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Showing posts with label William Herschel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label William Herschel. Show all posts

Sep 1, 2017

May 15, 2018 Uranus Enters Taurus; 2023 Pluto into Aquarius

May 15, 2018: Expect the Unpredictable: Uranus First Enters Venus-Ruled Taurus

In Astrology, Uranus is considered unpredictable, erratic, eccentric, separative, electric, eclectic, progressive, reforming, novelty loving, intense, disruptive, independent, a rebel and a fighter for freedom. In mundane charts US Uranus (8Gem55) is America's 'war planet' of revolution and revolt. Coming between the American and French Revolutions, the 1781 Discovery of Uranus by amateur astronomer William Herschel is an oft-told tale and one that may soon be made more newsworthy by the fact that on May 15, 2018 at 11:17 am edt, the quirky maverick of a planet will leave Aries in the Tropical Zodiac and enter the Venus-ruled sign of Taurus the Bull. Money, materialism, possessiveness, intolerance, and greed are the negative keywords of Taurus with growth, building, designing, and stability the more positive traits usually mentioned. (Noting that it's the love of money that is the root of all evil, not money itself).

In November 2018, transit Uranus re-enters Aries, turns Direct in early January 2019, then lurches into Taurus again on or about March 7, 2019.

Uranus from Aries to Taurus; Pluto from Capricorn to Aquarius

Now as you know, with Uranus lurching through Mars-ruled Aries since 2010, we've been seeing and experiencing much of what Reinhold Ebertin describes as Utopians, blind zealots, radical reformers, fanatics, and anarchists brashly and stubbornly expressing themselves within the Collective, their ambitions often shown via sudden outbursts of energy and violence, plus, efforts to enforce their 'against the mainstream' ideas.

So how will Uranus in Taurus affect societal conditions as surely it must? Uranus is the only one of our solar system's three outer (transpersonal) planet that will change signs until transit Pluto, planet of power, wealth, and stealth, leaves governmental Capricorn and enters Aquarius while simultaneously trodding upon America's inaugural Sun (00AQ+ = POTUS in our January 20th Inauguration horoscopes--assuming America will have another president).

And then for the first time in approximately 248 years, transit Pluto reaches 00AQ00 during the third week of March 2023, retrogrades on or about June 2, 2023, then it's backwards into Capricorn (triggering 29Cap, a critical degree) for a while until power wielding Pluto, the saboteur, re-enters Aquarius on or about January 22, 2024. Transit Pluto to US Inaugural Sun (POTUS) suggests a new start or a different lifestyle than before for the Oval office occupant-in-chief. Of course Pluto breaks down in order to 'build anew upon the ruins', plus, things are always unpredictable and disruptive with Uranus, so few if any people have a clear idea of how damaged the US presidency may turn out to be as long as the eccentric Uranian Mr. Trump plays and tweets the role into laughing stock territory. (Some hidden power behind the throne wanted him there to hobble America!)

Now as you know, Pluto in Capricorn suggests a strong archetypal image of The Dictator (Ebertin) and it's interesting that America was founded while manipulator Pluto, of the invisible cape, was in the sign of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, in late degrees. However, Pluto in scientific, futuristic Aquarius exhibits a different picture entirely for a Uranian flavor is added to Pluto via Aquarius. According to Reinhold Ebertin, Pluto in Aquarius is about those displaying any, all, or none of the following expressions: a wealth of plans, a strong communal sense, the urge to reform, popularity, life advancement through the help of other people, and/or a potential for exaggerated plans and hopes.

So there's a small portrait of Uranus moving into the fixed energies of Taurus and Pluto doing the same and moving into the fixed, more rigid sign of Aquarius.

Oct 7, 2014

Discovery of Uranus: America's totem planet of War and Independence

William Herschel's discovery of planet Uranus in 1781 was the first of the 'modern' (transpersonal, or, outer) planets to enter human consciousness from beyond the boundary of Saturn's orbit. Its discovery date times its synchronicity with both the American and the French Revolutions and the ideals of freedom, independence, equality, brotherhood--and anarchy and rebellion against the old established order denoted by status quo Saturn.

Although Mercury, planet of ideas, thinking processes, and communication, is the traditional ruler of Astrology, Uranus--as co-ruler with Saturn of Aquarius and, some say, the higher octave planet of Mercury--has come to signify the 'New Age' and its realms of Astrology and a variety of otherworldly pursuits and studies. Certainly aspects between Mercury and Uranus represent intuitive thinking occurring in a flash like a bolt of lightening, and the inventions and new ideas that may come from such moments of enlightened realizations, devoid of Saturnian steps in between.

Yet even Uranian ideas, plans, and visions need reliable containers in which to pour and be manifested upon the earthly plane and these must be supplied by Saturn, ruler of form, substance, and reality. Most people know someone who often has marvelous new ideas yet who seldom if ever manages to bring them to fruition by putting them into practical form and utilization. Their ideas tend to remain on the Uranian 'drawing board' for lack of an aspect between 'old' Saturn and 'new' Uranus in the natal chart and can give the person an otherworldly vibe and an impractical aura that can keep more reality-based folks at arm's length.

As for the Political Astrology lens used on this blog, the more mundane associations between Uranus and political thought and policy, radicalism, and disruption are uppermost and this is predictable (though Uranus never is!) Uranus may disrupt, separate, isolate, or interrupt at any time--either early, late, or never, and is linked with the 'wild cards' of the Universe, Eclipses, two of which are occurring this month of October 2014. Tomorrow, October 8th, times a Lunar Eclipse @15Aries05 with its potential effects made even more unpredictable by a close conjunction to quirky Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries, an astrological portrait of zealots, anarchists, and Uranian Utopians (as described by Reinhold Ebertin.)

Two weeks later on October 23, 2014, the Solar Eclipse @00Sco24 occurs, when karmic progress can be made thanks to its manifestation in Scorpio, sign of regeneration. Yet Scorpio also denotes betrayal, revenge, and secrets so what are our chances? After all, karmic progress entails making better decisions concerning how to deal with current events rather than relying on past mistaken choices and behaviors that may have been appropriate then but will no longer serve if improved outcomes are desired.

And that, as I'm certain you recognize, is a handy definition of the obsessive neurosis that grips Washington DC politics as the "shining city on a hill" continues its draconian attempt to remake the world in its now-quaint 'New Atlantis' image.

Thanks to the help of sister Caroline Herschel: Discovery of Uranus March 13, 1781 "between 10 and 11 pm" according to William Herschel's account, Bath, England. At 10:30 pm LMT: ASC 11Sco43, Moon 14Sco59 rising, 1st house Jupiter @27Sco25 Rx, 2nd house Pluto 6AQ09 (discovered in 1930), IC 27AQ12, 4th house Venus @2Pis54 (sister Caroline selflessly giving her all to brother's work?), Sun 23Pis45 (the self-denying William?), 5th house planet of sight, Mercury @11Ari45, a degree that transit Uranus has so recently electrified), 6th house of Chiron @3Tau20 (conjunct the healing Centaur's discovery degree of 3Tau09, November 1, 1977), North Node of Future Destiny @5Tau08 (which puts SN rising showing the Herschels' isolation and "outstanding in their field" status), Desc 11Tau43. The 8th house of occultism and hidden things holds Uranus @24Gem27, with Gemini ruled by insightful Mercury; MC @27Leo12, The Goal Point, showing perhaps some desire for achieving prominence within the scientific community of his day, modest though he was. Perhaps the proud Leonine Midheaven refers to some amount of unconscious arrogance within his nature and his discovery of Uranus did lead to his acceptance by the scientific establishment and to being favored by the king.

Finally, as-yet-undiscovered Neptune @4Lib48 is Rx and in 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes and Wishes, an idealistic placement by house and sign for the planet of dreams and visions.

Source for Uranus discovery data: Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes (#ad)

Nov 21, 2012

Are You "Surviving Progress"? (video) w brief notes on Uranus

Mercurial Thoughts on Uranian Progress

by Jude Cowell

Based on Ronald Wright's 2005 book, A Short History of Progress which includes Sumer, Rome, Easter Island, and the Maya with a theme of 'civilization is a pyramid scheme', here's Part One (14 minutes) of a presentation, Surviving Progress:

For a plethora of interesting videos concerning a variety of topics visit Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Uranus in Myth and Astrology

In Astrology, the concepts of progress, progressivism, and other futuristic ideas belong in the exalted realm of planet Uranus yet isn't it curious that the Enlightenment planet's natural spin in the heavens is backward?

As the higher octave planet of thinking-communicating planet Mercury, Uranus is connected to reasoning ability, intellectualism, and genius. The Greeks considered Ouranos, the sky god, to have no parents--to be born of Chaos, something astrological Uranus seems disruptively capable of creating in our times especially since it now traverses Mars-ruled Aries and is in square aspect with transformative Pluto in Capricorn causing civil unrest and uprisings the world over.

Sighted in 1781 by William Herschel, Uranus, then in Gemini, is what I tend to call America's 'totem planet' since its discovery and principles are forever imprinted upon both the American and the French Revolutions with freedom, independence, liberty, and equality the hallmarks of Uranus' domain.

Of course, crankiness, contrariness, and self-willedness are also typical traits of those possessing a strong Uranian nature. So perhaps you may wish to check out a previous post from 2005 which was inspired by the quirky stubbornness of the neocons, Karl Rove, and the rest of the warmongering Bush-Cheney administration: Chiron-Uranus Types in Government.

And if you, brave reader, have perused very many of the 3,000+ posts published here on SO'W, you're almost certain to have been irked at some point by something this Uranus-in-Gemini typed at you. Yet I guess I'm free to blame most of my own quirky ideas on being born with a Mercury-Mars conjunction in Capricorn inconjunct a 10th house Uranus in Gemini!

Well, wouldn't you?


America's natal Moon (We-the-People in Mundane/Political Astrology) is in Aquarius, the sign traditionally ruled by Saturn and co-ruled by modern-day Uranus. Our natal Moon in Aquarius gives the American people a humanitarian streak (when a natural human tendency toward selfishness and detachment aren't being exploited by partisan politicians), a wealth of ideas, good powers of observation, a love of independence, a sympathetic readiness to help others, and an abundance of hopes and wishes. Therefore, in spite of the fact that it's the 49th anniversary of the JFK assassination, I wish all Americans an abundant and happy Thanksgiving Day 2012!

Yet many Americans are now decimated by the destruction of Hurricane Sandy and are facing a difficult Day of Thanksgiving this year. How better to celebrate our own Thanksgiving Day than to provide what we can for an excellent hands-on organization the Dr. Atlas Foundation of Staten Island? No, Ayn Rand's survival-of-the-fittest Atlas can't shrug with lack of sympathy for our fellow Americans over this one! jc

Jan 11, 2012

Neptune in Pisces = Pineal Gland concerns?

Neptune in Pisces, the Pineal Gland, and Our Dissolving Willpower

by Jude Cowell

Since boundary-dissolving Neptune will soon dip its toe once again into the deep waters of Pisces (on or about February 3, 2012) for a long-winded swim (until 2024/25), the planet's astrological association with the human body's light-affected pineal gland ('third eye'/intuitive function) seems due for quite a bit of attention since we will be affected on a global scale.

An increase of environmental issues and damages to lose sleep over may be noted as our brains' melatonin production lowers and may need a *supplemental boost.

Studies show calcification in the pineal gland from use of fluoridated water as noted in Fluoride: Calcifier of the Soul, an interesting title considering Neptune's link to spirituality and The Divine Source, as denoted in Astrology.

Recent travels of Chiron (the Wounded Healer; the Wound) in tandem with transiting Neptune brought us the earthquake/tsunami in Japan and the Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown in 2011 with radiation continuing in 2012 to leak into the Pacific Ocean, the realm of Neptune. Thus the boundaries of our DNA are weakened and breached on a cellular level, and environmental issues become more confusing yet more critical for all of mankind.

Of course, calcification is a Saturnian process, a hardening, and the blend of Saturn with Neptune indicates 'the chronic and unhampered progress of malady, organic decomposition, undermining circumstances that lead to illness', says Ebertin, along with 'poor, sick, depressed persons' and 'diseases with causes difficult to ascertain'. (The Combination of Stellar Influences.)

Along with the pineal gland, Ebertin also gives Neptune as representing the
solar plexus, the power and will chakra, and paralysis, and Neptune in Pisces as: reserve, an inclination to mysticism, reverie and artistic pursuits; the inner or psychic life open to external influences, pessimism, a craving for alcohol, nicotine, etc, pathological tendencies and inclinations'.

So though society's artistic creativity will flourish, it seems that many people's power and will may become weaker with Neptune in Pisces though perhaps knowing this may help us guard against much of the dissolution. Drugs, including alcohol, won't help matters, only increase the weakening effects upon The Collective of a Piscean Neptune and the secretive forces of destruction which beset us.

An increase in paranoia will be part of the Piscean Neptune picture as well.

And of course you're familiar with Neptune's link to poisons, toxins, and contagions with its 'urge to merge' tendency relating to the dissolving of Saturnian boundaries, as noted above.

Yes, We've Dreamed This Dream Before...

History repeats in similar if not exact ways so astrologers tend to look back to the last time a planet entered a sign to see past effects, and with Neptune to 00Pisces, that would be 1847--off and on from April 1847 to December 7, 1848 due to the gaseous planet's frequent retrogradation periods. (Neptune's cycle lasts approximately 164 years.) This historical info hints at what sort of trends and conditions to expect during the current planetary transit.

Neptunian Events 1847

Several events listed for 1847 have Neptunian flavors to them. One such is July 10 when Leverrier and Adams, the co-discoverers of Neptune, met for the first time at the home of John Herschel, son of William Herschel, discoverer of erratic Uranus (1781.)

The association of these men creates a time link between the planets of The Enlightenment, Uranus and Neptune, by way of human beings and their astronomical activities and encounters.

Then there's July 24, when Brigham Young and his Mormon followers schlepped into the Salt Lake City, Utah area with Neptune as a spiritual indicator and significator of bodies of water--this one full of Saturnian salts!

Neptunian Events 1848

Plus, some events of 1848 resonate closely with our Neptunian topics as well: James Knox Polk became the first president in office to be photographed, one of Neptune's filmy, glamorous roles (the 'silver screen'; the arts; illusion.)

On February 26, 1848, Marx and Engels (with the backing of --?--) published the Communist Manifesto, a grand bit of Neptunian propaganda with its Saturn/Neptune 'Communism' element (Saturn = government and control, Neptune = invisible, or secret--things We the People know a little about in the US with both planets elevated in our nation's July 4, 1776 horoscope set for 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA.)

Another example occurred on May 29, 1848 when the flow of Niagara Falls ceased for 30 hours because of an ice jam which describes cold Saturn's crystallization (hardening) process acting upon a liquid (Neptune.)

Then on May 30, 1848, children could rejoice over the patenting of the ice cream freezer by William G. Young--yummy liquids hardened into flavorful, cooling treats.

But perhaps one of the more ironic events of 1848 occurred on June 26 when the first pure food law was passed in the United States. That its laudable attempts at protecting the American people have been adulterated through the decades making 'food and drug safety' in the US debatable (if it exists at all) is a Neptunian disappointment of toxic proportions and we are certain to hear more revelations of poisonings by the food, agricultural, nuclear, chemical, and other industries as Neptune lumbers slowly through its own watery realm of Pisces.

Of course, there's also the well-known connection of astrological Pluto to nuclear power, control, and waste disposal--and pipelines-- but today's post is written in honor of Neptune making a tremendously important ingress into its own sign which will soon come to pass whether we're ready or not.

With 2012 Upon Us

Naturally, the projected construction (Saturn) of Canada's Keystone XL Pipeline comes to mind with its potentials for gas and chemical leaks and the controversial, chemically-infused fracking process which threatens US water sources if the pipeline is built. Neptune's use as A Veil for secrets is on tap along with its scandalous implications of Neptunian fraud, deceit, and neglectful policies that can easily lead to lousy maintenance conditions and even to sabotage.

My personal conclusion about these difficult issues is that anything we can do to boost our and our family members' immune systems should be on top of our 2012 agenda! And please note these cautions: be careful when participating in water sports and when traveling in, on, or over bodies of water for mysterious conditions may be present--and beware gas leaks and oily schemers...


For further reading you may wish to try Significant Dates in Food & Drug Law History (pdf) or view the video of the January 10, 2012 announcement showing the nuclear Doomsday Clock being moved one minute closer to midnight so it's now judged to be 11:55 pm, as it was between 2007--2010.

And here's a link to an enlightening video interview with scientist-journalist Leuren Moret who doesn't buy the idea that the Fukushima Meltdown occurred only by Nature's fury. In fact, dear reader, type 'Japan' or 'Fukushima' into this blog's sidebar Search field and you'll find other content concerning Neptunian topics whose effects will soon be front and center with Neptune in Pisces, a perfect significator of radiation toxicity leaking into the sea and into the DNA of our present and future generations.
Yet let us not give in to nuke fears or be dismissive due to anxiety--let's get active against all forms of this worldwide nuclear threat to Planet Earth!


*Blog Note: no consideration whatsoever has been given to this blogger for embedding a link to VitaCost which I consider a cost-saving place to purchase health supplements & other stuff. Besides...I blog because I care!

SO'W's favored progressive links include:

Thom Hartmann (Thom broadcasts from Iceland again tomorrow!), Amy Goodman's masterful Democracy Now!, the young and ardent David Pakman, and Demand Progress, a good place to fight for protection of lacy Neptune's Internet, aka, The Web, which will forever change for the worse our entire Internet experiences while bringing draconian penalties (SOPA) for those who simply link to content! Links placed on blogs are what I consider to be free advertising for The Touted but it seems that Neptunian Hollywood doesn't agree.

(Of course, I say this as one who makes no income from my 'freebie' blogging which is quite different than if I made money from other people's content. But all my blogs including Stars Over Washington will be subject to shut-down by the US government if SOPA passes, and with no legal standing under which to complain. Plutocratic oligarchs play for keeps, m'peops.)

Plus, 2012 is a great time to Move To Amend the democracy-dissolving, deceptively-named SCOTUS decision they call Citizens United. (Shouldn't that be 'Wealthy Citizens United'?)


Noted Astrology

You will not want to miss Crystal Pomeroy's excellent January 10 column Mayan Metaphysics 2012 which may help to soothe the nerves of even the most anxious 2012 worrier! Crystal lives and teaches in Mexico, the realm of The Maya, so do check out her article. And as you know, the word 'maya' relates to illusion, a function of Neptune!

Plus, for personal-transpersonal astrological content, no one does it better than expert astrologer Julie Demboski who regularly provides balanced insights as she writes from the West Coast of the US concerning current planets and asteroids.

Now here's one of my Saturn (real) v Neptune (imaginary; undersea climes) drawings of a tropical fish which usually swim around in my Dreamyfish Art gallery of botanical fish portraits ensnared within favorite dream scenarios...

Yellow-eyed surgeonfish of Western Australia, all done up in pencil by Jude Cowell; if you wish, view other botanical fish portraits of a tropical nature in my Zazzle Art Shop.

Mar 13, 2007

Happy 226th Birthday Uranus!

Shown in the above horoscope, the planet Uranus was discovered on March 13, 1781 by German-born astronomer William Herschel. Uranus is now the second-farthest planet from the Sun, leaving Neptune the farthest away after Pluto was last year downgraded to a dwarf planet (now restored!). Follow the latest news and features on science & technology at The Scotsman.#

In the discovery chart of Uranus, formerly Ouranus, the Sky God, ruler of lightening bolts, uprisings, revolutions, originality, awareness...the creative spark.

The Sabian Symbol for Uranus, The Witness, whose discovery expanded the known universe from its former limit, Saturn, is:

"25Gem": "A man trimming palms"...ENHANCEMENT:

pos: an exceptional gift for bringing all things to an effective service in some over-all achievement;

neg: an empty display of trivial excellencies.

You'll notice that Pluto has been opposite Uranus of late, and plowing through the Mars/Saturn conjunction.

Mars/Saturn = tr Pluto: forcing an issue; taking control; strong anger.

Refer to the Discovery chart to see Chiron at his own discovery degree, and today's transits snugged around the chart in my usual chicken-scratch fashion. As you know, centaur Chiron orbits between Saturn and Uranus.

Today's Mars/Saturn midpoint conjuncts Uranus' Moon 15Sco04...

Mars/Sat = Moon: feelings about losing something; moodiness; depression.

You see the 29Leo MC (Aspiration Point) which is conj Fixed Star Regulus, keywords: success if revenge is avoided. Also at MC at discovery is the asteroid Morya. Morya nowadays hangs out ominously with Pluto. You notice that natal Pluto is at the "Medina degree."

Chart-ruler, Venus, not a nice lady when scorned, is conj IC, the HOW Point, the Foundation of the chart...and in nebulous Pisces. The US secondary progressed Sun is thereabouts resulting in a nebulous and murky view of America--internally and externally.

At discovery, perhaps Venus represents Herschel's sister who did more than hold his ladder but never got the credit she deserved (Pisces.)

Sec Sun in Pisces may relate to the rumors of globalist desires to morph America into the North American Union with Canada and Mexico...and perhaps South America, George? They sure don't like ya down there, but you can stay in your Paraguay compound if you like, I wouldn't miss ya.

Well, with no more time to celebrate the 226th Birthday of Uranus just now (yes, I say: yur ahn' nus) I wish the best of the day to this quirky planet so active in the US chart, so disruptive on the world stage.