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Showing posts with label political thespeans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label political thespeans. Show all posts

Jun 24, 2008

Thoughts of Bill Clinton 6.24.08

It's been quite a while since I posted on anyone's Minor Progressions which indicate the Mental/Causal plane of thoughts which are striving to be integrated into consciousness.

And since I've blurbed about Minors here before, I'll skip the long explanation (see astrologer Robert Blaschke's excellent work on Progressions) and give the midpoint pictures for Bill Clinton's Minor Progressed chart, set for this afternoon.

All, none, or some combination of these pictures may be in play for Mr. Clinton who now embraces the candidacy of his wife's victorious opponent, Barack Obama, so see if any seem to apply.

Remember the Minors are the '27' in the ratio: 27:13:1, with '13' being the Tertiary Progressions (Intuitive-Emotional-Spiritual plane), and '1' as Secondary Progressions (Physical plane.)

Now let's 'peek under the hood' of Bill Clinton, shall we?

Sun/Saturn = Uranus: unusual circumstances; relationships crises; a clash between new ways of doing things and long-established ways; the fight for individuality.

Sun/MC ('the goal') = NN: picking one's associates carefully; forming relationships.

Moon/Mars = Sun: solidarity between husband and wife especially felt by the latter; the power to establish oneself in the world; prosperity through harmonious cooperation.

Mercury/Jupiter = Sun: success with the intellect; creative ideas are born; solutions are illuminated.

Moon/Venus = Mars: living passionately; potential overindulgence.

Moon/NN = Jupiter: confidence; good fortune through interactions with others.

Mars/MC = Jupiter: promotion in professional status; great success; energy and opportunity; a good organizer; prudence; far-sightedness; clear consciousness of objectives; a happy attachment.

And the only really difficult in the bunch which is actually between generational planets and thus in effect for people born around the same time as Bill...

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: the desire to overcome a difficult situation through extraordinary efforts; rebellion against one's lot in life; harm through force majeure; brutality; upheaval to protect assets; tremendous fear of loss.

Well, there they are, the current Mental/Causal plane's midpoint pictures of former President Bill Clinton. Whether one chooses to act upon thoughts that swim up from the unconscious or not is, of course, up to the driver--obsessions and compulsions notwithstanding!

Mar 5, 2008

Eugene Debs: if you go to Washington

"If you go to the city of Washington, you will find that almost all of those corporation lawyers and cowardly politicians, members of congress, and mis-representatives of the masses claim, in glowing terms, that they have risen from the ranks to places of eminence and distinction. I am very glad that I cannot make that claim for myself. I would be ashamed to admit that I had risen from the ranks. When I rise it will be with the ranks, and not from the ranks." Eugene V. Debs, Socialist, Activist, Presidential Candidate (1855-1926)

Eugene V. Debs#


Here's a link to a previous article on Debs where I give Debs' natal chart details along with more pertinent words from the man himself:

Eugene Debs still speaks convincingly demonstrates a quote which shows a directness which *most political Washingtonians of 2008 sorely lack--they're too busy trying to create the illusion of infallibility and keep their bald patooties covered!

*Even if I fail to say so, I always keep in mind that there possibly could be 1-2% of them infesting DC who actually mean well--but look who they have to deal with. Hang out with charlatans, scoundrels, and scalliwags long enough and you know what that makes you!