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Showing posts with label Washington DC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Washington DC. Show all posts

Mar 3, 2023

Horoscope: Trump Speaks at CPAC 2023

With CPAC 2023 going on as I type, have a glance at a horoscope set for CPAC 2023 Washington DC, Saturday March 4 at 5:25 pm. Yes, his nibs tends to run late but 5:25 pm est is the scheduled time for Donald Trump to take the podium and speak his Geminian mind, and the planets may be of interest to a reader or two.

However, it's weekend and I do not care to waste many more minutes on Herr T's combative rhetoric or his dreams of regaining power, so please check out my notes penned messily upon the following bi-wheel. Inner is Saturday night's 5:25 pm est speech horoscope with Trump's natal chart surrounding it (outer).

As you see, the bi-wheel shows that his aggressive, me-first Mars in Leo has already risen prior to 5:25 pm, and his deceptive 2nd house Neptune Rx in Libra will be next to rise, dragging his deceptive Neptune square Mercury, planet of rhetoric, in tow so that we know that misconceptions and fantasies are on his to-do list. As always:

Notable is that CPAC 2023 is being held under the auspices of the 6 South Solar Eclipse which perfected on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio with its 'being forceful, taking power; manic energy with great force or strength in relationships' and 'huge efforts in a group activities' themes (paraphrasing B. Brady).

This describes a "group activity" like CPAC, a 'conservative' organization in which the current leader of the 'Republican Party' in the polls continues to be the rash, brash, belligerent orange blighter whose combative rhetoric may hit, or mention, a brick wall (or border wall?) thanks to CPAC 2023's Mars @20Gem42 conjunct his natal 10th house North Node of public contact and which is sandwiched between his uniquely individualistic Sun-Uranus duo.

Meanwhile, Trump's CPAC 2023 speech's Midheaven ('MC'= the Goal) sports an incendiary midpoint: Mars-Uranus. See lower left corner for potentials of this dangerous combination.

And to powerful wealth hoarder Pluto conjunct Hygeia and leading a ruthless Locomotive pattern, add
CPAC 2023's Sun = Mercury-Neptune midpoint picture with its 'acting or pretending; fantasy; deception; moodiness' potentials penned at the bottom of the image and there we have a Donald Trump, purveyor of hatred and discontent.

A closely related SO'W post and horoscope: Trump Regime identified by Mars-Uranus since 2017.

Jan 24, 2022

2023 to 2027 and Washington DC

Focusing on June 2023

by Jude Cowell

Since creating Stars Over Washington in 2005, I've always considered transits, progressions, and planetary returns affecting our nation by using one or more of the various 1776 horoscopes for America but the the 12:00 am LMT Washington DC Horoscope of May 3, 1802 reveals a significant transit as an example of upcoming issues and concerns.

Naturally, rather than a mere post, an e-book would have to be written and published in order to contain and discuss all the upcoming transits of note over the next few years, for as the Cosmos would have it, a mixture of both positive and negative transits and contacts are and will be indicated. Well, I can't do this so what you see displayed is a bi-wheel horoscope of one major transit with the outer transit chart set for June 5, 2023 (exact at 12:37:03 pm edt) showing transit Uranus @20Tau27 opposing DC's 1802 Neptune @20Sco27 Rx in 10th house at 12:00 am LMT.

Now as you know, Uranus = Science, and Neptune = Faith and Ideals and these energies may play out in general terms in light of the reciprocal transit in 2026 into 2027 when transit Neptune opposes DC's 1802 Uranus. This reveals a time frame (2023 --2027) and a wider view that we should keep in mind as major shifts, changes, and reforms occur in the USA, or are proposed and rebuffed. Yet we must be aware that a longterm plan by China and Russia is now in pain sight and intends to topple America from global leadership, thus forming a 'new world order' of authoritarianism, as Russia threatens to invade Ukraine territory again.

Astrologically in the US, transit Pluto @00AQ05 Rx on June 5, 2023 has finally reached the January 20th degree of US Inaugural Sun (POTUS Oath of Office) - which is also the December 2020 Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn so here's an excerpt from a previous post concerning this topic which may be of a timely interest:

Years 2023 and 2024: Reform and Rebellion

Possibilities for 2020 Jupiter-Saturn = 2023/2024 Pluto include: 'a total reversal of plans; extreme changes; intense business activity; violent changes/reforms; restriction; separation; tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; fearlessness; control of the situation' (N. Tyl; R. Ebertin; M. Munkasey). Ebertin adds a footnote to this picture that it can lead to "enforced change through imprisonment, in which case the political situation has to be considered." Oh yes, it certainly does have to be considered.

Reinhold Ebertin also identifies the Jupiter-Saturn duo as possibly representing entities such as, "professors and teachers of law, clergymen, politicians, government officials, civil servants of the administration, relatives, and/or fellow tenants." Biological Correspondences: "organic defects (ex: tuberculosis), a chronic disease; functions of the gall and the liver." (The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin; #ad.)

Related: Horoscope: Putin's First Inauguration of 2000.

Jan 6, 2022

Inauguration 2025 Horoscope (unmarked)

Thursday January 6, 2022

In response to a frequent reader's courteous request, below is an unmarked (non-scribbled upon by yours truly!) Horoscope of Inauguration 2025 set for January 20, 2025 12:00 pm est Capitol Building Washington DC which may come in handy - if America's traditional Presidential Oath of Office - on that date, at that time, and in that place - is still 'a thing' by then:

And here's the same Inauguration 2025 Horoscope all marked and scribbled upon with my study notes and containing information that includes suggestions of Cowboys and Tyranny.

Sep 17, 2021

Sept 18th "J6 Rally" in DC: Saturn-Uranus attends

'Earthlings Trod a Celestial Path'; Jude Cowell Art; pencil drawing on paper

September 17, 2021: If tomorrow's "J6 Rally" in DC doesn't fizzle out embarrassingly with low attendance, its DC Horoscope set for September 18, 2021 10:00 am edt Washington DC shows an interesting sign and degree rising: 2Sco39, interesting and perhaps predictive since another solar eclipse in the same Saros Series as the 'Nazis Rise to Power' Solar Eclipse (6 South @8Vir09) is due once again on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio (DC Horoscope shown). 6 South themes: 'being forceful, taking power, huge efforts in a group activity' (B. Brady). Well, 'group activity' applies to both events.

So there is one prominent cosmic link during tomorrow's proposed 'J6 Rally' to Tr*mp's 'Mob Attack' of January 6, 2021 which pops out: J6 Mercury @21Lib58 to 1/6 Moon (21lib56) which suggests potentials for 'restlessness among the common folk; speeches geared to the masses; propaganda efforts; and/or 'excitement generated for popular causes' (M. Munkasey). I'll add that some anti-democracy discontents who would like to attend tomorrow's rally may stay home due to family concerns or concerns about their own safety - or perhaps simply the ones who showed up on 1/6 will stay home - or in jail. Plus, disgruntled ones who take exception to the 'no guns allowed in the city limits' law of the District may keep away. Basically, no one knows what to expect tomorrow, if anything!

But beneath it all, outer planet conditions continue to affect earthly events such as Neptune in Pisces opposing US Neptune in Virgo (social and racial persecution, differing ideals clash), and of course America is under the rays of her first-ever Pluto Return as many traditions and structures wobble, fail, or are completely transformed.

However, the most prominent planetary condition that applies to current conditions and events is created by the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square (present in both horoscopes) which times a rise of 'touchy' anti-authority types who may resort to violence especially when the square is aggravated by aspects from activist Mars, rebellious Uranus, or subversive Pluto (as it is).

So as the 'new order' vibes of Uranus come up against the 'old order' vibes of Saturn, society experiences much frustration and many obstacles embedded within the square. Meanwhile, energies stem from the last/current Saturn-Uranus Conjunction which perfected three times in 1988: February 13th @29Sag55, June 6th @28Sag47, and October 18th @27Sag47.

As you see, their first conjunction fell at '30Sag' = "The Pope Blessing the Faithful" degree (suggesting Vatican involvement with events, in 1988 if not now) which has a negative expression of: "inordinate love of self-display and surrender to a lust for power" (Jones).

We can expect the current Saturn-Uranus phase to end with their next conjunction which won't occur until June 28, 2032 @28Gem01 which opposes the cycle's current degrees in Sagittarius and this will continue to highlight the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity with its 'Mercury-Jupiter' flavors and suggesting that societies across the globe must deal with karmic issues such as the use of logic and reasoning to reach truth vs falsehoods and deception to hide truth, plus, ethics and morals vs degenerative, degraded principles and standards. My suspicion is that most people realize which side the current crop of authoritarian dystopians are on and they reject it (as in the California recall!)

Now I don't know about you, dear reader, but personally yours truly considers this to be part of the Good vs Evil conflict the embattled world now struggles under. And it's a cosmic battle for which we all must choose sides.

Sep 20, 2020

Autumn Equinox 2020: Our Degraded Justice System

America at the Crossroads 2020: Fighting for a Restored US Justice System

by Jude Cowell

September 20, 2020: Yes, we've discussed the Autumn Equinox 2020 Horoscope previously but today I'm posting the horoscope again (follow the link for more details) just to emphasize the YOD of crisis in the chart between the speculating, risk-taking, bubbly pair of Jupiter-Neptune (fraudsters!) at its base pointing accusingly at *Venus in Leo. Of course, a YOD pattern also relates to a special task and a crossroads so with the US Legal System under siege as it is by a corrupt "president" and his henchman "Attorney General," a "special task" must be engaged here, at the point in time, at what can only be described as America at the Crossroads, for our nation's very existence is at stake.

(Note that for obvious reasons, the YOD's timing of health crisis is also part of our current picture as Autumn 2020 begins but the topic is beyond the scope of this post and has been previously discussed in various posts.)

As you see, with 00Scorpio rising, Mars rules the chart and applies twice: a square to Saturn (1A36), then a square to Pluto (4A27) - the wealthy manipulator, the 'hidden hand', is co-ruler of the chart and the season. The Saturn-Pluto-Mars trio suggests the "necessity to fight for one's existence" (Ebertin). For more details, follow the link, above.

DC Horoscope: Autumn Equinox Tuesday September 22, 2020 9:31 am edt:

*Note that Venus @18Leo07 at apex of the YOD conjuncts the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse (18Leo41) which I have reluctantly called The Tower Eclipse and my Tarot friends know very well what #16 The Tower signifies, as might you, dear reader. My dearest hope for 2020 into 2021 is that the corrupt criminal enterprise, the global syndicate now gripping Washington DC, its institutions, departments, and the White House is the system that will collapse into dust as the integrity of the US Justice System is upheld with the aid of folks like former prosecutor Glenn Kirschner whose motto, as you know, is, Justice Matters.

Related: September-November 2020: Mars in Aries to and fro (trolling the path of Mars, the arsonist, shooter, activist, officer, malcontent, criminal).

Nov 30, 2018

Our Federal City's Upcoming Progressed Full Moon

Image: dual horoscopes of the Masonic Cornerstone-Laying by George Washington who, with his Masonic brethren, founded our Federal City April 21, 1791 3:30 pm LMT (Ellicott) and the same horoscope's Secondary Progressed Full Moon which perfects on January 10, 2024 @18Gem33 at 2:00:35 pm est; basic details and more are penned upon the charts:

Plus, you'll find brief details concerning the Federal City 1791 horoscope in a 2015 Obama-era SO'W post if you care for a peek. Of course I had no 'Trump' in mind in early 2015 when I typed the post, yet Trump's natal 10th house Sun-NN-Uranus trio perches saucily atop the Midheaven of the 1791 chart (MC 22Gem58) along with US natal Mars just as 1791 Jupiter in Virgo rises (3:30 pm selected by the Masons because Jupiter in Virgo was rising) along with America's natal Neptune. 1791 Jupiter conjunct US natal Neptune (1776) in our era suggests pretense and illusion as the Federal City was founded--or, inspiration and the grand spirit. Yet the Founding Fathers of 1776 and 1791 were apparently unaware of the existence of far away planet Neptune with its potentials in Astrology for delusion, deception, fraud, dissolution, and its basic urge to merge.

Now naturally, your eagle eye spies a YOD pattern, too, between the 1791 Mars-Pluto sextile pointing to the rising Jupiter and Ascendant (and US natal Neptune) although Neptune and Pluto were unknown in 1791. YODs suggest turning points, crossroads, special tasks, or crises for Washington DC in relation to ideals, finances, promotion of ideas (spreading democracy? propaganda, media), expansion, growth, and/or exploration. Plus, this is a Jupiter-square-US-Mars transit denoting a period when moderation is needed, too much force may be used, rash actions can create more problems, and overestimation of strength or ability often occurs. In addition, a heady whiff of America's Jupiterian 'Manifest Destiny' may be noticed.

So each time since 1791 that transit Jupiter has returned to its 1791 degree, the Federal City's Mars-Pluto YOD has been re-activated, plus, other transiting planets and progressions have had their effects as well. The last/current Jupiter Return to 22Vir38 is a three-fer due to retrogradation; the exact conjunctions perfected on December 19, 2015, January 27, 2016, and August 3, 2016--reminding us of Donald Trump riding his escalator down from on-high (June 2015), paying an audience of actors to applaud his prez bid, campaigning ad nauseum (ongoing), and on November 8, 2016 being selected by the Electoral College to play the POTUS role against all common sense. For those of us attempting to ignore the recent and ongoing chaos he thrives upon and his dismantling of our traditions and institutions which he has apparently been plopped in the Oval Office in order to perpetrate, Wikipedia keeps a handy list of the Events of 2016 for our reviewing pleasure; of course, 2015 events are available there as well.

Eclipse watchers might wish to consider the solar eclipse themes of 2024 of which there are two: April 8th @19Aries in the 8 North Saros Series (prophetic visions, dreams, hunches), and October 2nd @10Libra (conjunct the 2024 SP Full Moon's North Node!) in the 8 South series (separation and loss; physical injury is possible; over-straining of one's strength--Brady).

And if we read the planets of the Federal City's YOD as midpoint pictures, we have potentials for: Mars-Pluto = Jupiter: the big plan comes into focus (Utopian America, aka, the New Atlantis!); making things happen (a capital city); Mars-Pluto = ASC: showing the hero image; the fighter who dares the impossible; and Mars-Pluto = US natal Neptune: cunning strategies; subterfuge; plotting rebellion (Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl).

These potentials all sound like my former Federal City of residence to me.

Now here's a very much related previous post concerning associated topics: In Tribute to Master Mason George Washington.

Oct 18, 2018

November 2018 New and Full Moons

October 18, 2018: Below is a dual chart showing both the November 7th New Moon and the November 23rd Full Moon of 2018 set for Washington DC. Please enlarge to read my scribbles:

As you see, the New Moon @15Sco11 perfects the morning after the 2018 Midterm Elections and as usual, marks the beginning of a new cycle with the Moon at the Point of Regeneration (15 Scorpio), aka, the Eagle Point. Without knowing who the victors will be as I type, this chart must speak for itself with restrictive Saturn @5Cap30 rising and acting as chart-ruler (Cap ASC) which makes no applying major aspects to other planets in the chart. This emphasizes Saturn's sign and house position (12th house of Politics, Large Institutions, Self-Undoing, and Karma) but at least Saturn isn't afflicted in the chart and has left his off-again-on-again trine with radical Uranus conjunct the New Moon IC (Foundation; Endings; The Drain) from the 3rd house side and at a critical 29th degree of Aries, a disruptive placement of zealots, anarchists, and radicals.

Obviously, Technology and Communications are part of this Uranian picture and of course, Mr. Trump is Uranian since natal Uranus is his guiding planet due to its oriental condition (last planet to rise before his Sun). A side note of interest may be that asteroid Eros @17Gem40 (5th house; the piercing) conjoins Trump's natal Uranus, planet of chaos, disruption, and shock. Is this a reference to the Mueller investigation or its findings?

Also prominent is rising Pluto @19Cap06 suggesting a tale of massive events coming up that are uncontrollable by mere mortals and possibly relate to surveillance and ties to the Criminal Underworld. As you've heard, Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report on Trump, the Russians, and -other- may drop as early as November 7th ('after' the Midterms). That the separative South Node ('SN'; the 'tail of the dragon') is in 1st house is a negative indicator, plus, SN conjoins US Progressed Pluto (29 Capricorn, a critical or crisis degree) and soon will swipe across US natal Pluto (27Cap33) suggesting potentials for self-reliance but also large-scale changes that affect others who are not consulted. Adding to the complexity is the Mars-Saturn midpoint in 1st house which conjoins America's POTUS Sun (00AQ48 for Trump 2017) and forming a picture of a leader unable to meet all demands or master all circumstances.

With SN conjunct POTUS Sun, Mr. Trump's popularity may be at low ebb as well which we discussed previously (exact on October 27th). In addition, we're still under the influence of 'The Tower' Solar Eclipse (18Leo41) with its theme of 'collapse of plans, lifestyles, and...edifices'. One result may be that Trump's tower of lies finally collapses into rubble but we must hope that, if so, this won't take America down too especially considering all the damage he's already caused our nation.

Mercury @8Sag19 approaches warring star Antares, one of the Royal stars of Persia, and conjoins two asteroids: Icarus, associated with flying too high and crashing and assassination which could be a reference to the October 2, 2018 heinous murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and Trump's defense of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ('MBS'), and Circe (where we rescue or seek rescue). Or, is another assassination on someone's November-into-December 2018 agenda? Perhaps but we should note that 17 Gemini+ is the position of Mr. Trump's natal 10th house Uranus ('18Gemini' = "Two Chinese Men talking Chinese in a Western Crowd").

Now in the Full Moon horoscope of November 23rd (upper right), we find Icarus Rx and still @17Gemini+ in 10th house although divine-retribution asteroid Nemesis @14Gem31 is nearer Midheaven ('MC' @11Gem25; the Goal Point)--and gold-hoarding MIDAS Rx @11Gem11 conjoins the MC (which may or may not be America's natal Descendant). A Venus-Uranus opposition across the 2/8 axis of Money, Values, Shared Resources, Credit/Debt, and Corporatism denotes potentials for 'a treasury showing unexpected rises and falls in its valuation, settings suddenly exploited for development, ruling bodies unable to cope with sudden infusions or lacks of funds, and/or unpredictable vanity shown by leaders or executives' (Munkasey). Eccentric spendthrifts, wastrels, over-indulgence, and extravagance are also suggested by the Venus-Uranus pair along with possible relationship breakups.

And of course you see that the Full Moon @00Gem52 conjoins fixed star Alcyone with key words something to cry about. (Other stars are listed on the right side of the charts.) The Full Moon chart-ruler is Mercury turned retrograde as of the evening of November 16th @13Sag29 and as Rx chart-ruler suggests delays, reviews, revisions, and re-considerations of all kinds including plans and ideas. In fact, this regressive condition is at the Foundation of the Full Moon chart (Mercury Rx conjunct IC) which suggests that whatever was seeded at the November 7th New Moon will be under revision before the Full Moon rather than culminating at the Full Moon as planned.

Chart-ruler Mercury makes two applying aspects: 1. square Mars (5A45) describing a period of frustration, incorrect information blocking goals, provoked anger, possible equipment failure, and rash actions; 2. conjunct Jupiter (7A01) showing expansive plans, an increase of international communications, news about legal affairs or decisions, and/or discussions concerning the employment of relatives.

That this Rx condition of Mercury can affect Midterms' voting outcomes goes without saying for Mercury is the planet of vote casting, ballots, and decisions but hopefully, Midterm victors will be decided well before November 23rd--or counts will be ongoing or contested.

Now there are many other chart factors of note in both charts but in line with my usual desire to keep this a post, not a book, I shall close for now and allow you to fill in the gaps and perhaps I'll see you at the voting booth November 6th!

Aug 27, 2018

DC Horoscope: Manafort Trial September 17, 2018

Update August 28, 2018: the September 17th trial of Paul Manafort will proceed as scheduled with jury selection, however, opening statements are postponed for one week until September 24th.

Original post begins here:

Uncertain of the precise hour the trial of Paul Manafort opens on September 17, 2018 in a Washington DC courtroom, the following horoscope is set for '8:00 am edt' and as you see, the Midheaven ('MC'), or Goal Point, at the top of the chart @8Can34 shows the natal Mercury of Donald Trump crossing over it at that moment. Fixed star Alhena is there as well with its theme, to have a mission. Might the mission have anything to do with Trump's chatty if duplicitous Mercury? More likely with Mr. Manafort's knowledge of the Mercurial Trump's 2016 campaign.

See Paul Manafort trial in DC to take 3 weeks, probe Ukraine lobbying world. And here's a previous post showing the 1991 independence horoscope of Ukraine if you're curious.

September 17, 2018 The Cosmic Curtain Rises in Judge Jackson's Courtroom

Rising at 8:00 am is 7Lib32 which makes Venus chart-ruler yet she makes no applying aspects at all to clue us in on how things will proceed. Or does she? With no application of the chart-ruler, we must depend on Venus' sign, degree, house placement (2nd h of Money, Values, Possessions), and house ruler-ship to tell the tale. Here, with Venus in brooding Scorpio, sign of corporations, money, big business, and betrayal, we find the Sabian Symbol for Venus' degree instructive: '6Scorpio' = "A Gold Rush"...AMBITION with its negative expression of "a lack of practical discrimination and an irresistible desire for easy money." (Jones). Considering the allegations against unregistered 'foreign lobbyist' and money launderer, Mr. Manafort, this seems clear enough, right? Plus, Venus also rules the corporate 8th house of Finance, Shared Resources, Credit, and Debt via Taurus, the luxury-loving sign of Paul Manafort's natal Moon. Yes, luxury, comfort, money, and possessions are his reigning needs (Moon).

Then there's Mr. Trump's natal Cancerian Mercury at Goal Point--Mercury, planet of communications (ex: tweets), commerce, trade, theft, deals and negotiations--in Cancer, sign of patriotism, shrewd business ability, and self-protection, so we may expect Paul Manafort's knowledge of Mr. Trump's words, plans, deals, and 'patriotism' to be part of the legal proceedings if Trump's name comes up at all. Possibly it will in relation to the events, contacts, and negotiations which took place at RNC 2016 as foreign actors lurked about:

Please enlarge the image to read my scribbles for not all chart factors will be mentioned in this text; besides, the trial date could possibly be changed again or the proceedings could begin at noon or later--at noon, Scorpio rises which would emphasize Mars conjunct POTUS Sun, square Uranus (0A26; danger; explosions, and Mars, here out-of-bounds (OOBs), soon to be conjoined by the transiting South Node of the Moon, aka, The Tail of the Dragon (as will the POTUS Sun 00AQ48, a separative and karmic Saturnian condition--see Tail of the Dragon Smacks POTUS Sun!) in late October 2018. Popularity with the public is not promised by this transit.

So as you see, 8:00 am edt is an Hour of Saturn, perfect for legalities and for holding the innocent-until-proven-guilty to account. Upper right of the chart I penned the ASC 7Lib32 to show that Trump's natal Neptune (5:50 Rx) is rising, then Manafort's natal Neptune (13:52 Rx) about to rise. The Sun-Mercury midpoint (business people) of this chart sits upon America's natal Neptune (23Virgo) which provides a cosmic picture of swindlers and crooks (Ebertin). Homegrown ones, I guess. Anyway, at the Foundation (IC) of the chart, the Moon at a Cardinal World Point) pairs with Saturn conjoins asteroid Orpheus so cue the violins for the emotional heaviness that pervades. Yet the Moon-Saturn duo can also denote ambition and strategy especially here in Capricorn.

This is a first quarter Moon phase (crisis in action) but what really catches my eye is the Locomotive shape of the planets (ruthless success) led by little Mercury @21Virgo--conjunct fixed star Denebola (to go against society). Mercury is oriental (rises just before the Sun) and in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, Secret Enemies, and Backroom Deals. And of course, Sun in 12th house denotes unconscious arrogance and with Mercury oriental it's predictably a 'cross the Ts dot the Is' sort of day.

Paul Manafort's natal Mercury at Aries Point (00:04) is in process of being visited by transit Chiron (the wounded healer, the wound, the blind spot) suggesting him as a conduit of some sort for sending messages. Then his natal Venus @7Ari42 is setting for the vengeful-when-scorned planet sits precisely on the Descendant at 8:00 am--with his natal Mars @8Ari21. With this pair, are love affairs or other liaisons indicated? Or merely irritability, exaggeration, and possibly a lack of tact? (Ebertin).

Now striding across the chart is a Grand Cross if we allow the Nodal axis to take part. Otherwise, it's a double T-Square between the Venus-Uranus opposition that points toward Mars @1AQ28--and US POTUS Sun (in 2017, Sun @00AQ48 = Trump) on one end, and Venus-Uranus = North NOde on the other. Quick responses and intense feelings are suggested. Plus, someone is 'ready to go' and 'proud' (POTUS Sun). Of course, another picture is shown--Mars-NN = Uranus which denotes potentials for upsets and sudden experiences, but also for active cooperation. Then Venus opposite Uranus adds collaboration to the Mars-Nodal picture. But surely not the flipping of Paul Manafort! Probably just the legal teams involved in the investigations and the trial.

And naturally, there's a notation at the bottom of the horoscope with saboteur and wealth-hoarder Pluto @18Cap48 Rx again intensifying the 1993 Uranus-Neptune conjunction/s (18Cap) which forms a midpoint picture of 'the big picture must be followed; very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl). Sounds like an offer someone can't refuse. The Sabian Symbol for this degree describes POLITICAL POWER and, negatively, 'strong-armed paternalism' at its 'best' (by which I mean worst) and here in 4th house, the Basis of the whole shebang.

And we mustn't neglect to mention the Jupiter-Pluto sextile (plutocrats; big wheeler-dealers--2nd h of Money, 4th h of Real Estate) which forms a temporary YOD (crisis; turning point) with Trump's natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio which is marked in orange in the 8th house. As a midpoint picture, this suggests Mr. Trump's tendencies for quick exploitation of every situation, far-reaching associations, possible adjustment to new circumstances, fanatical striving for improvement, and political activities (Ebertin). As a YOD the pattern can act as a timer for major adjustments which must be made so that a complete change of direction is facilitated. If the energies are poorly handled, results will be negative for Mr. Trump.

Well, there are many more cosmic clues in the chart and in later charts of the day but since I try to avoid typing too much about a horoscope for which I have no exact hour, I'll leave you with this spotty analysis until and unless the hour the trial begins is discovered causing the different house cusps to change to a large extent so that any of the portents mentioned in today's post don't hold. Or if there's a delay in the court calendar.

Apr 20, 2018

Summer Solstice 2018: Powers of Detection

Image: Summer Solstice 2018 June 21, 2018 6:07:37 am edt Washington DC; Hour of Jupiter Rx @13Sco54 in 5th house; Ascendant 4Can25 with US natal Venus, Jupiter, and Sun rising; Chart-ruler Moon @12Lib03 in 4th house applying to square Solstice Mercury @16Can57 (4A54) and rising in 1st house (see chart, bottom left). Thinking-planning planet of youth and communications, Mercury, in Moon-ruled Cancer squares the Moon which denotes irrational, emotionally based decisions, a focus on trivial matters and small details (perhaps for the sake of diversion), and a continuation of fact vs fiction issues that are particularly brought out these days by Donald Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square of misconceptions, fantasies, falsehoods, and "fake" (Neptune) "news" (Mercury); significantly Trump's natal Mercury @8Cancer51 is first to rise of his natal planets though tr Saturn has been opposing (challenging) his n Mercury off and on this year while squaring his natal Neptune in Libra as Saturn does here. Does tr Saturn in Capricorn, Mr Just-the-Facts-Please, represent Special Counsel Robert Mueller or the Senate investigation of Trump? What do you think?

Now both Mercury and Luna prominent in this chart suggest that fluctuations and changes in conditions are on America's Summer 2018 menu with the Moon ruling 1st and 2nd hou$es, and Mercury ruling the 4th house of Home and Homeland--yet Mercury is out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and off on his or her own, isolated perhaps. Also represented by mundane Mercury are reporters, bloggers, pundits, traders, deal makers, consumers, educators, students, motorists, magicians, and tricksters.

Gemini-Sagittarius Intercepted

As you see, the 12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, Large Institutions, Secret Enemies, and Backroom or Hidden Deals contains the sign of Gemini where Mr. Trump's natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio are placed; opposite in 6th house of Military-Police-Civil-Service-and-Daily-Life, Sagittarius is contained via interception which to me denotes Gem-Sag (Mercury-Jupiter) matters which must be dealt with. Now as you know, this axis spotlights Trump's Sun-NN opposite Moon-SN polarity of relationships and ego/career vs emotions/family. Of course, Trump's guiding 10th house planet, eccentric Uranus in chatty Gemini, is involved as well with its preference for leading by chaos, disruption, shock, and revolt. Here, tr Uranus, still finding his (unstable) footing in Venus-ruled money sign Taurus is in 11th house of Groups and Associations and spotlighting activities such as speculation, risk-taking, and taking premature actions that lead to failure (Ebertin). Links between evaluating Venus and disruptive Uranus tend toward extravagance, erratic spending, and/or break-ups in relationships or alliances.

Note that transit Mars, here @9AQ02 in the corporate 8th house, will turn Rx @9AQ13 on June 26, 2018, and Jupiter's Direct Station occurs July 10 @13Sco20 so both are on their stationing degrees in the Summer Solstice 2018 chart. Of interest may be their rounded-up Sabian Symbols: '10AQ" = "A Man Who Had For a Time Become the Embodiment of a Popular Ideal Is Made to Realize That As a Person He Is Not This Ideal" (Keynote: The need to deal with human beings as persons rather than as screens upon which one projects one's dream and ideal) and '14Sco' = "Telephone Linemen at Work Installing New Connections" (Keynote: the need to establish new channels of communications - Rudhyar; (as in diplomacy? surveillance? jc).

So with Summer Solstice 2018 taking place under the auspices of the February 15, 2018 Solar Eclipse (1 South), we continue to be 'flooded with ideas and options' (Brady) though hopefully summer floods are not in the mix. Plus, the karmic 12th house with its Gemini interception contains, hides, forces matters of the previous lunation ('Syzygy Moon'), the New Moon of June 13 @22Gem44 which by degree and darkened light veils America's natal Mars (22Gemini) and activates our tiresome Mars-Neptune square of misdirected motivations and confused or deceptive actions (the fog of war)--and also happens to veil the natal Sun of Mr. Trump (22Gemini) who at the moment seems to be 'calling the shots' (Sun) with little or no input or advice from others.

Marked in green is a Water Grand Trine between Mercury, Jupiter Rx, and the Neptune-MC conjunction (see next paragraph) which provides a calming measure of protection, sensitivity, and good powers of detection though some may act more lazily than they should under its easy influences. Apparently, someone is under protection which may be at work in the background!

Now as always, there are several other cosmic and political factors located in the Summer Solstice 2018 Horoscope but for the sake of brevity I shall only mention one more which perhaps should have been mentioned first and that's Neptune Rx in its own sign of shady, mystical Pisces--at Midheaven (World Stage; Career; The Goal). To me this denotes that America's Neptunian problems not only continue (with the Republican Party being in the midst of its first-ever Neptune Return--last conjunction to natal degree at the end of December 2018), but our national instability and undermining difficulties, falsehoods, and corruption are completely visible to the entire world (MC) along with the fear, paranoia, uncertainty, and confusion that current US leadership suggests. Plus, healing-wounding Chiron @2Ari20 in 10th house is also visible and is apex of the Sun (leader) opposition to law-abiding Saturn Rx @6Cap18, planet of karma and strong in its own sign. This seems to describe ego-bruising of the Trump-Establishment stand-off that is ongoing as I type in April but it remains to be seen how far along such matters will be by June 21, 2018.

But however and whenever the 'RussiaGate' probe ends and whatever its outcome, here we see a picture of karma at work for even the glorious and proud Mr. Trump must at some point in his life reap what he's previously sown--as must the United States of America.

For those who would dare a peek ahead at future cosmic conditions in Washington DC and thus in America, try Horoscopes: Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice 2019

Mar 24, 2018

The Horoscope on Washington DC's Einstein Statue

Photo of Albert Einstein, age 42, taken during a lecture in Vienna, Austria in 1921. Einstein was born March 14, 1879 at 11:30 am (-0:40) in Ulm, Germany and his natal horoscope with bio details may viewed at where you'll see his 10th house natal Sun @23Pis30 (dreamy Piscean eyes!) and his 6th house Moon @14Sag31 near asteroids Urania (Science and Astrology) conjunct Toro, one of the power asteroids often linked with atomic and nuclear power.

His Jupiterian Sun Pisces-Moon Sagittarius personality blend identifies him as a philosopher and "a nature mystic with inner vision" (Harveys) which you may agree describes him very well. Rising is 11Can38 with goddess star SIRIUS (@12:25 in 1879) which makes the Moon his chart-ruler, and as such, Luna makes only one applying aspect in his birth chart: a trine with Venus (2A27) in Aries which accounts for some of Einstein's attractiveness to women, his harmonious, friendly personality (except possibly to his long-suffering wife and children--Albert really should've behaved much better there), and his popularity and talent for public relations.

Yet this post isn't about Albert, the genius, it's about one of Washington DC's most interesting horoscopes upon the statue of Albert Einstein at the corner of 22nd Street and Constitution Avenue outside the *National Academy of Sciences building which has him in bronze and sitting with his foot resting on the Bootes constellation shown in a Zodiac full of stars, planets, asteroids, and quasars. Some attempt will be made herein to make sense of this cosmic horoscope set for the moment of the monument's dedication ceremony at noon, an astrologically elected hour, on April 22, 1979. The statue was created by the famous sculptor Robert Berks (1922--2011) who came up with glyphs for the quasars since there were few or none in the olden days of 1979. (*Note that the NAS website is linked, below.)

Actually, Einstein's resting foot reminds me of constellation Orion's royal star Rigel (Orion's left toe) with pinioned birds underfoot which represent subjects under the pharoah's protection and to whom Orion brings civilization and education (Brady's Fixed Stars). Unfortunately for the world, the work of Einstein helped provide us with civilization-destroying atomic energy which shows how satanic actors tend to pervert what could have been positive knowledge into something extremely negative--the abomination of desolation, thanks to death-worshipers. Of course, you're familiar with Einstein's letter to FDR dated August 2, 1939 warning of the Third Reich's development of the atomic bomb, a letter which subsequently spurred the US into developing a bomb of its own instead of stopping such devilish work as Einstein had hoped. If only! But I digress only slightly for here is the Einstein Statue's Horoscope for your consideration--your on-topic comments are welcome:

Image: Einstein Statue Horoscope (part of the Einstein Centennial Monument) dedicated at noon on April 22, 1979; Hour of Jupiter; chart-ruler Sun @1Tau58 applies once to a trine with Saturn (5A21) Rx in Washington DC's revered zodiacal sign of Virgo, the Beautiful Virgin; North Node (Head of the Dragon) of public encounters and future direction is also in Virgo and conjoined in transit by the determined asteroid Sisyphus (see Einstein quote, below). Near the Goal Point of the horoscope (MC): Sun conjunct Chiron in Taurus denotes solar will power fused with The Quest of Chiron (R. Nolle); Sun trine Saturn denotes the ceremony's solar spotlight shining upon the form of a Saturn-ruled bronze and stone monument and promises its beneficial acceptance (trine).

Note: on the topic of Sun-Chiron Quests and America perhaps you remember the curious synchronicity which occurred in April 2006 when transit Chiron conjoined the natal Sun of Thomas Paine just as transit Sun conjoined his natal Chiron! Spotlighted are the Fixed signs of Taurus and Aquarius; a bi-wheel of the horoscopes is shown for the curious.

Now as you see, the 1979 chart shows Chiron @8Tau53--and Einstein's natal Chiron in 11th house is @5Tau32 conjunct his Neptune (7Tau52) suggesting a Seeker on a Quest who unconsciously expresses powerful psychic and emotional energies as a vehicle for self-transformation (Nolle)--mystical! Also his Chiron trines electrical Uranus (@1Vir17 Rx in 3rd house) which helped him excite public attention but may also figure in on some very deep level to uranium and its role in the regrettable development of the atomic bomb. So we see that in 1979, Einstein was in process of a Chiron Return which would have activated both his natal aspects. Actually transit Chiron returned five times to his natal Chiron degree on: July 17, 1977, August 31, 1977 (Rx), April 29, 1978, December 13, 1978 (Rx), and February 16, 1979--just prior to the dedication of this statue. (And as you know, 1977 is the Discovery Year of Chiron @3Tau07.)

Now here is a list of the Horoscope's featured constellations and their major stars which Robert Berks immortalized on his Einstein Centennial Monument in Washington DC (my apology for not listing the quasars--they're fascinating but I have yet to use them in horoscopes):

Sirius (Canis Major), Procyon (Canus Minor), Betelgeuse and Rigel (Orion), Pollux (Gemini), Aldebaran (Taurus), Capella (Auriga), Deneb (Cygnus), Wega/Vega (Lyra), Fomalhaut (Piscis Austrinus). Other constellations represented are Draco the Dragon and Hercules.

As for constellation Bootes (the hunter and herdsman turned farmer, and a son of Zeus), its Alpha star is bright Arcturus, the pathfinder who teaches and shows the way forward. The fact that Einstein's foot is 'stepping out' resonates in the sense of one who leads the world into new ideas and ways of thinking which he certainly did. In fact, the 'papers' on his lap display in bronze his most famous formula, e = mc2. And yes, we've met Arcturus multiple times in SO'W posts as the Federal Triangle's cosmic representative for the White House...for even mystical Albert knew that, As Above, So Below !

Further Castings Have Occurred!

Two additional versions of sculptor Robert Berks' Einstein Statue exist. A 12-foot version was cast to celebrate the New Millennium, resides at the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities in Jerusalem, and was dedicated in December 1999. The 'star chart' under Einstein's feet commemorate their precise positions at the founding of the State of Israel (horoscope shown). Note that Israel's natal Sun in Taurus conjoins Einstein's natal Pluto and both receive the New Moon @24Tau36 on May 15, 2018 which also happens to conjunct the natal Midheaven and Phaethon of Donald Trump...Israel's 70-year fig tree prophecy is involved. Also note that in the 1979 horoscope shown above, Trump's natal Pluto @10Leo02 chillingly rises--and 1979 Pluto @17Lib26 Rx conjoins his natal Jupiter (17Lib27) which was Station Direct at his birth on June 14, 1946.

Another 12-foot statue was cast in 2002, loaned to the American Museum of Natural History for their comprehensive, year-long Einstein exhibition, and later purchased for display on the campus of Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Georgia with the monument's 'star chart' set for the night sky of December 10, 1948, the date of the signing of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights which is intended to be a vision for the future. For more details, plus video, visit The Art of Genius. So it's Washington, Jerusalem, Atlanta--boy, does Albert really get around!

*Founded on March 3, 1863, the National Academy of Sciences describes itself as "a private, non-profit society of distinguished scholars" and its website announces the 155th Annual Meeting to be held Saturday April 28 through Tuesday May 1, 2018. During the Wilson administration, the NAS's mission was expanded to serve the US government in such matters as military preparedness and to provide advice to the government "whenever called upon" for which no compensation from the government is received.

Now let's let a genius add some brief yet very good advice:

"The important thing is not to stop questioning." - Albert Einstein.


Related posts include: Horoscope of the Third Reich 1933 with 1933 Chiron conjunct the natal Pluto of Albert Einstein (@24Tau43) and the Third Reich's Progressed New Moon conjunct Progressed Venus (@4Taurus+) which disturbingly perfected on June 6, 2017 during the first year of the Trump administration, and symbolizes a new cycle of activity. So as turns out, the New Moon of May 15, 2018 @24Tau36 may be a very big deal on the global stage and may act in similar Uranian fashion to a disruptive, direction-changing solar eclipse which New Moons can sometimes do.

Recommended Reading: The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital by David Ovason, Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey, and Brady's Book of Fixed Stars by Bernadette Brady.

Dec 10, 2017

The Midpoint Pictures of Winter Solstice 2017

It's December 10, 2017 and Winter Solstice 2017 Approaches!

First, if you wish a gander here's my original post on the horoscope of Winter Solstice 2017 with the chart, as usual, set for our nation's capital.

Second, an astro-note about midpoint pictures: midpoints are the 'average' point in the Zodiac between two planets and/or points that combine the energies of both/all and then synthesizes them into a new, more powerful energy. These points of combined energy can then be activated by transiting planets, progressed planets or points, and so forth. If they are not activated or have no apex planet or point, they may remain dormant for the duration; or, only one potential of the picture may express--or, all of the potentials may express simultaneously or alternately for any given midpoint picture with the third planet or point being the transiting or progressed body. Often when I add midpoint pictures to a post, to cover such cases I'll include that, "any, all, or none may apply." Note that potentials may express positively and negatively at the same time.

The same cautions apply to the following midpoint pictures gleaned from the Winter Solstice 2017 Horoscope set for Washington DC, some of which are paraphrased, some quoted (see sources, below). The list begins with Sun and Moon as apex planets:

Sun-Moon = Pluto: biased attitudes or changed circumstances lead to critical phases of development or to separation from others; potential new perspectives in relationships; separation in order to start anew; souls torn by inner conflict; a critical time of development; focusing attention on personal goals; making startling new plans for life enhancement; drastic measures for self-protection; secrecy about the care or concern shown to family.

Mercury-Pluto = Sun (00Cap00): enhanced authority or prestige among people who control important information or news; use of force to locate or obtain information; championing an idea that prevails; the need for recognition; communication skill; a persuasive speaker.

Mercury-Pluto = Saturn: exposure to heavy or bitter attacks; a quarrelsome nature; irritability; skepticism; disappointment when releasing info which should be kept secret; added efficiency to the ruthless pursuit of the sources of data or rumors; unrelenting demands; insistence on point of view; driven by fear of failure; needing control.

Saturn-Neptune = Moon: activities which serve no real purpose and seem to come and go; hesitation about replacing that which no longer functions as intended; a low character; pessimism; depression; illness, chronic or otherwise; emotional drain; feeling inhibited.

Saturn-ASC = Moon: depression due to the environment; difficulty being accepted; ill humor and disagreeable moods; separation from females.

Sun-ASC = Moon: fruitful activity with others.

Moon-Jupiter = Venus: increasing value or monetary resources; harmony; pleasant relations.

Moon-Saturn = Pluto: repressed needs; the threat of loss; feeling isolated; rising in life by force and going one's way alone; the need for self-reliance; separation; delays and barriers to progress cause frustration; eliminating support for family or others; a strong desire to control or channel emotions.

Mars-Pluto = Mercury: desire to realize plans fanatically; using foul or abusive language to bring attention to yourself; techniques which transfer energy from others places; discussions or descriptions of powerful weapons of great destruction; battle noises; excessive nervous irritation.

Sun-Mercury = MC: ego awareness; successful communications; standing by one's convictions and speaking up; clarifying ideas and plans for accomplishing goals; clear communications that increase public status; business people and/or intellectual workers.

Mercury-Saturn = MC: wrapped up in one's own ideas; an urge to philosophize; winning through planning; mind over matter.

Saturn-MC = Venus: dryness in relationships; improvement in the job situation; renunciation; sadness or grief; reserve.

Midpoint Directory sources: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, M. Munkasey; The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin; Solar Arcs, N. Tyl.

A related post: Dec 19, 2017: Saturn Enters Capricorn which is totally a cosmic 'winter picture' if there ever was one. But some of us better get out the heating pad for arthritic knees may be aching!

Oct 16, 2017

Oct 16 2017: Stars Over Washington is 12 years old!

October 16, 2017: Stars Over Washington turns 12 today as its page view count nears two million. As you know, 12 is the age of accountability on the religious plane though this truism may not apply to a Political Astrology blog suffused with its Flower Power author's common good and peacenik sensibilities.

Of course for astrologers, 12 years brings to mind planet Jupiter so naturally I set up SO'W's Jupiter Return horoscope and found that it perfected on September 30, 2017. However, SO'W has never been about money and yours truly, a D.A.R. candidate, has never been on anyone's payroll, political or otherwise, for I'm an equal-opportunity critic of government! Writing this blog of dissent for the sake of America is the very least I can do for my ancestors who sacrificed, fought, and died for this country.

As always, readers are welcome to disagree with my political views but I'm typing them anyway--usually by using the excellent lens of Astrology to peek at the dark creatures who meddle with our lives as if they have the right!

So never mind Jupiter--today let's consider a few factors in the Solar Return 2017 chart of SO'W instead.

Natal and Solar Return (SR) chart-rulers are the same with Leo rising: the Sun in Libra. Both charts show Sun applying to conjoin jolly Jupiter, one of the societal planets (along with Saturn) that can also represent politicians as well as financiers, donors, corporatists, and gurus of various stripes. As chart-ruler of the SR 2017 chart, the Sun applies to three aspects which denote how things will proceed for the upcoming year (until Oct 16, 2018):

1. Sun sextile Saturn (0A13): a time when those in authority--even government!!--can or do offer advice or aid toward success or at least the opportunity (sextile) to achieve it. Yes, SO'W has been contacted by certain politicians over the years but it's confidential and involves no obvious aid that I can tell!

2. Sun opposite Uranus (3A37): unusual or unexpected actions may be taken and/or SO'W may go off in a new direction. There's really no way to tell with quirky Uranus, planet associated with radical politics and Utopians, and with Astrology and Technology.

3. Sun conjunct Jupiter (8A11): courage and optimism increase along with an expansion of knowledge--which is odd since I can hardly keep up with my book, article, and newsletter reading as it is! Plus, if this were transit Jupiter to natal Sun, indications would suggest that a project begun 12 years ago will end or will be raised to a higher level. Well, I did seriously consider ending SO'W last week but instead renewed its domain for another year--if only because 12 is an even number and 11 isn't!

The last chart factor I want to mention today is the Sun-Chiron pair which denotes one's Quest in life. In the natal horoscope of SO'W, Sun squares Chiron denoting that my Quest in setting up and writing SO'W concerned issues of socio-cultural authority (how true--the Bush-Cheney regime was on my last nerve by October 2005).

Now in the SR 2017 chart, Sun inconjuncts Chiron suggesting that for the next year, SO'W's Quest concerns health, education, and welfare (Nolle), three of the areas now under attack by the GOP, corporate Democrats, and their totem moron, Donald Trump, the insulter-in-chief.

Now if these crippling attacks that harm 99% of the American people don't stretch my nerves to a breaking point and inspire my continued dissent, I'm not certain what ever could.

My warmest thanks to all SO'W readers through the years for their kind Comments and encouraging Shares! America Forever, Jude

Jun 30, 2017

Horoscopes: August 2017's Initial Solar Eclipse Jan 4, 1639

Significant to the study of any solar eclipse horoscope is the initial eclipse that began the particular Saros Series and since the August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse is of the 1 North Series, I'm posting both the initial eclipse (January 4, 1639 @13Cap48) set for "Washington DC" (although the city was not yet built) and for comparison's sake, the horoscope of The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 which manifests @29Leo:

Left: January 4, 1639 Washington, DC; since The (Total) Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 is in Sun-ruled Leo and 1 North begins with a Saturn-ruled Capricorn eclipse it adds details to our study when we view the August 2017 eclipse through a Saturn lens and include aspects, sign, and house positions of the initial eclipse horoscope. It's doubtful that Sun-Saturn is anyone's favorite combination of planetary energies so I'll simply list some of Ebertin's correspondences for this combination for your consideration and suggest to you that on a coping level, America's natal Sun-Saturn square may be involved and require a high level of maturity, hard work, and serious attention to detail in order to deal with any health issues and events that occur:

Principle: inhibition, hereditary affliction, karma, separation.

Sociological correspondence: serious persons, old or sick people.

Probable manifestations: + a difficult struggle with regard to advancement in life, little help through elderly people; working silently or in solitude. - delicate health, a secluded or solitary mode of life, compelled by circumstances to lead a modest and simple life, suppression through others, separations.

Also activated are Sun-Saturn potentials for: crisis, danger, loss of life, or a complete change in home circumstances via a move to a foreign country or different surroundings.

Right: August 21, 2017 Washington, DC

So even though there was no District of Columbia laid out in 1639, there was penned in Connecticut the First Colonial Constitution!

And whether you're in the path of totality on August 21st or not, please be sure to wear safety glasses for eclipse viewing!

Sun-Saturn info: The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin.

Aug 14, 2016

Sep 16, 2016 Lunar Eclipse: The Mystery of the Three Days

Colorized Horoscope: September 16, 2016 3:05:02 pm edt White House Washington DC

Yes, the chart is messy with my scribbles and colorization! Hhere are a few basic details; please enlarge image to read more...

Hour of Venus; chart-ruler Saturn is Direct (good!) and not in 1st house (good!) but rising before Mars and into 11th house while turbulently traveling across warrior Antares. Not what we want to see: a malevolent and karmic planet like Saturn (righteous-feeling in Sagittarius) less than a month past his meeting with testy Mars directly on Antares. A rowdy trio it was on August 24th. And you see Pluto conjoined with Vega in 1st house indicating events that are too powerful or unwieldy to deal with on a personal level.

So here we have status quo, austerity demanding Saturn inhibiting, depressing, delaying who-knows-what-or-whom. Apparently, someone's ambitions will be delayed at best, not met if cards aren't played well. Yet no applying Ptolemaic aspects are made by chart-ruler Saturn so how things will proceed in this situation or for this event is more hidden in the chart than when chart-rulers apply to other planets (actors). When they do apply, some moderation can take place but here it does not. It seems that suspicious, violent, fiery, blind zealot Antares takes the all the cake on this banquet table.

And the T-Square between the Sun-Moon (Full Moon) opposition squaring warrior Mars @23Sag rising in the 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions (ex: hospitals, zoos, prisons), Self-Undoing, Secret Deals, and Karma (reaping what was sown) desires ideas to come to fruition, unions to form, and sports matches to result for the athletes among us. Of course, when Mars scorches through Sagittarius, sign of the Seeker, the Arrow, and the Quest, we find those who are determined to convince others of their ideas and plans...a lot like a political campaign (Mr. Trump = Mars rising w/ Regulus). However, if the rising sign of Hillary Clinton really is Scorpio, ruled by Mars (w/ tones of Pluto underneath), she is indicated here as well. One wonders in mid-August if either or both candidates will be disqualified by September or sometime prior to the November 8th election/s!

Perhaps we'll have a chance to appreciate the eclipse's Earth-Water blend of Sun Virgo-Moon Pisces for it is the relationship anchoring the energies of the day and is the main point, really. Virgo practicality is available to those who can deal with some truths sneaking into sober conversations as speedy yet retrograde Mercury at a critical degree of its own sign of Virgo (17:05) in the subconscious 8th house, draws near North Node and embraces Mizar, a fiery Mars-inspired star of calamities and turbulence which resonates with Antares and is supported by the Saturn-Neptune square affecting society's fears of loss, illness, weakness, and poverty.

Another opposition chimes in: valuable (or perhaps vengeful) Venus opposes disruptive Uranus, the radical, at the MC-IC angles of Home-Security vs Career-Public Status. Venus-Uranus contacts suggests potentials for extravagance, eccentricity, and/or much tension toward separation which supports the Solar Eclipse themes here being re-activated by Mercury Rx. In the center of the chart you see that Mercury has been ruffling our previous Solar Eclipse of March 9, 2016 with its themes of endings, partings, and separations (Brady).

Sun and Jupiter huddle close but are 7 degrees apart and in dissociate signs (Virgo/Libra..."The Light of the Sixth Race Transmuted to the Seventh"?) with messenger Mercury ruling the Sun (Virgo) and Venus ruling Libra and thus, Jupiter. Salesmanship is going on. There are reviews of ideologies and pet theories, older ideas and criticisms though the Rx can also indicate repetition over and over (as they do in Politics). But maybe it's a case of Sales-womanship being more persuasive to the masses come November. Hillary has vulnerabilities, that's certain, but how much more out-there can Mr. Trump pretend to be? If selected president, he'll don W's cowboy hat and assert that he "has a mandate" to be as brash as he has whim to be. And the good he may do will soon be outweighed (see Canopus w/ Sirius in 7th house) by the bad.

But there's another reading of the Sun-Moon opposition: leadership (Sun) opposing the Moon (We the People) which is where the Sun-Moon blend comes in handy for this combo of energies tends toward compassion, refinement, and modesty (which can't be Trump though he was born under a Gem-Sag Full Moon). One mustn't become swamped by details even is the forgotten is remembered but continue to see as wide a picture as possible so that insights will have the broadest application wherever appropriate.

Altogether, difficulties and endings of various sorts are shown in the Lunar Eclipse along with the awareness and fulfillment vibes always described by Full Moons. This one happens to be a Lunar Eclipse and we see that unconscious and subconscious forces are rising to awareness and remembrance in order to grab their due. And I'm not certain that The Mystery of the Three Days (Saturn-NN) at Midheaven (the WHY? or Goal Point) will allow anyone enough time to sort it all out before October rolls around and leads the American people down another political primrose path toward filling the same old script-reader role in the Venusian Oval Office of the White House--whether it's a Madame President or a Mister.

jc 8.14.16 2:48 am edt Kennesaw Mountain area, Georgia USA

9.16.16 Update: is Hillary Clinton's natal Pisces Moon being affected by today's Lunar Eclipse? Perhaps pre-affected in the last week with her health concerns and pneumonia diagnosis? There were 3 days from her diagnosis on Friday Sept 9, 2016 and the 9/11 ceremony on September 11th when our power-through Scorpio candidate fainted or was wobbly kneed.

Aug 11, 2016

2017's Great American Eclipse and DC's favorite sign Virgo -- Virgo as Isis

Astro-Notes Concerning Eclipses, America, and Switzerland

by Jude Cowell

This is a heads-up for those who may be interested in ancient star lore of Virgo the Virgin, Spica (celestial symbol of the Washington Monument), Scotland's Rosslyn Chapel and its Masonic Legacy, Knights Templar (who are said to have created Switzerland expressly for their banking purposes), and other esoteric topics: there is an astoundingly informative article by astrologer Ed Kohout that you may wish to check out.

But no one has to go all the way to Scotland to be in 'Rosslyn' since there's a Rosslyn, Virginia just across the Potomac from DC. Is it ironic that the 'Deepthroat' meetings that informed journalists Woodward and Bernstein about the Watergate break-in were held in a parking garage column '32', a Masonic number?

As for Campaign 2016, have you noticed how the Republican burglary of Democratic headquarters which resulted in the Watergate scandal resembles the current hacking (theft) of DNC emails? By which I imply: have Republicans enabled hackers in order to interfere with Hillary's chances for a second White House occupancy? Just wondering since America's political class is stuffed full of crooks on both sides determined to win at any cost. No dirty trick is too low for these varmints!

Related posts: Founding of the Federal City 1791 (includes DC's natal horoscope) and US Eclipse August 1776: Thor's Hammer, Isis' Key, and a Bucket (includes Leo Eclipse horoscope with themes that best describe the founding of America rather than the previous eclipse @00Pis33 which manifested prior to July 4, 1776). Also see Astro-Notes: Solar Eclipses 2015--2017.

Plus, a Coming Cosmic Event is The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo (conjunct Mr. Trump's natal Mars rising and Ascendant--with royal star Regulus -- will his "Make America Great Again" be the tragic eclipse of our nation?)

The August 2017 eclipse falls into the 1 North Saros Series and is the first repetition of the August 11, 1999 King of Alarm Eclipse (horoscope shown) associated with the Nostradamus prophecies. Substitute the word 'Terror' for 'Alarm' and we have the major theme of the New Millennium as finagled by crooked politicians and their banker enablers intent on global domination.

Remember the Bush-Cheney color alerts meant to ramp up our fear in their "war on terror"? The thuggish alerts were so ridiculed ('puce' and 'magenta' were favorites of mine) that Washington discontinued them along with 'sheets of plastic and duct tape' for our doors and windows. How the ruling class must have laughed over that silly advice which, as usual, made monkeys out of decent people and kept the ill-gained reins of control in the claws of the ruling elite.

The First 2017 Solar Eclipse Hits Switzerland's Natal Pisces Moon

A Swiss Note: the "lucky break" 19 South February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse hits the 8 Pisces Moon in the natal 'Constitution' horoscope of Switzerland (Campion) set for September 12, 1848 11:12 LT Bern (Moon conjoins natal IC 7Pis54). This horoscope also shows that Switzerland is in process of a Uranus Return to natal degree of 21Ari26 Rx--conjunct the bankers' Pluto (27Ari34 Rx--both planets in natal 5th house and so the Uranus-Pluto conjunction is activated. Transit Uranus to natal Pluto denotes a time of abrupt changes to familiar patterns and social traditions, and a potential for disturbing situations and hidden fears which are difficult to confront for the people (Moon).

Also note that astrodatabank gives this RR:AA data for Switzerland: February 8, 1845 9:26 am GMT Bern with 3Taurus26 rising. Actually, when it comes to Knights Templar bankers setting up the place, I prefer Switzerland's natal chart of August 1, 1291 11:25:24 GMT Altdorf (Campion) with 4Sco50 rising and lots of Leo planets at Midheaven (ex: Sun-Jupiter = MC: great good fortune--Tyl).

Eclipse theme info based on Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Above collage: 'His American Majesty' by yours truly. Can you recognize the face of the crook in the center?

Jun 28, 2016

Poison on tap: Is Washington DC the next Flint? - video

Is lead poisoning flowing through the water pipes of Washington DC? Decades ago I was a resident of our Masonic Capital City and suspect that I relocated and thereby dodged this particular bullet.

Ed Schultz brings us a disturbing report:

Watch RT America based in Washington DC.

May 10, 2016

19 North Eclipse affects 2016/17 Election/Inauguration as with Reagan and Clinton

Will the September Solar Eclipse Jiggle Our National Truth-o-Meter in 2016/2017?

by Jude Cowell

In the past, the Solar Eclipse Saros Series 19 North has been influential in US Presidential elections and inaugurations with its noble themes of 'coming down to earth, realism, and a constructive time for tackling the truth' (Brady). In addition, any eclipse, solar or lunar, can inspire the uncovering of truths and secrets long kept hidden with a cosmic peep-eye! quality that may be very inconvenient for miscreants and 'evil-doers'. 19 North (19N) repeats on September 1, 2016 and is the 'Pre-Natal Eclipse' Saros Series of Election Day 2016 in November and Inauguration 2017 in January.

For background, the initial eclipse of the 19N series began on July 5, 1331 (OS) @20Cancer and will end on August 10, 2575. This puts a lunar Cancerian lens over what will be a Virgoan eclipse on September 1st (@9Virgo). Oddly enough, both July 5th and August 10th are dates that are involved in US history since some US Solar Returns occur not on July 4th but on July 5th (SR = Sun to its position on July 4, 1776, our national birthday), and August 10th is thought by some to be an important esoteric date because the Sun as viewed from the Capitol Building sets over the western end of Pennsylvania Avenue as devised by District architect, Pierre Charles L'Enfant (Ovason). At least, that's a cosmic event that L'Enfant planned for the Federal City. (Sun in Mundane Astrology = the leader, leadership, or, the president.)

If you're curious, here are Timelines of Events for 1980 and 1998. See if you can spot any eclipse-inspired 'truth tackling' events in 1998 such as President Bill Clinton testifying on tape to his inappropriate affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky (August 19), the US embassy bombings in retaliation (taking revenge) against al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan and in Sudan, and Scott Ritter's resignation from UNSCOM as he asserted that, "Iraq retains the capability to launch chemical strike" (August 26). Was Mr. Ritter tackling a truth that Washington politicians wanted to keep hidden? Note that the 19N eclipse occurred in the midst of these events on August 22, 1998 @29Leo conjoining royal star Regulus (keywords: success if revenge is avoided--otherwise, all that was gained will be lost--Brady).

Tragically for the American people and the rest of the world, US politicians take revenge all too well, don't they? And usually they deny that revenge is the motivation.

Plus, as previously discussed, Regulus in the original grid for DC represents the US Congress with Arcturus (a different approach; patience brings success) standing for the White House, and Spica (the spike; victory; good fortune) as the Washington Monument, our phallic symbol of the Executive Branch. Disturbingly, Donald Trump was born with warrior planet Mars in Leo (super-sensitive ego!) and kingmaker Regulus rising. Speaking of taking revenge, Mr. Trump does like to hit back when others attack him (aren't 'nice' to him!) and being a 'loser' is, he thinks, only for other people, not himself. However, Regulus rising might one day disagree and deal him a losing hand.

Now here's a 1992 Frontline feature investigating the 1980 Election and the US hostage release "October Surprise" perpetrated by the Reagan administration which tilted election results away from incumbent President Jimmy Carter in an untruthful way as Reagan took credit for what Carter had accomplished:

the deleted video was right here in this spot...

UPDATE May 19, 2016: as expected, the Frontline video was removed so here is a link to a report by a man who investigated for Frontline back in the day, Robert Parry who had Second Thoughts on the October Surprise, which he published to Consortium News in 2013.

So now once again we face the 19 North 'tackling the truth' eclipse and we know that being realistic, honest, and admitting the truth are seldom part of Politics or in the play book of Washington DC politicians particularly when elections are at stake so it will be interesting to see how truths are bent and surprises are sprung against the cosmic imperative of the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse @9Virgo in the 19 North Saros Series as Election Day 2016 approaches and the Inauguration 2017 Oath of Office is taken--usually with a presidential hand placed upon--of all things--a Bible!

Dates and Degrees of 19 North include:

July 31, 1962 @8Leo; July 20, 1944 @27Cancer (opposite US natal Pluto); July 9, 1926 @17Cancer; June 28, 1908 @7Cancer (conjunct US natal Jupiter). 19N is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of: America's Great Seal (1782), the Republican Party (1854), LBJ and the FBI (1908), and the death of Marilyn Monroe (1962). Was Marilyn about to 'tackle the truth' too inconveniently for Politics? You see, correlating the years of 19N with events and the presidents then in office can be quite informative since history doesn't repeat...but it does rhyme.

Published May 10, 2016 6:31 pm EDT; all rights reserved.

Mar 31, 2016

Summer Solstice 2016: Endings, Partings, and Denials of Guilt

Summer Solstice 2016 Horoscope: June 20, 2016 6:34:30 pm EDT Washington DC; Hour of Mars; Sun 00Can00:00, Moon 5Cap36; Venus @3Can50 out-of-bounds (US Venus Return 7:02 am edt); a Mutable Grand Cross; Saturn Rx @11Sag50 rising in 1st house suggesting delays, restrictions, and other difficulties in markets (Capricorn on 2nd cusp, a money house, and Saturn co-rules 3rd house of Neighborhoods and Communications); Capricorn Moon in 1st but conjunct 2nd house of the National Treasury which hints at financial fluctuations and changes in mortgages or real estate (Pisces on IC with most of Pisces in 3rd h):

Chart-ruler Jupiter 15Vir48 still conjoins North Node (a Jupiterian Point of encounter) at Midheaven (The Goal) along with starry Denebola with key phrases: out of the mainstream (Trump? Sanders?) and to go against society (Utopian infiltrators?) with Neptune-South Node (intrigue and loss) opposite and part of a Mutable Grand Cross (marked in blue) which indicates dynamic and tense circumstances worsened by scattering energies too widely, vacillation or indecision, inconsistency, and unreliability in partnerships and alliances.

From the Grand Cross there are, of course, midpoint pictures with potentials for impractical plans, distrust, philosophical discussions, short journeys, and/or fortunate separations. In fact, separation is a theme of this Summer Season 2016 especially with the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse of this Solstice at IC, the Foundation of the Matter. The eclipse @18Pis55 manifested on March 9, 2016 in the 18 South Saros Series and its separative influence will be felt through the summer as it affects Campaign 2016 and the candidates as well as individuals with 19 Pisces prominent in their natal charts.

Actually, the trail of dispositorship ends with Mercury in its own sign of Gemini where it barely maintains a tenuous grasp upon the chart's actors (planets) for Mercury opposes restrictive Saturn (defensive attitudes, strong opinions, isolationism; criticism and scheming alienate others), squares chart-ruler Jupiter (words, plans, and decisions based on insufficient information, avoiding responsibility for actions), then squares confused Neptune which adds fear to being held accountable, escapist behavior, hidden truths, setbacks in competitions, and objectives that demand clarification. Perhaps the day's Full Moon will reveal some of the 'hidden truths' much as an eclipse tends to do.

Other themes of Summer 2016 include skewed perspectives about relationships and values (Venus out-of-bounds), denial of guilt by those responsible (Saturn-Neptune @26Cap = US natal Pluto), expansion of personal influence, power, and control (Jupiter trine Pluto 0A48), cold feelings and/or a tragic destiny (Saturn-Pluto = Full Moon @7:02 am), plus, quarrels and separations (Moon-Mars = Saturn in the Full Moon chart)--any of which may describe certain actions, attitudes, and rhetoric of the 2016 candidates.

We should also consider the US National Treasury (2nd house) with the fluctuating Moon conjoining 2nd cusp and transformative Pluto therein--wealthy Pluto of 'secret treasure in hidden places' fame. Perhaps diplomatic Venus, opposite and near the 8th cusp of Corporatism and Big Business, will be able to smooth over financial issues though a modernization theme may turn up (Uranus-NN = Venus) and this may hint at the ongoing question of replacing an image on US paper currency with a feminine image.

(Such a change would not bring much improvement in our circumstances, would it, ladies? It's an empty gesture, imho.)

Now as you see in the chart, Mars Rx in the 12th house of Politics and Karma and 1st house Saturn Rx form a fretful midpoint picture with potentials for separation (again!), a need for economizing measures, and a possible health threat for as you know, Mars-Saturn is the 'death axis' though I don't like typing so. On another chart angle is the karmic Sun-Saturn midpoint at MC which denotes more separation and isolation ("the lone wolf"--Tyl) and denotes feeling devalued which ties in with Venus' out-of-bounds issues. This picture also echoes America's natal Sun-Saturn square which forms a Thor's Hammer pattern (aka, a Fist of God) in the US natal chart (1776) and its difficult energies are permanently aimed at US natal Moon (We the People) which denotes the government's continued use of fear in order to sway public moods, sentiments, and emotions.

Yet perhaps the most telling astrological tidbit in the Summer Solstice 2016 Horoscope is unaspected Uranus. You know what shocks, disruptions, separations, and anarchy Uranus can visit upon the human race--and suddenly, like a flash of lightening. Well, this Uranus position @23Ari54 (ruled by hothead Mars) remains in what Ebertin describes the realms of blind zealots, fanatics, violent people, Utopians and reformers. Here, the Quirky One is not affected, nor his actions mitigated, by the energies of any other planet and therefore, may be behaving in a "pure" manner with more intensity than usual--and may even fancy himself beyond compare when it comes to 5th house matters. For this is a very discontented Uranus from which chaos may ensue especially in the Gambling and Risk-Taking areas of life (5th house). And since the sign of Uranus denotes behavior, we may suspect that this restless Uranus is a warrior, an activist, an upstart, a rebel, and is perhaps incendiary and violent.

A Question Occurs...

Do people fulfilling radical Uranian roles consult their consciences over what they do, what they disrupt and the consequences that result for others? With denials of guilt so prevalent these days along with lacks of confidence and trust among the public--what might we expect this summer from political and ideological Utopians who would destroy law and government? Here we see loner Uranus (the outsider determined to win the US presidency?) conjoining nurturing asteroid Ceres, an indicator in a Mundane chart of questions of conscience and events that affect large numbers of people. It seems we can only wait to see what Summer 2016 has in store but hopefully, children (5th house) are not threatened by Uranus' overbearing, radical political ideology that inspires anti-societal actions.

And although I did not like writing this Summer Solstice 2016 post, my sincerest wish is that the American people (in spite of the pathetically low-brow political campaign full of misogyny and bigotry) and people of all nations and faiths may enjoy a wonderful Summer 2016 (depending on hemisphere, of course). For we are all bedeviled by governments full of bad actors who are best dealt with via ridicule, parody, and satire! And legal actions where applicable, of course.

Now here are four famous personages who share the pragmatic, shrewd Water-Earth Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn blend of energies, plus, we'll close with two quotes from two more of them--words meant for the miscreants and poor decision makers of Washington DC:

Edgar Degas, Joseph Papp, Rupert Sheldrake, actress Karen Black, and...

"What is moral is what you feel good after." Ernest Hemingway.

"Every man thinks God is on his side. The rich and powerful know he is." Jean Anouilh.


Midpoint pics: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin.