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Aug 6, 2007

Fake Steve? or real Steve Jobs?

Mystery blogger Fake Steve is outed so why not 'out' the real Steve? (Click chart to enlarge my scribbly notes.)

If you allow MC as a focal point of a YOD pattern we have:

Venus/Saturn = MC: seeking solitude; irritability; reserve.

His mysterious, charismatic Mars/Neptune opposition forms two T-squares--one with Chiron, one with technology-loving Uranus. (Chiron is also associated with technology.)

Mars/Neptune = Uranus: energetically following one's personal dream; reaching for pie-in-the-sky.

Folks with n Mars/Neptune in opposition must avoid professions with any hint of illegality, and he's certainly been accused of this and that, for Mars/Neptune people can easily be made patsies or scapegoats if they're not completely on the up'n'up.

Their preferred methods involve secrecy which tends to result in suspicion from others, and there may be misplaced loyalties which interfere with actions taken.

Jobs has no out-of-bounds planets in his chart so all his energies work together admirably, and his South Node in 10th house (the most public house in a chart) underscores the above-mentioned Venus/Saturn/MC YOD's need for seclusion and privacy.

Meanwhile, he has certainly baked up a golden sky pie, hasn't he? In fact, his Sun Pisces/Moon Aries blend's Image for Integraton is:

In tattered rags, the small, obscure young servant named Arthur pulls the sword from the stone and becomes king of Camelot. (Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.)

Yes, Jupiter/Uranus (technology again!) when conjunct provides for much expansion in the life and tends to bring fortunate breaks, and long-distance travel. It gives an insatiable desire for knowledge, and great insight with talent development. There is also an interest in politics--and political activity is shown in some of his progressed charts (charts not shown here.)

And an unaspected Mercury (thinking; communications) placed in Aquarius (sign of technology!) has definitely aided him with his inventive abilities and great success thereby.

Sun Pisc/Moon Aries is shared natally by Emile Coue, who famously intoned:

"Every day in every way, I am getting better and better." Is that an Apple creed or something? Not sure, but it is the Jupiter Mantra which Bush and his ilk repeat to their globally-directed elite selves every day.

The saucily-written Fake Steve blog purports to invade Jobs' privacy, but how much it actually does, I do not know because I've never visited. Perhaps I'll mosey over right now and see if it's more invasive than this post...

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