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Showing posts with label bloggers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bloggers. Show all posts

Mar 10, 2008

Bush spy ring nets a rare Spitzer fish

Yeah it did, you know it did. What was he thinking? the analysts are asking. With what part of his anatomy? some may say. Guess he's not such a rare breed of Mr. Clean, after all.

Yet with Bush-Cheney under so much fire (not that the awkwardly-named 'probes' will amount to anything of worth, nor will 'reports' do anything but muddy the truth we heard with our own ears) it's expected that bloggers will, and MSM will have the excuse to, keep their collective eyes on the nutshell on the left when it's the one on the right that hides the real skunks.

Is this a good time to say once again, Never trust a man who says trust me?

Meanwhile, Bush is 'sending' Cheney to the Middle East to sue for 'peace' when he's the one who deserves suing for what he's done to the Middle East! It's a topsy turvy world a la George Bush!

"In the United States, both the Republican and Democratic Parties, with only a few prominent exceptions, have been and are in the pay of the corporate media and communication giants."--*John Nichols and Robert McChesney

And may we not forget it. --jude cowell

*quote heads-up from the excellent Information Clearing House

~note: you may wish to visit Jude's Threshold for a little astro-politics including some details on the Mystic Rectangle over Mississippi's Primary tomorrow...