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Feb 20, 2009

Decapitation, Venus, and Fixed Star Algol

An excellent article, Decapitation and the Muslim World, by Nina Shen Rastogi, concerns the historical significance of the practice of beheading one's enemies.

Did you know that France guillotined its last criminal (hopefully it was a fair trial...?) in 1977?

And Christian Crusaders beheaded 10,000 Jews and Arabs in the Temple of Solomon during the capture of Jerusalem in 1099.

Now that's the sort of outrage that's difficult for anyone to forgive or forget - and thus the devouring spirit of revenge, the dark side of Venus, moves across the globe through the centuries.

Islam's symbol of the Crescent Moon and a Star intrigues me yet it actually pre-dates Islam. The most I've found on it so far is that the Star may represent Venus which often appears shortly after sunset along with the thin Crescent Moon which marks the first day of the month in the Islamic Calendar.

This makes sense, yet the association of neck and throat with the sign Taurus has me considering the meaning of the malevolent Fixed Star, Algol, which signifies intense female passion and rage.

As you know, the shadow side of the sign Taurus includes intolerance which Muslims, Christians, Jews, and others have deep trouble containing to the world's detriment.

Algol, according to Bernadette Brady, signifies female kundalini energy, and a consuming passion that devours with anger and outrage with an unconscious compulsion to take revenge. (Brady's Fixed Stars.)

Plus, the waxing Crescent phase of the Moon is the 'crisis in action' stage.

Even in the Old Testament, we find one mention of a beheading when David slew Goliath with a stone, then cut off his head. I assume the extra violence was symbolic, especially with Algol being the brightest star in the Gorgon's head (Ptolemy.)

Here are the keywords for Algol (Beta Perseus; 26Tau10) from Brady's book mentioned above:

to lose one's head; decapitation; damage to throat and neck; sickness; violence; criminality; murder; horror.

And Diana Rosenberg noticed that Algol is active in charts of harmful fires.

Also known as Caput Algol, this binary star appears to 'blink' every 2.86 days for about 10 hours: Algol is at its worst influence when dark.

Its partner 'star', actually a cluster in Perseus, is Capulus (cap = head) which is the male intense passion of ruthlessness, savagery, and rash anger. Male kundalini energy!

Nice couple, eh?

So although I can find no online reference to Algol as the star with the Crescent Moon which is found on various Muslim countries' flags, it's difficult for me to ignore the connection between Taurus (throat/neck) and decapitation which implicates Algol as that star.

Or perhaps it is 'only' Venus as the star in the Islamic symbol of Crescent Moon and Star - Venus, who becomes vicious and takes ruthless revenge when scorned.

After all, on 9/11/01 it was transit Venus 18Leo24 triggering the Eclipse degree of Nostradamus' 'King of Terror Eclipse' of Aug 11,, Venus is implicated as the heavy in the Mayan Calendar puzzle of Dec 21, 2012.

Any thoughts one way or the other?


DD said...

Hi Jude,
You know a lot more about the crescent moon and star and decapitation than I even imagined.

I did some checking to and read that Prophet Muhammad did not want any symbols to represent his movement and in early days only arabic writing on flag shapes represented the group.

Many people have used the crescent moon to symbolize gods - Isis, Diana, intentions - calendar dating, and empires - Turks, I wonder if any significance applies.

I looked up the stages of the moon and this last phase before the enw moon or waning crescent moon shape
opens to the east - to be seen early before daybreak and their prayer ceremonies do start then, and east is the place where new knowledge comes from. So beyond taking on the symbols of countries conquered, this moon could be a request for ongoing truth and God's guidance, but with the star there, I see a different picture, one of guidance from the heavens to rule the world.

Jude Cowell said...

Yes, i meant to mention the Moon goddesses but neglected to, so thanks, Donna!

Your comments here sound like you're a "A woman with streamers blown by the eastwind"!!!

Your lovely conclusion at end applies to the majority of people of the Islamic faith - it's the small percentage (as in the West as well) that make things tough for everyone...the sword-wielders in the group. jude