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Feb 3, 2006

Bush Can Too Spy, Says Roberts

Senate Intelligence Committe Chairman, Pat Roberts, wrote a 19-page letter upholding Bush's snooping ability...touting Bush's inherent power under the Constitution.

Bringing George Washington back from his grave to bolster Bush's position, Roberts said that presidents from Geo Washington to GWB have intercepted communications to ascertain enemy threats to national security. Poor George--and he was resting so well.

It's not the protection of national security at issue--no sane American denies it needs protecting--it's what ELSE George, with his power obsession and his win-at-any-cost mentality might do with such draconian privileges.

Bush's use of the politics-of-personal-destruction mixed with his inability to face his critics straightforwardly--and the fact that he HAS so many critics--forms more the ugly image of a greedy ideologue protecting his turf (in tandem with legitimate national security efforts), more than a picture of a valiant, "homeland"-protecting commander-in-chief.

Sheeple who believe this goose-stepping, 19-page, heil of allegiance, will one day wish they'd paid more attention.

Perhaps I should resurrect Washington myself--publish his natal chart and see what's shaking with it. Out-of-town company about to arrive, so I'll have to do it over the could be very illuminating concerning present circumstances, so stay tuned!

jc Feb 3 2006 6:05 pm est

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