Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them...with a gentle sprinkling of world events
May 12, 2006
Sun 2 Chiron + Chiron 2 Sun: Thomas Paine
On Saturday, May 13, a rather curious double transit transpires involving the natal chart of Thomas Paine: tr Sun to Chiron just when tr Chiron conjuncts natal Sun!
Amazingly, transit Sun 22Tau52 = natal Chiron 22Tau52, and tr Chiron 9AQ46 = natal Sun 9Aq43, 10th house of public reputation/honor (the wider world) while Sun to Chiron is in the behind-the-scenes 12th house of karma--where secret deals are made.
(Go forward in time: see this bi-wheel chart here.)
First we may wish to consider the significance of the Sun/Chiron combination:
Chiron connecting to any planet "Chiroticizes" it and pushes or forces the planet's energies to new levels of awareness of its destiny. The Sun is related to destiny and purpose, so this particular connection is very important in any chart.
The situation is quincunxial in nature: that is, it signifies a special life purpose which involves what is usually an impossible adjustment which must be made--the "square peg in the round hole" feeling with back-against-the-wall issues which are crisis-ridden and often dire.
And since America is in dire straits in so many ways, this double emphasis occurring in one of our Founding Fathers' charts may be instructive concerning our circumstances, I'm thinkin'. Let's see if that is so...
As Chiron relates to the synchronicity principle as an acausal state (it cannot be explained on the physical level) we'll check out the Sabian Symbols for the various affected degrees, and we'll note that natal Chiron is, in fact, spot-on the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of May 28, 2000. This indicates that something about this double transit relates to that time and to the Jup-Sat cycle in general (now squaring off again--crisis stage), for be-here-now Chiron indicates an intersection of past with future...
And so Chiron transits point out when the archetypal nature of an experience can suddenly reveal itself. There is frequently an AHA! reaction--a peak experience described by the contact of Chiron to a natal planet with accompanying insights pertaining to the unfolding of a life-changing event--even "unfinished business from the past"!
Now I know Tom Paine died lonely and discredited because of his religious views (Age of Reason), but I think we in 2006 can forgive him that esp when you consider his invaluable work on behalf of American independence and his uplifting of the common good. And it is the common good which is in such short supply as the US military industrial complex continues its insidious coup of our formerly free nation and of our government.
The cycle of Chiron also relates to woundings, awakenings, and realizations of how our life commitments seek to manifest in the outer world--and with Old Tom being long-gone, it seems it is up to us to carry on his work on America's behalf. His wounds--which are also gifts--are on display, thanks to astrology.
Particularly, the contact of Chiron to Sun shows where there is a strong sense of destiny unfolding, and it seems obvious to me, if I have explained myself with any amount of clarity or tact here--that this relates to our nation this Very Day.
Using both the 9/10 AQ and the 22/23 Taurus degrees in the Jones version (MEJ), and in the Rudhyar (DR), with one interpretation amplifying the other:
(MEJ) Chiron-Sun "9AQ": "A flag turned into an eagle that crows"> DRAMATIZATION...
The loyalties of human beings are the foundation of any possible society, and any individual prospers as he springs to action in their defense.
Pos: accomplishment through utter self-dedication; Neg: vindictive pride.
(DR) "9AQ": Keynote> The dynamic incorporation of new social values in individuals who exemplify the spiritual potential and greatest significance of these values.
All that is Implied here is the vitalization of a powerful symbol, and its embodiment in a living reality, i.e. in a person able to fly in consciousness to the highest spiritual realm. The archetype is given a living substance and wings. The Image has become Power.
To "see" the new archetype, to perceive the new standard of value with one's mind is not enough. The seer must become the doer. The impersonal is dynamized and brought into focus. We have here the ACTING OUT of the vision. >><<
(MEJ) "10AQ": "A popularity that proves ephemeral"> ...the swing of the pendulum between an endorsement and a repudiation of (an individual's) efforts by his social group....A courageous self-confidence and an unflagging faith are worthy of recognition, but only in their moment of significance. APPROBATION...
Pos: a gift for bringing the issues of life to a dramatic consummation at a time of crisis; Neg: prodigal opportunism.
(DR) "10AQ": "A man who had for a time become the embodiment of a popular ideal is made to realize that as a person he is not this ideal"> Keynote: The need to deal with human beings as persons rather than as screens upon which one projects one's dream and ideal.
...the relationship between *mental-spiritual vision and living reality, between persons and the ideal they appear to incarnate. The "Star" on the movie screen is not the actual person. What has this episode of popularity actually done to the person? It is Person vs Archetype...a critical need for SELF-EVALUATION.<<>>
MEJ: Sun-Chiron "22Tau": "White dove over troubled waters"> GUIDANCE...
Pos: a skillful reconciliation of difficulties in the light of over-all potentials;
Neg: an ineffectiveness of mind through habitual woolgathering.
DR: "22Tau": Keynote: The spiritual inspiration that comes to the individual in the overcoming of crisis. (Remember Paine's The Crisis--a series of articles written during the Revolution...from 1776-1783.)
This Symbol refers to the rhythm of a cosmic, God-ordained cycle that reveals a need to face crisis in the right spirit--in complete obedience to God's promptings--in
order to receive a new Dispensation.
MEJ: "23Tau": "A jewellery shop filled with valuable gems"> PRESERVATION...
Pos: a happy gift for shaping all vision to larger dimensions and directing all aspiration to more than trivial ends; Neg: a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles.
DR: "23Tau": Keynote: The social confirmation of natural excellence.
With this Symbol we are concerned with the social process which brings about a CERTIFICATION OF PERSONAL WORTH.<<>>
>And the midpoint picture created with Jupiter/Saturn = Sun: taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; becoming gripped by the status quo if no plans have been made, and having to make the best of it. <<>>
Well, just as Chiron travels between the inner (Saturn) and the outer (Uranus) realms and unites them, so birds travel between earth and heaven as they migrate across the skies.
And synchronistically enough, Saturday also happens to be International Migratory Bird Day!
With Thomas Paine's past loss of the public's good will due to his promotion of reason above spirit, is it time to re-evaluate the still-dripping wound caused by the Reason vs Religion Split from which mankind still suffers?
Is it possible this Split is a false argument? Shouldn't one support the other if rightly understood?
Many people believe this wound is the basis of our current ills (along with greed and avarice, of course...let's not forget Washington's favorite past times...and that of a few other people you and I could name.)
There is also tr Pluto (power) opposing natal Neptune (ideals; dreams) which indicates ruling powers being challenged by those who hold conflicting ideals. So if you haven't noticed that neocon war hawks are in process of undermining America's original ideals...hello? Anybody there?!
And if you consider Saturday's double transits of Sun to Chiron/Chiron to Sun for our Tom, it could be realization time that to reach higher realms is a possibility for those who make the honest effort and open themselves to the spiritual energies which are all around us like doves over troubled waters.
5.12.06 7:40 pm edt
Thomas Kindig's Left Justified is a fantastic resource for 'examining the roots of constitutional government'.
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
George Washington,
Thomas Paine
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