, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Mar 4, 2006

"The Aurora" Speaks Out Again

In colonial times, the press was just as partisan as our day, and Ben Franklin's grandson was publisher of a certain paper, The Aurora.

Let's hear again what he had to say to George Washington and thus on to our present-day George who thinks so much of his own leadership abilities:

>Let no flatterer persuade you to rest one hour longer at the helm of state. You are utterly incapable to steer the political ship into the harbor of safety.

If you have any love for your country, leave its affairs to the wisdom of your fellow citizens. Do not flatter yourself with the idea that you know their interests better than other men.

There are thousands amongst them who equal you in capability and who excel you in knowledge. #

And the contempt continues, Dubai deal and all. Harbor of safety indeed.

Mar 4 2006 7:26 pm est

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