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Oct 6, 2008

Will the real Bush Doctrine please stand up?

The Bush Doctrine & The 9/11 Commission Report: Both Authored by Philip Zelikow

By David Ray Griffin

The document in which the Bush Doctrine was first fully articulated - the 2002 version of The National Security Strategy of the United States of America (NSS 2002) [pdf] - was written by the same person who was primarily responsible for the 9/11 Commission's report: its executive director, Philip Zelikow. #

And here's a previous post on the subject: Bush hid behind Zelikow during the 9/11 "investigation" as mentioned on Feb 9, 2008.

You may wish to view the natal chart (Sun-to-Midheaven in honor of its 'unfurling' upon the world) of the Bush Doctrine set for Sept 17, 2002 at my other Political Astrology blog, Jude's Threshold.

Not a lot of details are given with the chart as yet but if you click to enlarge its image, you'll find a few of my chicken scratch notes such as the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series in which the monstrosity (which undermines all our Freedom Documents) was hatched.

Now it's October 2008 and America has been saddled with a financial czar by the name of Hank Paulson who, for take-over purposes, plied Congress with threats, promises, and bribes - if, indeed, prodding was truly necessary.

Pleeease don't throw me in that briar patch! begged Brer Rabbit of Brer Fox.

And pleeease, don't send me home to angry constituents! pleaded Washington politicians of their soon-to-be masters.

And the rehearsed script ended with the expected outcome much as planned on Friday, October voila! It's the same old Capitol Hill Theater, Dahlink, as produced by the Blackheart Fearmonger Company of Thespians and Thieves.


And speaking of Cheney and 9/11, here's what you get when you progress Cheney's natal chart to the morning of 9/11/01: the plutocracy pair of Pluto and Chiron at Cheney's progressed Midheaven which is amazing to see especially if you know anything about Pluto-Chiron's links to primal violence, corporatism, class warfare, racism, and oppression. Can fascism be far behind?

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