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Showing posts with label fixed stars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fixed stars. Show all posts

Jan 3, 2012

1st Meteor Shower of 2012: Quadrantids peak Morning of Jan 4 2012

Just what I always wanted: a lovely yet 'elusive' meteor shower for my birthday tomorrow!

Space Weather News for Jan 3, 2012

FIRST METEOR SHOWER OF 2012: The annual Quadrantid meteor shower peaks on Wednesday morning, Jan. 4th, when Earth passes through a narrow stream of debris from a comet thought to have broken apart some 500 years ago.

The shower is expected to be strong (as many as 100 meteors per hour), but elusive, with a peak that lasts no longer than a couple of hours. The shower's radiant near Polaris favors observers in the northern hemisphere.

Images, live audio from a meteor radar, and more information are available on today's edition of SpaceWeather News.


Glad to say I'm not quite feeling 500 years old for this annual personal event--the Sun returns to natal position in my horoscope on Jan 4, 2012 around 5:30 am est!

And Polaris. Ah yes, path finding pioneer Polaris, our 'Pole Star' or 'North Star' by which we find our way...aka, Alpha Ursa Minor (Little Bear) and to which Astrology assigns a theme of 'an emotional or nurturing mission'.

As described in Brady's Book of Fixed Stars, "Polaris is always at culmination as it is the point of stillness, the celestial pole."

Now that's what I'll be pondering in the crisp, still morning air if I should manage to shuffle my bunny slippers outside around 5 am tomorrow and look up...

Oct 14, 2011

Oct 14, 2011: Sun in Libra parallels Rigel!

When I noticed today that the Sun 20Lib+ is in *parallel to Fixed Star Rigel, I wanted to give a shout-out to lovely Rigel, The Educator star in ancient Astrology and one that is linked to an angle in this blogger's natal horoscope.

Hence I'm rather fond of regal Rigel! ((Ree' gul) And since the star is the left foot of Orion, I suspect you've spied it twinkling in the heavens, especially now in Autumn with constellation Orion The Hunter showing prominently in our night skies.

Rigel (Beta Orion) which is tropically positioned in mid-Gemini, has a magnitude of 0.3 and a declination of 08S12'21" (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars) and can be used on all four points of charts in all latitudes except the extremes of the poles.

Star lore concepts include being 'under Osiris's protection' for its symbolism of the Pharaoh's pinioned birds (under Orion's feet) representing the subjects of the Pharaoh. The myth goes that gentle Osiris brought education and civilization to all the lands he ruled, and the 'pinioned birds' were not a negative symbol but a positive one of people receiving the wisdom and protection of civilization.

Now some star lore experts such as Robson have identified Rigel with ambition and that is often the case when Rigel is linked to angles or planets in a horoscope. But for me it's the educating side of Rigel--effort made for the gain of others rather than for personal gain--that describes the vibes of Rigel.

Why, the very laws of planetary motion were figured out by the great Johannes Kepler of lasting fame who was born with Rigel culminating (at MC) as wise Jupiter set!

*parallels are used in Astrology for timing purposes and are similar to strong conjunctions. Osiris and Orion issue from the same archetype; the three stars in the Belt of Orion are thought by some to be the direction from which the Christ will return "bringing His reward with Him" and are said to correspond to the Pyramids at Giza on Earth...As Above, So Below.


Well, our wimpy Congress skedaddles from the Capitol Hill scene of their many crimes this afternoon (if you can find one of 'em on The Hill as late as 3 pm, I'll be a monkey's aunt) for another week-long break while millions of Americans--their constituents--remain unemployed and struggling for basic necessities. And this break comes after the toil of selling out US jobs once again by passing a triple "free" trade pact with South Korea, Panama, and Columbia.

Isn't it odd what legislation our theatrical Congress can manage to 'come together' on to pass in a 'bipartisan' fashion?

Guess we can always check in with Occupy Wall Street demonstrators to see a model of what democracy actually looks like since its image has become tainted and Swiss-cheesy on our Masonic Capitol Hill.

Oct 8, 2011

It's Draconid Meteor Time! October 8, 2011

Look up, for the Draconid Meteor Shower is all around us!

Space Weather News for Oct 7, 2011

DRACONID METEOR SHOWER: On Saturday, October 8th, Earth will pass through a network of dusty filaments shed by Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. Forecasters expect the encounter to produce anywhere from a few dozen to a thousand meteors per hour visible mainly over Europe, northern Africa and the Middle East. The meteors will stream from the northern constellation Draco--hence their name, the "Draconids."

Check SpaceWeather News for full coverage of the event including observing times and a live audio stream from a meteor radar. #

Plus, you may wish to visit a previous post concerning the Draconids and constellation Draco the Dragon and its alpha star Thuban, an interesting star linked to planets in the natal charts of two past giants: Pablo Picasso and Sir Isaac Newton.

Jul 26, 2011

US Default 1979 Venus hit by July 2011 Uranus

After last evening's address by President Obama on the debt ceiling/default tussle of ideologies and Speaker John Boehner's reply--Mr. Boehner seems to think he's our 'shadow president'--I've taken a second look at the first time America defaulted temporarily--April 26, 1979.

Since a New Moon 5Tau43 occurred at 8:14:42 am est Capitol Building, I'm using the New Moon to time the chart. The degree of this lunation is interesting because it's in a money sign, Taurus, and it conjoins our US natal Sun/Moon midpoint from the Sibly version of our nativity.

In the New Moon horoscope of April 26, 1979 when the US defaulted on its debts for a little while`as Congress balked and dithered over raising the debt ceiling so bills could be paid, I am naturally struck by July 2011's position of disruptive rebel Uranus in early Aries conjoining 1979's 10th house Venus 4Ari05.

Venus/Uranus as a pair relates to unexpected or unusual new alliances or broken unions but also to being erratic, eccentric, or a wastrel with money; the emphasis is on an unpredictable change of status in these matters, and of course, 10th house relates to the wider world's opinion. (America looks quite the dummy about now if she didn't already.)

Michael Munkasey gives pertinent info on Venus/Uranus in the realms of Politics and Business:

Thesis: a treasury which shows unexpected rises and falls in its valuation; a strange appreciation for financial assets or planning.

Antithesis: ruling bodies unable to cope with sudden infusions or lacks of financial revenues; unpredictable vanity shown by leaders or executives.

(Vanity! Thy name is Politician!)

The dates that transit Uranus conjoins 1979 default's Venus are:

1. June 5, 2011
2. August 14, 2011
3. March 16, 2012

As you see, I've highlighted the Rx date of August 14, 2011 since it relates closely to the current stand-off as Utopians (Uranus in Aries, says Ebertin) revisit the scene of their 1979 crime.

There are other major 'hits' to the April 26, 1979 chart, one of which is exact on August 2, 2011.

Restricting, contracting Saturn will conjoin 1979's Pluto Rx 17Lib21 only once on September 20, 2011. This transit indicates a time when there are power and control issues (I'll say!), a temporary lack of resources (!), and most disturbingly, situations become too big to handle. Hopefully our erstwhile DC politicians--in spite of their selfish political aims-- will get America's financial act together prior to that date for the longer a default lasts (if it occurs) the worse for the US and global economies. (See the related quote at the end of this post.)

Now transit Jupiter, bringer of largess, has already conjoined the 1979 New Moon and will do so again:

1. July 5, 2011
2. October 25, 2011
3. February 22, 2012

So we know the ideological battles between Republicans and Democrats will continue especially with the 2012 campaign on tap and the GOP's assumption that only they should control the White House.

1979 Sun/Moon = 2011/12 Jupiter: desires for joint endeavors, possessions, and expansion. Well, yes, that's been the US mode of operation in the past but a New World Order kid is on the block and showing his claws more each day. (Again, see quote below.)

Jupiter also conjoins 1979's Chiron 9Tau08, a time of zealotry, idealism, chasing rainbows, and a sense of being 'on a mission'--which I assert is the ancient Merovingians' Secret Doctrine, aka, Bacon's Great Plan for America, the 'New Atlantis'.

Plus, as of FDR's 1937 inauguration, US Inaugural Sun '1AQ" = "An Old Adobe Mission", an endeavor which the GOP believes it has the better method for implementing and which dissolves government and other civil institutions all together--but with a select few in control of the world. Cheeky monkeys. Part of the disrespect the Rs show toward Democratic presidents is to sway citizens to do the same as the office of 'US president' will become obsolete along with nation-states, if they have their NWO way. See this blog's sidebar for the video of Bush Sr's shout-out to the NWO of which he and his spawn are obviously a part.)

The dates of tr Jupiter to 1979 Chiron stand out in particular for one of them occurs on the proposed Default Deadline:

1. August 2, 2011
2. September 26, 2011
3. March 11, 2012

Yes, Jupiter/Chiron conjunctions have a 'transcendental objective' up their questing sleeves--or perhaps it's tucked inside their knights' tunics or armour fanny packs.

And where was anarchist Uranus on April 26, 1979? Feeling frisky and exalted in Scorpio, sign of Big Business, and ready to adjust to upheavals and new forms of civilization! A Scorpio Uranus thinks that change must be brought about no matter how destructive (Sakoian.) Most of the American people are feeling this now with our social safety net programs "on the chopping block", as they say in Washington of the ruling elite who have their own pensions and health care provisions in the bag.

1979 Uranus was retrograde @ 19Sco33, the 'accursed degree of the accursed sign' of traditional Astrology. This Uranus conjoined a difficult Fixed Star, Zuben Eschamali (Beta Libra: social reform for personal gain--Brady, sometimes written as 'Elschemali'.) North Scale is also at this degree: wealth, intelligence, hasty words cause problems (Anthony Louis, Horary Plain & Simple.)

In 1979, Uranus formed quindeciles (obsession-compulsion; 165 degr) with the New Moon 5Tau43...

Sun QD Uranus = living on the edge with a 'the rules don't apply to me' attitude; a sense of mission in needing to be different; may take up a 'cause' for mankind.

Moon QD Uranus: emotionally distant and aloof; may have a 'my way of the highway' attitude; driven to live on the edge (as above); potential for breaking old habit patterns. (The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

Of interest to my fussing over Utopian schemes in this matter is that in 1979, Uranus opposes asteroid Atlantis 19Tau55! In Astrology, Atlantis = abuse of power and/or where we feel doomed which relates to the legend of what sank the fabled land of Atlantis.

1979's 2nd house Jupiter 00Leo31 (the GOP; $$$) squared the 11th house New Moon and paralleled Fixed Star Zosma (victim or savior; fear; restrictions.) Parallels are similar to strong conjunctions and are used as a timing device.

Mars 15Ari05 opposed Pluto in Libra which had recently conjoined US natal Saturn 14Lib48 which echoes the tr Saturn to 1979 Pluto transit mentioned above. the Mars/Pluto opposition gave a defiant attitude to the proceedings of 1979 much as we see now.

It's important with this aspect to fully evaluate the positives and negatives of any proposition before taking action, something which seems to be missing in the GOP stance of 2011 since their proposed cuts will lessen the money ordinary people have to spend and put back into the economy--so job losses will be ramped up. Denying other people their rights is a distinct potential with a Mars/Pluto opposition.

Also missing in 2011 are the implications of two 1979 midpoint pictures of note:

Moon/Saturn = US natal Jupiter: a sense of paying the credit card bills racked up by the last 5 Republican presidents!

Sun/Saturn = US n Jupiter: good fortune of the ill or elderly--something we'd like to see again in 2011, thanks. (I'm guessing that Harry Reid's debt proposal is the best we may expect from this ideologically manufactured situation, though you may disagree.)

At the Foundation of the Matter in 1979 (the IC) was Saturn 7Vir13 (Democrats) but Saturn trined the New Moon which must have aided in getting things moving forward again without much Saturnian delay or damage to the US credit rating. Looks like this time we may not get off as well if Washington's Political Theater doesn't end its performances very soon with a 'deal'.

Well, there's my brief consideration of Default 1979 v Default 2011. With the first default, we know how the plot turned out. This time it remains to be seen how far modern day Utopians will go with their overarching agenda to collapse the financial system of the United States of America.

And perhaps Washington's 2011 financial 'game of chicken' with the faith and credit of our nation will be enough to do just that.


Chart details: New Moon 5Tau43 April 26, 1979 8:14:43 am Capitol Building; Hour Sun; ASC 26Gem22 with '28Gem' = BANKRUPTCY (Ssbian Symbols) rising; Mc 3Pis42 conjunct Fixed Star Fomalhout, one of the Royal Stars of Persia: success through noble ideals.


"The Merovingians had a 'Secret Doctrine' (also called the 'Great Plan'), which in part called for the creation of a Univeral Throne in Europe...The holder of the Universal Throne must...possess the Spear of Destiny;...also be Holy Roman Emperor; and...hold the title, "King of Jerusalem"...the plan began...after the Priory of Sion officially separated from the Templars in 1188...The Merovingians planned to diminish the influence of the Church through...a clandestine tradition...that found expression in Hermetic and esoteric thought, such as in Rosicrucian and Freemasonic secret societies."

--John Daniel, Scarlet and the Beast

May 27, 2011

Patriot Act extended as US Pluto rises 5.26.11

It's quite a horoscope that describes President Obama's extension by auto-pen signing of the main provisions of the US 'Patriot' Act just minutes before expiration at midnight. I'm looking at a chart set for the Capitol Building, Washington DC, at 11:59 pm edt, May 26, 2011. The president was awakened from his slumbers while in France in order to sign the extension of the draconian spying act against innocent US citizens which is now in place for four more years.

Kentucky's Rand Paul spoke out against extension of the Act's provisions that allow the government to 'troll through your FaceBook account," set up roving wire taps for no particular reason, etc....though with no planets out of bounds, all the actors (planets) are cooperating so I'm having difficulty locating Mr. Paul in the horoscope unless his objections were part of a staged 'protest' which all of Captiol Hill knew would go nowhere on our's only political theater, dahlink, suitable for heading off serious complaints and dissension, and thus keeping the natives quieter than they might otherwise be.

Besides, the deed is now done.

At 11:59 pm edt, 27Cap18 was rising in DC as was US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx; Sabian Symbol: "A Large Aviary" and we and our communications and library records are the ensnared birds within the military industrial complex's Big Trap.

President Obama's May 26, 2011 Secondary Progressed (SP) Jupiter arose as well for it has turned Direct by progression and now sits @ 27Cap19. (However, his SP Saturn @ 23Cap15 remains retrograde as both planets are natally, with n Jupiter 00AQ52, a degree which conjoins US Inaugural Sun - the leader - every Inauguration Day at noon est...and on Jan 20, 2009, his Jupiter conjoined Mercury Rx, too. BHO took the Oath of Office twice due to Justice Roberts' flub, as you'll remember. And yes, it's possible that the 'flub' was no accident but an attempt to counter the effects of Mercury's oath-taking function being retrograde on Inauguration Day 2009....or, perhaps the Universe was in cahoots!)

Also rising just before midnight are two midpoints which create the following word pictures, one with secretive Neptune, the other with techo-expert Uranus - the two together are the Illuminati Planets with America's symbol of the capstone Eye Over the Pyramid of power (or, Sun Over the Mountain) of surveillance coming to mind; any, all, or none may apply:

Neptune/NN = ASC: experiencing deceit from others; disappointments; ignoring the reactions of other people.

Neptune/NN = n Pluto: exercising of a bad influence upon associations between people; increased need for isolation from the influences of society; willingness to use destructive forces to protect privacy and isolation if necessary. (Robo-signing draconian legislation from another continent can do that for ya.)

Neptune/NN = BHO's SP Jupiter: the desire to exploit others or being exploited (probably both - jc); placing great hopes upon associations and being let down; aspirations to expand one's goals.

('Neptune/NN' = a leadership unwilling to consider the demands of its people.)

Uranus/MC = ASC: hasty action; sudden adjustment to new circumstances(NWO: wake up, Barack, and sign this before it's too late!?)

Uranus/MC = BHO's SP Jupiter: ability to use electronic means (auto-pen!) to publish ideas; success with innovative work; the joyful realization of plans.

('Uranus/MC' = reform as a national goal; radical changes in methods of enforcing policies; social changes force leadership to new ways of looking at old practices.)

The combination of America's rising Pluto with Mr. Obama's rising SP Jupiter creates an interesting midpoint picture as well...

Jupiter/Pluto = ASC: the ability to read other people and their intentions, especially if they also seek power (!); the desire for power; far-sightedness; organizing talent; prudence; personal advancement.

Naturally, the US natal Mercury/Pluto opposition (surveillance; spying; control and manipulation of thoughts, reports, communications; propaganda) affects the ASC/DESC axis, and Venus 13Tau39 (in 3rd house of Communications) sits upon what every four years is our Inaugural Ascendant (= the Presidential Oath of Office to protect and defend the US Constitution - oops! Venus rules Taurus and the presidential office.)

Venus is interesting, too, because she now conjoins Fixed Star Menkar (victim of the Unconscious) in the constellation of Cetus the Whale. This indicates the obscene amounts of info that is swept into the NSA's large surveillance net (the trolling effect) along with we-the-people as symbolic Jonahs. Jonah was commanded by God to tell the news but he refused until he'd spent three days inside the whale's belly. With the 'Patriot' Act, our efforts aren't necessary - the NSA simply takes our information surreptitiously - and with no accountability for their abuse of power against our right to privacy.

At Midheaven (The Goal; the WHY? Point) 19Sco33 is another descriptive star: Zuben Eschemali (to go against society) which describes what has been done against the American people and to anyone wishing to communicate with any of us. Another keyphrase for Z. Eschemali (Beta Libra) is: social reform for personal gain. (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.)

These New World Order types are playing for keeps as you may have noticed.

And of course, there's the ancient tradition for the 19th degree of Scorpio (ruled by warring Mars and co-ruled by powerful, manipulative Pluto hiding beneath his sneaky Cape of Invisibility) as the "accursed sign of the accursed degree" but that's an outdated portent in our modern day, right?

Now, as you know, asteroid Cupido stands for several things on various levels but here I usually cite it for its meanings such as: The Family, The Syndicate, Corporatism, and in this horoscope it does not disappoint for it is spotlighted by the Sun 5Gem33 in the 4th house of Homeland and What We Need to Feel Secure. (Not free or private, but allegedly secure. Corporations gain mega-millions through our spying agencies, tech companies, and the Pentagon.)

Jupiter/Pluto Turns Up Again

The Sun has just moved past President Obama's natal Moon 3Gem21 during the current G-8 Summit in Deauville, the reason he used an auto-pen to re-shaft us from France on our right to privacy. His natal Jupiter/Pluto midpoint 18Sco55 sits upon the extension's MC = ambition; advantages in one's occupation; promotion and advancement; great luck.

The 'Jupiter/Pluto' combo itself = plutocrats; the desire for power - Ebertin; Munkasey adds these potentials; self-destructive forces that stem from official corruption; criminal elements with great influence; destruction of legal documents.)

That last would be the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.


Readying for Election 2012? Don't miss this: Tweeters warned against Election Day tweets.

Plus, today Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! will tell us about the Internet 'filter bubble' - what they're not telling us about the Internet - so you may wish to check it out. I'd always figured there was one but didn't know what to call it. Amy Goodman is also reporting right now on the extension of the Patriot Act. John Nichols of The Nation magazine is being interviewed about the Wisconsin court decision that went against Governor Walker's union-busting...checks and balances!

And I wonder what Thom Hartmann will have to say about the president's robo-extension of draconian surveillance power?

Apr 6, 2011

US Gov Shutdown? US natal chart w Apr 8, 2011 transits

UPDATE 4.6.11 6:07 pm edt: NPR just reported that if there is a government shutdown at the end of the week it would happen at "12:01 am Saturday morning." This is one minute one second later than what I used to set up the horoscope below yet the charts' (cusps') time link remains the same.

Original column begins here:

America's Natal Chart with Transits for April 8, 2011: Midnight on Capitol Hill

by Jude Cowell

As the US government's budget impasse continues, with raising the debt ceiling soon on our national menu as well, I'm feeling as if the American people and our tattered social fabric are being held hostage to Washington's ideology-driven Capitol Hill Theater antics as the ruling class pushes its 'higher agenda' of world domination upon US taxpayers' tab.

Therefore, the US war budget, a bottomless pit of financial irresponsibility which funds wars on behalf of global war profiteers, will not be put upon the chopping block - but your Aunt Granny Fanny's Medicare probably will.

Here you see dual charts with US natal inside (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA), center, and transits for April 8, 2011 @ 11:59:59 pm Capitol Hill DC, outer. My usual messy scribbles are included so click to enlarge the charts for better viewing, if you wish.

One thing that immediately pops out to the eye is that the transiting cusps are the same as our nation's natal cusps! This makes it easy to see which houses (life departments) contain transiting planets at midnight of April 8, 2011 when the national budget effectively ends.

Anger Management MIA

Missing in action (besides common sense) may be anger management with the tr Moon 21Gem00 conjoining US natal Mars 21Gem23 in 7th house. Moon/Mars contacts indicate anger, intense emotions, impulsive actions, and emotional excitement and with the Moon in a mundane chart signifying The People, one may assume that most if not all Americans will be po'd big time at Congress even more than usual if a shutdown occurs.

The Moon Hour is good for fluctuations and changes though the April 8th Moon is out-of-bounds (OOBs) and thus feeling insecure and perhaps inferior concerning our needs (Moon) - as if the Political Theater now being played out in Washington is more important to DC politicians than our needs are. (Well, to me it's a given that DC pols think this, but maybe some of us still believe that sending reps there to "do the people's business" remains The Deal.)

Tr Pluto 7Cap30 is in 1st house showing massive transformation and as-yet unknowable power issues which are being revealed as Pluto plows through America's house of Identity and opposes US n planets in Cancer. When it comes to money - what the shutdown is purportedly about - Pluto (the dragon guarding the riches) opposing our national Sun/Jupiter midpoint is doing just fine, thanks...

Natal Sun/Jup = tr Pluto: pursuit of fortune; acquiring wealth; an expectation of good luck. (Ebertin.)

But most of us? Not so much.

Another contact between the charts is tr Mercury 20Ari06 Rx playing about our natal Chiron. The Mercury/Chiron duo indicates a superlative ability to suss out what's really going on and to instinctively understand what others are thinking in relation to the situation. This contact describes a negotiator, teacher, counselor, orator, trader, or reporter, (or blogger?) and may signify President Obama since House Majority Leader John Boehner said this week that the President has been out of the mix on budget issues - yet '21Ari' = "A Pugilist Entering the Ring." We'll see if anyone else is better described as a "pugilist" in this matter though Republican Paul Ryan of Wisconsin is a very likely candidate, isn't he?

And since US n Chiron conjoins our natal Sun/Pluto midpoint, a picture forms...

Natal Sun/Pluto = tr Mercury: consciousness of objectives; a nerve crisis; a public speaker with suggestive power.

In 10th house of Career and Public Status, there's lesson-bringer Saturn 13Lib29 in the midst of our nation's Saturn Return with the last of three conjunctions exact on August 28, 2011. (Note: in the outer chart, I neglected to add 'Rx' to Saturn 13Lib29.) Current budget battles and the debt limit issue are part of our Saturn Return for if the US doesn't raise the debt ceiling, we will be forced to reneg on our debts and promises rather than take responsibilities as seriously as Saturn demands.

(Then natal Saturn-in-10th-house's 'fall from grace' implication will follow. Will the GOP sacrifice America for the sake of - they hope - winning the White House in 2012 by refusing to raise the US debt limit?)

Rebellious Uranus 1Ari36, planet of sudden events, is just within US natal 4th house of Home, Homeland, and Domestic Scene and we feel The Awakener's disruptive influence on the monetary stand-offs in Washington. At 5Ari25, warring Mars has made his quarreling self 'at home' and Jupiter 17Lib04 has recently (March 30) opposed US natal Saturn 14Lib48, a time when rules, regulations, and restrictions are in direct conflict with the freedom to do as one wishes and success is blocked. However, Jupiter makes no more oppositions to our Saturn for another 12 years.

April 8, 2011's Moneybags Jupiter

Meanwhile, Jupiter, significator of the Republican Party and chart-ruler (of both charts), applies to conjunction with tr Mercury Rx, a combo of grand plans, good ideas, and sound common sense. The Mercury/Jupiter duo represents businessmen, orators, and scientists.

A minor irritation is described by Jupiter's applying semi-square to Neptune: reality and the facts take a brief holiday and victimization may occur; we should avoid those who tout 'the big picture' which, to me, includes global government promoters and 'free' traders the world over...but especially those in Washington.

Neptune 00Pis08 Still in Range of US natal Moon

Neptune to US n Moon: sense of rootlessness, homelessness and foreclosures, water disasters, and fraud to the people. Yes, Neptune will eventually be beyond influencing our Moon though the planet's dissolving conditions will linger a while. But what will linger longer is radiation crossing the ocean from the Japan Nuclear Meltdown with Neptune now in her favorite sign, Pisces (oceans, fish, poisons, gases, contagions.)

Also, with tr Neptune @ 00Pis08, America's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series, the 12 South, is affected; 12S repeated on July 11, 2010 @ '19Cancer' which conjoined a difficult Fixed Star, Castor. 12S = 'successful outcomes to long term worries or illness; a draining issue will at first seem worse, then clear with successful outcomes.' (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

You'll remember the 12S last July which I held out to bring improvement in the BP-Gulf Oil Blowout disaster and 4 days after the Solar Eclipse occurred, the well was successfully capped. And the news from Japan this very morning is that the radiation leak stopped at "around 5:38 am", as reported by Democracy Now!...success? ;p

So will our national PE's influence help with current budget battles? Hopefully so especially with tr NN (destiny; future direction) in 1st house of this chart (a good portent) and conjoining Fixed Star Aculeus, keywords: enduring attacks but success.

For our children's sakes, may it be so.


Astro-Note: though I'm not fond of spending time studying and posting horoscopes for events which may not come to pass, it seems instructive to consider the midnight chart of April 8, 2011 since a government shutdown will affect us all in a myriad of ways. Some of those ways are mentioned above, many are not. Now if only congressmembers' paychecks stopped being direct-deposited during a gov shutdown, the budget impasse would end very soon if it happened at all! Even so, this post describes current transits to the US natal chart, shutdown or no. jc

Oct 19, 2010

Gerald Celente on gold prices (video); Eclipses 2010 - 2011

This just in bwo

Posted: 19 Oct 2010 04:06 AM PDT

Gerald Celente Celente’s summary of gold prices during the non-economic recovery, and where gold's going.

(Trends&ForecastsBlog) Gerald Celente believes that the stock market will crash before the end of 2010, gold will soar. When gold was at $275 per ounce in 2002, Celente said the price had bottomed and in 2004 forecast the beginning of the “Gold Bull Run.” Since that time, with pinpoint accuracy, he said when, why – and how high – gold would go. Gerald Celente sees huge opportunities in green healthy food, technology for the poor, and in rejuvenating the cities with quality architecture, Gerald Celente as always recommends gold Canadian dollar and the Swiss franc as hedges against the inflation.


Why, with his excellent timing skills and insights, I'd almost think Mr. Celente is a financial astrologer, or uses one such as Ray Merriman who authored The Gold Book.

Especially since the Lunar Eclipse of December 21, 2010 points toward market difficulties, perhaps a double dip recession, or a crash.

Then on January 4, 2011, there's a Solar Eclipse 13Cap39 which falls across the zodiac from America's natal Sun, the leader. In her book Eclipses Celeste Teal titles this eclipse 'The Balance of Power' which can relate to domestic and foreign difficulties for President Obama with more focus on business affairs (Cap.) If the expected take over of the House by Republicans and their shadow personalities, the Tea Partisans, occurs in November, the 'balance of power' will certainly be high on America's menu with more political gridlock, not less, on Capitol Hill.

For those who wish America to fail, this will provide a great boost.

The Solar Eclipse @ '13Cap' is in critical or crisis degree, adding to the 'crash' potential, plus the eclipse degree conjoins Fixed Star Manubrium, keyphrase: flaring heat with Sun-Mars vibes. This star indicates possibilities such as: overconfidence, courage, heroism, legal or domestic problems, blindness, fires, or explosions. In Horary Astrology Plain & Simple, Anthony Louis adds that Manubrium is 'good for sports and politics'.

However, I read the Solar Eclipse as falling even closer to the degree of Fixed Star Ascella 13Cap38 (a one-minute orb) which provides a Jupiter-Mercury influence: gains, good judgment, happiness, and influential friends. Perhaps this seeming disagreement between Manubrium and Ascella for the eclipse simply describes the mixture of good-bad which we always experience in life - or the rich getting richer while the rest of us do without.

And Mr. Celente sees 'huge opportunities' along with a possible crash by the end of the year - opportunities for those able to take them with left-over dregs for the underclass. Yes, the lamb-fleecing continues in Wall Street casinos!

Well, venerable Astrology brings its timing ability to the table along with descriptions of life's simultaneous and complex levels of existence. Yet it's the critical or crisis nature of both the Dec 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse 29Gem21 and the Solar Eclipse of Jan 4, 2011 13Cap39 which may tell the financial tale by the end of the year and into what promises to be a difficult period for the world: 2011.

For 2011, after all, is the gatekeeper ushering us in to 2012.

Sep 6, 2010

Autumn Equinox 2010 on Capitol Hill

Horoscope: Autumn Equinox September 22, 2010 Capitol Hill, Washington DC; Hour Saturn; chart-ruler Mercury 12Vir49 in 4th house of Domestic Scene and Real Estate - unaspected; Sun 00Lib00:00 in 4th house conjunct US natal Midheaven (Sibly chart); Moon 27Pis11 in 10th house of Public Recognition, Status, and Career; MC 00Pis01 conjoins America's Pre-Natal Eclipse 00Pis33 in the 12 South Series which we are in now: issues at first seem worse, then suddenly clear with successful outcomes (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology - let's hope so.)

As you see, the 12S Series manifested on July 11, 2010 @ 19Can24 (we're in it now) and falls within the 2nd house of Money, Earning Ability, and Values in the Autumn EQ chart. Fall EQ 2010's Saturn rules 8th house and is positioned at 6Lib46 which inhibits or delays Creative Projects, Gambling, and Risk-Taking. This may be a good thing considering how Capitol Hill has spent and gambled with taxpayers' money the last several years and put us into beggarship. Alternately, Saturn here may indicate loss through gambling or risk-taking, so caution is advised.

The big, honkin' mass of T-Squares all point to manipulative puppet master Pluto 2Cap49 (again opposing US natal Venus in Cancer); Mr. Hades refuses to share his power or reveal his true plans; highlighted in yellow, upper right, is the list of the midpoint pictures formed by the T-SQs; please look them up for some are repeats which I've noted here before.)

One date to mark on our calendars is Nov 9, 2010 when the Moon meets Pluto meeting the transiting North Node of encounters with destiny. The dragon's head (NN) conjoins Pluto, the dragon, while the dragon's tail (SN) swipes US natal Venus, planet of evaluations and relationships. Moon-Pluto-NN 3Cap36 hook up @ 3:13 pm est, Washington DC. (I'm using the Moon as a timer here to get an exact moment; the Pluto/NN conjunction lasts longer than that, of course.)

Soon to come is this Wednesday's New Moon 15Vir41 of September 8, 2010 (Rosh Hashanah) also also falls in 4th house of the EQ chart (noted as 'Syz Moon' = Syzygy Moon, the prior lunation), along with the unaspected chart-ruler Mercury, planet of commerce, trade, young people, reporters, journalists, and bloggers. All types of communications, speeches and speech writers are also under Mercury's purview. That the speedy one is unaspected strengthens the mercurial energies of the chart within its house and sign (with the effects lasting until at least Winter Solstice 2010 - or perhaps until Spring EQ 2011.) Plus, Mercury is strong in one of its own signs.

With Virgo being the sign of the critic, book writer, and health worker, we may expect emphasis placed on these areas to be of great interest in the US. If a new book hits the best seller list, it will most likely be from a home grown author, or its topic will center on US concerns which include real estate.

Mercury in 4th house may also indicate a moving of residence, and its energy may boomerang into the 10th house of Career. Moon in sympathetic Pisces is an interesting placement and with sign Pisces at MC, career decisions may overwhelm the people (Moon); much publicity may continue to center on (un)employment issues.

Plus, Luna nears the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction 28Pis10/33, both Rx, a pairing of energies that describes explorations, scientific, or technological realms. Jupiter rules Pisces with Neptune as co-ruler (as I say around here) and with Neptune 26AQ27 Rx conj Chiron 26:59 Rx - both conjunct US natal Moon - we may expect more news and concerns about oil spills and blowouts, gas leaks, or flooding here or abroad (9th house, but conjunct US n Moon.)

Now I don't usually include the mysterious Dark or Black Moons but I have penned one in because it conjoins the Neptune-Chiron-US natal Moon trio at MC: it's Dark Moon w/mat2 which I note as a depression indicator and as a spot in a horoscope where something is being hidden. Since it's near MC, perhaps revelations about the Deepwater Horizon blowout (and other water disasters) will be aired in the next few weeks or months.

ASC 23Gem00 brings up America's natal Mars, planet of action, energy, motivation, quarrels, and war. Fixed Stars Capella (Alpha Auriga, of constellation Auriga, The Charioteer: the need for independence; taking the reins of control) and Phact (Alpha Columba Noae: exploring unchartered waters; seeking the unknown; the quest for adventure) are rising as well. Note the keyphrases for Phact in relation to America's tendency to expand and invade territories.

Also, Columba Noae = The Dove of Noah's Ark, which is hopefully a reference to President Obama's participation (or refereeing?) of the Middle East peace process - such as there is one. 'Columba' or 'Columbia' also refer to America as does 'Atlantis' (which also relates to ancient Atlantis and to the Atlantic Ocean; keywords: where one feels doomed; abuse of power); you see that
Atlantis is penned into the 4th house and is conjoined with nasty old asteroid, Nemesis (divine retribution; the unbeatable foe.) Foes we got, foes we continue to make as abuse of power occurs on all sides.

One worst case scenario may be that the 4th house Mercury unaspected in criticizing Virgo with difficult asteroids = terrorists in the homeland, yet links to the US military cannot be ruled out (US natal Mars rising) especially with US n Neptune in 4th house - our national Mars/Neptune square may be at work with its confused motivations and/or deceptive actions. US security needs are on the agenda.

And if the 29th-crisis-degreed Dec 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse (here, in 1st house) affects the markets as previously predicted along with the finance-influencing Solar Eclipse of Jan 4, 2011 (opposing US natal Sun and also at a critical degree), troops may be held on stand-by and perhaps for good reason - to control the angry peasants. Hope not, but there it is. Disagree if you like, add your insights if you please.

Well, as usual, there are more factors to consider yet my blogging time grows short on this Monday holiday with company coming for dinner. If you wish to discuss, please leave an on-topic, courteous comment with no spammy links inside for they will be deleted! (You know who ya are.)

Perhaps you'll wish to mention the ongoing Venus/Mars hook-up, now in intense and passionate Scorpio (sign of Big Business and Surveillance) which here hang out in the risky 5th house of Romance...'6Sco' = "A Gold Rush" - which may be a clue to gold 'piercing' (Mars conjunct Eros) a new and higher level of pricing.

Gold is awfully heavy to transport and store though, isn't it?


Here's interesting info concerning the Fixed Stars linked to US inaugurations, both when they were held in early March and the switch to January 20. Bernadette Brady compares the inaugurations of Richard Nixon and Barack Obama and why 'scandals and rumors' accompany all US presidencies since the date was switched to January.

Plus, you may wish to check out a few brief details concerning Autumn Equinox 2010's ethereal Sun Libra-Moon Pisces blend.

Mar 20, 2010

Astrology Day Blogathon March 19 - 21, 2010 and the Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010

Here I sit wondering if you've dropped in yet to check out the 1st Annual International Astrology Day Blogathon March 19 - 21, 2010.

The Blogathon's Schedule of Articles leads with strong-arm Pluto taking over Friday March 19, Saturn managing his namesake day Saturday ( March 20) perfectly well and efficiently, and Uranus erking jerkily up to meet the Aries Point of Prominence, a World Point of Manifestation which can be a breakthrough position indicating most often a 'scientific breakthrough' of some kind which benefits or hinders large numbers of people, and now appearing just in time to light up Spring Equinox 2010.

Why, it's been about 84 years since revolutionary rebel Uranus, The Awakener and The Witness, streaked through this Mars-ruled area of the zodiac! The quirky, erratic Sky God of the planets can be associated with natural disasters, it must be added.

And after all, 2010 is a year of a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus thus generously expanding the principles involved in the picture: transit Uranus = AP = scientific breakthrough/s of merit and/or significance. Jupiter/Uranus has a definite light-bulb-over-head vibe for brilliant insights to suddenly stun us with their ingeniousness. Air or space travel innovations may be on the menu and scientists' work on energy sources may be on the verge of a big publicity splash.

Now I know you'll keep in mind that July 11, 2010 brings along a Solar Eclipse conjunct a difficult degree in the zodiac (Tropical) @ 19 - 20 Cancer, a critical range traditionally; plus, Castor's reputation as a troublemaker precedes him.

Here's what Anthony Louis gives for Castor in his Horary Astrology Plain and Simple: 'sudden fame or loss; murder; mental illness; crippling of limbs'.

Brady adds 'an intellectual writer' and both stars of The Twins can be inspirational muses for writers and other artistic, creative enterprises.

Pluto's degree of Discovery is around 19 - 20 Cancer as well and you know what the atomic Mr. Underworld signifies - obsessive control of all factors and schedules involved with his endeavors. Pluto keeps himself aloof and is quite neurotically anti-societal, you know, if not a gangster.

Well, generally I'd say our globe is in line for a unifying event of some kind; plus, it feels to me as if there may be multiple events of note during 2010 into 2011.

These are the reasons I want you to have the Astrology Day Blogathon 2010's link for How-To-Deal articles and insights to encourage you to pause and think a while along new tracks while appreciating for a moment another person's perspective. For as the Tarot says, if you're fortunate enough to be able to pause and consider your options, do so.

Plus, eclipses in Cancer spotlight domestic issues such as land, real estate, homes, homeland, questions of and need for security, grains/other food crops, food supply and its transport concerns, food additives, food and poultry inspection, and nurturing sources including food banks and other charities.

Cancer has its primordial links with oceans, crustaceans, and with shrewd business practices and creative talents, too.

Unfortunately, Fixed Star Castor is usually a problem when and wherever it is activated or contacted. From our earthly vantage point upon our little blue sphere a contact with Castor seems to ramp up its expression on an archetypal level. It's a bit like in the film The Mummy - an ancient archetype comes to 'life' either within one's psyche, in muliple psyches, and perhaps upon the physical plane if all factors coincide and the will is there.

In mythology, Castor is brother to Pollux, of course, the dark-light Twin Stars of Gemini, and you can toss your mouse about 3 inches and find web-based info on them all over the interweb.

Then why not sashay yourself over to an original researcher on the subject of Fixed Stars and parans, Australian astrologer Bernadette Brady? You can hardly do better! Especially if Fixed Stars warm the very cockles of your astrologer's heart.

So, Brady's Predictive Astrology gives the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse as being in the 12 South Series and I shall remind you that 12S is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series during which America was founded, occurring prior to July 4, 1776. Don't you find it a helpful trait when using eclipses in your charts that a precise birth time isn't necessary with Fixed Star and paran work (such as that of Bernadette Brady) for one looks at the entire 24 hours of the day - your day, the day or night of your birth, you cute little dickens, you.

With star parans, a horoscope is divided into quarters so that a lifetime is described by quarterly markers for life's chronological phases, and the Fixed Star/s during our day of birth, if any, are linked to a particular planet (or planets) as they arose, culminated, set, and crossed the midnight point at the Base or Foundation Point of the chart, aka The Drain.

Thereby we are informed of the time period of our lives in which certain archetypes and myths (some of them inherited family myths) 'play out' and flavor our motivations and actions (either consciously or most often, unconsciously) and spark (Uranus!) and inform us so we may express their starry mythological energies (stories) in more positive ways than was done heretofore by our ancestors.

This living out archetypal energies, or as a rep for the transpersonal realm, is what I think of as the foundation of the 'past life' theories which abound in the world because this Saturnian astrologer 'sees' heredity in charts - cells and DNA, and not Marie Antoinette or her serving maid. (Addiction to cake is not conclusive evidence of 'past life' or incarnation. Nope.)

July 11, 2010 @ 3:40:17 pm edt Washington DC; ASC 16 Scorpio 05; MC 25 Leo 22 (it and its polar opposite 25 AQ 22, are degrees of Astrology, btw, as are the rest of Leo/AQ's degrees up to 30 Leo); eclipse perfects in the 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Big Business, Corporations, etc, in DC.)

12S: there are influences of 'principles and justified actions' to this Series with possible feelings of melancholy; yet there will be successful outcomes to long-term worries or illness; things may at first seem worse, then clear. (As I've wondered aloud here before: will a health insurance bill of some description and/or one for financial reform actually pass in the US Congress, a body that for decades has preferred to send US treasures overseas?)

Well, here is a brief list of 12S manifestations in the last century and looking forward:

1902, 1919, 1938, 1956, 1974, 1992, and July 11, 2010; the next manifestation will be in 2028.

Well, 12S is the PE of not just America, but of President Harry Truman, the Statue of Liberty (our big honkin' Illuminati monument to Venus Columba, the Dove), and it'a also the Series in which fell Richard Nixon's resignation (good riddance.)

Nov 8, 2009

House passes Health Bill with Hygeia rising

Last evening at 11:07 pm est when the required 218 votes clocked in on the House as shown on C-SPAN, I was watching an animated chart of the scene. When Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the 15-minute vote had passed the bill, it was 11:15 pm.

At 11:15 pm est in the Capitol Building, 15Leo21 - the Heart of the Lion - was on the Ascendant with rising asteroid Hygeia 20Leo31, an appropriate picture of the proceedings. Eagle Point (15Leo) rising, transiting Saturn at a World Point of prominence 00Lib59 (just gone into 2nd house) conjunct US natal Mc in our 'Sibly' chart.

And at 11:07 pm President Obama's natal Sun was rising indicating a definite point scored for him. Saturn (the Democrats) continues his sit-in upon US natal Mc in the 'Sibly' chart - legislative (Saturn) success at the pinnacle (Mc) for the Dems - but hold on, Myrtle, there's that nasty square from transiting Pluto to consider.

Yet helpfully, string-pulling power-broker Pluto is making an applying aspect of opportunity with Lady Venus, a sextile (60 degr), so it's all good...for now.

Chart-ruler Sun 15Sco53 (the Eagle Point) has voting Mercury 17Sco37 nearby in 4th house. Mars 10Leo12 has just arisen and hides in 12th house (the lone Republican who voted for the bill?) Mars is loosely opposing Jupiter 18AQ17 on the Desc; Jupiter is finally off his Direct Station degree of Oct 14 (17AQ10.)

Since changing direction, Jupiterian issues have moved forward - ideals, expansion, and money.

This forms a T-Square of Mars/Jupiter pointing to an apex Sun...

Mars/Jup = Sun: organizational talent; leadership; success; resolving to correct errors of judgment; receiving respect; strong determination about life's objectives. (Munkasey; Tyl.)

Now this T-square indicates a waning (separating) square to the Sun (the lone Republican's blockage to bill's passage removed?) and an applying/waxing square from Jupiter, the planet that represents the GOP in a national chart. The Senate (Jup) has its role to play in stymieing positive reform on behalf of the American people, and at 2A23, it should be in the first part of the upcoming week that we hear of it - beginning on Monday, Nov 9 and probably bright and early, too.

And of course with moneybags Jupiter, costs will be all important. I can imagine that some senators are chomping at the bit to begin making their undermining statements and promoting more confusions for the Neptunian cameras. They must be furiously finalizing their talking points this very Sunday so they'll be loaded for donkey come time to spout.

In fact, the Aquarian trio traveling in tandem these days, Jupiter, Chiron (the healer), and Neptune are all squaring the Sun and Mercury in last evening's chart by sign if not degree, along with tr *Pandora whose action is expansive in similar fashion to Jupiter's abundane which can soon become over-abundance with Pandora's influence.

Moon (the people) is in 12th house @ 26Can23 but passed beyond the separative South Node. Perhpas we-the-people weren't paying as much attention as we might have been (12th house, the house of Hospitals) to last evening's vote. Venus has just entered Scorpio, sign of surgeries and big business...which brings me to my main beef about the 'House passes Health Bill' situation of Nov 7:

The Sun arose on Nov 7, 2009 with a Fixed Star that relates to social reforms and social justice...Zuben Eschemali which has a twin Star, Zuben Elgenubi.

Z. Eschemali's interest in social reform is the more mercenary side of the picture with highly idealistic changes being made for personal gain with strong power motives. (Brady's Fixed Stars.) Z. Elgenubi's influence would indicate selflessness (but we are talking about self-serving politicians, after all.)

Z. Eschemali is the Beta Star of Libra, Z. Elgenubi is the Alpha Star. Here we have the Beta Star active, the mercenary side of the deal.

Uranus 22Pis56 Rx is in 8th house of Debt, Insurance, Credit, Shared Resources, Transformation, Death, so disruption and the unexpected may be expected concerning this legislation particularly with money matters.

Yet quirky, progressive Uranus trines the House bill's Sun (7A03) and Mercury (5A19) and federal funding for abortion may be the Death matter shown in the chart, waiting for the Senate to take it up. Last evening's Sun/Mercury/Uranus trines may show the Ds working out terms on abortion funding with the Vatican.

With tr Neptune conjunct US natal Moon these days, not much is as it seems, and of course Neptune is associated with mass media and propaganda as well as representing the masses, aka the collective. But it's for certain that Neptunian loss, theft, and veiling of true motives are part of the environment now...especially in the Capitol Hill corridors of power.

And I do think that Astrology has just uncovered Capitol Hillers' motives of the Zuben Eschemali kind.


*The Pandora/Jupiter pair has been covered in an excellent article in Dell Horoscope Magazine in 2004 by Julie Demboski and if you have copies from 2004 about the place, Julie's article is well worth looking up for Pandora/Jupiter don't observe boundaries very carefully, if at all. In the case of Capitol Hill, just get the Fed to print more money and spend it beyond all reason.

Feb 2, 2008

Bush at the helm: shipwreck, me matey

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." --Albert Einstein

Many times during Bush's terms of office, I've heard or read references to America's being shipwrecked by this administration--and I'm sure you have also.

Hmmm...where in Bush's natal chart have I seen "shipwreck" indications before?

Using Anthony Louis' Horary Astrology Plain and Simple, I checked his list of Fixed Stars and Malefic Degrees in the back of the book and found these Stars and their keywords linked to two angles of Bush's birth chart: the Ascendant (his nibs himself) and the IC, the Foundation or Ending Point of the chart, aka the drain.

As you know, chart angles are points of dynamic manifestation:

Natal ASC 7Leo07 conj Praesepe 7Leo20 (the beehive = what he stirred up in the Middle East; Praesepe is a nebula on Cancer the crab's head--plus, his natal Sun is in side-stepping Cancer): inner drive; reclusiveness; blindness; injury; fires; murder; tragedy; "exhalation of piled up corpses";

North Asellus 7Leo32: shipwreck; blindness or eye problems; military preferment (AWOL from Vietnam courtesy of Poppy's connections? The Pentagon dancing to his tune?);

South Asellus 8Leo34 (this brings in natal Mercury and that of the GOP): same as North Asellus but add horrors; mass murder.

(Now remember--I'm just telling you what the Stars say...while reading the news these last eight years.)

Then there's his nibs' natal IC conj Foramen 22Lib09: prosperity; eyesight problems or blindness; leadership; shipwreck.

Well, there we have it--the man and his leadership, at the helm of America and sinking her as fast as he can. He's only got one year left, y'know, he's blind as a bat, and the NWO must be served to promote the North American Union. Bush and colleagues labor under the "a course of action which must be followed--little option to do otherwise" credo.

Read up on the NAU: The August Review.

Sep 13, 2007

Bush on tv 9 pm

With a massive storm upon us, I've been hurrying to finish an entry on Bush's speech tonight--and have misguidedly posted it to one of my art blogs, Secret Moon Art. But with one click you'll be hooked up, promise!

Bush on tv 9 pm with Cupido rising. You may find Fixed Star Denebola of interest with the Sun's rays highlighting it...keywords: to go against society.

There's an awful lot of that going on lately, isn't there?

Aug 9, 2007

That Feeling of Fate

Surfing so that you don't have to, I've come upon another well-written article by astrologer Lynn Hayes who opens up the astrology of the natal chart when interpreted with the progressed chart for you--their uses and differences, with her Musings on Fate and the Progressed Chart.

As Lynn explains so well, we're fated to express our natal charts.

Yet much may be gleaned from knowing our progressed charts--how we've evolved and what our natal tendencies have led to. Yes, the information found in a progressed chart is invaluable to the seeker.

Bravo, Lynn!

Jul 9, 2007

Green Comet and the sunspot

Space Weather News for July 9, 2007:

PHOTOGENIC SUNSPOT: During the weekend new sunspot 963 emerged, and it is putting on a remarkable show for onlookers with solar telescopes. Images featured on today's edition of include must-see footage of a fire-fountain-like eruption plus snapshots of the International Space Station (ISS) transiting the active region. The big double-sunspot is just beginning a two week journey across the face of the sun, promising many more photo-ops in the days ahead.

GREEN COMET: This week, comet Linear VZ13 is gliding through the constellation Draco not far from the North Star. The 8th magnitude comet is too dim for the naked eye, but it is an easy target for binoculars and backyard telescopes. Observers say it has a beautiful green atmosphere and a stubby fan-shaped tail. Closest approach to Earth: July 14th at a distance of 86 million km. Visit for daily sky maps and photos.#

Now the circumpolar constellation Draco, the Dragon, has its brightest star, Thuban, "to make or protect a treasure" mentioned by Ptolemy to be related to Mars and Saturn influences. Not so good, although Thuban may be indicative of immense treasures flowing to the world (Brady, Fixed Stars.)

Thuban culminated with Pablo Picasso's Sun which shows his prolific output of a body of artwork which was valuable while he was still living...treasures indeed.

And Sir Isaac Newton's Moon set as Thuban culminated so he had an emotional attachment to his acquisitions. He guarded his treasures--his ideas and theories--and resisted publishing his invention, calculus, perhaps because he feared theft of his genius and was known as a miser.

Thuban can also be about sacred matters which have degenerated into jealously guarded treasure--or it can bring immense riches.

Then there is Polaris, the North Star, mentioned in the SpaceWeather dispatch above, keywords: "to point the way; and, a protective or nurturing mission."

Polaris is the star at the end of the handle of Ursa Minor, the Little Dipper or Bear...hard to miss.

Older traditions connect Polaris with evil or with illness, but most allow a sense of guidance, pioneering, and path finding. Ptolemy asserts influences of Saturn and Venus for Polaris.

Actually, due to precession, Thuban was once the pole star in 3,000 B.C.E., fancifully making Ursa Minor the wings of Draco the Dragon.

So it's Little Bears, Dragons, and Green Comets!

May 21, 2007

This Week in Washington 5.21.07

Since this week in Washington is critical you'd expect that the crisis flavor would show in the chart representing the week, wouldn't you?

Well, it does.

And even though the head varmint-in-chief has cleared out and hightailed it on down to his "ranch" in Texas, there is much hoo ha a-gwyin' on back at political headquarters in his sorry wake.

And no UN boss for dinner can hide the fact that the ornery cuss has a mess on his paws when he returns to the White House--it may even follow his tracks down to Crawford.

Monday's sunrise:

Can the Sun be at any more critical degree? 29Tau59..straining to be at 00Gem00..not a good place in the zodiac due to Fixed Star, Alcyone, keywords: rash or harsh judgements and narrow-minded to the point of being blind to the obvious. They say this varmint has a tin ear, too--and the Sun is in the "something to cry about" neighborhood.

It's almost 3:00 am edt right 3:00 am in DC, the Moon will be at critical degree 29Can+ and forming a YOD (Finger of God) pattern with Sun and Pluto ("29Can" is the "Daughter of the American Revolution" degree, btw.)

Apex Pluto in YOD formation has a need to psychologically accept a direction in momentous situations that he'd rather not, thanks. This Pluto represents someone who's in a high-level authority position but something from past behaviors and attitudes must be changed before a new direction can be undertaken.

Apex Pluto in a YOD pattern has karmic, long-time-coming implications with objectivity lacking and a total engrossment in an extreme perspective that is out-of-focus with surroundings.

The midpoint picture for this YOD is:

Sun/Moon = Pluto: critical time of development; separation to start anew; biased attitude; changed circunstances; a soul torn by inner conflict.

Then we see a Mutable T-square between Mercury/Jupiter = Uranus: curiosity; quickness in repartee or on the uptake; ability to give good answers when challenged; successful propaganda activity; a resourceful orator; effective advertising; sudden inspiration.

And apex Uranus in a Mutable T-square? Oh that's where it gets good and descriptive:

This (Uranus)is the radical thinker who defies tradition and is so erratic he's considered a social crank whose subversive ideas threaten society. His ideas may be too lofty to be practically utilized, and his idiosyncracies indicate a high-strung temperament which may operate willfully as a social catalyst.

The urge to break down and shatter what impedes his aspirations and ideals drives him to instigate sudden reforms that disrupt the status quo.

This is the social misfit who is willfully out-of-tune with the established order of his environment. The pressure being exerted upon him causes explosive--or even violent--outbursts for he is a law-unto-himself who defensively detaches his will from all outer pressures.

Hence his mosey down to Crawford!

There's more in the chart, of course, but the sandman is calling my name. Perhaps I can add to this post during the week...stay tuned, pardners...a bumpy ride pretty well describes this week in Washington.

(Apex info from: Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney; midpoint pics from the usual: Ebertin and Tyl.)