Astro-Notes on 19 Scorpio
by Jude Cowell
The New Moon @19Scorpio on November 11, 2015 at 12:47 pm est conjoins what has been traditionally considered an unfortunate degree by some though this is not very reliable. It is associated with tragedy and with the star Unukalhai (now around 22/23Sco) aka, Alpha Serpentis. Insanity and legal problems are implied with this star along with accidents and success in war. (Horary Plain & Simple, A. Louis.)
According to Nicholas DeVore's Encyclopedia the 19 Scorpio degree marks a "crucial point in the war between the Ego and the Supreme Will." This is a war we each must fight at various times in our lives with one path leading to evil and the other path beneficial as karmic progress is made. (To paraphrase Scripture, 'There is a way which seemeth right unto a man but the wages thereof are death".)
Another association with this degree is the starry Northern Scales at around 19Scorpio or so which contains Jupiter-Mercury-Mars flavors and potentials for bringing wealth, honors, and distinction. With Sun and Moon contacts this star may be favorable for civil servants, scientists, and lawyers (Ebertin-Hoffman).
So using Political Astrology to view US Politics, we'll soon see what this new cycle of activity (New Moon) seeds as it culminates with a Full Moon on November 25, 2015 @3Gem20 exactly conjoining the 4th house natal Moon of President Barack Obama.
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