A chance to sign a petition directed to the US Senate has arrived in my Inbox this morning from Fire Dog Lake - to hold BP completely accountable for the damage done to the Gulf Coast.
Please sign the petition before Congress gets its chance to lay the financial burden for oil damages on the backs of over-strapped US taxpayers.
You know, it seems to me that Washington and its corporate bosses are having to work awfully hard to totally destroy this nation. Does it ever seem that way to you?
Hey Jude! Thanks for that I signed. Tell me is this your flagship? I want to put you on my list!
Hello back! Yes, SO'W is my 'flagship' and a link would be super, thanks! (Never thought of this blog that way but it works.)
Very glad you signed the petition and i suspect you'll pass it on!!!
Keep up your great blogging, Jude
Oh yes, I have long thought this.
And done signing.
Kieron, so glad you signed - and pass it on! Jude
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