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Jan 17, 2009

Pluto in Capricorn and toxic leadership

Did you know that Seven Generations: Pluto in Capricorn is a can't-miss article? I scouted it up for ya!

One Sabian Symbol of significance these days is for '2 Libra'...the Moon approached this degree as Bush performed his long-awaited and well-deserved Farewell Address on the evening of Jan 15, 2009:

"The Light of the Sixth Race Transmuted to the Seventh"...


positive: the imaginative sweep of man's vision and an eagerness to execute its promise;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: a loss of reality in an infinitely regressive otherworldliness or a total lack of all practicality. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.) ~

And what will lead the day...the otherworldly alternate universe that is life in the White, I mean, House?

Looking Up

With Saturn approaching America's natal Neptune in 9th house, my prayer is that we the people may solidify our loftier ideals, not abandon them; stand up to accept responsibility for what's ours, and be not thieves.

Then we may live in peace with all men, and the war-mad on all sides will be tamped down and relieved of duty. (They've done too much already, don't you think?)

Stewardship of our planet will be uplifted once more as the solemn charge it is, and dreams of liberty and equality shall live in each heart until all captives are released.

This is my prayer,

Jude Cowell 1.17.09 2:16 am est

On toxic leadership...


Anonymous said...

While you were praying I was going to Mass in my dream after having gone through the last 8 years in one solitary evening the way we can in dreams I was returning to a back room to attend Mass with people I love.
Thank you for the prayer. In the dream was explaining to one young man that the reason he wasn't getting the healing he sought was that he hadn't actually lived out his complex and therefore he could not yet be healed that his pain was only a dream still and would remain so until he actually entered the world and engaged his complex. HMMMM!

Jude Cowell said...

Hmmmm for sure, clymela!

How wonderful if America's Bush-Cheney nightmare could be finally be over instead of suffering from the dregs they've left us with, eh?

His main claim to fame seems to be 'no terroist attack since 9/11' but that only works for those who fall for the fairytale that he and Cheney had nothing to do with 9/11! jc

DD said...

Dear Jude,
Thank you for this post.

Jude Cowell said...

;p to you, dear Donna!