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Showing posts with label Algol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Algol. Show all posts

Aug 12, 2024

Election 2024: Sobering Stakes

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Just as during the 1964 presidential campaign between Lyndon B. Johnson and Barry Goldwater, America again faces in 2024 the prospect of a loose cannon POTUS with an itchy "finger on The Button."

Factoring in the sketchy loyalities and betraying nature of felon candidate Trump inspires a consideration of the famous "Daisy Ad" that ran on NBC only once (at appr 9:50 pm edt) and is now described as "a turning point in political and advertising history." The ad successfully turned voters away from candidate Barry Goldwater who was considered in some quarters to be "mentally unfit" for the presidency. Well, history does tend to rhyme, yes?

Now according to Wikipedia, the little blonde girl shown picking daisy petals in the ad was played by child model Monique Corzilius (m. Manuel Luis) who was born May 3, 1961 and raised in Pine Beach, NJ.

Here's a link to the Daisy Ad's Wikipedia page which includes a video of the brief TV ad itself.

So below you see a Horoscope of the Daisy Ad set for its one air date of September 7, 1964 9:50 pm est Washington DC - DC because the chart's Angles echo those of US Inauguration ceremonies. The chart is unmarked so use it as you wish. You'll note that in 1st house is Jupiter @26Tau03, a degree regularly activated these days particularly by radical zealot Uranus which conjuncts Algol of Medusa fame, a star of rage, destruction, and fanaticism:

Yet if set for NYC (because NBC), the Daisy Ad Horoscope shows 18Tau46 rising (George Washington's natal ASC), and 28Cap32 at MC which places US 1776 Pluto Rx upon the chart's Midheaven ('MC'), the Aspiration Point of public visibility; plus as you know, Pluto is the planet of nuclear power and plutonium. Meanwhile, US 1776 Mercury Rx conjuncts the ad's IC of Endings and is descriptively conjoined by 1964 Mars. This qualifies as a Mars-opposite-US-Pluto transit denoting a contest of wills, a period when attempting to change the status quo is ill-advised. As we both know, President Johnson remained in office.

Also noteworthy is that the Eclipse Series into which the 1964 campaign ad aired on TV is the 2 New North, aka, "The Tower Eclipse" (@17Can16). As it happens, this is the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE") Saros Series of VP Kamala Harris born October 20, 1964 and now the Democratic candidate for president. You may remember that a 2 New North Eclipse repeated on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 with Uranium's totem planet, Uranus, conjunct MC when the Eclipse chart is set for Washington DC.

So whether or not The Button in 2024 is in danger of reckless activation by one prospective candidate or another, my studies tell me that the rebuilding found within the themes of all The Tower Eclipses (2 New North) is far more assured by a Kamala Harris victory on November 5, 2024 than by a manipulated "win" by a destructive, vengeful loose cannon like Mr. Trump who acts under the influence of America's enemies, and whose health seems to be failing right before our eyes.

Related Posts include: The Eclipse of NBC TV, the Second Inauguration of Lyndon B. Johnson on January 20, 1965, and the 2024 Jupiter Return of VP Kamala Harris.

"Now those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth, and let me remind you they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyranny." - Barry Goldwater

Well said, Senator Goldwater. May both you and President Johnson R.I.P.

Aug 6, 2024

VP Kamala Harris' Jupiter Return 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

On April 30, 2024, transit Jupiter in Gemini returned to position in the natal horoscope of VP Kamala Harris, our 2024 democratic candidate for the presidency. For your consideration, here are two images of her same Jupiter Return Horoscope of April 30, 2024, the first chart unmarked, the second with a bunch of my astro-notes scribbled on; both charts are set for Washington DC since VP Harris lives at the Naval Observatory residence as Vice Presidents traditionally do:

Of late, a major transit to VP Harris' natal Jupiter @24Tau00 is a conjunction from Uranus - like an electrifying magic wand - which suggests potentials for broadened horizons, long-distance travel, expanded training of some kind, and heading down a new path! Also present is fixed star Algol conjunct her Jupiter which to me suggests Jupiter's protective function as she has and will go up against cruel, immoral perpetrators (Algol) like Mr. Trump, born with Algol at his career point (MC) and promoting destruction, revenge, and a dark draconian vision for America's future.

How weird, inappropriate, and unwanted!

A Related Post: Eclipses and Politicians of 1964 which includes both VP Kamala Harris and her VP pick, Gov. Tim Walz who will be onstage with her tonight at their very first Campaign rally in Philadelphia, PA!

Jul 5, 2024

Mars-Uranus-Algol Conjunct July 15, 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Please note: This is another of my forewarned is forearmed posts and may not be suitable for oversensitive readers.Yet the brazen July 1, 2024 SCOTUS immunity decision must be kept in mind going forward - by everyone.

Perhaps you remember that on the afternoon of Inauguration Day 2021, a risky Mars-Uranus Conjunction perfected @6Tau44. Considering the incendiary quality of this planetary duo, and its indications of willfulness, peril, danger, and unpredictability their 2024 conjunction on July 15th is well worth consideration.

That enraged star Algol of Medusa fame is included - plus the fact that the vicious trio conjuncts the natal goal-oriented Midheaven of Herr Trump on July 15th - is an alarming concern, for as you know, Algol is often prominent in horoscopes of criminal acts including murd*r. Not wishing, only informing.

Additionally, Mars-Uranus conjunct MC suggests potentials for "taking drastic measures; getting one's way; and/or putting a pistol to someone's head" (N. Tyl, Solar Arcs #ad) so Trump's lack accountability for criminal acts will remain in the news cycle that feeds on sensationalism - and Trump's 12th house Pluto conjunct Mars-Saturn, the death axis, reveals that harm and destruction are his natural tendencies. And now he's been given "legal" permission to follow his revenge agenda if shoe-horned again into the Venusian Oval Office:

To summarize: Danger is in the air. However, for additional info you may wish to check out America's Mars-Uranus Cycle which began in the Revolutionary era with strikes and protests vibes.

May 31, 2024

July 2024: Trump Sentenced - then RNC 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

By now everyone has heard that yesterday, May 30, 2024, Trump was convicted of all charges (guilty on 34 counts) by a jury of his peers in the Manhattan, NY courtroom of Judge Juan Merchan who then announced that the sentencing of "C.F. Trump" is scheduled for July 11, 2024 at 10:00 am edt.

Above you see a bi-wheel of horoscopes: Trump Sentenced (inner) and the first day Horoscope of RNC 2024 four days later (outer), a political event which we've previously discussed here.

Saturn: The Old Man of Karma

Naturally, there are multiple factors worth noting in the charts (exs: RNC 2024 Sun conjunct Herr T's natal Saturn with issues of authority and reliability. As you know, Saturn is the planet of karma, legalities, limits, flaws. Asteroid Justicia conjuncts his natal Mercury, and Justice-bringer Astraea conjuncts his natal Mars.

Mars-Uranus: Risk and Danger

However, my main focus in this post, due to his nibs' propensity for instructing his thugs and cult menbers toward committing violent acts, is the Mars-Uranus duo conjunct enraged star, Algol which twinkles upon the Midheaven of CFT's 1946 natal chart - how furious he must be - and how saturated with plans for taking revenge upon anyone who opposes him or stands in his way. And yes, this is a deadly situation particularly if he manages to coup the White House in November.

Then as you know, Inauguration Day 2021 saw a Mars-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44 (3:38 pm est). Notably, in the above charts we find a disturbing midpoint picture: Mars-Uranus = his natal MC with potentials for: taking drastic measures; a pistol to the head; violence; injury (R. Ebertin).

Reaping the Consequences

So both July events fall under the influence of the 8 North ("dreams and visions"-- B. Brady) Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct wounded Chiron (also @19Ari24). Then is C.F. Trump wounded? Yes. But so is America, thanks to our nation's enemies, foreign and domestic, working against democracy under the gnatzie-style leadership of a man now known as Convicted Felon Trump. Also, both events have the same Syzygy Moon @14Cancer - conjunct starry Sirius, The Scorcher.

What I detest the most about this entire "Shakespearean" drama is that the degradation of old man Trump is simultaneously the degradation of every one of our three branches of government. In one way or another, he's managed to sabotage them all, much to our enemies' delight. And the treasonous plan of career criminals is ongoing.

And significantly, the previous Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017, his first year playing POTUS, landed directly upon Trump's natal Ascendant @29Leo and rising Regulus (success if revenge is avoided) and you'll remember how he famously removed his safety glasses and looked directly up at the eclipsed Sun multiple times, future blindness be dam*ed. But I suppose when you're born with regal Regulus and Apollo "the sun god" rising along with your brash Mars in royal Leo, you brazenly assume that you can get away with a stupid stunt like that and, with regal aplomb, you'll never have to reap the consequences.

One of Many Related Posts: Midpoint Pictures of a Gangster On Trial (via transits and his Secondary Progressions).

May 18, 2024

Rep Jasmine Crockett v Rep Marjorie T Greene

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Below you see two noon natal horoscopes in bi-wheel form of the two US Representatives who snarled at one another via personal insults at a House Oversight Committee hearing on the evening of May 16, 2024 with the Sun @26Taurus casting a spotlight on enraged star Algol. Then as they say, Rraowwrrr! This eruption between them may have to go down in political history as America's infamous Eyelashes vs Butch Body conflict, with a side order of an allegation of racism due to Greene's eyelashes remark.

Turning the hearing into chaos was achieved if that was the intent of Rep. Greene although order was eventually restored. And it may be no accident that Rep. Greene's star is said to be fading while Rep. Crockett's star is definitely rising.

For details see CNN's interview, Crockett speaks out about fight in Congress with Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Bi-Wheel shown above: Planetary contacts between Greene (1974: inner) and Crockett (1981: outer) are circled and include some heavyweight generational contacts relating to power and financial concerns, and all in Venus-ruled Libra. Meanwhile, 1981 Mercury in mid-Pisces contacts 1974's Jupiter in mid-Pisces which possibly indicates legal conflicts, there are reciprocal Venus-Pluto contacts suggesting that both ladies possess personal magnetism, an attraction to power and wealth, and a tendency toward fanatic beliefs and aims. Additionally, their authoritative Saturns square one another which denotes their different sets of values clashing and causing frustration: Saturn in watery Cancer vs Saturn in airy Libra, sign of the legal planet's exaltation. Saturn in Cancer tends toward discontent, while Saturn in Libra is known for a strong sense of duty.

To close, here's a previous offering concerning the noon natal chart of Marjorie Taylor Greene, displayed in all its splendor. And for the curious reader, Greene's 12 North eclipse themes are listed in the post.

May 4, 2024

Is Mr. Trump like Mr. Stalin?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Recently I've heard a pundit or two on TV state that, rather than Herr Adolf, old Donald Trump is more like the Soviet Union's Joseph Stalin. Of course, no dictator is a prize in the humanity sweepstakes, yet if Trump and comrades manage to steal the White House in November we'll all be messing around and finding out through nasty experiences.

A disturbing suspicion is that few Americans of our younger generations are familiar with the horror that was Stalin or are aware of the dystopian society he created, as if it were a good idea (like the psychopath he was).

So naturally I got to wondering what would transpire if I put together a bi-wheel of the Stalin and Trump natal charts to see which planets and points make contact between them - which ones blend, as it were. So see what you think - here is the result:

1946 reaches back to 1878

Obviously, there are significant contacts such as Stalin's natal Pluto Rx @24Tau58 conjunct Trump's Midheaven ('MC' = goals) where enraged star Algol of Medusa fame twinkles off and on. Notably, Algol is often prominent in the natal charts of criminals and murderers (D.K. Rosenberg). Plus, Stalin's Mars-Pluto opposition of brutality and violence sits neatly upon Trump's MC-IC angles - across the possessive Taurus-Scorpio axis. Their Mercuries are in opposite signs, too.

There's even a Trump Moon-SN conjunct Stalin Sun in Sagittarius, quite a match they are, it seems, and with their natal Suns (egos; goals) in opposite signs.

Then Trump's guiding planet, his inner voice of chaos and disruption, Uranus @17Gemini conjuncts Stalin's Syzygy Moon @17Gemini but to make matters more complex, zealous Stalin was a Uranus-Pluto square kind of despot (aka, an extremely violent, revolutionary anarchist) and his radical Uranus @4Virgo rises in Trump's natal chart as does Trump's aggressive Mars @26Leo and royal star, Regulus with its caution against taking revenge, or all that's gained will be taken away.

Then as you know, the Mars-Uranus duo is another cosmic signal for incendiary, erratic, and/or revolutionary activities.

The rest of their contacts I shall leave up to you, dear reader, for I've had all of these two maladjusted miscreants I can take for one post. Except that --

Trump you know ad nauseum, but if you wish, check out a Mini-Bio of Joseph Stalin, "--one of the greatest mass murderers of the 20th century." And yes, the video may be rough to watch, but it cannot possibly be as rough as living in a society where an authoritarian dictator like Stalin decides quirkily if you and your loved ones live, die, or are locked up. Therefore --

Vote Blue in November. Because all of our lives depend on it.

Aug 2, 2023

Trump J6 Arraignment Aug 3, 2023

Like Father Like Son, Two Natal Horoscopes: Fred and Donald Trump

As you've heard, late on Tuesday afternoon (August 1, 2023) an indictment of Donald Trump on 4 counts relating to his J6 coup attempt was announced by Special Counsel Jack Smith.

A planetary factor that really stands out this week is transit Sun in Leo conjunct Trump's 12th house Pluto (10Leo02) which happens to be the apex planet of his Mars-Saturn midpoint, which Reinhold Ebertin calls the death axis.

Since America's orange albatross began his presidential saga in June 2015 (under the auspices of the star of misfortune, Scheat), Trump has demonstrated how willingly he can manipulate his dangerous midpoint picture, Mars-Saturn = Pluto with the fury, destruction, intervention of a higher power, and the "deaths of many people" it entails. Add the nasty, enraged star Algol twinkling upon his Midheaven (The Goal Point), and the corpses can pile up (Algol in Chinese Astrology).

Then by the day of his J6 arraignment, announced for Thursday August 3, 2023 at 4:00 pm edt Washington DC, the Sun will clock in @11Leo14, still within range of shining upon Trump's deadly midpoint picture so that potentially we have: natal Mars-Saturn = tr Sun: 'inability to meet all demands or master all situations' (R.E.); 'a sense of loss; breaking down under stress and strain; eking it out; possible threat to body or health' (Tyl).

Then of course, the Sun-to-Pluto transit casts a spotlight on power, abuse of power issues, and ego concerns all on its own. But with this particular career criminal Trump, we get even more, Trump-style: we get danger and threats from a bruised ego fearing that someone might dump a bowl of mashed potatoes on his head. Or worse yet, lock 'im up.

Well, it's after 1:00 am here so typing any more about this subject must wait for a less sleepy time. Thanks a bunch for reading my late-night musings concerning the litigious scofflaw they call Trump. In closing, I'll leave you with a link to a previous post that displays two horoscopes: the 'J6 Maga Mob Attack' and the Maga Mob Attack's Solar Return 2023 Horoscope where you'll find the Trump J6 Arraignment Sun of August 3rd @11Leo14 shining brightly upon its Midheaven (11Leo26) along with the natal Pluto = Mars-Saturn trio of the orange albatross!

May 9, 2023

The Fall of Tucker Carlson, and the Making of Candace Owens - The New Yorker Radio Hour


For the self-styled "angry forgotten man" Tucker Carlson on SO'W there's only one Astrology offering so far, but unfortunately more such posts may have to appear especially if he runs for the presidency: On the Eclipse of Tucker Carlson whose natal Sun in late Taurus conjuncts angry Algol and asteroid Midas, lover of gold. Yes, Tucker was born into the 7 North Saros Series and a repetition of his personal Eclipse Series, the 7 North, is operative right now since manifesting @29Ari50 on April 20, 2023, the anniversary of Herr Adolf's birthday.

Then Along Comes Expansive Jupiter

Adding to current eclipse energies is transit Jupiter, planet of broadcasters, politicians, financiers, religious figures, corporatists, and fatty grubs like agent orange (who just today has been ordered to pay E. Jean Carroll $5 million for assaulting and defaming her). For Jupiter has reached 29 Aries+ which expands the energies and influence of the current 7 North Eclipse with its themes of blood 'lust, deep passion that catches people off-guard' (Brady). 'Caught off-guard' such as Tucker's recent, sudden firing from his Fox program. Meanwhile, Jupiter conjunct the 7 North Eclipse indicates the variety of immoral activities now occurring in society, with their influence widened.

So if I had to select an immoral activity or two being symbolized, even activated, now in US society it would be the May 10, 2023 'Trump Townhall' to be broadcast Friday night on CNN from St. Anselm College (Goffstown, NH), with the college's motto of: Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Psalms 111:10). Well, due to his godless behavior and being himself a prince of lies, this explains one of the many reasons that Herr Trump is a one of the dumbest morons ever to walk the Earth.

Then another big honkin' immoral activity is the pro-Hitler event of May 12-13, 2023 to be held at the Trump National Doral, Miami. Plus, we should also note that transit Jupiter is conjuncting the position of militia man Mars @29Ari54 during the maga coup attempt of January 6, 2021 which used primal violence with the intention of stopping or interfering with the peaceful transfer of power from saboteur Trump to President Joe Biden.

In other words, it's a Jupiter conjunct Mars transit which times a period of attraction to physical events, travel, and male-based activities. The caution is that participants must avoid overconfidence in the potential success of an enterprise since it may collapse under its own weight.

Mar 25, 2023

In 2023 Trump greets the 7 South Eclipse

Trump's Progressed Moon Plays a Role in 2023 Events

by Jude Cowell

Back in January 2023 on SO'W, we discussed the fact that the 7 South October 14, 2023 Eclipse 'hits' Trump's Progressed Moon ('SP') at its 'crisis in action' Cresent Phase degree of May 24, 2023, or in other words, the two cosmic occurrences - one in real time, the other symbolic - will conjunct @21Libra and some odd minutes when the October 2023 Eclipse perfects upon his SP Crescent Moon degree which times the beginning of a new life cycle for him. Additionally of interest with Moon in Libra, is that a suggestion of destiny is involved, and of course, all eclipses are known as karmic 'wild cards of the Universe'.

Now in this instance, I'm using his SP Luna as a timing agent via its degree. And it's possible, say TV pundits, that no significant legal action such as indictment will be taken against the orange albatross until May although this time link suggests to me that late September into October 2023 should be an important time period for Trump and his woes which will be affected by plenty of other transits and progressions mitigating or otherwise influencing the proceedings on into 2024, the year of a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus (his pair in beneficial trine aspect of luck and protection) @21Taurus in Trump's 9th house of Legal Affairs and near his natal Midheaven of Public Status.

Then will "Teflon Don" manage to escape accountability once again? Perhaps, but let's not forget the caution of his royal Regulus rising with belligerent Mars, and the trouble that taking revenge can bring: a loss of all that's been gained.

As for his SP Moon/7 North Eclipse connection, this real time + symbolic cosmic time link reveals a Sun-Moon-Moon signature which suggests bringing protection on some level for self or others, and/or a need for relief, possibly supplied by a woman or other family member. And naturally, with the Sun-Moon combination denoting marriage partners, it's tempting to think of his current wife Melania although another woman or women could be involved as well. Could this indicate Stormy? Well, her natal Pluto does conjunct Trump's stationary Jupiter at the "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" degree!

Also tempting is a consideration of the themes of 7 South Solar Eclipses in relation to Trump's SP Moon with its Venusian-Libran vibes (until his SP Moon symbolically advances into Scorpio in early 2024, adding Scorpio's intense Mars-Pluto vibrations to his emotional landscape - and his SP Ascendant has also entered Scorpio). Plus, it may be significant in some way for Trump that 7 South is the Prenatal Eclipse Series ('PE') into which son Barron Trump was born! Then was anger Melania's midwife? Well, Trump's 'Stormy Night' did occur while Barron was only a few months old so I suppose the faithless cad of a husband's testosterone-driven Mars rising in lusty Leo is rashness personified, no matter the consequences.

Now Themes of 7 South Eclipses include the tremendous anger, power, and force of a Mars-Pluto square due to the one in effect during the initial 7 South Eclipse of June 22, 1248 with Sun-Moon @8Can03 (conjunct Trump's gossip-mongering Mercury squared by deceitful Neptune). 7 South possibilities are for huge obstacles to "suddenly clear" or, "a pending potential crisis will move through the life very rapidly" (B. Brady).

Undoubtedly, we think of the multiple lawsuits and potential indictments that this man, 'overshadowed by shadows' faces as I type. And admittedly, my personal hope is that if huge obstacles suddenly clear for this career criminal, his pathway will open toward a prison cell door. And I'm certain you've noticed that Trump's recent behavior posting a mocked-up photo of his tiny hands brandishing a baseball bat next to a photo of NY AG Alvin Bragg has obvious Mars-Pluto square implications. Yes, the image was deleted later but the deadly message was successfully sent to Herr Trump's receptive comrades.

So let's consider a paraphrasing of what Alan Oken has written about a Mars-Pluto square as it potentially affects individuals such as the cantankerous narcisist and wanna-be dictator, Donald J. Trump:

People with extremely violent tempers who let nothing stand in their way, they make devastating enemies who can act like a b*mb clearing the way by wiping out what has already been established; The Annihilator. As most anyone may agree, this is definitely the mood that he and his nazi comrades are in as they strive to take fascist control of our country.

So! Despair and giving up are never options in the cause of Justice, my dear pro-democracy reader, yet these are some of the current influences upon old man Donald Trump whose 12th house midpoint picture, Pluto = Mars-Saturn (the death axis) while apex Pluto, the underworld figure, spy, and assassin, just keeps on expressing its harmful energies against humanity in the form of: "brutality; the rage or fury of destruction; intervening of a higher power; bodily injury or harm (death of many people)," according to Reinhold Ebertin.

And these sinister energies support, among other planetary factors in his natal chart and psyche, his Goal Point (Midheaven) with enraged demon star Algol upon it, a star quite often found twinkling prominently in the natal horoscopes and psyches of serial m*rderers.

A Closely Related Post: Spring Equinox 2023: Secrets, Delusion, Power. Resonating with all the "bombshell" news stories of late, the 2023 Spring Equinox Midheaven in Washington DC, the Goal Point = "5 Gemini": "A Radical Magazine Displays a Sensational Front Page."

Also Related: America's Initial Mars-Pluto Cycle which began in the Saturn-ruled sign of governmental, legal, and business-oriented Capricorn.

Note: 'SP' = Secondary Progressed, the day-for-a-year method of progressing a horoscope to see how things will evolve. Also we should note that "21 Libra" falls within a degree range that once was termed the Via Combusta, the Burning Way, and with transit Mars now in sensitive Cancer, this vintage astrological condition may relate to Trump's arsonist tendencies which are another indication of the potential harm and acts of revenge he obsessively aims at the entire world.

Nov 21, 2022

Radical Uranus in Taurus: More Trouble in 2024

When 1940 Uranus Returns to 26Taurus in 2024-2025

by Jude Cowell

These days, most people would agree that Donald Tr*mp is nothing if not a furiously enraged, malevolent schemer (aka, our orange albatross, as I term him). And perhaps a dear reader or two may remember Trump's 'Furious Storm' Eclipse of January 5, 2019 in the 2 South Saros Series when a variety of folks were inspired to join unusual groups because they would "gain a great deal" from it (B. Brady). The delusional 'QAnon' is certainly one of said 'groups' although the pay-off from joining the off-kilter movement seems dubious at best since its campaign to undermine America and democracy continues apace and, if successful, its gullible members wouldn't fare any better under such a draconian boot than the rest of us.

Yet the so-called 'QAnon' used in the US is only one facet of a fascist-nazi movement of global proportions which has once again reared its barbaric head after decades of fermenting underground with the eventual intention of taking over the US government and destroying democracy - I believe in time for Election 2024, then catapulting its barbarism and theft toward Inauguration 2025 (if the January 20th ceremony can even be called a "presidential inauguration" via a traditional "peaceful transfer of power"). We might wonder what kind of "Oath of Office" would it be? Or, if successfully taken, will the crass authoritarian movement masquerade itself while continuing to rob us blind? I cannot pretend to know but I do know that, as in the 1940s, anti-societal authoritarianism must be stopped. Again.

Eclipses: Uranian 'Cosmic Blinks' and 'Wild Cards'

Now there've been multiple cosmic signals blinking furiously on the road to Fascism in America and many signals have been noted here on SO'W, perhaps most prominently via the repetitions in our era of the Fascism Rising Eclipse (its series to repeat in 2023) and the Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse, its series repeating right now, and cycling up conditions that have made it easier for the lamentable GOP take-over of the House through the use of its primary theme of 'forcefully taking power' (B. Brady). In fact, the forceful gerrymandering of districts in red states has much if not everything to do with their long-planned 'success' at Midterms 2022. And it was a compromised SCOTUS that allowed partisan gerrymandering.

However, if you've followed the Rachel Maddow Presents Ultra podcast, which just dropped its final episode today (#8 of 8), you've been filled in concerning German fascists working in the US in the 1930s into 1940s, with episode one opening with the mildly labeled Trip 19 Plane Crash (horoscope shown) which killed (assassinated) Nazi sympathizer-agent, Republican Senator Ernest Lundeen on August 31, 1940, plus, other officials, passengers, and crew unfortunate to be on the flight.

Of cosmic significance to America now is the position of the planet of zealous anarchy and coup attempts, Uranus - on August 31, 1940 @26Tau08:49 - conjunct and therefore intensifying the vicious, malevolent star of fury and rage, Algol - and soon returning to its 1940 position in what I consider to be a horoscope describing an event of sabotage.

Therefore, below is a Horoscope of the second of three Uranus Return/s to this degree (@27Cancer = "A Furious Storm Rages Through a Residential Canyon"; ex: Trump's 'Furious Storm' Eclipse, as noted, above), displayed here because the Return of 1940 Uranus occurs on October 25, 2024 just prior to Election 2024 to be held November 5th ('coincidentally' the infamous anniversary date of Britain's anti-government Gunpowder Plot of 1605, as you know).

Uranus Return #2 October 24, 2024 @26Tau08:49 conjunct Algol (#1 and 3 listed on the chart):

Please enlarge or print the chart to read my study notes if you wish; there are many other factors worth mentioning but since this is a post, not an e-book, I shall leave them for you to discover and comment upon, as you may.

Shout-Out: President Biden and Herr Trump

A Hidden Factor Revealed is Tr*mp's natal Mars-Ascendant @26-30Leo (conjunct kingly Regulus) completing a YOD pattern of crisis with the Neptune-Pluto sextile forming its base. And as you know, the Neptune-Pluto pairing can represent several potentials of a spiritual nature, but also signifies the criminal underworld for which Tr*mp acts as figurehead in the US.

Additionally, we should note that their sextile also involves Joe Biden for, as it happens, President Biden's natal Scorpio Sun and Venus rise in the chart with 2024 Neptune trining them which suggests potentials for doors to easily open, spirituality to be promoted, and sources of his success and good fortune to be mysterious or difficult to identify; Neptune trine his Venus indicates cooperation in his endeavors. However, rising in this particular horoscope in relation to the Uranus Return to the planet's 1940 position in an assassination chart, and considering the aid from transit Neptune, Mr. Biden's tendency to see only the ideal in people and situations can cause troubles and reversals that democracy can ill afford. If he experiences a lack of clarity concerning these issues, or falls under the spell of a tragic deception or illusion, America will have to face the authoritarian peril without strong enough leadership from the White House. Therefore, others must step up more firmly than ever.

Also notable is that activist Mars @26Can23 conjuncts Biden's natal Jupiter Rx (25Can08) so the Democratic president's part in events is expansive and can activate improvements during the current fascist vs democracy power struggle which is starkly shown by transit Pluto opposing Biden's natal Jupiter for some time now.

So in closing - and believe me when I type that it pains me as an American with Revolutionary ancestors to feel compelled to mention this - the current 6 South Eclipse which manifested on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio in the 'Nazis Rise to Power' series is a repetition of the very first of three Great American Eclipses from way back in 1878 with #3 arriving in April 2024. So please check out the 1878 eclipse horoscope, if you will, and know that the deadly seriousness of these cosmic and earthly events and threats against democracy are obvious warning signals that no American should ignore, and that such malevolent forces have been stirring for centuries with an evil determination that few folks in our day can easily believe.

Oct 3, 2022

Oct 2022: Stars Over Washington is 17!

Shall Stars Over Washington Continue Its Mission?

by Jude Cowell

In two weeks, on October 16, 2022, Stars Over Washington completes its 17th year, and is already gray around the muzzle! Below are dual images displaying SO'W's original founding chart of October 16, 2005 (lower left), plus, its Solar Return 2022 Horoscope with Mercury in Libra rising; astro-notes are penned on for those who care to read them:

In the Return 2022 chart, the Goal Point ('MC' @11Can30) when rounded-up gives an intriguing symbol, "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message"; conjunct MC from the 9th house of Publishing is the out-of-bounds ('OOBs') Moon @9Can03 - conjunct fixed star, Alhena, keywords: "To have a mission." Add to this the fact that the Moon's rounded-up symbol is "A Large Diamond Not Completely Cut," and so I reluctantly surmise that SO'W isn't done yet and should be carried forth into 2023 (although I have been puzzling all year over such possibilities: SR 2022's Seesaw shape of planets = pros vs cons).

My uncertainty as to its continuance is due in part to the fact that as a novice astrologer, I see ahead that 2023 contains personal difficulties via a double Saturn transit, so I'll keep writing and publishing for as long as I can - always for the sake of America and the common good. However, you may as well know that karmic Saturn rules four of my natal planets, so we'll have to see - and naturally I'm taking precautions already since I know of these transits ahead of time.

Note: If you wish, check out the "Chinese Woman" link, above, for a view of my illustration of the symbol, plus, some expansion concerning the degree's meaning.

And so, as turmoil covers the Earth, the following is what I really want to type about today. But please note that readers who are overly sensitive to esoteric, existential, eclipses as portents, and/or eternal considerations may want to skip the rest of this post - and absolutely no blame if you do!

Turning Point: The Woman, The Dragon, The Child - and an Eclipse (Sun-Moon)

In the Book of Revelation, chapter 12 we find a certain description,

"Now a great sign appeared in the heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars."

The KJV gives this as "a great wonder" while the Revised Standard Version of the Bible says, "a great portent." - which is part of what I wrote in my ephemeris on the October 2005 page under the listing of the October 3, 2005 7 South Solar Eclipse @10Lib19. A great sign, wonder, portent! Well, here's all that I wrote and no, I didn't list where the information came from, but here it is for your consideration in light of Earth upheavals and other current events of a turbulent nature which some ascribe to an existential crisis,

"October 3, 2005 Solar Eclipse 7 South is said to be the eclipse of Revelation 12 - the Great Portent." And the woman's identity with her garland of twelve stars and sun and moon connections? This may well be a reference to the Constellation of Virgo (the maiden), the second largest constellation in our skies. But are there 12 stars in the Virgo constellation? No, not now but there may have been previously because above the maiden's head there's a circle of stars, and due to precession it's possible that Coma Berenice is indicated as well. Then in the SO'W Solar Return 2022 Horoscope, we find feminine asteroids (archetypal figures) within the Virgo-Pisces polarity: Ceres and Demeter in Virgo, and Juno, Diana, and Astraea, the star maiden of justice, purity, and innocence.

And yes, the October 2005 manifestation of a 7 South Solar Eclipse is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse that inspired Stars Over Washington, meaning that under its themes, yours truly felt compelled to create the 'personal weblog' you're reading right now - because of my anger against "what politicians were doing to the place," aka, America (exs: preemptive war; "Homeland" Security; The "Patriot" Act). And so I can tell you, dear reader, that 7 South themes contain a deeper meaning for me now than in 2005. How could they not?

7 South Themes: "Immense power, anger, and force" of the intial 7 South's "Mars square Pluto is channeled into this family of eclipses" (via the Mars-Pluto square of June 22, 1248). {}"Huge obstacles will suddenly and easily clear or, on the negative side, a pending potential crisis will suddenly manifest and move through very rapidly; either way, things will seem to move at great speed" (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Now as you may or may not know, Mars-Pluto square energies are formidable and on a mundane (political) level suggest power struggles, jealousy, destructive anger, and the urge to take revenge. Well, we both know who in the political realm this sounds like so his name shall not be mentioned in this post, not this time.

As for SO'W, I can only hope that such powerful energies and themes have been used on a positive level through the years for then something useful can be accomplished. And Capricorns do like to be of use, you know!

So in closing, mention should be made of the next manifestation of a 7 South Solar Eclipse for it is soon-coming and occurs @21Lib07:33 on October 14, 2023. It isn't a Total eclipse, only Annular so its potency will be somewhat muted, thankfully, since all 7 South eclipses carry the forcefulness of a Mars-Pluto square within them. However, the eclipse in October 2023 will fall between the planetary pair of strong political opinions, Mercury and Mars - and Jupiter @13Taurus during the eclipse conjuncts the North Node of destiny in the SR 2022 Horoscope, above, which suggests religious groups interfering in legal processes, and closed legal societies (M. Munkasey).

So perhaps we can agree that these potentials are already underway with America's tradition of separation of church and state underfire by bossy theocrats, ideologues, and mafia-esque criminal types determined to take total control of our country. Therefore, we must out-determine them and use the Mars-Pluto energies ourselves toward positive outcomes!

Now if only fussy words in a political astrology post, significant eclipse portents, and Biblical passages could inspire lovers of democracy to bestir themselves in November and Vote Blue in droves for the sake of America!

An Additional Note: A cosmic time link exists which directly affects America and the 2024 Presidential Election thanks to the 8 South Solar Eclipse @10Libra of October 2, 2024, the Prenatal Eclipse of Election 2024. Falling at 10 Libra, this activates by degree, fully or partially, the themes of the 7 South Eclipse of October 3, 2005 which you see marked within the lower left horoscope's 2nd house so that the themes of both eclipses could combine in a variety of ways when 7 South returns in October 2023. jc

Aug 15, 2022

11 South Eclipse: When Systems Fail

Future Eclipses Echo Past Conditions and Events

by Jude Cowell

When an 11 South Solar Eclipse occurs once again on August 2, 2027 @10 Leo, it will conjunct the natal 12th house Pluto of Donald Trump (he'll be 81 yo!), and we may expect that whatever deteriorating societal conditions are in play by then, 11 South Themes will apply: "a need for sudden reforms; old ideas and methods fail and new systems are required to deal with events; new ways of handling issues; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed" (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Now these potentials have been the case in previous 11 South years including: 1901 (27 Taurus), 1919 (7 Gemini), 1937 (18 Gemini), 1955 (28 Gemini), 1973 (9 Cancer), 1991 (19 Cancer), 2009 (29 Cancer); then in 2027 @10 Leo, as noted, and 2045 @20 Leo. Besides Trump (nee June 14, 1946), members of the Pluto in Leo generation are in the Uranian cosmic blink's crosshairs of 11 South and karma will be knocking on multiple doors. If this is you, consider the natal house in which 10 Leo falls. For me, it will be the 11th house, if I'm still kickin'.

As for 11 South's eclipse of Trump's natal Pluto, it will include his horrendous midpoint picture of negative potentials - Mars-Saturn = Pluto: 'deaths of many people; murder; injury; fury of destruction; intervention of a higher power' (R. Ebertin). With powerful Pluto involved with the eclipse, criminal offenses and gang violence are indicated on a negative level but if the energies are positively used (by Mango Mussolini's Mars-Saturn = 'death axis'?), Pluto's magic wand can grant more powerful charisma. This suggests that the mass delusion that one third of Americans are suffering under with Trump as their cult leader will continue and may be contagious. Will any blocks be tragically removed?

11 South Eclipse June 14, 1360: Moon rises with Castor, Pluto with Menkar

So some measure of prominence is given to all 11 South eclipses because the series' initial eclipse occurred upon a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation as you see in the horoscope. Set for Washington DC (because that physical point on the Earth existed though not the city), the chart shows a forceful Mars-Pluto Conjunction rising and multiple hints of 'having a mission' as in, the Crusades (eclipse conjunct Alhena so both are strengthened). This means that Mars-Pluto forcefulness, even brutality are permanently attached to all 11 South Eclipses in some way along with other indications from the initial eclipse such as Alhena's 'having a mission' influence.

Now understandably, recorded historic events of Year 1360 are on the sparse side yet you may find a few interesting names on the births and deaths list. A couple of names stand out for me, one of which is Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici, the banker who founded the Medici dynasty, and Ulrich von Jungingen, German Master of the Teutonic Knights (but that's partially because in the past I've linked Herr Trump to said Knights, in his own mind, at least. Well, Trump family genealogy (Drumpft or Trumpfheller, actually) does go back to Thuringia, Germany, which began as the Duchy of Thuringia). A military Catholic order, the Teutonic Knights went on Crusades to re-take Jerusalem. Might this relate to the orange blighter being "selected" to announce the return of Israel's capital to Jerusalem in fulfillment of the 70-year prophecy? Maybe, but there are also cosmic reasons having to do with factors such Phaethon and Trump's Midheaven with raging star Algol twinkling malevolently upon it.

So in closing, my hope with this post is that a view of the initial 11 South Eclipse might interest curious readers who may not have seen a horoscope of its dangerous energies before (Pluto-ASC = Mars) or its Neptune Rx in mystical Pisces leading a BOWL shape of people on a mission, plus, the long-term project implications of chart-ruler Mars trine Saturn in Leo carrying 11 South themes into August 2027. My guess is that Trump has had the privilege of reading ancient manuscripts, but that's a post for another day.

Meanwhile, the August 2, 2027 Eclipse in Sun-ruled Leo may be viewed through a Cancerian lens (June 14, 1360) which emphasizes the eclipse's karmic Sun-Moon quality of relationships, family ties, and inheritance through DNA. You know - like descendants of Teutonic Knights and other Crusaders of old!

Intriguing and Related: Skeleton DNA reveals surprising backgrounds of Crusader soldiers.

Also Related: America's initial Mars-Pluto Cycle.

Jul 28, 2022

The Nazi Regime and US Election 2024

July 28,2022

Mercury-Saturn: dull, distrustful, dishonest people

by Jude Cowell

In a flurry of cosmic synchronicity, today's New Moon @5Leo39 which perfected at 1:55 pm edt conjuncts the 1933 Syzygy Moon of the Nazi Regime (5Leo34, a New Moon in 10th house), its horoscope showing malevolent star Algol rising along with wounded Chiron Rx, angry Capulus - and the natal Midheaven of Herr Trump whose goal (MC) is to claw his way back into power and complete his dark vision of "American carnage".

Now my suspicion is that folks aware of world history can agree that carnage, brutality, and violence were Nazi specialties in the 1930s and 1940s - and the current crop of neo-nazis and fascists are determined to have their chance to rumble again if gullible American voters allow paternalistic Republicans to march back in charge, goose-stepping as they go.

However, another go-round with the orange monster, or one modeled in his image, would be more brutal than the first, so don't be a chump! Because the grass is definitely not greener on the nazi side of the fascist fence.

So as per reader's request and inspired by today's Leo New Moon, here's the Nazi Regime 1933 chart (see tail of a Kite Venus in Saturn-ruled Capricorn's 'obsolete views', highlighted in blue with Venus the ruler of the chart):

Now actually, the Nazi Regime Horoscope, shown above, is the same as the Horoscope of the Third Reich of January 30, 1933, Berlin, Germany but a republish of the 1933 chart has been triggered by today's Leo New Moon which also happens to conjoin America's Leo North Node of July 1776. And as you know, a Leo North Node inclines toward fun stuff such as entertainments and big parties, popularity, plus, a measure of organizational talent, but can also indicate speculation, pride, and pompous people such as Mike Pompeo now reported to be in discussion with the J6 Committee in regards to his possible testimony.

You'll find more on Mr. Pompeo the Capricorn here.

Our Election Day November 5, 2024 Up For Grabs

And now a word about Election Day 2024 planets contacting the Nazi Regime Horoscope. Comparing the charts suggests that, among other influences, it will be a Chiron-Uranus kind of day with 2024 Uranus Rx @25Tau42 conjunct the 1933 Chiron Rx rising, the 1933 Ascendant, and Trump's goal-oriented natal Midheaven where vicious Algol cruelly twinkles and screams. Red ketchup thrown furiously against a wall and dripping down is quite a descriptive picture of Algol-style rage.

Then further emphasizing the Uranus-to-Chiron duo on US Election Day 2024 will be 2024 Chiron Rx @20Ari14 conjunct 1933 Uranus (19Ari53), a double emphasis.

Additionally, we should note that 2024 Chiron Rx @20Ari14 is basically America's 1776 position of Chiron with its "A Pugilist Entering the Ring" symbol. In a previous post, I've likened the revolutionary Uranus-Chiron duo as chaos creators so I'm recommending to you a relic of a post from December 2005, published due to my constant dissent against the Bush-Cheney regime: Chiron-Uranus Types in Government (sans edits!). If you think of the orange menace and his comrades while reading, it's no coincidence.

Then for the curious, here's another post displaying a DC Horoscope of the first of three US Chiron Returns which occurs on April 20, 2024 a few days after the third of three Great American Eclipses. This eclipse will be in the 8 North Saros Series of vivid dreams and visions, and its path of totality will "split" America from the Southwest to the Northeast. Add this to the path of totality cut from Oregon to South Carolina by the August 21, 2017 Great American Eclipse which results in America divided into quadrants.

So yes, as most Americans agree, 2024 will be a pivotal year for America, a crossroads kind of year in fact, and on this we surely must necessarily agree.

And in case this is my final post of the week, have yourself some fun this Leo Moon weekend, at least until Luna enters Mercurial Virgo on Saturday afternoon!

Thanks for reading, Jude

May 17, 2022

April and May 2022 Eclipses Stir Up Nuclear Concerns

'Wild Cards of the Universe' and 'Cosmic Blinks' From Above

by Jude Cowell

Dear Reader, you know that eclipses are just that, right? Something tossed into earthly affairs from Above, with changes of direction implied: disruptively Uranian, and possibly shocking in nature. For instance, here's a shocking event of worldwide importance which occurred under the influence of a 6 North Solar Eclipse:

Horoscope: Chernobyl Explosion of April 26, 1986 (RR: A) with Uranus Rx rising @22Sag00, Sun @5Tau22, Moon @24Sco26 - just spotlighted by the May 16, 2022 Lunar Eclipse @25Scorpio - Saturn Rx @8Sag35 (within the 'Nuclear Axis' degrees of 8-10 Gem-Sag), and Pluto Rx @5Sco59 opposing the Sun. And of course, the 25-27-degree range of Taurus brings in the Medusa star of rage and hatred, Algol.

To make matters more disturbing, the April 30, 2022 Solar Eclipse @10Tau28 also echoes the Chernobyl Meltdown because the 2022 eclipse was a repeat of the Solar Eclipse Saros Series in which the Chernobyl Explosion and Meltdown occurred, the 6 North. Yet no one needs Astrology to tell them that evil doers are on the loose across the land, my friends, and threatening to run wild as they did under the 6 North eclipse that manifested in 1932 @17Pisces. Events of 1932 and beyond resonate with Putin's "justification" for waging war against Ukraine because of an alleged nest of "nazis." But the truth is more like this: Putin: Ukraine 2022 vs Hitler: Poland 1939 - meaning that Putin's invasion of Ukraine is like Hitler's invasion of Poland.

Then another cosmic synchronicity is that the 6 North Eclipse @10Tau28 of April 30, 2022 spotlights the city of Washington DC, certainly a participant in all Ukrainian and putin-esque proceedings of the day. Follow the link and you'll see why.

Meanwhile, you've probably noticed that Newsweek ran a story in tandem with the May 16th Lunar Eclipse that Russian State TV Suggests Deploying Nuclear Weapons Against Finland and Sweden if they join NATO for protection against Putin. Allegedly, this would be Russia's "only option" and would make the threat to the two countries more dire. Naturally, the world thinks of the nuclear threat to the entire globe and the spector of WWIII.

But then today came a report that Putin backs down over NATO expansion as Ukrainian troops reach his border. Now his reluctance may only be a question of timing for the Russian dictator, but if this is truly the case, I must say that I like that journey for Vladimir Putin, and for the entire world.

And yet before 2022 ends, we'll see how things in the region play out as the October 2022 Scorpio Solar Eclipse of Power and Control conjuncts the natal Ascendant of NATO.

Related: Horoscope of the First Controlled Nuclear Chain Reaction of December 2, 1942.

Mar 17, 2022

On the Solar Eclipse of Tucker Carlson

March 17, 2022

by Jude Cowell

The natal horoscope of Fox News personality Tucker McNear Carlson overflows with enraged Algol influences - spotlighted by his natal Sun @25Tau38 which also conjoins Midas! - and with a Taurus Moon conjunct fixed star Alcyone ('something to cry about'). No, Carlson's natal chart is not appearing here today because - well, because I don't want it here. His Sun-Midas conjunction to me implies that his life's goal (Sun) is to acquire the gold of Midas, or to become a Midas figure. Obviously, the fellow was born that way. And also born with an unaspected Saturn which can indicate someone without a conscience. For strong political views and a tendency toward debate, we see his Mercury-Mars opposition across the Mercury-Jupiter Gemini-Sagittarius polarity of ethics which also indicates that he loves to hear the sound of his own voice (A. Oken). For Tucker, making mountains out of molehills is a talent, and his views can often flip-flop due to the opposition, plus, the Seesaw shape of his natal planets.

So with this post, let's make note of the fact that the 'PE' (Prenatal Solar Eclipse) Saros Series that baby Tucker was born into with influences that run in the background of his life, is the 7 North which perfected on March 18, 1969 @27Pis25 with themes of 'passion' and 'lust' (B. Brady), plus, a theme that unfortunately it seems fit to add due to current circumstances: bloodlust.

My point is, a 7 North Eclipse repeats on April 20, 2023 @29Aries50 (in Carlson's 10th house of Career and Public Standing - secrets revealed? a change of direction?). Meanwhile, a 7 North manifestation was, in February 1933, what I've been compelled to label the 'Fascism Rising Eclipse', primarily because the Reichstag Fire, Hitler's false flag op used to help justify his power grab of the German government and what was to come, occurred under the auspices of the 1933 manifestation of a 7 North Eclipse.

Forewarned Is Forearmed

So if such be-prepared topics interest you, I recommend a view of the Third Reich Horoscope of January 30, 1933 (Campion chart #126) showing 25Tau34 rising along with fixed star Algol and the Sun-Midas conjunction of Tucker Carlson, busy making his income by promoting totalitarianism on-air. And naturally, you'll also recognize the late degrees of possessive, sometimes intolerant Taurus as the natal Midheaven, the Goal Point, of one Herr Tr*mp where violent Algol twinkles maliciously with malevolent intent, as we've seen.

As for the erstwhile Fox News personality and shill-for-Putin, Tucker Carlson recently broadcasted his program from Orban's Hungary. So in closing, here's an excerpt from a previous post with the founding data for Hungary:

"Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes (#ad) provides two charts for 'Hungary': #149 November 13, 1918 12:00 CET Budapest; ASC 00AQ02; MC 28Sco05; and 'Hungary - Democratic' #150 set for October 23, 1989 12:00 CET Budapest; ASC 7Cap20; MC 8Sco18."

Feb 18, 2022

Horoscope: Election 2024 Solar Eclipse

February 18, 2022

Below is an image of the DC Horoscope of the 8 South Solar Eclipse which perfects on October 2, 2024 @10Lib03:48 and acts as the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of the 2024 Presidential Election. You'll find 8 South thematic influences listed, below. As you see, the chart is unmarked as per reader request (meaning that no astro-notes are scribbled on by yours truly - so you're almost completely on your own for the most part) and is set for Washington DC USA 2:49:01 pm EDT with 16Cap21 rising and 9Sco35 at Midheaven ('MC'; the Goal Point). This eclipse times, as it happens, what is basically a Lunar Return to the Inauguration 2017 Moon position (9Sco21), and as such, may not be a positive portent in 2024 for lovers of democracy.

Meanwhile, Saturn Rx rules the eclipse chart Ascendant and makes no applying aspects although there is a Venus-Saturn trine as part of a protective Water Grand Trine with Mars, suggesting a closed circuit of energies with karmic implications. However, a chart-ruler retrograde suggests delays and obstacles, things that old man Saturn is often 'in the bag for'. How the cosmic relationships of the trio might interfere with the results of the 2024 Election remains to be seen, but this reminds me of voter suppression and its unfair (erroneous) effects upon outcomes. So it seems that a Saturnian authority figure is beneficial to Venus and Mars yet there are delays involved. And 1st house Pluto at a critical 29th degree rises so we may not have to wait long once the eclipse energies kick in. But will transformative events relating to Pluto's power, control, manipulation, and wealth be too big to handle? An additional factor is that this position of eclipse Pluto conjoins America's Progressed Pluto position of 29Cap28, and '30Cap' = "Directors of a Large Firm Meet in Secret Conference" - and I'm sure they do and they will:

8 South Themes: 'separation and loss; partings; feeling sad about a completion; overstraining one's strength, injury possible' (paraphrasing B. Brady).

With a solar eclipse in Venus-ruled Libra, relationships, partnerships, and alliances are in the 'cosmic blink' spotlight; for karmic progress, fairplay, cooperation, and impartiality are required, while negative Venusian traits are best avoided such as insincerity, indecisiveness, spinelessness, and/or overindulgence; karmic ties with others are also part of the Libran lunation picture and at MC may harken back to that 2017 Inaugural Moon and its Sabian Symbol, "10Scorpio: "A Fellowship Supper Awakens Unforgettable Inner Ties". Ruh roh.

Of course, Venus here is in intense, passionate, betrayal-prone Scorpio, plus, both the planet and the sign relate to finances, currency, evaluation, and valuable items such as art or jewelry (and romance). Envy, jealousy, and possessiveness may be triggered by Venus at Goal Point while she opposes and rules the Taurean IC; eclipse Venus also rules radical anarchist Uranus Rx @26Tau51 - conjunct the vengeful star of rage and destruction, Algol. Herr Trump's disturbing involvement is suggested since Algol conjoins his natal MC, and because his 10th house Uranus, planet of chaos, revolt, and quirky cantankerousness is his guiding planet (aka, 'oriental' = last to rise before his natal Sun). Therefore, Uranus in intolerant, often greedy Taurus looks like the Uranian Tr*mp to me. Disagree as you wish but there it is.

As for major aspects to the Solar Eclipse, Mars @15Can46 squares the 8 South lunation suggesting those who overreact and rebel belligerently, and who misuse physical energies. And as you know, Mars in Moon-ruled Cancer tends toward emotional touchiness, anger, and rash actions. Positively, the Martian energy can be channeled into higher levels of motivation and action and this must be consciously done if the square is to block the negative themes of the 8 South Eclipse of 2024 while providing the dynamic energy to do so. Yet I'd be remiss not to mention that Mars @15Can46 in the eclipses's 6th house of Military, Police, Civil Service, Employment, and Health conjoins the natal Ascendant of the Pentagon (15Can34).

In addition, there's a significant minor aspect to the eclipse as well: a sesqui-square (135 degrees) from erratic Uranus which adds tangled complexity to conditions and events and contains a health connotation. Mercury conjunct the eclipse is also is a health indicator but its conjunction requires that logic, reasoning, and attention to detail be used in order for best results to occur.

So that's it, folks, I'm off the Political Astrology clock (unless a major event compels) because the weekend is arriving, it's time for some genealogical research, and I'm hoping you might Share or Tweet this eclipse post if you care about the comic implications of Election 2024 and the future of America which could, as they say, go either way. jc

Feb 1, 2022

Does an Ancient Roman Uprising Rhyme with Jan 6, 2021?

Venatio, Gladiator and Lion in the Colloseum; in oil by Studio artist Firmin-Didot, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

February 1, 2022

Does an Ancient Eclipse Link to Trump and the 1/6 Revolt?

by Jude Cowell

As a Saturnian astrologer fond of the phrase "history rhymes" via similarly repeating events rather than "history repeats" precisely, it has come to my attention during a review of my previous research concerning Masonic Grand Commander Albert Pike that the 'MAGA Mob Attack', aka, Trump's Insurrection of January 6, 2021 meant to retain power by overthrowing the US government, contains a whiff or two, possibly an echo - of the ancient Third Servile War of escaped gladiator slaves who battled against the Roman Empire beginning in 073 B.C. in Capua, Italy.

Escaping from the Capuan Gladiator School using kitchen implements ("choppers and spits") due to the betrayal of their plot, a group of slaves, over 70-strong but soon growing, managed to escape from captivity and a two-year revolt was enjoined as they roamed, raided, and pillaged the land. Once freed, three military leaders had been chosen by the group (a militia?), one of which was the slave gladiator famously known as Spartacus.

Video: Spartacus and the Third Servile War.

However, the revolt, which some historians have called a "civil war" intended to capture the city of Rome, ended for the slave-army in total defeat and approximately 11,000 of the revolt's survivors were crucified, all or thousands of them along the Appian Way.

Meanwhile in our day, Herr Trump demands freedom from a duly elected government and is already in process of mounting another challenge to governmental authority meant to re-grasp the reins of power any way he can - unless The Empire prevents and defeats him. Menacingly stirring the simmering pot of insurrection as it nears the boiling point, Trump's incendiary remarks during a recent rally have the Georgia Prosecutor Asking the FBI for Security Help as the flight risk 'teases' a POTUS run in 2024 and promises his insurrectionists 'pardons' (which may never be granted - he's not known for follow-through, and will promise anything in the moment in order to achieve his purpose: suckers!).

The Servile War Saturn and Total Eclipse of 073 BC with the 4 South Eclipse of December 14, 2020

Now admittedly I possess no thematic information concerning the Solar Eclipse of 073 BC as being a member of the 4 South Saros Series (4S themes are penned on the chart - its initial eclipse occurred April 17, 1624 @28Aries - see lower right corner) but what I'm noting here are cosmic time links such as Sun-Moon-Uranus in 073 BC as an echo of the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct Uranus (the "swords vs torches" eclipse), and the fact that 073 BC Saturn Rx @23Sag34, acts as the handle of a Sling shape (like a Bucket but more concentrated) and this denotes the leader of the concentrated planetary energies (actors) directed upon a specific goal (freedom! overthrowing the empire!). Authoritative Saturn's leadership is modified by the Mars-Jupiter Conjunction in Leo which sesqui-squares Saturn so might 073 BC Saturn represent Spartacus while Mars and Jupiter = the other two leaders of the revolt? (Sun-ruled Leo = ego and pride, and Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius = the freedom to range far and wide). Of course, in reality, an actual sling as a weapon reminds us of the small David battling a huge Goliath, yes? Karmic lessons apply.

A Taurus Eclipse Requires a Firm Stand Against Obstacles

My suspicion is that the 073 BC Solar Eclipse @14Tau15 conjunct radical Uranus influenced the Third Servile War (as the first eclipse of the year), an insurrection against the Roman Empire and Army, and that perhaps the eclipse's ancient Saturnian and Taurean energies have been triggered or activated by the difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 and by zealous Uranus, once again in Taurus. Plus, there are other planetary contacts (ex: 073 BC Venus conjoined by 2021 Mars at a critical 29th degree) with potentials for violent activities by folks who are prodded into taking action without fully understanding the severity of the consequences. Sound familiar?

Yes, slavery is tied up with the 073 BC Eclipse in mid-Taurus, but in the US such vile conditions now rhyme rather than precisely repeating - even though its evil effects continue to haunt us. Yet perhaps we may agree that a case can be made for citing the economic slavery of Predatory Capitalism within American Plutocracy, and for the lucrative trafficking and abuse of human beings being perpetrated in the shadows. Modern society remains encumbered by karmic conditions which must be confronted and dealt with. And as is often said, it's about time, sealed fate notwithstanding.

Then as we see rising in 1st house, 073 BC Neptune @8Gem50 was conjoined in July 1776 by US Uranus (8:55), a planet of freedom, independence, war, and revolt. Such a transit signifies a period when demented Neptunian ideals can mock issues of equality, personal freedom, and what we now call civil rights, while expression of political and social ideals are frustrated; yet there are opportunities for deep insights into societal conditions emerging from the Collective Unconscious. Well, I think they emerged in 1776 and we'd do best in 2022 by continuing to coax them forward - sans governmental overthrow.

On The Nodal Axis of Fated Encounters with The Dragon

Quirkily enough, one karmic Nodal contact is the 073 BC South Node @23Tau06 conjunct puppet master Pluto (with 'Saturn-Pluto' vibes and disrupted social conditions), and both conjunct the natal Midheaven of Herr Trump where vicious star of rage and destruction, Algol, twinkles. Another contact is the Mars-Jupiter Conjunction at IC which conjoins what turned out to be America's 1776 Nodal Axis (6Leo/6AQ). And although undiscovered until 1930, one of the outer karmic planets in 073 BC, slow-moving Pluto, rises with Castor, star of 'crippled limbs, loss, and/or murder' (A. Louis).

Additionally, by using the Placidus house system as done here, we find that karmic conditions which must be dealt with are further identified by the Taurus-Scorpio polarity intercepted across the 6/12 victim-savior axis. Meanwhile, chart-ruler Mercury rising @27Tau59, planet of travel and trickery, makes no applying aspects in the eclipse chart so its sign and house placements are emphasized:

The above Horoscope of the first Solar Eclipse of 073 BC on May 8th, a Total Eclipse, closely mimics some of the planetary positions of our day (exs: Sun-Moon-Uranus in Taurus and Mercury-Pluto; 073 BC Pluto = 073 BC Uranus-Neptune: "The big picture demands a certain course of action; little option to do otherwise" - N. Tyl; this picture repeated by transit in 2017 as: 1993 Uranus-Neptune Conjunction @18Capricorn = 2017 Pluto). Included are other planetary contacts, aka, 'cosmic time links', with the 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 manifesting upon the very day of the Electoral College Vote that Herr Trump takes such great exception to and which he tries to ignore by spouting 'The Big Lie' in order to gaslight his followers into perpetrating his dirty work. (And sending him donations.)

And yet the December 14, 2020 4 South lunation occurred @23Sag08 - conjunct Inauguration 2017's 8th house Saturn which represents an 'eclipse' of Trumpian authority and control as revealed in the real world by the Electoral College Vote in favor of Joe Biden. With Trump's Inaugural Saturn eclipsed, accountability for his past lapses of responsibility and lack of authenticity while in office are demanded but instead of accepting Saturnian reality and owning up to his mistakes, he's been beefing about his (Saturnian) loss ever since. A notable lack of karmic progress challenges improvements in the US via 'leader' Trump as America's former representative.

So now as shadows lengthen across my keyboard, let's close my fuss of grumpiness with a few links to --

Previous Posts Concerning Power-Related Topics:

Washington DC a 'New Rome? Altair the Eagle says Yes! (contains horoscopes of the 1933 and 1937 Inaugurations of FDR showing when the Oath of Office was changed from early March to January 20th, one with Moon-ruled Cancer rising, the other with Venus-ruled Taurus rising. Compare and contrast both Midheavens, The Goal Points.

Who Is Albert Pike? video, plus his Natal Planets. Ace insurrectionist, Confederate General, and Klan counselor was he.

When Will America Fall Like the Roman Empire?, a Thom Hartmann video, plus, Astrology and a few related links added within.

Civil War 1861: Midpoint Pictures and Hidden Hands.

Horoscopes: Jan 6th Rally (9:00 am est) with Mo Brooks (natal) who was first to speak.

Jan 6, 2021 'Mob Attack' Horoscope with its 2022 Solar Return. This attack has been described as resembling a medieval battle.

US Pluto Return Feb 2022 with a Moon Return to Jan 6th.

DC Horoscope: Midterms 2022 Brings a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - conjunct radical planet of Utopian anarchy, Uranus.

Jan 10, 2022

DC Horoscope: SOTU 2022 (unmarked)

America 2022: Disjointed and Ill Yet Hopeful

by Jude Cowell

January 10, 2022

Shown below is a photo of the unmarked DC Horoscope of what is reported to be (per Speaker Pelosi's invitation to President Joe Biden) the March 1, 2022 SOTU Address to a Joint Session of Congress concerning the State of our Union.

As scheduled, the SOTU 2022 chart is set for 9:00 pm est, Capitol Building, with 18Lib24 rising (bringing up Tr*mp's natal Jupiter opposed by Speaker Pelosi's natal Jupiter @18Aries at Descendant), and with Sun, Moon, Jupiter, and Neptune in the creative 5th house. A pile of trouble constellates around the IC of the chart (21Cap07) including the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Capricorn which conjoined the natal Vertex of Herr Tr*mp.

Then as you see, intense conjunctions between Venus-Pluto and Mars-Pluto are lining up (both exact on March 3, 2022 - conjunct US natal Pluto @27Cap33) and, appropriate for a SOTU Address during difficult times in society, there's a serious and tenacious Mercury-Saturn Conjunction @18AQ+ exact on the morning of the March 2, 2022 New Moon (12:35 pm est @12Pis07).

Therefore, SOTU 2022 will be delivered during the prophetic Dark of the Moon phase with major Piscean overtones. No, this date is not the most auspicious timing for expressing the optimism and enthusiasm that President Biden is bound to show during his speech - yet perhaps March 2022 is when Piscean compassion will be the most needed and valued:

North Node and the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis

With transit Neptune, elusive planet of compassion and contagion, still floating through its own sign of Pisces, culmination, fulfillment, relationship issues, and/or full awareness of the plans hatched at or about the March 2nd New Moon in Pisces arrives on or about the Full Moon of March 18, 2022 @27Vir40 at 3:18 am est.

Now as you know, the Nodal Axis circles the Zodiac approximately every 19.6 years and March 2022 signals the time for the North Node of the Moon, the head of the dragon, to point directly at the malevolent star that twinkles upon the natal Midheaven, the Goal Point, of one D. Tr*mp: Algol. Meanwhile, the tail of the dragon (the separative South Node), swipes the natal IC of Endings in the natal horoscope of Herr Tr*mp.

Now obviously, his ugly memory may be noted (though unnamed!) during SOTU 2022 and we know that unpredictable events and legal actions are certain to occur between the time of this publishing and March 1, 2022. Yet if given a chance, the screams and rage of vicious, vengeful Algol with the star's suggestion of 'piled up corpses' may again be on display from the direction of the orange menace and his thugs - or, will simply be called out by others in speeches, in reporting and books, and in courts of law.

If so, we'll be forewarned. But we won't be surprised.

UPDATE 01/10/22: Today a Patreon post is now published and specifically intended for SO'W subscribers which adds additional information to the above post for it focuses on the March 2, 2022 Mercury-Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius, a significant cosmic event that relates to SOTU 2022. jc