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Showing posts with label World History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World History. Show all posts

May 4, 2024

Is Mr. Trump like Mr. Stalin?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Recently I've heard a pundit or two on TV state that, rather than Herr Adolf, old Donald Trump is more like the Soviet Union's Joseph Stalin. Of course, no dictator is a prize in the humanity sweepstakes, yet if Trump and comrades manage to steal the White House in November we'll all be messing around and finding out through nasty experiences.

A disturbing suspicion is that few Americans of our younger generations are familiar with the horror that was Stalin or are aware of the dystopian society he created, as if it were a good idea (like the psychopath he was).

So naturally I got to wondering what would transpire if I put together a bi-wheel of the Stalin and Trump natal charts to see which planets and points make contact between them - which ones blend, as it were. So see what you think - here is the result:

1946 reaches back to 1878

Obviously, there are significant contacts such as Stalin's natal Pluto Rx @24Tau58 conjunct Trump's Midheaven ('MC' = goals) where enraged star Algol of Medusa fame twinkles off and on. Notably, Algol is often prominent in the natal charts of criminals and murderers (D.K. Rosenberg). Plus, Stalin's Mars-Pluto opposition of brutality and violence sits neatly upon Trump's MC-IC angles - across the possessive Taurus-Scorpio axis. Their Mercuries are in opposite signs, too.

There's even a Trump Moon-SN conjunct Stalin Sun in Sagittarius, quite a match they are, it seems, and with their natal Suns (egos; goals) in opposite signs.

Then Trump's guiding planet, his inner voice of chaos and disruption, Uranus @17Gemini conjuncts Stalin's Syzygy Moon @17Gemini but to make matters more complex, zealous Stalin was a Uranus-Pluto square kind of despot (aka, an extremely violent, revolutionary anarchist) and his radical Uranus @4Virgo rises in Trump's natal chart as does Trump's aggressive Mars @26Leo and royal star, Regulus with its caution against taking revenge, or all that's gained will be taken away.

Then as you know, the Mars-Uranus duo is another cosmic signal for incendiary, erratic, and/or revolutionary activities.

The rest of their contacts I shall leave up to you, dear reader, for I've had all of these two maladjusted miscreants I can take for one post. Except that --

Trump you know ad nauseum, but if you wish, check out a Mini-Bio of Joseph Stalin, "--one of the greatest mass murderers of the 20th century." And yes, the video may be rough to watch, but it cannot possibly be as rough as living in a society where an authoritarian dictator like Stalin decides quirkily if you and your loved ones live, die, or are locked up. Therefore --

Vote Blue in November. Because all of our lives depend on it.

Mar 9, 2017

Horoscope of World War I: a Turning Point in History

A Natal Horoscope for World War One

by Jude Cowell

For quick reference Wikipedia provides a Timeline of the war years which include Austria-Hungry declaring war on Serbia on July 28, 1914 (after the assassination of King Ferdinand, a pretext) and this is the horoscope you see here:

Here is an interesting treatment of World War One generals from a British point of view by the BBC: Has history misjudged the generals of World War One? Lions led by donkeys.

Mar 9, 2010

American Empire we hardly knew ya

History can be a tiresomely accurate predictor of the future. Therefore, given the tendency of empires to collapse under their own unwieldy weights, it's quite possible that the Collapse of the American Empire may occur even sooner than we expect.

Has the big fat rump of imperialism spread about as far as it can go?

Nov 9, 2008

70th anniversary of Kristallnacht today

Today, November 9, marks the 70th anniversary, (a word which seems celebratory for an event which was a low point in humanity's history), of Kristallnacht, when Hitler's pogrom against the Jews was carried out.

Here are two links to recent posts on the subject which include a few astro-details of that dark night and a link to a Der Spiegel article concerning a resolution which stalled in Germany...

Kristallnacht artifacts found and Germany's Kristallnacht resolution fails to pass...hmmm...wonder who benefits politically from the resolution's non-passage at this particular juncture?

Nov 9, 1938 - Nov 9, 2008...and what have we learned?