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Showing posts with label alcyone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alcyone. Show all posts

Apr 28, 2024

Uranus to Gemini July 2025

Can Uranus Get a Witness?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Our days of Uranus (The Witness) in earthy Taurus, since March 2019, will end soon as transit Uranus lurches into the tropical sign of Mercury-ruled Gemini.

In Gemini, progressive, futuristic planet Uranus sparks such concepts as original, innovative thinking, new or novel ideas in fields such as Technology, communications, electronics, Science, education, travel (air and space), commerce and trade, literature, persuasive oration, and alternative modes of living and healing. Then given our current societal conditions with Election 2024 coming soon, I must add zealous ideas and ideals from radical reactionaries in Politics; plus, mutable, changeable Gemini is the sign of multiplicity and duplicity.

General negatives of Uranus in Gemini periods include eccentricity, impracticality, scattered ideas and energies, radical or erratic ideals, and/or unreliability in relationships.

Uranus First Sighted 1781 by William Herschel and his sister Caroline (horoscope shown)

Now as you know, Gemini is the sign of America's totem planet, Uranus (@9Gemini in 1776: "A Quiver Full of Arrows"), due to its association with the principles of freedom, independence, anarchy, revolt and rebellion (1775/76). So we should add electricity, shocks, separation, disruption, and upheaval. Also add that America has tended toward war engagement when our Uranus Returns have occurred, and these days, cyber war must be included. Significantly, America's next Uranus Return, a three-fer, will arrive twice in 2027 and once in 2028. A future post on the topic is in the planning stage, so stay tuned to SO'W as you wish.

Meanwhile, across the globe there's a coming shift of Uranian energies from fixed Taurus to airy, mutable Gemini so I thought you might want to view the first second (according to my SolarFire v9.27 software) that transit Uranus reaches 00Gem00:00, the position of fixed star Alcyone of the Pleiades Constellation (the 7 sisters; Gemini, sign of twins and siblings).

DC Horoscope: July 7, 2025 1st second at 3:47:16 am edt; ASC 16Gem14 conjunct Rigel and Mars-NN; planets are aligned in a Splay pattern of individualism; after some fancy footwork, erratic Uranus will hit 00Gem00:00 twice more: in early November 2025 (Rx) and April 2026; my study notes are penned on the chart for your consideration:

Now an Alcyone-Uranus conjunction is never to be taken lightly. You'll find a description of its potentials at Astrology King (scroll down to Uranus). Suffice to say that themes of the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') in the 9 New North Saros Series @9Aries echo the Alcyone-Uranus contact via physical accidents and possibilities of violence. Take no chances! Of course, these concerns loom much larger if the orange fascist manages to coup the White House in November 2024. If you're curious, using this chart as a transit chart to the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope would be informative.

An Additional Note: freedom-loving Uranus also hit 00Gemini in 1942 and conjoined restrictive Saturn which highlights President Biden's natal Saturn-Uranus Conjunction in early Gemini with the duo's links to politics, law, Israel-Palestine, and with old order vs new order implications.

And in case you're wondering, here's a tri-wheel showing when Trump's Guiding Planet Uranus Returns to natal degree with its Sabian Symbol for 18 Gemini: "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd". (I consider this picture a cosmic peep-eye.)

Then if you're unfamiliar with Charles Carter's perfect description of one of the three types of Uranians, try a previous post Recognizing the Primitive Uranian.

Oct 4, 2023

Oct 2023: Updating the NWO Horoscope

Astro-Notes re: One World Government

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Way back in December 2014, a Modern NWO Horoscope was published to SO'W with details. Dated October 24, 1993 and based on the third of three Uranus-Neptune Conjunctions @18Capricorn, the third Conjunction occurred within the 13 South Saros Series of May 21, 1993 @00Gem31 with potentials for 'constitutional crisis' (what the enemies of a democratic America need to proceed with their global agenda), and 'sinister energies' as they 'strive for group endeavors, either positively or negatively' (Predictive Astrology, B. Brady #ad).

As you see by its 00Gemini degree, the eclipse joined forces with a fixed star, Alcyone (Eta Tauri, brightest of the Pleiades; keywords: 'something to cry about'; mystical but judgmental'). Alcyone's conjunction with the solar eclipse ramped up the misfortune level to potentials for facial injuries, imprisonment, disgrace, and/or an evil disposition which naturally adds fuel to 13 South's sinister energies.

A 13 South solar eclipse last manifested in 2011, and the next will occur in 2029.

So below is a freshly marked, time-corrected NWO Horoscope which may be enlarged for better viewing if you like. Around the chart and highlighted in blue are today's transiting planets with transit Saturn Rx prominently crossing and recrossing the early Pisces Ascendant, and transit Mars nearing October 1993's 9th house Jupiter in Libra; Venus @10Libra leads a BOWL shape of planets and will be eclipsed on October 2, 2024 by an 8 South Solar Eclipse (@10Libra) with themes of 'separation, loss,' and possible 'injury'; therefore, money, evaluations, perspectives, and relationships may be involved:

In addition, we should add a few details concerning the Uranus-Neptune duo of energies. I believe it's no coincidence that extremist Republicans have attempted to make being what they call woke "a thing" (a negative thing!) since the primary principle of Uranus-Neptune according to Reinhold Ebertin is, "Elimination of the waking consciousness."

Ebertin then cites potentials for 'inner vision, inner illumination, enlightenment, inspiration, idealism, interest in spiritual subjects, mysticism,' and 'art'. Obviously, these are potentials that Republican politicians don't want us to engage in or be aware of (they're civilizing!), for they prefer us to be unconscious of inconvenient circumstances, conditions, and the plights of others - because then improvements may be necessary! In other words, Republican saboteurs don't want us to have nice things.

Meanwhile, the total Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 (the third of 3) contains Uranus-Neptune enlightenment vibes, 'great ideas, and visions' so we'll see who manages to remain asleep under those inspirational influences! After all, everyone must awaken from deep sleep at some time or another.

Uranus-Neptune: A Stellar Pedigree

Basically, I'd say that since Uranus and Neptune conjoined during the European Enlightenment of the 18th century, and because America is founded upon Enlightenment principles, these are some of the concepts that extremist Republicans don't want the American people to be mindful of, for then, comparing our traditional freedom and equality aspirations with the zealots' global take-over plan of fascist totalitarianism determined to implement a feudal system in America, makes for a very bad look for the GOP saboteurs of democracy.

Don't you think?

Jun 22, 2022

DC Horoscope: J6 Hearing June 23, 2022

Just a quick posting of what may turn out to be only a speculative Horoscope of tomorrow's J6 Public Hearing said to be opening at 2:30 pm edt Washington DC (. Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes which include the fact that rising is Tr*mp's natal 2nd house Jupiter (@18Lib27 Stationary which brings along his deceptive Neptune and wounding Chiron - and opposing the natal Jupiter in Aries of Speaker Pelosi), Castor at Midheaven with the fighting Mars-Ascendant midpoint, and an unaspected Mercury, planet of communications such as testimonies, depositions, hearing/s, and investigations - in its own sign of chatty Gemini conjunct Aldebaran; meanwhile, chart-ruler Venus, highlighted in blue, makes no applying major aspects which makes her condition of house, sign, and degree prominent, along with a Venus-Alcyone conjunction:

2:45 pm edt: An UPDATE already! Thom Hartmann just mentioned that tomorrow's hearing is to open at 3:00 pm edt - see how difficult it is to post accurate horoscopes of the J6 hearings? If at 3:00 pm, the Trump-Pelosi Jupiters will already have risen and set (but eternally opposing one another!), and activist Mars @21Aries will have dropped into 6th house instead of being angular. And one of the 'Images for Integration' (The Harvies) of the day's Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus blend of energies remains: "A Flourishing Family Business." Wonder whose?

Jun 10, 2022

June 13th Horoscope: The 2nd Jan 6th Public Hearing vs Donald Trump

Friday June 10, 2022

"Be There, Will Be Wild"

Dear Reader,

You know how things go along for some time with little happening in your life but then all of a sudden you're positively swamped? Well, for me this describes today until next Tuesday (6/14) so this post is for publishing the Horoscope of the second of the J6 Public Hearings with 15Leo50 rising on Monday June 13th, at the announced opening time of 10:00 am edt, with the Sun @22Gem33 as chart-and-hearing-ruler. The Sun's two applying aspects (how things will proceed) are listed, lower left corner, plus, the Moon @9Sag38 is quite busy for Luna is out-of-bounds (estranged: not watching? at work? angry?) yet she leads a Locomotive shape of the planets from the domestic 4th house.

Mundane Moon: We The People, The Public, Women, Publicity, Emotions, Moods, Trends, Shifts, Changes

This leading position suggests that the Moon conjunct warring star Antares (obsessed with success) is where most of the second hearing's energies will express. To me this implies the 2nd hearing's focus on women or a woman, plus, a focus on domestic insurrectionists and terrorist militia groups who showed up that day at the Capitol Building (at Trump's invitation and command) spoiling for a fight, ruthlessly determined to disrupt the congressional vote certification, and to threaten, if not physically harm, certain Congress members - and perhaps to execute VP Pence for refusing to go along with saboteur Trump.

Of course, complicit Congress members, part of the 'Big Lie' conspiracy and coup attempt, should be a major focus as well, but perhaps this comes in later hearings with the final one held on June 23, 2022 at 8:00 pm edt. And as we heard from Rep. Liz Cheney in last night's hearing, after the January 6th coup attempt, Rep. Scott Perry and other Republicans asked Trump for pardons to excuse their seditious actions! What a gaggle of malicious and sly dogs they all are. And probably, certain on-air personalities can be included in the seditious gaggle due to their massive disinformation campaign a la the Murdoch family, and the bad 'advice' they gave to Trump which egged him on to the depths.

Then as you see in the horoscope below, the current 6 North Solar Eclipse (@10Tau28, April 19, 2022) is near the top of the horoscope (MC @7Tau12 conjunct two stars: lone pioneer Hamal, and Schedir, the queen) with 6 North Eclipse themes of 'relationship to authority figures' and 'accepting commitments due to another's illness or unreliability' - B. Brady); also at Midheaven, the Goal Point, is the incendiary Mars-Uranus Conjunction which perfected on Inauguration Day 2021 @6Tau44; at MC this suggests such violent acts as 'putting a gun to someone's head' and/or 'taking drastic measures' (N. Tyl). I'd have to say that fomenting a violent coup attempt against the US government in order to stay in power is the drastic measure taken by wanna-be dictator Trump with his thugs fulfilling his wishes against Capitol Hill police officers and others:

June 2022: A Prominent Birthday for Herr Trump!

Anyone familiar with the birth date and/or the natal planets of Donald Trump recognizes that his Solar Return 2022 is happening so I've listed this at the top of the image. As it happens, the Sun returns exactly to natal degree on June 13, 2022, yes, but not until 7:26:15 pm edt. So it's a big fat Happy Birthday to the orange blighter that most Americans would prefer to forget after a cell door is locked and the key tossed away.

Plus, as the Cosmos would have it, it's that time of the month for Herr Trump who will experience a Lunar Return early Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at 4:21:27 am edt (also listed on the image, upper right) and at that very hour, transit Mercury, planet of testimony, hearing/s, messages, witnessing, and information, will rise and will have advanced from 29Tau57 to 00Gem32 - conjunct Alcyone ('something to cry about').

Well, yes, the blighter may boo hoo but most Americans have had much to cry about since Trump announced his candidacy of bigotry in June 2015 under the influence of the Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse conjunct Scheat, star of extreme misfortune - and I would say that Scheat's misfortunes were amped up by the March 2015 Eclipse and that together they 'brought' us Donald Trump, dripping with the karma of America's past actions and deepest neuroses. As you know, Star and Eclipse working together by conjunction amps up both of their indications. And nowadays, as the June 2022 Public hearings are being held, wealthy stealthy Pluto (publisher, corporatist, international banker, assassin, spy, dictator, The Pope) rises with Scheat suggesting catastrophes and possible self-destruction - as the US experiences her first-ever Pluto Return so the plutonian karmic implications are abundant on the negative side for primal violence, exploitation, and persecution. Positively, America wades through the muck and manages to restructure what needs improvement.

So to me, all this points toward our instincts about this year's major significance for our country and in part contributes to that shifting feeling that leaves us uncertain and anxious about America's future. Is it 1776 all over again? Some Uranian zealots and revolutionaries are behaving as if it is - are determined that it is because they say so.

Meanwhile, if We The People cling to the Public J6 hearings this month for an anchor, we may be disappointed that outcomes don't go as far as we think just and fair but let's not give up on outcomes or on the ultimate legal involvement of the DOJ. For as former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner always says, Justice Matters.

And so, dear reader, there are more stars and planetary factors of note in the above horoscope, plus, a few of Herr T's natal placements are penned around the chart (exs: Saturn opposing his natal Mars - resisting authority, anger, violent eruptions - and Jupiter opposing natal Neptune - fantastic schemes, fanatic ideas, confidential matters revealed). Hopefully, you'll suss out a few chart factors for yourself if you're so inclined for I must now skeddadle - why, we even have a family graduation to celebrate this weekend!

My Best to You and Yours, Jude

And in case you missed it: Horoscope of the 1st Public Jan 6th Hearing.

Apr 13, 2021

Solar Eclipse April 2022 and the Marseillaise Trio

Beware: The Mars-Jupiter-Neptune Trio from 1792 Soon Repeats

by Jude Cowell

For astrologers, key dates in the History of the French Revolution reveal intriguing planetary alignments with the Marseillaise Trio of Mars, Jupiter, and Nepune prominent and coming to represent extreme violence such as stormings, breaches, and mob riots against established authority. Note that when the Storming of the Tuileries palace occurred on August 10, 1792, the planetary Trio was aligned in late Libra, sign of balance and justice, as the populace demanded an end to the French monarchy of King Louis XVI and proceeded to dethrone the king. Follow the link, above, for more details concerning the events.

But why mention this historically significant planetary alignment now?

Because a heads-up may be in order for unfortunately, the Marseillaise Trio will form in 'marching order' once again and can be seen in the Horoscope of the April 30, 2022 Solar Eclipse in the 6 North Saros Series (shown below) and ranging from 23Pisces to 1 Aries with globally significant Aries Point included, one of the four Cardinal World Points of manifestation. Here, Venus is among the Trio which will tighten on May 18, 2022 when Mars and Neptune conjunct @24Pis59:35 and Jupiter inches slightly into Aries (1:22).

Initial 6 North Eclipse of May 15, 0850 (28Taurus) Repeats on April 30, 2022

May 15th, the 'Ides of May', is a significant date in history and marks the Roman Festival of Mercury, aka, Mercuralia, when merchants honored Mercury and prayed for profit and the ability to continue cheating customers. And as you know, messenger god Mercury is called Hermes in Greek mythology and is well known for her/his commerce, trading, communication, teaching, tricksterism, thieving, and other talents and skills. Interestingly, Mercury rules both the Ascendant and Midheaven of the April 30, 2022 eclipse chart and @00Gem48, conjuncts Alcyone with its keyphrase, 'something to cry about'. Or, perhaps Mercury conjunct Alcyone will simply bring rain a bunch!

April-May 2022 Solar and Lunar Eclipses

So yesterday when we discussed some prominent Karmic Planets That Block President Biden's Plans into 2022 I hadn't yet thought much about the first Solar Eclipse of 2022 occurring April 30th @10Taurus28 in the 6 North Saros Series and what changes and disruptions its 'wild card' Uranian energies could bring to the White House and to the US government. Adding to this is erratic Uranus @14Tau32, the degree of America's Inaugural Ascendant every four years and spotlighting fixed star Menkar with its 'victim of the unconscious' implications and link to Jonah and The Whale (saying what must be said, as presidents with bully pulpits do).

Since 6 North themes involve 'relationships to authority figures' and 'taking control and responsibility' we must, however reluctantly, consider the April 30, 2022 Solar Eclipse (DC horoscope, below), plus, the accompanying May 16, 2022 Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio (not shown - and perfects within a day of May 15th depending on your location and time zone). As you know, accompanying Lunar Eclipses reveal clues concerning societal reactions to their related Solar Eclipses (these across the Taurus-Scorpio axis). And as you see, the Solar Eclipse's 3rd cusp @25Sco36 (when set for DC) points toward the May 16, 2022 Lunar Eclipse which may actually signify the Full Moon referred to in the Symbol for the Venus-Jupiter Conjunction @28Pisces (6th house; wealthy people) - which in turn relates to the symbol for the Solar Eclipse itself ("11Taurus") via the concept of Gardening Under the Full Moon, at the culmination stage of plans seeded at the previous New Moon.

Note: Sabian Symbols supply additional information for those who use them and several are penned upon the chart.

So besides the 'take control' energies contained within 6 North themes (see the top of the chart for the rest), the Symbols identify gardening, care, development, and cultivation as additional underlying potentials of both April/May 2022 eclipses, plus, Taurus is the sign of growth. And in a flurry of synchronicity, a cosmic time link exists between this Solar Eclipse's Syzygy Moon (the previous lunation) - also a Full Moon which perfects on April 16, 2022 @26Lib46 with its degree spotlighting the 1792 Marseillaise Trio. As you see, the April Full Moon in Libra conjuncts the 2nd cusp of the eclipse chart implying revelations concerning finances and/or values:

6 North Solar Eclipse April 30, 2022 4:27:55 pm EDT White House, Washington, DC: Hour of Jupiter (conjunct Venus--two money planets); Mutable/Earth; a Bundle shape of planets suggesting a concentration of 'take-over energies' which resonates with the themes of 6 North eclipses; quirky Uranus nearby emphasizes karmic debts and resources, and solar eclipses in the 8th house link the past, present, and future, and are particularly karmic. Manifesting in Venus-ruled Taurus, the Taurean traits of endurance and reliability are required for best results (R. Lineman) concerning events brought by the eclipse. (I suspect you know what this eclipse may refer to without my having to type it, dear reader, for I do not want to do that in case it attracts the loss or dethroning of a leader via illness or unreliability.)

Now in closing, here are three midpoint pictures an their potential expressions from the above chart: *Pluto-NN (North Node) = Neptune: 'success attained through lies and fraud; disadvantages and losses'; Mercury-Pluto = Venus = Jupiter: 'propaganda; persuasion; crooks and swindlers'; and, Mercury-Uranus = NN: 'surprising news; turns or changes; cooperation' (Ebertin).

Plus, penned on the chart, lower left, you see the only applying Ptolemaic (major) aspect made by chart-ruler/Midheaven ruler Mercury - a sextile to Venus (2A52) indicating opportunities for diplomacy and for forming alliances. My first thought? That Venus might very well signify VP Kamala Harris.

(Note: any, all, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions.)

*Besides the 'common destiny of a large mass of people' and 'powerful groups', Pluto-NN is the "tiger by the tail" combo!

Dear Reader: As always your on-topic comments and observations are welcome as long as you don't sign with 'Unknown' or 'Anonymous'! jc

Jan 13, 2019

DC Horoscopes: February 2019 New and Full Moons

Left: New Moon @15AQ45 February 4, 2019 White House Washington DC; Hour of Mars @23Ari31 in the very visible 10th house and approaching 'wild card' planet Uranus. This explosive planetary pair blend their energies during 'dangerous times' and there is US natal Saturn (legalities, justice system, Robert Mueller) conjunct the New Moon IC, the Basis of the Matter. This New Moon phase culminates with the Full Moon of February 19, 2019 @00Vir42 conjunct royal Regulus ('success if revenge is avoided') and the natal Ascendant (and Mars) of Donald J. Trump.

Now as you see, transit Saturn (highlighted in blue, 6th house) @15Cap22 conjoins the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') prior to this New Moon, an eclipse which perfected on the evening of January 5, 2019 and will forever be imprinted upon the opening of the 116th Congress with its theme of 'joining a new or unusual group and gaining a great deal' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). Our newly elected House representatives of the Democratic persuasion certainly did that!

Below right is the February 19, 2019 Full Moon conjunct Regulus horoscope which shows asteroid Nemesis rising ('the unbeatable foe' or, 'divine retribution') in Gemini along with gold-hoarding Midas. The Full Moon falls across the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis and squares fixed star Alcyone ('something to cry about'). Follow the link for my original post which was composed prior to the brutal Trump Shutdown which began at midnight on December 22, 2018 so I'm thinking the cosmic picture here refers to the suffering of the American people and Trump's sabotage of the US economy using as an excuse his vanity project 'the wall' that he and Republicans could have funded and built during the two years they had control of House and Senate. The timing of the Trump Shutdown leveled extreme stress upon federal workers coming just before Christmas, and I believe that Trump was encouraged to time it to prevent much of the 116th Congress/Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House publicity from taking over the airwaves. Plus, Trump wanted a 'showdown' with Speaker Pelosi and to present her with a crisis to deal with instead of the progressive agenda (he hoped)--why else wait for her swearing in as Speaker? Of course, Sean Hannity of Fox News and the other Murdoch shills advised him of this necessity and as you know, power-grabber Trump hates it when someone or an event takes away what he considers 'his' spotlight. Alcyone's tears of affected federal workers and others with no paychecks with which to feed their children are of no consideration for we know what Trump has already done to children.

Yet predictably, if Big T can figure out how to end his Shutdown without too much humiliation, he'll attempt to claim the 'savior' side of the Virgo-Pisces axis! That's unless 25% of the US government inactive is the permanent condition the GOP has longed for all these years. If so, 25% may be just the start with full collapse their ultimate goal (and Putin's).

So please enlarge the images for more chart details for relief may be in sight because the expected revelations from the Mueller investigation are apparently part of the lunations' revealing and uncovering functions in February which will lead into the March 2019 Lunations of Crisis for New and Full Moons can uncover inconvenient facts and secrets much as Solar and Lunar Eclipses do in their disruptive Uranian 'wild card' sort of way. And often it takes a crisis to lead ultimately to improvement!

A Related Post with Horoscopes: Trump plus Pelosi.

Dec 13, 2018

February 2019 Full Moon Conjunct Royal Regulus!

February 19, 2019: POTUS and a Full Moon with Lots of Stars

by Jude Cowell

If the Trump administration remains in the White House until February 2019 as I suppose it will, the Full Moon horoscope of February 19, 2019 seems significant to me for multiple reasons: royal star Regulus @00Vir05 ('the king' or 'the kingmaker') will be reflected and revealed by the light of the Full Moon along with the natal Ascendant (29Leo) of Donald Trump. Note that prominent New and Full Moons sometimes act in Uranian fashion as if they are 'wild card' eclipses, and fixed stars express or are activated via eclipses (Ovason).

Alcyone rises at the moment the Full Moon perfects (10:53:29 am est) at the location of the White House, with the star's key phrase, "something to cry about." Plus, Trump's natal MC (25Taurus) with furious Algol upon it (and Nancy Pelsoi's natal Mars!) has just risen and languishes in the 12th house of Politics and Karma. The Sun-Moon midpoint (00Sag42) sets upon the Descendant along with asteroid Kassandra, key phrase: "a prophetess telling the truth but no one believes her" which may suggest someone's testimony in the Mueller investigation or to Congress. As you know, Lying vs Truth is such a problem for Mr. Trump and his associates with so many activities to cover up. (Confession: I still wonder if there's a love child behind Trump's curtain!)

Also of interest in the Full Moon chart is the Mercury-Neptune conjunction in mid-Pisces, sign of secrecy, for it conjoins fixed star Achernar, key phrases: crisis at the end of the river and risk of rapid endings. This conjunction is particularly notable since Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square has always given him much to lie and leak about and has provided our nation with a fantasy-prone, indiscreet, unreliable, unable-to-learn, emotionally immature man playing the role of US president. As you see, this conjunction falls in the 11th house of Groups and Associations. And legal eagle planet Saturn @16Cap53 (conjunct steady, strong Rukbat = Mr. Mueller?) has just conjoined the January 2019 Solar Eclipse @15Cap25 (which conjoins the 9th cusp of this chart) in the 2 South Saros Series--theme: 'joining a new group and gaining a great deal by it' (Brady). In a previous post I related this eclipse theme to the new members of the 116th Congress which seems appropriate, agreed? Perhaps Mr. Trump will soon join a new group!

Now notice in the center of the chart I've penned an 'Image for Integration' for the practical Water-Earth Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo combination: "Small events bring enormous consequences" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey). Another 'Image' for this combo: "Faith and reason shake hands." (btw, this is the natal personality blend of Senator Ted Kennedy.)

Well, there are several other chart factors worth noting here and many of my study notes are penned upon the chart if you don't mind enlarging the image to read them. See if you agree that the February 19, 2019 Full Moon may represent a significant signpost on the Path of Donald Trump with Full Moons the phase of culmination, fulfillment, awareness, and relationships (or perhaps the ending of them) - perfecting as the Full Moon does upon Trump's natal Ascendant, replete with several activated stars--plus, a Thor's Hammer pattern with its midpoint picture notated on the right side of chart:

Of course, perhaps I fret over nothing for a Full Moon conjunct Trump's natal Ascendant could simply indicate a larger, more revealing publicity event than unusual. But really now, how is that even possible?

Nov 10, 2018

November 23, 2018 Full Moon activates 2012 Eclipse

Image: 'Cosmic Blinks' collage

Recently we discussed here the Full Moon of November 23, 2018 @00Gem52 conjunct weeping Alcyone of the Pleiades constellation. For those who keep up with solar eclipses, it comes as no surprise that the November 23rd lunation of 2018 spotlights or re-activates a previous Solar Eclipse by degree (00Gemini), an eclipse which manifested during the watershed year of 2012 and this suggests a return to certain topics of that time. Therefore, the themes of said eclipse may also come into play again for they have continued 'running in the background' all along with Collective implications (plus, another previous solar eclipse from a different Saros Series may be triggered as well--see below). And perhaps you agree that New and Full Moons can sometimes 'behave' much as an eclipse would do--New Moons in similar fashion to Solar Eclipses, Full Moons like Lunar Eclipses with their more unconscious potential for total awareness. Such catalyzing action and the changes they portend would depend, of course, on an eclipse activating the horoscopes of individuals through which history is made.

Yet all eclipses are "wild cards of the Universe" with their disruptive, sometimes shocking abilities for sudden changes of direction similar to planet Uranus and they may also be termed 'cosmic blinks' for light on Earth is temporarily removed or reduced by a Higher Power.

The Solar Eclipse set to be re-activated by the November 23rd Full Moon occurred on May 20, 2012 in the 14 South Saros Series @00Gemini - conjunct, as noted, Alcyone, keywords: 'something to cry about'. Adding to this complexity is the fact that the May 2012 and November 2018 lunations @00Gemini may also re-activate another prominent Solar Eclipse in the 13 South Saros Series which occurred @1Gemini in 1993. All this said, the themes of 13 South and 14 South are handily listed, below, and please note that 1993 is the year of the Great Conjunction/s of Enlightenment-New World Order planets, Uranus and Neptune:

Potentials for 13 South May 21, 1993 (1Gemini) themes: 'conflicts, wars, constitutional crisis' (now, compliments of Trump), 'striving for group endeavors in positive or negative fashion', 'expansive energy under which lies a more sinister flavor', 'an urge to expand but his contains frustration, inhibitions, loss, or separation' (all themes from Brady's Predictive Astrology). And note that a 13 South Solar Eclipse also manifested in 2011, next in 2029.

Now as you know, Uranus conjoined Neptune three times in 1993 @18Capricorn and with 2017/2018 Pluto, planet of the Underworld, coming along in an activating fashion, so that a midpoint picture forms: 'the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl) which I've always thought sounds like the mobster's ultimatum, the 'offer that can't be refused'. Do US congress members, particularly of the GOP persuasion, hear such a sinister ultimatum whispered in their compromised ears? Perhaps you agree that thuggish Mr. Trump is implicated, not the least because the Sabian Symbol for '18Capricorn' is POLITICAL POWER with its negative expression: 'smug or strong-armed paternalism' which of course echoes the potential for Trumpian authoritarianism on the rise (across the globe, actually, but my focus is America, my only nag in the race). This above all is the reason the Trump regime is unwanted and constantly criticized by those of us who prefer America as a democratic Republic over his style of vicious, sinister, self-glorifying paternalism.

Potentials for 14 South May 20, 2012 (00Gemini) themes: 'periods of hard work then success', 'Mercury-Pluto content' (contained in 14 South's initial eclipse @11Scorpio in year 984 OS) suggests that 'an obsessive idea will finally be accepted' which then leads to the 'promised success of Jupiter', 'pushing for acceptance of ideas or methodolgies' (or authoritarian ideologies? jc) 'as this eclipse can bring the long awaited breakthrough'. Of course, Mercury-Pluto suggests America's natal opposition between them (1776) and the potential for total surveillance which we now find lurking within AI which IS the 'New World Order', aka, 'the Matrix'. And btw, the NWO's Sun @1Scorpio was recently highlighted by the Full Moon of October 24, 2018 (1Tau13), the Syzygy Moon of the 2018 Midterm Elections. Synchronicity!

Now the next 14 South eclipse occurs in 2030, plus, 14 South also manifested on May 10, 1994 @20Taurus, the year that presented us with government shutdowns and the so-called Gingrich Revolution when Newt and the GOP took control of the House against democrat Bill Clinton and 'eclipsed' William Jefferson Clinton's natal Taurus Moon.

And one final note to this morning's dissenting fuss: if you haven't, please check out a previous post concerning Trump and Gingrich: Peter Pan and the Piper Piper for the two demagogues' personalities are very much alike.

Nov 5, 2018

Nov 23 2018 Full Moon: The Really Big Picture

This is the DC Horoscope of the November 23, 2018 Full Moon @00Gem52 conjunct weeping Alcyone (keywords, "something to cry about").

Perfecting at 12:39:06 am est in Washington DC during a Mercury Hour (changes), we find chart-ruler Mercury Rx suggesting delays, reviews, and re-assessments which possibly refers to the November 6th Midterm Elections and the contesting of results via election fraud lawsuits and/or re-counts. As you know, a Gemini Moon is ruled by Mercury and there's little voting Mercury Rx at IC but in the 3rd house of Communications conjunct royal Antares, keywords: obsessed with success, but Antares is also a star of war.

In fact, the first of two applying Ptolemaic aspect made by chart-ruler Mercury is a square to warrior Mars @4Pis32 which also conjoins a royal star, Fomalhaut, keywords: success through noble ideals. Where Americans will find those 'noble ideals' is unknown by yours truly unless the Democrats grab control of the House and its committee chairmanships so that Trump's bone-spurred tootsies are held to the legal fire. If Republicans keep control of the House, the criminality of Trump and the GOP will continue and worsen for it will inflate authoritarian Trump's fantasized "mandate."

Mercury's second applying aspect is a conjunction with Jupiter which indicates a high volume of political information and ads, news about court decisions (once Mercury turns Direct on or about December 6th), international communications, and the expansion of very large plans.

Also note that in the 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions (ex: Congress), Backroom Deals, Self-Undoing, and Karma is the current Solar Eclipse ('PE') which I have termed The Tower Eclipse due to its collapsing theme. No planets are posited therein but the wide conjunction of Mars and deceptive Neptune oppose from the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service. Yet Partnerships, Open Enemies, and Legalities are also involved with Neptune @13Pis41 Rx setting at Descendant and its rounded-up degree of '14Pisces' = "A Lady in Fox Fur." Plus, 14Pis01 is the position of the natal Neptune of the Republican (now, Trump) Party who seem to follow Fox 'News' instructions at every turn.

And in the 4th house of Real Estate, restrictive Saturn, strong in its own sign of Capricorn, may be alerting us to a downturn in housing sales, in speculation and other financial schemes (Capricorn on the 5th cusp of Risk-Taking and Gambling, as in Wall Street), or possibly the Lesson Bringer is hinting at trouble in the mining industry. Yet with Sagittarius on the 4th cusp, is karmic Saturn a marker for limiting legal decisions? Disturbingly, the transiting South Node of The Dragon now swipes its tail at US natal Pluto in Capricorn, a negative indicator in the 5th house suggesting large events out of personal control.

That said, we see the 5th house Pluto @19Cap26 as apex planet of the Mars-Jupiter midpoint = "The Really Big Picture" (Noel Tyl) which echoes the recent midpoint picture that formed when transit Pluto hit the 1993 degree of Uranus-Neptune--'The big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise'..."18Cap" = POLITICAL POWER: 'smug or strong-armed paternalism' (Jones). In three words, authoritarian Donald Trump, dictator wannabe.

Now there are too many planetary patterns to mention in this brief post (which resists becoming a book!) so I trust you, dear reader, to ferret them out if you care to. But a few more factors should be mentioned in closing such as the 2nd hou$e Venus @26Lib08, leader of a Locomotive shape identifying a 'ruthless, high-powered executive' and this brings monetary policy and evaluations (currency) into the cosmic picture--and with shocking, disruptive Uranus at a critical-crisis 29th degree and retrograde in the corporate 8th house. Plus, as you know, the Venus-Uranus pair tends toward extravagance, eccentricity (including with money), unfaithfulness, and separation in relationships. Perhaps this is a reference to the Trump marriage since the Sun-Moon (marriage/husband-wife) midpoint, which I neglected to pen into the 12th house @00Vir52, conjoins the natal Ascendant of Mr. Trump and conjoins royal Regulus, keywords: success if revenge is avoided. But as we know with Donald Trump, it never is.

Apr 28, 2018

DC Horoscope: a Starry Autumn Equinox 2018

Image: Autumn Equinox 2018 (aka, Libra Ingress with Sun @00Lib00:00); Saturday September 22 9:54:16 pm edt White House Washington DC; Gibbous +156:46; Hour of Saturn (8th house), Mars out-of-bounds (OOBs) in 9th house and part of a disturbing midpoint picture: Mars-Saturn = Pluto (18Cap46 Rx) - brutality, violence, and murder. To these possibilities Noel Tyl adds potentials for 'the need to take control; forcing an issue'; and/or, 'strong anger'. This difficult midpoint picture is a natal echo for it appears in the birth chart of Donald J. Trump whose natal Pluto @10Leo02 sits at the Foundation Point (IC) of this chart, aka, The Drain.

Rain in the Forecast

Asteroids Eros (piercing) and Panacea (a soothing bromide) rise at Ascendant 3Gem17 just after starry Alcyone (something to cry about) of the Pleiades, then Mirfak (to have one's say), plus Menkar the Whale (victim of the unconscious; an imperative to say what must be said--or else). The rain stars of the Hyades (Prima Hyadum @6Gemini) soon rise bringing along their difficult implications such as scandal, disgrace, resentment, evil, imprisonment, violence, mental imbalance, extremism, shipwrecks, and/or murder (A. Louis). Yes, the world is in a sorry state (thanks compromised politicians!) and given that forceful Mars and Pluto are in the 9th house of Foreign Lands and karmic Saturn is in the 8th, this horoscope may be a foreboding picture of terrorism or an attempt at it--and of course false flag ops cannot be ruled out as we know from past experience of such pretexts being used to scam and emotionally manipulate the American people into yet another war. The Sorrows of Empire!

Sun-Mercury Conjunct US natal MC: public recognition, speeches, concerns about reputation

Chart-ruler Mercury applies twice (listed lower left): 1. square Saturn = info restricted, books/papers/emails lost; perfectionism; lack of time; sobering talk; and 2. trine Mars = too much talk not enough action; favorable for travel.

Applying aspects of the Sun (leader) are noteworthy and there are two (marked in pink, top of the chart): 1. square Saturn = a leader or leaders called to measure up and be accountable for past actions; somber times; and 2. trine Mars = vitality available but must avoid indolence and passivity.

Then there's the impressive Sun-Chiron opposition on the Cardinal World Axis--conjunct US natal MC-IC--and this is an aspect Richard Nolle has termed the psychopomp. Previously I have typed aloud whether Mr. Trump could be America's psychopomp, and of course the mundane Sun signifies the leader or the ruler of a nation. Well, some have called him psycho anyway.

Now transit Pluto @18Cap46 is also apex of the 1993 Uranus-Neptune conjunction degree (yet again) suggesting that 'the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl) which relates, of course, to the collapsing of the old order of 1776 and the rebuilding of the new which is also shown in the Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) (here, in 4th house @18Leo42) with its themes of The Tower collapsing and the rebuilding that begins once the dust has settled. (Brady).

And this PE is the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse in the 2 New North Saros Series that no one is waiting for.

Oct 1, 2016

Life Themes: the Pre-Natal Eclipses of Clinton and Trump

What Life Themes Will Express via Our Next President?

by Jude Cowell

Although uncertainty has been the case concerning the correct birth time of 2016 candidate Hillary Clinton, and the natal data for Donald Trump is assumed to be accurate, one thing can be considered accurately without a known birth hour: a person's Pre-Natal Eclipse Saros Series (PE) and its themes. That is, if their birth dates are correct! And since we don't know the name of our nation's next selected president--Clinton or Trump--let's assume that their birth dates are accurate and check out the life themes via the Solar Eclipse Saros Series into which each of them were born.

Let's begin with Mr. Trump since he was born before Hillary Clinton; a few pertinent details will be added where applicable:

Donald Trump June 14, 1946: PE = 2 Old North manifested @8Gemini48 on May 30, 1946 and is also his Syzygy Moon (last lunation before birth--a solar eclipse is, of course, a New Moon). This two-for-one chart factor further emphasizes the importance of his PE, its aspects, house placement, and *degree. In 1946 this eclipse conjoined US natal Uranus, our 'totem' planet of revolution, war, radicalism, and disruption.

2 Old North is considered a difficult series with themes of: separations, endings of unions (ex: divorces), unfortunate news regarding relationships or friendships and conditions look glum but taking fast action can bring positive results.

This degree (8Gemini) in 1946 conjoined fixed star Aldebaran (a Tauri, the Bull's Eye, and Watcher of the East; the Wall Street bull and worshiping the Golden Calf may also apply). Aldebaran's opposition by degree to violent Antares in Sagittarius is significant in Mr. Trump's life--if not previously, then certainly now that he's running to be Commander-in-Chief of the US military, the traditional role of the presidency (if indeed it remains so). Naturally we think of 'Trump the bully' and his relentless insults and attacks on his opponents supported astrologically by his natal Mars in Leo rising with the kingmaker star, royal Regulus. And we might even think of Aldebaran and his youngest son Barron Trump!

And let's note that Adriano Carelli gives 8Gemini two possibilities which may co-exist within one person: a 'dualistic, self-contradictory nature, a rough character' that is 'irascible, reckless, and often (breeds) strife and contention' but is 'well-equipped for prompt action and violent activity'. Alternately, this degree suggests 'commercial aptitude' (his deal-making Mercury is in Cancer, sign of the shrewd businessman) and that he 'loves comfort, desk activities, and administrative jobs' and 'leaves others to do the hard work'. And yet, in spite of a potential for 'domestic strife' (especially with the involvement of disruptive, separative Uranus), a 'love of home and family' is indicated.

The initial eclipse of the 2 Old North series manifested on June 24, 792 (OS) @5Cancer49 which conjoins US natal Jupiter (banking, corporatism, The General, the broadcaster and promoter). This gives Mr. Trump's natal Gemini PE a Cancerian flavor through which it may express and ropes his natal Saturn and Venus in Cancer into the picture. His PE and its initial eclipse (8Gem and 6Cancer) fall into his 11th house of Groups and Associations which resonates with the relationship themes of 2 Old North.

Now if Mr. Trump is selected to play CEO from the "bully pulpit" of the Oval Office, 2 Old North and its themes will soon repeat on July 13, 2018 @20Can41, a critical degree. Disturbingly, transit Pluto, a planet of karma (reaping what was sown) @20Cap00 Rx, also a critical or crisis degree, will oppose the 2018 eclipse and provide more transformative and/or destructive qualities (Pluto) than usual to events brought by the eclipse yet with Pluto we cannot rule out nuclear or plutonium involvement or surveillance though regeneration may eventually be the result. And we may expect that the karma of this particular 'cosmic blink' (2 Old North) will also affect our nation and our populace with plutocratic Pluto in the 5th house of Self Will for it will be a critical time of development, full of new perspectives--some positive, some negative.

Hopefully, a President Trump's PE themes will not result in a total falling away from America of other nations and heads of state due to what are certain to be his disdain for tradition and his disruptive policies and proposals which may mean well but have little concern for unintended consequences.

Hillary Rodham Clinton October 26, 1947: PE = 3 North which occurred @28Tau41 (in the Pleiades constellation) on May 20, 1947; her Syzygy Moon perfected @20Lib03, and on her day of birth, the Taurean North Node arose with Alcyone (one of the Weeping Sisters of the Pleiades). Her PE falls into her natal 8th house of Corporatism and therefore links to the 2nd house of the National Treasury.

3 North is also a difficult series with themes of: obsession, news about young people, or, news that transforms a situation; the information received can cause worry so that large plans are deemed necessary and can have positive results as long as one doesn't get 'carried away'. If these themes sound familiar to you it may be because 3 North is the PE of the WTC attacks of 9/11/01 and we continue to experience the violent consequences of hawkish neocons Bush-Cheney getting 'carried away' with 9/11 as pretext for their previously made plan to invade Iraq with 'misdirected energy'.

For Carelli's symbols, let's consider both 28Taurus and 29Taurus for it seems that both may apply to Hillary Clinton. 28Taurus suggests one who is 'steadfast' yet 'is likely to be tormented by ambitions and dreams of power past realization'. 29Taurus has a word picture: "A woman leading a beast of burden by its halter" which denotes a wife bullying her husband and a 'domineering temper' with 'an outer display of bluster'. (And here I thought Mr. Trump was the more blustery of the two! But that's thespian Politics for the cameras, isn't it?)

The initial solar eclipse of 3 North manifested on October 10, 991 (OS) @22Gemini, the degree of US natal Mars, the warrior planet, and joins in with the square to our nation's natal Neptune, planet of deception, fraud, scams, ruses, and fog. Yes, America's natal Mars-Neptune square continues bringing We the People and the rest of the world a lot of grief and turmoil via the square's misdirected energy, misguided aggression, faulty inspiration, and reluctance to face reality. For we know that "the fog of war" is too often the unfortunate outcome of Washington's meddling in other nation's affairs as shadowy characters direct our secret government (Neptune-Saturn) to strive toward world domination.

Hence, the tragic stand-off in Syria whose government refuses to succumb to the 'new world economic order', aka, the global banking syndicate of crooks and thieves. And we must note Hillary Clinton's considerable connection to war in Syria and across the Middle East during her senatorial and State Department days. And soon we're faced with the Election Day prospect of a hawkish Hillary giving orders from the Oval Office. Is she preferable to disruptive Uranian Donald Trump whose campaign promises may sound like great ideas in a nationalist, protectionist way but may only be ruses intended to rile and corral voters into his self-interested salesman's corner?

What a non-choice we've been finagled into on November 8, 2016 yet the worst reaction any of us can have is to stay home from the voting booth, something the shadowy characters would dearly love since large numbers of stay-at-home voters in November would make their expected victory and the undermining of the US government even more complete.

Update Oct 3, 2016: have just visited Facebook where I watched an ISAR video interview with astrologer Marc Penfield who has revealed the birth time of Hillary Rodham Clinton to be 2:18 am which gives her mid-Virgo rising with Mercury Rx as chart-ruler conjoining the Saturnian South Node in the 3rd house of Communications. These conditions support her famous Scorpio reticence to share information. It also resonates with her serious, policy-wonking Mercury-Saturn square. Happily now I will be updating my chart file on Hillary and perhaps writing the post I declined to write previously (because she's never seemed a Scorpio rising to me) with the 2:18 am time in comparison with the Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 horoscopes. jc

For more eclipse information Brady's Predictive Astrology is highly recommended.

Aug 15, 2016

Astrology: the Sept 26, 2016 Presidential Debate (#1 of 3)

August 15, 2016: Astro-Notes on the 2016 Presidential Debates

by Jude Cowell

If the present course is followed by the Clinton and Trump campaigns, the American people will repeatedly gasp in horror as the Democratic and Republican nominees participate in what passes for debates--three of them from September to October unless Mr. Trump has his way and manages to interfere with the scheduling and/or changes the rules that, he fears, will not favor him in November. Trump's drop-out from the race is rumored but may be only a dream--though the GOP hierarchy (or its bosses) would gladly finagle VP runner Mike Pence into the top spot if they figure out how to do so. A theocrat such as Pence would be much more to the party's liking.

With so many potential variables it's no use spending much time on the Astrology of the three debates, plus, the one VP debate on October 4th, so let's take a brief gander at the first of the three presidential debates:

The first of the televised 2016 presidential debates will he held on Monday September 26, 2016 from 9:00 to 10:30 pm edt at Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York and it will set the tone for the series. It is assumed that both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will be the contestants, or combatants, if you prefer.

On Sept 26, 2016 at 9:00 pm edt, Hempstead, NY (Nassau County) we find 27Taurus rising with the stars of the Pleiades, Alcyone being the best known and having a 'something to cry about' flavor. (For this common good American, the entire 2016 Campaign has been something to cry about --or to laugh about to keep from crying for our nation).

So with late Taurus, ruled by Venus, rising we know that Gemini will rise soon and carry along any Gemini planets of each candidate. What they share in Gemini is Uranus--Clinton's @25Gem55 Rx and Trump's Uranus @17Gem53 and near his natal North Node, a signature of radical, reformist political groups. So with both debaters having Uranus in Gemini rising (something unexpected!) we may enjoy electric if quirky performances with Trump having more "Gemini power" (natal Uranus, NN, and Sun @22Gem55 conjunct US natal Mars) than Hillary Clinton who is more Leo-Scorpio Fixed energies.

Sept 26, 2016: Two Main Transits for Clinton and Trump

As for the two main September 26th transits that affect each natal candidate's chart we find tr Mercury, the debater, sextile Hillary's natal Venus (though separating and thus unconscious or representing a past event) which may still impart its benefits in the arena of alliances and partnerships and/or spotlight her diplomatic skills (and not just via email leaks, investigation, or scandal).

Now as you know, Neptune is associated with dreams, visions, illusions, and fanciful notions so with tr Saturn, planet of realism and authenticity, sextile her natal Neptune, Hillary Clinton has the opportunity to turn her Oval Office fantasy into reality. Yet for this outcome to occur, it looks as if the under-35s and women must turn out on November 8th in a ground swell of support for Secretary Clinton and her White House fantasy if the Republican nominee--be it Trump or not--is to be vanquished.

Of course, election outcomes can all depend on which political party cheats more effectively in these particular match-ups and whether voter suppression tactics do the job of gleaning out liberal voters in favor of conservatives.

As for transits to Mr. Trump's chart, a separating aspect of note is tr Uranus square his natal Saturn which suggests generation gap issues (Millennials vote for a bigot? Nah, they wouldn't do that in great numbers!) Mr. Trump is feeling challenges to his authority, authenticity, and most of all--his maturity, and this has already occurred via his 'tiny hands', childish temperament, inability to mouth a complete sentence or stay on a topic for more than a minute, etc. (He darts around.) Conflicts between methods (Saturn) and new ideas (Uranus) are being encountered during this transit, and perhaps this describes Trump's entire presidential campaign.

In addition, tr Uranus sextiles Mr. Trump's natal Sun which gives him a boost toward increasing his prestige and spotlights his leadership ability. Yet sextiles only offer opportunities for benefits so we must take advantage of them, and I doubt that anyone disagrees that the self-interested Donald Trump (a wrestling match promoter in his dreams) is an opportunist extraordinaire whose 'Leo Mars rising with royal Regulus' has always been determined to take all advantages, if you please.

Well, there's a whole bunch more information in the September 26th debate chart and in Trump's and Clinton's natal, progressed, and Return charts but today's typing time has ended but perhaps this post will activate one or both of you to set up the chart/s for yourself!

Aug 23, 2015

Sept 2015: Cosmic Events and Pope Francis to Washington DC

Amidst 3 Cosmic Events of September 2015 a Pope Comes to Call on America

by Jude Cowell

As three major cosmic events dot our September 2015 calendar, an illustrious visitor bestows a golden papal glow to the proceedings scribbled on Washington's earthly schedule.

1. First is the September 13th Solar Eclipse @20Virgo which falls within orb (1'13") of the natal Neptune of Pope Francis (December 17, 1936.) As you know, Neptune is the planet of the Divine Source on a positive level, the masses, mass media, the glamour of the silver screen, things that spread (like propaganda and ideas), and many other negative Neptunian possibilities. As you may know, Pope Francis was born during a Saturn-Neptune opposition phase so adding its usual 'wild card' status which all eclipses are capable of, the September 13th Solar Eclipse contains somewhat negative themes (click or tap to read) which may catalyze or activate his natal Saturn-Neptune opposition. Perhaps this will be expressed by his topics such as how we treat the weak, poor, elderly, and ill (Saturn-Neptune) among us.

2. Next on the calendar is September 23rd's Autumn Equinox 2015 (chart shown set for DC) which involves quite a mix of portents to go around and with the Sun reaching a Cardinal Point of World Manifestation, Prominence, and Fame (00Libra), we may easily guess that one expression of this is the Roman Pope's visit to Washington DC with Sun representing leadership. In his natal chart, the Pope has a Sun-North Node conjunction in late Sagittarius. During his speech to Congress, the transiting Sun and North Node @1Libra will conjoin in a very shiny and public encounter--upon America's natal MC! (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA.) The 'god-related' solar significance of Sun-NN at MC should be noted and some form of spiritual inspiration may be experienced.

3. Finally, this stellar month nears its end with a prominent Lunar Eclipse on September 27th @4Ari40 and is thought to have esoteric or even prophetic vibes attached (tap or click to view the horoscope with details.)

Well, it's quite a full month As Above and Below--and that's not counting the dire financial and other predictions being made about September 2015 especially after the steep decline of the stock market on Friday. Is is time once again for The Fed and Wall Street gentry to work their economy-crashing voo doo?

Be that as it may, here's a view with of the natal horoscope and a brief bio of Pope Francis I if you're curious or haven't seen it with his Sun in Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker and the foreign traveler, and Moon in humanitarian Aquarius, sign of The Water Bearer, a socially concerned blend with high ideals and a tolerant temperament. If he's managed to genuinely retain such kind-hearted traits and sentiments may not go over very well with Republican congress members of the Ayn Rand persuasion. Before the Pope speaks, maybe right-wingers will suddenly remember they have other engagements to fly off to!

But really, they can't since Speaker John Boehner wrote to Pope Francis last March inviting him to address a Joint Session of Congress and as a result the Pope is to speak on September 24, 2015 at 9:15 am edt--one day after Autumn Equinox and one day prior to Pluto's Direct turn.

In fact, in the horoscope of the Pope's September 24th address, Pluto is stationing @12Cap58 ('13Cap' = "A Fire Worshiper".) Notably in Mundane Astrology, as a single planet, Pluto can play the role of 'Pope' and I won't tell you how I know, but there will be some play acting afoot. I believe topics in the news may relate to issues around the time of the Solar Eclipse @00Gemini (conjunct starry Alcyone of the turbulent Pleiades constellation--themes: mystical but judgmental; something to cry about) which manifested on May 20, 2012 in the 14 South Saros Series. 14S themes include: 'an obsessive idea is finally accepted; a long awaited breakthrough; success' due to its Mercury-Pluto content. Curiously, September 24th's stationary Pluto conjoins the Pope's natal Mercury, planet of speeches and the delivery of messages.

Possibly Related Reading: LBJ's War on Poverty: 1964 v 2014 Planets and of course, there's this from 2010: Washington DC a 'New Rome'? Altair the Eagle Says Yes!.


Jun 3, 2015

Astrology and the G7 Summit June 7 and 8, 2015 Schloss Elmau, Gemany

June 2015: Germany, France, Italy, the UK, Japan, the US, Canada, and the European Commission Hunker Down

Details concerning the June 7 & 8, 2015 G7 Summit in Germany are available for the curious. Included are this year's motto ("Think Ahead. Act Together"), key topics, and what this year's symbols stand for though obviously symbols can represent a variety of levels of reality, all tucked neatly beneath their outer meanings. Let's consider this year's crop of 3 symbols mentioned on the website, above:

1. A mountain. Said to be chosen because of the G7 2015 venue in the Alpine location of Schloss Elmau, Germany in Upper Bavaria. (Note that Adam Weishaupt set up the May 1, 1776 Illuminati society--in Bavaria.)

A mountain symbolizes a pyramid and it's no stretch with these 'power elites' to assume that that would be a pyramid of power. The concept of a mountain pilgrimage also comes to mind and what a centuries-long pilgrimage it's been for generations of bossy power grabbers determined to march the world toward Global Government. Simultaneously they manage to squish all the fun out of life for those who get in their way with more mayhem in store if that's what the establishment of a new order takes " consent or by conquest," a new world order freak once threatened.

2. Seven lines. On the face of it, these allegedly symbolize for the 2015 Summit (another mountain reference!) the '7 routes that lead toward a common goal'--the pinnacle, one presumes. Note the emphasis on the number '7' as in, "The Light of the Sixth Race Transmuted to the Seventh" in the Sabian Symbols. Many people recognize that it's late days for their global agenda and the ideas of a change and a turning point have been felt by you and me but have also continually promoted by the media and others as the New Millennium has careened along with higher (lower!) levels of primal violence, depopulation, and greed used a tactics against decent people. "Hope and Change" was a mighty handy if tiresomely deceptive campaign slogan, wasn't it?

Noting also that the 2015 begins on the 7th, perhaps you know that 7 is the number of the Universe as well as being found in the Bible (seven times seven), in Hebrew and Greek cultures, and in other places and systems such as references to the Japanese concept of the Seven Lucky Gods. Perhaps the summit attendees from Japan can share how lucky the seven of them feel to be 'in charge' while busily climbing the pyramid of power which also has the distinction of being a symbol for the original satanic corporation, the Tower of Babel.

Plus, who can forget the 7 days of the week, the 7 known planets prior to the discovery of Uranus, or the 7 weeping sisters of the Pleiades constellation with its difficult stars such as Alcyone? (You may remember that Alcyone was eclipsed in May 2012.)

3. Colors. The colors of the 2015 summit are said to 'reflect the countryside of the Wetterstein mountain range and the architecture of Schloss Elmau'. Since color symbolism depends on particular cultures and since I know little of German culture or know what colors Angela Merkel prefers, I'll let you figure out what the G7 2015 colors portend.

Thing is, since Germany plays the role of G7 president this year, Merkel fronts for their stated (and hidden) goals which include "the upcoming UN conferences on international climate protection and the post-2015 agenda" and naturally the global economy is said to be a target, too.

Astrology Notes: Sun in Traveling Gemini and Moon in Two Signs

Now astrologically there are many hints and clues to be found nestled within the horoscopes of June 7 - 8, 2015 in Scloss Elmau, Germany. What I tend to do with summits and other group endeavors is to set up at least two horoscopes for the beginning and ending dates--the first for 12:00 am local time, the second for 11:59 pm even though the events probably wind up earlier and begin later in the day or the morning. This covers the Sun (conscious) and Moon (unconscious) degree positions and naturally provides the signs and any sign changes which may occur. Midpoint pictures, aspects, planetary significators, rulers, and other factors of course apply but I prefer not to type it all out in a blog due to my theory that no reader has patience or the interest in reading what would amount to a small book.

There's Venus Again

Yet for this summit I shall mention a few general chart factors such as the secretive meeting's beginning lunar phase of Dissemination (+234:01; spreading information) and the fact that 12:00 am on June 7 is an Hour of Mars @17Gem59. Instigator Mars is out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and thus isolated from the rest of the actors (planets.) This degree conjures images of the June 2004 G-20 Summit on Sea Island, Georgia USA which was brazenly held precisely during the last (current) Transit of Venus (17Gemini), then the second Transit in 2012. Now many folks hoped the Transits would herald an increase of feminine leaders in top positions (such as Hillary for US president 2012) but with my usual Capricorn-tinted lenses, I had to lean toward an increase of paternalism (militarism, aggression, police state on the rise, GOP 'war on women', etc.) Of course, Angela Merkel leads the G-7 this year and as noted, Hillary still wants to be #POTUS -- both are females, yes, but rather Martian ones, imho. Neocons in skirts are not really an improvement toward the common good though you may disagree.

So the G7 Summit 2015 begins with Sun in Gemini, Moon in Aquarius. This is a Double Air combo of The Thinker who handles people with great insight and skill while weaving clever arguments. Detached and observant, such actors are under the faulty impression that complete objectivity is possible (the arch-objectivist Ayn Rand comes to mind with her frosty survival of the fittest selfishness, and the world certainly seems to be bedeviled by such depopulating speculators, brigands, and cheats who pretend to govern while breaching the public trust at every turn. Guess this summit is a meeting of the cream of the crop.

As for America, transit Pluto in mid-Capricorn remains within orb of its ongoing opposition to US natal Sun (POTUS), challenging the power of his office. Plus, US Sun happens to conjoin goddess star, Sirius, which implicates ancient secret societies and hints of the paternal-maternal blending of energies ('war on women' or worship of women as Madonna-esque child-bearers vs whorish sex symbols), and now in 2015 we see on a major magazine cover another sex-related issue of transgenderism more clearly than we could guess in 2004. After all, polarities must become one eventually--and no genders will be necessary in heaven.

Moral Deformity Behind Closed Doors?

Now the June 7th Sun @16Gemini has a Sabian Symbol of note: "A Woman Agitator Makes an Impassioned Plea to a Crowd"...Angela? Is that you? Curiously, the latest possible degree and symbol within our time frame is 18Gemini: "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese," a symbol relating to those having "specialized objectives" and a sense of exclusiveness (Jones.) And yes, a need for more isolation turns up in the two horoscopes along with "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" (Saturn @1Sag), Corporatism and The Syndicate (Cupido conjunct Venus in early Leo conjunct President Obama's natal Mercury), "dreams about agricultural policies" (Agenda 21? engineered famines? chemical and GMO contamination of food supplies? the latest Moon position reaches US natal Ceres which conjoins our nation's Pluto-Chiron midpoint of Plutocracy, oppression, and exploitation), fortunate decisions, manipulation viafalse flag ops, feverish haste toward realizing goals, the use of religion as a tactic or diversion, vacillation and quick tempers, the illusion that they are free of all traditions and societal conventions, and "delusions about popular support for current policies" once the Moon nears deceptive Neptune in Pisces and the luxurious spa empties of its pampered patrons.

With the Moon leaving Aquarius and floating into Pisces during the summit, we note that a Sun Aquarius-Moon Pisces blend is a more emotional Air-Water mix of energies which gives the attendees a sea-change toward communication, dreaminess, and cunning. Journalism is spotlighted as summit intentions and goings-on are touted as being quite different than they actually are--and much of the world mistrusts these jokers. This is a chameleon blend that 'blows with the wind' and may be truth-challenged as shown in a famous quote by an English writer who was born under the Sun AQ-Moon Pisces combination, Arnold Bennett, so let's close with a few of his words of wisdom spoken from experience which perfectly describe conditions in 2015:

"Journalists say a thing that they know is not true, in the hope that if they keep on saying it long enough it will be true."

Agreed, in most cases. So if you hear of any results or policies issuing out of G-7 Summit 2015, get ready for flights of fancy, well-worn propaganda, and facile assurances of the good intentions of 'world leaders' who must meet in secret far away from the public's prying eyes in order to speak freely and make their draconian plans.


Recommended for more details: Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Apr 24, 2015

Confirmed: Attorney General Loretta Lynch May 21, 1959

Astro-Notes on the Natal Planets and Senate Confirmation of Loretta Lynch

by Jude Cowell

Since Loretta Lynch was finally confirmed by the US Senate as US Attorney General on April 23, 2015 after the longest wait for confirmation in US history, I peeked at her natal planets (May 21, 1959, Greensboro, NC, birth hour unknown so I'm using noon) and was little surprised that a significant transit was in progress: Jupiter stationed direct upon her natal Uranus @12Leo39 on April 8, 2015. Astrological Jupiter on one level represents politicians and legal matters and natal Uranus denotes genius and change, and by sign, how a native behaves.

In soon-to-be-sworn-in Attorney General Lynch's case, the sign of her natal Uranus is Sun-ruled Leo (leadership; pride) and a planetary stationing upon a natal planet designates a very strong emphasis on matters related to the planets involved. Uranus can also be a disruptive influence and there are indications in her natal chart and the transits of her confirmation-vote horoscope that tradition and the upholding of it (or not) will be one of themes during her term as Attorney General. With Jupiter to Uranus, certain skids are greased in the realms of Politics, Finances, and Group Causes and Activities. It's a very inspiring transit full of newness and promise and if negative factors don't interfere overmuch, she will benefit in her new position from the independence and freedom Jupiter suggests for both planets insist upon freedom.

Loretta Lynch, Harvard Law School Graduate

Of interest during the Senate vote for her confirmation which was scheduled for 2:00 pm or so Thursday (4.23.15), her natal Pluto @1Virgo was rising then--the planet of power, transformation, stealth, and wealth. Pluto in Virgo potentially indicates an ability to achieve much with the simplest means, pursuit of scientific objectives with fanatical zeal, a desire to collect, and an inquisitive mind (Ebertin). Natal Pluto conjoins Royal Star Regulus, the planet that represents the US Capitol Building in the original Federal Triangle plan with the star's keywords: success if revenge is avoided. As you know, her ultimate confirmation was never seriously in doubt. The long stalemate was for the sake of political gamesmanship.

You must have heard that her fund-raising opponent Senator Ted Cruz skipped out on the vote entirely since he didn't get his way on blocking Lynch's confirmation--that was a big laugh on Mr. Green Eggs and Ham!

So with such a lofty position in society, it's unsurprising that Lynch's natal planets form a Locomotive pattern of high-powered success and executive ability with natal Mercury @15Taurus leading the engine--her natal Mercury conjoined Midheaven at 2:00 pm Thursday as did transit Mercury (votes and meetings) and had just returned to natal position along with transit Mars in Taurus to natal Mercury denoting a faster pace of life and potentials for verbal combat, energetic discussions and meetings, and/or a large volume of communications.

Actually at 2:00 pm a midpoint picture formed: Mercury-Mars = MC hinting at courage, determination, readiness for action, and an ability to retaliate in a proper way if necessary (Ebertin).

Now 'confirmation Venus' @14Gemini (perhaps representing the lady herself) on Thursday, was and is out-of-bounds as is her natal Venus @12Can25 (near goddess star Sirius @14Cancer, The Shining One or, The Scorcher) and since power and control issues are at stake, we must note that in Lynch's natal horoscope, there is a Grand Cross between her Sun-Jupiter opposition and a Pluto-Chiron opposition which necessarily includes Sun square Pluto and Chiron, and Jupiter square Pluto and Chiron.

Sun square Chiron indicates a life in which socio-cultural issues of authority play a significant part; Jupiter square Chiron hints at severe conflicts at some point due to being at odds with socio-cultural norms; Pluto opposite Chiron (from Virgo to Chiron @27AQ conjunct US natal Moon, We the People) will struggle on behalf of certain archetypal energies that seek to force their way into mass awareness (R. Nolle).

Though in dissociate signs, Lynch's natal Pluto opposing US natal Moon we expect that there will be citizens who resent her authority and control. Transformative plans may be implemented that many see as threatening--and perhaps they will be. Or not. Either way, no easy ride as US Attorney General is promised her by such astrological contacts with the public, historical as her promotion may be. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in aspect with plutocratic Pluto denotes an influx of exploitation and repression vibes though if her tenure turns out to be oppressive, she's probably following The Script that all must follow if they wish to buy a ticket for the Global Government train. 'Offers they can't refuse', and all that, with no option to do otherwise.

A Sun-Pluto square person is the 'might makes right' kind of mindset while a Jupiter-Pluto square indicates a wheeler-dealer who may exaggerate burdens to justify neglect of responsibilities and engages in large scale enterprises where great returns may be expected from little effort! (Pelletier).

Solar-Lunar Notes

As for Loretta Lynch's Sun-Moon personality blend, the Moon remained in Scorpio for the 24-hour period of May 21, 1959 but the Sun changed signs--from very late Taurus to 00Gem00:00 at 2:42:05 pm EST. So if born before that time, she has a muddy Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio blend of Earth-Water; afterwards, the influence is a Sun Gem-Moon Sco blend of Air-Water energies.

Let's consider a few notes on both combinations:

Sun Tau-Moon Sco is an earthy blend of pragmatism and practicality. Taurus/Scorpio is the Desire/Money Axis and relates well to her position in law enforcement since intense Scorpio's realm includes death, investigation, and surveillance. Late Taurus is near the difficult Fixed Stars of the Pleiades constellation and her natal Sun @29Taurus (or 00Gem) conjoins starry, unlucky Alcyone, one of the seven sisters, with keywords something to cry about and exile.

As for her coming to public attention, the Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 @00Gem conjoined this star and Lynch's natal Sun simultaneously making the 29Tau/00Gem degrees very sensitive and significant for her and denote an eventful or famous life if other eclipses and Fixed Stars concur.

Star Note: In the confirmation-vote horoscope, transit Pluto @15Cap32 Rx conjoins Fixed Star Vega with potentials for 'luck in politics' and 'wealth through dealing with the government' but also 'fleeting fame' and 'double-dealing' (A. Louis). Additionally, the Sun is unaspected as are Saturn @3Sag39 Rx and the 2:00 pm Ascendant (the confirmation itself). Seems the Sun and Saturn are in league (president and Congress?) with the Sun @3Tau15 revealing a Sabian Symbol that supports the Vega implications--"4Tau" = "The Rainbow's Pot of Gold" (Jones). As you know, this is Chiron's Discovery degree (1977: 3Tau08) and it is opposed by Lynch's natal Neptune @4Sco56 Rx.

The claim-your-territory blend of Sun Tau-Moon Sco describes an impassioned leader of social causes and a shrewd business person. Independent, protective, 'bossy', and resourceful are hallmarks along with staying power, perception, and a willful stubbornness. Risk and challenge are sought and a change of mind seldom occurs. There is administrative power in this personality blend, a magnetic presence, and enormous self-confidence within the 'dark enigma' that is Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio.

The blend's negatives may include: 'strongly subjective responses, fixed prejudices, a difficult temper, and a ruthless desire for power'.

Taurus-Scorpio's conscious-unconscious Images for Integration are: "Persephone and Pluto...The Phantom of the Opera...The Mating Season...Dennis Potter's The Singing Detective. Note that this natal blend is that of President Harry Truman of "If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen" fame.

Sun Gem-Moon Sco is a lighter, breezier combo with a misty quality and may not tally with a legal official in high office. Plus, somehow I don't see her teary-eyed, do you? At least not in public. But let's consider the blend anyway for it could be hers if born after 2:42:05 pm--and her Locomotive leader Mercury, planet of intellect, is the ruler of Gemini after all:

Communicative yet secretive describes this blend along with a quick wit and a full heart. It may be totally committed or changeable, restless and superficial with a deep reluctance to face the darker side of life. How inconvenient for one who works with criminality!

Sun Gem-Moon Sco Images for Integration are: "An elegant hostess puts on a party and exhibition to help a worthy cause...A shuttle diplomat brings together warring factions...Elgar's Enigma Variations--'to my friends depicted within'"

Well, I can't say that the accomplished Loretta Lynch is not an 'elegant hostess' but I do think the gravity of her past and new positions in the legal profession call for the more serious Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio blend, don't you?

There are many other chart factors in her natal horoscope and in the confirmation-vote chart worth mentioning but my schedule doesn't allow so perhaps you'll set up the chart and have a peek for yourself! And wouldn't it be excellent if the birth time of Loretta Lynch turned up online or if someone took the time to rectify her horoscope?

Dec 16, 2014

An Updated Horoscope of a New World Order (1993)

Horoscope: a Modern 'New World Order' October 24, 1993 Washington DC

by Jude Cowell

Now that my SolarFire Astrology software is updated to v9, I'm in process of reviewing some of the older horoscopes I've worked with through the years and finding that many of them are now easier to calculate for a more precise 'birth' hour. One such is the 'Modern NWO' horoscope set for the third of three Great Conjunctions of outer planets Uranus and Neptune, the Enlightenment/Age of Reason duo, which occurred on October 24, 1993 @18Cap32.

1. February 2, 1993; 2. August 20, 1993; 3. October 24, 1993 (from 18Cap33 to 19Cap34).

Now if you've read this blog of my dissenting fusses before you may know that the Sabian Symbol for '18Cap' seems to me most applicable for the so-called 'new world order' or, 'new economic order' or, Global Government, or, Zionist Earthly Kingdom at Jerusalem--whatever you want to name the luciferian global syndicate and its centuries-long 'great Plan' to take control of the entire globe. Smoosh the 'Illuminati' in there somewhere with its Total Awareness program, and you have a picture of most, if not all, of the Plan's anti-societal, depopulating, genocidal, psychopathic illness which becomes more visible in public every day. The false reality of 1999's The Matrix was pretty close to the beast and is a good example of how they use the entertainment industry to place ideas into consciousness thus making drastic changes seem more palatable later on when it's time to implement them or something very like them.

Go back further than 1999 and you find Robocop hinting at Transhumanism and the current robotic, militarized Police State.

So here you see a horoscope of what may be considered (if you wish!) a natal horoscope of the Modern New World Order for the power game is really older than the hills--back to Heaven, if you think that way. For astrological purposes, its genesis can be dated at various times in history with events such as: the beheading of King Louis XVI, the founding of America (and the Bavarian Illuminati, also set up in 1776--it's like we're twins), the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Bush Sr's invasion of Kuwait (he actually stated publicly that 'Desert Storm' "heralded" the new world order, plus, other historical dates and events you care to name. Such events are signposts along the way and to them may be added previous Great Conjunctions of scientific genius, Uranus, and elusive Neptune, planet of spirituality and mysticism--but also of deception of the masses.

'Fanaticism' is the title I have given the horoscope (and the Syndicate of zealots and criminals it signifies), not the least because of the toxic Pluto-NN duo of violence, brutality, infiltrators, security breakdowns, secret treaties, pacts, deals, and the use of clandestine information and data-gathering. It's the "tiger by the tail' duo with karmic Pluto, god of Hades, sporting his invisible mantle of power and hidden wealth, and using the Jupiterian point of encounters and meetings, NN, as his contact with the public and with his minions and infiltrating agents and assassins. Machiavelli is twerking in his grave.

2014 into 2015 Planets Affecting the Chart: Destiny of the Masses?

Of note in current transits is karmic Saturn soon to leave intense Scorpio and enter Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker and The Foreigner. Consolidating Saturn now travels between 9th house Pluto @24Sco29 and the North Node @3Sag32 Rx, a point of future direction, or, destiny. Now I won't take up your time analyzing all the transits and what they indicate since you can do so yourself, but I will add the midpoint picture it creates, plus, a bit more.

When transit Saturn catalyzes the Pluto-NN midpoint we may expect some people to realize that relationships must be built over time and based on trust--meanwhile, the crooks and malcontents among us are more likely to express the trio's rebelliousness and rigidity which usually result in violent terminations of relationships and alliances.

Another midpoint picture of importance involves the Uranus-Neptune conjunction itself: transit Pluto is within 5-degree orb of 18Cap now and for me, the timing includes the current take-over of the US Congress (as of the first week of January 2015--Jan 3rd?) by the Republican Party of radicals and anti-government plutocrats and their cousins, the monarchists. Not that Democrats aren't enablers and complicit culprits in the Great Plan--most if not all of them are--and are also descendants of the original culprits. Now that's long-range planning.

And so we will do no better here than to quote expert astrologer Noel Tyl concerning the trio's midpoint picture, Uranus-Neptune = transit Pluto: "The big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed; very little option to do otherwise."

Why, this 'big picture' evens describes how political candidates are 'vetted': can you make decisions based on no facts but what we tell you? In other words, will you follow orders without refusing our tap on the shoulder and disregard the fate of the unwashed masses below you? It also denotes the tiresome political script we hear from all players in Washington DC and elsewhere--never answering questions directly--and hints at the planned program of militarizing police departments across the country, among many other things now in plain sight.

In addition, a 29th-degree Moon (in critical or crisis condition--the people) at the end of Aquarius rises along with its preceding planet, Saturn Rx--a depressive pair as you know. Venus, one of the names of the ancient goddess these modern-day psychopaths worship (as did America's Founding Fathers--ex: Columbia), is the lead planet in the chart's Bowl formation which reveals their tendency to follow the feminine archetype against the mainstream of current thought and belief. The star, the diamond, the 8-petaled flower, a 'V' hand signal (not for 'victory' when a departing Richard Nixon flashed it, but for Venus)...all and more symbols signify the Founders' goddess-based religion of mysticism.

So! I'll hush for now and hope that you can enlarge the horoscope to read a few notes such as the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Saros Series in which this abomination falls (13 South). Its degree (00Gem31) in 3rd house conjoins Alcyone of the Pleiades and if you're familiar with that area of the Zodiac you know it's a fated or karmic region of Middle Eastern stars of bullish rage that inspire revenge, beheadings, and other calamities and when activated gives all of humanity 'something to cry about'.


Blog Note: you may wish to type 'Eclipses' or 'New World Order' in the sidebar Search field and you'll find lists of related topics including the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse, also @00Gemini; so by degree sensitivity, there's a resonance between 2012 events and those of 1993. You'll also note that the IC of the above horoscope, its Foundation Point, was recently illuminated by the December 6th Full Moon @14Gem18 of fulfillment and awareness. The IC is also where America's natal Mars-Uranus midpoint is placed in mid-Gemini with its explosive, dangerous, and warring implications. But please remember: I only study the charts and write this stuff which grumpily issues from my child-of-the-revolution dissatisfaction with how our nation is being run into the ground but I've never intended to tell you what to think.

All on-topic comments and shares are appreciated! jc