag, the so-called 'nuclear degrees' (so named due to empirical records meticulously kept.) Plus, 8/9Gem is awfully close to Royal Star Aldebaran which we've discussed more than once before--'The Watcher of the East', 'the Bull's Eye'. And of course this means Aldebaran is positioned in the Zodiac opposite Royal Star Antares, also discussed here in a priorly fashion so I'll not bore either of us unnecessarily tonight.

As noted, in a horoscope the potential results of either of these two stars falling upon a very sensitive 'hair-tigger' axis (00--9 degrees Gem/Sag is how I count it) depend on which planets and points are in paran or aspect with those degrees/stars, a fascinating part of Astrology, Star Lore, and Archetypal Mythology so well championed by expert astrologer Bernadette Brady (see her Predictive Astrology and especially Brady's Book of Fixed Stars. One sensitivity trigger was the Mars-Uranus conjunction @5Gem08 on January 16, 1944, an indication of war, weaponry, and explosions.

Still in effect: transit midpoint picture with Pluto at apex--Saturn-Neptune = Pluto: denial of guilt from responsible parties. Well, yes. We hear a lot of denials within the public discourse these days, don't we? And yet his mask slips so that even the downtrodden of humanity now sees Pluto's naked obsession to destroy and reduce to chaos before rebuilding--the Utopian "order out of chaos".

Now who do you suppose is the owner of the 'will' mentioned above--the will that wants to kill large numbers of people simultaneously? A tragic course of action and too drastic to be allowed by decent folk who prefer to live in peace thanks. Whom do we know who acts unconsciously under such destructive influences?

Well, these days horoscopes regularly show his nom de plume, wearing his dark mask...and it's creepy Pluto plodding through harsh Capricorn, sign of structure and status quo--and of gilt-edged stocks and bonds. Seems to me that 'the puppet master' allows his death mask to slip more and more often these days, have you noticed?

US natal Mercury '25 Cancer': "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power" (Solar Fire software); natal Mercury Rx opposes natal Pluto Rx @27Cap33 (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA--manipulator Pluto was out-of-bounds, pulling strings from afar even then.) Why, Surveillance is the US government's middle name out of the gate! Exs: General Washington's spies during the Revolution and Benjamin Franklin's postal and other surreptitious activities imply a deep American obsession (Pluto) with details, news, gossip, facts, votes, orators, reporters, writers, travel and transport, teaching, and other Mercurial stuffs and doings. Working with secret and/or dangerous information is something of a 'talent' or skill around these parts as shown by our natal Mercury-Pluto opposition.

January 20, 2015?

Well, that's about all I shall say for now concerning the upcoming in-tandem transit of Uranus-to-South Node, the 'tail of the dragon' as it's been known since ancient times. Wonder how disruptive the slap of the dragon's tail may be this time around since the presence of South Node here hints that whatever 'it' is, it will likely be intense, electrical, and will echo something that occurred in the past being brought forward for our further consideration?

Nov 21, 2012

Are You "Surviving Progress"? (video) w brief notes on Uranus

Mercurial Thoughts on Uranian Progress

by Jude Cowell

Based on Ronald Wright's 2005 book, A Short History of Progress which includes Sumer, Rome, Easter Island, and the Maya with a theme of 'civilization is a pyramid scheme', here's Part One (14 minutes) of a presentation, Surviving Progress:

For a plethora of interesting videos concerning a variety of topics visit Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Uranus in Myth and Astrology

In Astrology, the concepts of progress, progressivism, and other futuristic ideas belong in the exalted realm of planet Uranus yet isn't it curious that the Enlightenment planet's natural spin in the heavens is backward?

As the higher octave planet of thinking-communicating planet Mercury, Uranus is connected to reasoning ability, intellectualism, and genius. The Greeks considered Ouranos, the sky god, to have no parents--to be born of Chaos, something astrological Uranus seems disruptively capable of creating in our times especially since it now traverses Mars-ruled Aries and is in square aspect with transformative Pluto in Capricorn causing civil unrest and uprisings the world over.

Sighted in 1781 by William Herschel, Uranus, then in Gemini, is what I tend to call America's 'totem planet' since its discovery and principles are forever imprinted upon both the American and the French Revolutions with freedom, independence, liberty, and equality the hallmarks of Uranus' domain.

Of course, crankiness, contrariness, and self-willedness are also typical traits of those possessing a strong Uranian nature. So perhaps you may wish to check out a previous post from 2005 which was inspired by the quirky stubbornness of the neocons, Karl Rove, and the rest of the warmongering Bush-Cheney administration: Chiron-Uranus Types in Government.

And if you, brave reader, have perused very many of the 3,000+ posts published here on SO'W, you're almost certain to have been irked at some point by something this Uranus-in-Gemini typed at you. Yet I guess I'm free to blame most of my own quirky ideas on being born with a Mercury-Mars conjunction in Capricorn inconjunct a 10th house Uranus in Gemini!

Well, wouldn't you?


America's natal Moon (We-the-People in Mundane/Political Astrology) is in Aquarius, the sign traditionally ruled by Saturn and co-ruled by modern-day Uranus. Our natal Moon in Aquarius gives the American people a humanitarian streak (when a natural human tendency toward selfishness and detachment aren't being exploited by partisan politicians), a wealth of ideas, good powers of observation, a love of independence, a sympathetic readiness to help others, and an abundance of hopes and wishes. Therefore, in spite of the fact that it's the 49th anniversary of the JFK assassination, I wish all Americans an abundant and happy Thanksgiving Day 2012!

Yet many Americans are now decimated by the destruction of Hurricane Sandy and are facing a difficult Day of Thanksgiving this year. How better to celebrate our own Thanksgiving Day than to provide what we can for an excellent hands-on organization the Dr. Atlas Foundation of Staten Island? No, Ayn Rand's survival-of-the-fittest Atlas can't shrug with lack of sympathy for our fellow Americans over this one! jc

Apr 26, 2011

Horoscope USA: Uranus in Gemini Rising

Shown: America's natal horoscope with Uranus in Gemini Rising July 4, 1776 2:22 am LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; it remains a Venus Hour as in the US Sibly chart, and Venus, Mars, and Pluto retain their out-of-bounds status.

Click to enlarge the chart for more details.

The following is one of the several potential birth charts for the founding of America. There are two historical hints as to the potential for this chart's use: Benjamin Franklin's famous image quixotically smiling in front of Independence Hall Clock, the hands of which point to 2:22 (or 2:21, if you prefer) which could be pm or am, plus, a tale of Thomas Jefferson overseeing Mr. Dunlap, printer of the Declaration of Independence, at such a late hour which times the first copy of the Declaration to come off the press. Whether either hint is correct, I do not know. But considering the horoscope which results from using this birth time, it's an interesting chart to investigate.

For one thing, there's the then-recent discovery of a planet which relates to freedom, independence, individualism - yet Aquarian groups - and rebellion, Uranus. Typically associated with our nation and the American Revolution, Uranian traits describe America in a nutshell. Add to that, the of-for-by-government of an Aquarian Moon (Moon = we-the-people) near MC, the Goal Point of the chart, tells of Aspirations and Public Status for a democratic government...yet these days, reptilian brains have taken over what should be our helm and forced our aspiration to go on life support.

Having Uranus rising, the higher octave planet associated with Aquarius (with Saturn ruling AQ) supports our Aquarian Moon at Midheaven and gives the nation a Moon-Saturn-Uranus vibe. (The November 2008 presidential election occurred during a Saturn-Uranus opposition = status quo v progress; the battle goes on.)

Outer: transits for today, April 26, 2011 are penciled in (orange.)

In this chart, three of our natal planets 'back up' one degree in the Zodiac when compared to the usual 'Sibly' version of our national birth chart. These are, in order of rising: Mars ('21Gem' = "A Labor Demonstration"), Venus ('3Can' =
"A Man All Bundled Up in Fur Leading a Shaggy Deer" - Venus precisely conjoins 2nd cusp 2Can21), Sun ('13Can' = "One Hand Slightly Flexed With a Very Prominent Thumb". This picture always reminds me most of former President Bill Clinton who couldn't seem to give a speech without leveling his thumb at us.)

Our telling Sabian Symbol for natal Jupiter ('6Can') remains the same, "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests", which refers imho to the nature of the Corporate Venture at the foundation of the New World Atlantis, America, the Colossus which was invented and always intended to straddle the globe in the future, the realm of progressive Uranus.

Naturally, planets are posited in different houses (departments of life) here as opposed to the Sibly chart. And our nation's tendency to go to war based on lies and false reports (duplicitous Gemini) is well-represented by the warring, rebellious, violent, explosive Mars and Uranus pair rising and in 12th H of Karma and Self-Undoing, and Mars in the 1st house of Self.

The Uranus Rising chart contains a Grand Trine of sorts but we must stretch degrees if we wish to include Uranus at ASC, Moon at MC, and our exalted-in-Libra Saturn in 5th H. Our Cancer planets continue to keep us sentimental for the past and how things used to be; the 2/8 Desire Axis of Money, Resources, Credit, Debt, Death, and Transformation is highlighted by Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun (leadership); Venus and Jupiter are associated with money, banking, and evaluation issues. As you see, transit Pluto in early Capricorn is now visiting the 8th house of this chart; the upcoming US Pluto Return will fall in the 9th house of this natal chart...transforming philosophy?

Of course, for conspiracy theorists of the Invisible Government persuasion, there's natal Pluto in olde countrie Capricorn which hints at secret controls and manipulation (Pluto) coming from abroad (9th H) though the Sibly chart (5:10 pm LMT) gives a strong plutonian picture as well: controlling, obscenely wealthy Pluto (global banks, ancient bloodline rulers) in 2nd H of Money and Earning Ability, as The Fed controls the US government by printing its money.

As you know, America's natal horoscope with Uranus Rising gives a different chart-ruler bwo Gemini: our retrograde Mercury in 3rd H (rather than the Sibly's Sag ASC ruled by an exalted Jupiter.) Plus, rising Uranus becomes a higher octave 'ruler' of the chart affecting our nation on a cellular level yet on a higher plane as well (Uranus = genius, creative inspiration, the collective, and how one behaves which here, is like a multi-tasking yet possibly deceptive Gemini, sign of Communications and Trade.)

America's natal planetary aspects which are problematic are retained in this chart: a Sun/Saturn square, a Mars/Neptune square, and our Mercury/Pluto opposition of propaganda, surveillance, spying, and obsessive thinking about wealth.

Besides Moon 18AQ15 rising with SIRIUS, this chart shows two major Fixed Stars - Royal Stars of Persia - one rising and one setting. These stars are not quite angular in the Sibly chart but here we have them prominent.

The Watcher of the East, Aldebaran (Alpha Taurus) indicates 'success through integrity', 'facing moral dilemmas that challenge integrity', 'great honor that will not last', and 'success that will make enemies'.

The Watcher of the West, Antares (Alpha Scorpius) indicates 'toughness and pugnaciousness, 'good for military careers', 'keen mentality and courage with a caution of self-destruction', 'going to extremes either intentionally or unintentionally', 'successful efforts honed through the fires of experience', and 'ruthless and obsessed with success'.

Well, Spring is a busy time around here so my blogging hours have been minimal of late, plus, I always take a little time off for Easter, the most important 'holiday' of the year.

So if you've never viewed America's Uranus Rising natal horoscope, here you go, with my compliments. There are more factors worth mentioning, of course, but my schedule decrees that I ask you to consider this posting of the chart as a reference point for further discussion. Watching transits and progressions that affect this version of America's natal chart may be of some interest and I hope you'll investigate as you wish!

Oct 9, 2008

November elections and Sun Libra-Moon AQ

"The Democrats think Republicans are stealing elections. The Republicans think Democrats are stealing elections. And those of us independent of the two old parties know they are both right."

Kevin Zeese

"Apparently, a democracy is a place where numerous elections are held at great cost without issues and with interchangeable candidates."

Gore Vidal

"Elections are held to delude the populace into believing that they are participating in government."

Gerald F. Lieberman


Above apt quotes are provided compliments of the excellent Information Clearing House Newsletter, and details of calmer climate indications with Sun in Libra-Moon in Aquarius today are brought to you by your reluctant astrologer.

("Reluctant" would be me - I didn't want to be an astrologer, but we are said to be 'slaves' of our 10th house planets - and mine is Uranus in Gemini.)