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Aug 20, 2009

Pluto to Lockerbie Bombing chart Aug 20, 2009

Here's a Wiki link to details of the sad fate of Pan Am Flight 103, aka the Lockerbie Bombing of Dec 21, 1988 over Lockerbie, Scotland.

As you've heard, a man serving time for the crime suffers from terminal cancer and has been released by the Scottish government, and the US government is sounding snake-mean as it calls for 'house arrest' as if the ill fellow needs to be kept in one place with his dire condition! (But perhaps it's only a little of the political theater I'm always grousing about.)

Here's a 'time capsule' news story from Jan 31, 2001 as CNN proclaimed Libyan guilty of Lockerbie Bombing. The guilty verdict took 11 years to announce.

Now wondering what transits, if any, to the chart for Dec 21, 1988, 19:02:46 GMT, were now in play, I found that tr Pluto 00Cap47 Rx this very day is conjunct 1988's Sun and Uranus which gives three midpoint pictures, with all three planets conjunct a World Point of the Cardinal axis (00Cap) - on Dec 21, 1988 Pluto was at '15Sco':

Sun/Uranus = tr Pluto: a new individual reality; a demand for new perspectives; a radical reformer; twists of fate; tragic experiences; great physical suffering; imprisonment.

Sun/Pluto = Uranus: carrying out fanatic reforms without regards for oneself; arrest; sudden change; rebellion; reform.

Uran/Pluto = Sun: revolution' the urge for independence and freedom; nervous over excitement; a breakdown. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

And Pluto to Sun? Past influences the present. Pluto to Uranus? Issues of freedom and independence with governmental involvement.

Wish I had more time to peek further into the matter, but it's time to motor into the city! Later...


Anne Whitaker said...

Hi Jude

thanks for pointing out this powerful set of links. And it will be a sad day for humanity when we become unable to temper justice with mercy...

Up for your article! Send soonest!


Jude Cowell said...

Anne, you know i was thinking of you. Does anyone in Scotland (and You know them all, of course!) think that compassionate release is based as much on avoidance of prisoners' last expenses because of catastrophic illnesses than it is charitable?

When a government purports to act for charitable reasons, i become more suspicious of them, not less! It seems that peering closely at Washington politics these years has ruined me. jc

Anne Whitaker said...

Hi Jude

yes, I am every bit as cynical and suspicious of governments' motivations as you are - however, to the best of my knowledge there is specific provision in Scots law for the tempering of justice with mercy via compassionate release in very particular and well-defined circumstances.
