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Showing posts with label dictator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dictator. Show all posts

Jan 21, 2015

Greatest Speech Ever: Charlie Chaplin as The Great Dictator

Of Dictators and Their Wanna-Bes

Original post: Speaking of any and all Politics, political speeches, and of men who fancy themselves dictators who have the right to rule the world, here's a link to Charlie Chaplin's famous dictator speech. If you've never heard the oration, it's a don't-miss.

Update April 23, 2024:

Here you see the B-rated natal horoscope of Charles Chaplin - born a mere four days prior to dictator Herr Adolf which adds a considerable amount of oomph to Chaplin's Great Dictator speech; a few study notes are penned on:

Jun 1, 2014

Charlemagne Prize 2014 to EU President Van Rompuy

It's official: the 2014 Charlemagne Prize goes to EU President Herman Van Rompuy so we can all stop sitting by the phone for the news of our victory.

And since members of the power elite drag this bloodline emperor's name up every year from the Collective Unconscious to remind us of such fabled empire builders as he--the "King of the Franks", Charles I--here are Charlemagne's natal specs and you're welcome to them:

Charlemagne April 2, 0742 Herstal, Belgium hour unknown (12:00 noon LMT used):

Sun 15Ari39, Moon 8Cap04 (Luna's is the most changeable position depending on the birth time during the 24-hour period), Mercury 25Pis57 Stationary (cosmic!), Venus 16Ari12 (conjunct natal Sun--quite self-pleased and able to fashion himself into what's required--also possibly a goddess worshiper--who wasn't back then?), Mars 6Gem07 (the warrior; a biting critic; ready for action; versatile gifts; quarrelsome), Jupiter 9Ari15 (trailblazer; conqueror; a frank and vigorous leader; noble), Saturn 22Leo54 Rx (Leo, sign of the natural leader; Saturn, a royal portent; shy; reliable; dutiful; diplomatic skills), Uranus 12AQ14 (its natural sign--genius; making changes; knowledge of human nature), Neptune 28Tau10 (tactful, creative, moody, good or bad taste), Pluto 3Lib46 Rx (extraordinary assertion within one's environment and in public; a genius; strange celebrities who benefit or harm humanity); North Node 2Pis28 Stationary (future direction; destiny; qualities to develop--philosophical interests with others; a community of people who hold the same beliefs; associations that harm the community at large. (paraphrasing, 'The Combination of Stellar Influences' by Reinhold Ebertin.)

You'll find profile info such as there is and his natal chart here. (Marc Penfield speculated a birth time of 12:30 pm LMT (OS).)

742 was many moons ago, 'tis true but if you happen to know where the planets are at the moment you read the above list of Charlemagne's natal planets, you can see a few catalysts at work. If you don't know current planetary positions, perhaps you might scroll down the sidebar of this blog to the widget which shows their current positions!As far as Charlemagne Prize 2014, it seems that electric Uranus, a catalyzing genius of newness and of new order vs old order, hitting Charlemagne's natal Sun and Venus is the most tellingly of transits, or at lease the most obvious. Slow-moving Pluto has crossed natal Moon (publicity) recently or will soon and a Chiron Return (28Pis20) denotes an active Collective Unconscious involving something mystical that relates to The Quest. Grail or not, take that as you will if you're interested in such hidden matters.

His Sun Aries/Moon Capricorn ('Mars-Saturn'/Fire-Earth = 'scorched earth'): 'iron and blood' (Otto Von Bismarck's anti-majority votes' stance--possibly a descendant?) provided Charlemagne with potentials for: unstoppability; skilled in Politics; opportunistic; aggressive; abrasive; a magnetic and overwhelming personality; a constant need for more control; charge!; matter-of-fact; 'lonely at the top'; leaving a stamp upon posterity.

Below is what seems to me to be the more revealing of the two 'Images for Integration' for his natal Sun Ari-Moon Cap personality blend and may refer to another of Charlemagne's kin--for they are both major cogs in the wheel of 'the great plan' that still bedevils mankind today:

"Columbus discovers America and a new world order is born." ('Sun Sign-Moon Sign', Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

For Legends in Their Own Minds, Ridicule the Best Antidote!

Yeah. Entities are hard at work implementing that 'new order' now and have been for a long time. You noticed, yes? The faces of the actors change but the plan remains intact though possibly perverted from the original, here and there. But let's not feed the jackals power by protesting their draconian policies as if they're real and deserve to believed--as if public officials and 'leaders' have control of us when in reality they're in breach of the public trust and needn't be taken seriously!

Here you see one of our cats, Roxie, not taking worldly prizes seriously in the least!

Jul 21, 2008

Is Bush to stay on and on and on?

Bush at the helm: can a lifetime be enough? has been freshly published if you can stand a glop of George Bush's dictatorship possibilities, along with some FISA-related ranting on my part.

Perhaps it's cheeky monkey of me, but I relate the whole glop of political neocon high-handedness to a possible reason why John McCain has been "accepted" as the GOP's 2008 prez nominee - McCain the maverick who couldn't pass muster for them not so very long ago.

Anyway, it's all devil's food for thought!

Feb 19, 2007

Bush to override local law enforcement

From the SO'W Be-Very-Afraid Dept:

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government19 February 2007

All links to articles as summarized below are available here:

Making Martial Law Easier (The New York Times) 19 Feb 2007 ...[I]t was with a provision quietly tucked into the enormous defense budget bill at the Bush administration’s behest that makes it easier for a president to override local control of law enforcement and declare martial law... Beyond cases of actual insurrection, the president may now use military troops as a domestic police force in response to a natural disaster, a disease outbreak, terrorist attack or to any "other condition." #

Dick-tator Cheney must've been in on this.

Art Note: I've just posted a new drawing entitled, Crying to the Hills
at Secret Moon Art which you may wish to view. Let me know what you think, okay?