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Showing posts with label Barbara Goldsmith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barbara Goldsmith. Show all posts

Dec 29, 2016

Jan 12, 2017 Cancer Full Moon in a Cardinal Grand Cross

Politics, White House Transition, and the Revealing January 2017 Full Moon in Cancer

Today on my Jude Cowell Astrology blog I have posted a video report by Barbara Goldsmith on the January 12, 2017 Full Moon @22Cancer27 (posted there not here because I prefer not to change titles that people give their videos and this one is about 'Finding Love', something of a foreign concept in Washington DC political circles). This is a not-to-be-missed video!

This powerful Cancer Full Moon is the first lunation of the New Year and comes two weeks after the New Moon @7Capricorn59 (conjunct victim star Facies) of December 29, 2016 so that 2016 and 2017 are cosmically knitted together into one big hair shirt for the American people thanks to the ongoing train wreck they call the 'Trump Transition' and the specter of a Trump-Pence-Conway presidency looming on the 2017 horizon. That America is improved and not destroyed by Mr. Trump and his anti-government cohorts is my fervent hope for hope must always spring eternal, right?

Now the December 2016 New Moon and the January 2017 Full Moon charts may be viewed here where you can see that the New Moon is rising in the Full Moon chart set for Washington DC, a sign of the knitting together of which I grouse today. You'll see that the Cardinal Grand Cross is highlighted on the chart as well with the Jupiter-Uranus opposition emphasized and engaged in a BOWL shape with corporate CEO and political planet Jupiter in Libra as leader (and, I assume, signifying Mr. Trump, the Jupiterian character, wrestling promoter, newly formed politician, and broadcaster of wild theories he presents as 'facts' and tweets). Mr. Trump is currently enjoying his 12-year Jupiter Return reward cycle, a three-fer this time (dates are listed, below) and I do believe he's feelin' it.

Jan 4, 2017 Update: I neglected to mention that the Jan 12th Full Moon shines upon the natal Saturn of one Donald Trump posited in his 11th house of Groups and Associations. Plus, his Saturn conjoins Venus, a conjunction suggesting a serious focus on relationships but also dissatisfaction--will separation between associations come to light?

As for 2017's Cardinal Grand Cross (or Square), we may expect those in and about-to-be heads of government to act aggressively assertive and impatient which will result in quick but poorly planned actions. A lack of cooperation and assistance may occur (ex: The Resistance) unless these dynamic energies are harnessed by common sense and we've heard an echo of it in the charge (later walked back) by Trump that President Obama has messed with Trump's 'smooth' transition into the White, House. Mr. Trump is said to be a Freemason as many US presidents have been so in my book, Lodge it is. Plus, the presence of anarchic zealot Uranus in the Grand Cross configuration adds to its chaotic, extremist quality which has already been active thanks to the tiresomely ongoing Uranus-Pluto square.

Now astrologer Bil Tierney writes about the pitfalls of a Cardinal Grand Cross: reckless moves, bad timing (Trump's natal Moon-South Node conjunction supports a tendency toward bad timing), over-assertion, and head-on confrontations which should be avoided if ultimate success is the goal. A competitive spirit is very strong in the Cross which is composed of oppositions and squares yet learning to be more deliberate and thoughtful is necessary for best results. Situational crises will occur that call for decisive action and Trump's typical 'shoot from the hip' method will seldom suffice. Does this self-interested materialist Gemini have what it takes to stay the political course? Maybe not but reliance on theocrat Pence may be even worse for a nation founded on secular Enlightenment principles. If this all sounds like a major identity transformation of America is underway that's because it is. And the ongoing Jupiter-Uranus opposition has given Trump and his team the idea that the world is there for the taking--and they have and they will while the January 12th Full Moon, a phase of total awareness, forecasts the major reconstruction coming in 2020 via multiple planetary conjunctions.

Another cosmic message is provided us by the January 12, 2017 Full Moon in Cancer for it conjoins starry Pollux, key themes: danger of disgrace, cruelty, murder, rape, danger from women or poisons - A. Louis) and although 22Can27 is not within a one-degree orb of US natal Mercury Rx (July 4, 1776), the Sabian Symbol for US natal Mercury may be activated since we're talking about Politics Gone Wrong against the original intentions of 1776 so let's close with the symbol that conjures a vision of the pyramid of power and All-Seeing Eye of Horus (of total awareness, our surveillance state identified by the US natal Mercury-Pluto opposition) purposefully placed upon the obverse side of America's Great Seal and the backside of the dollar bill by Freemason FDR:

25 Cancer: "A Willful Man Is Overshadowed by a Descent of Superior Power" which Rudhyar explains as: 'a more transcendent expression of "success." It is not merely external success (as is given by society to its prima donnas), but a spiritual response, a sign of inner strength and uncommon ENDOWMENT." And Jones gives the descriptive, negative (shadow side) of this degree as: 'a tendency to unwarranted presumption if not outright megalomania'.

Ah, yes, the inner strength and megalomania of changeable Gemini Mr. Trump with his natal Uranus disrupting the 2nd hou$e of the Inauguration 2017 horoscope. What could possibly go wrong?


Dates of Donald Trump's Jupiter Return/s to 17Libra27 (Stationary Direct, thus strong, and posited in his 2nd house of Money and Values along with shady Neptune Rx @5Lib50 and wounded/wounding Chiron @14Lib54 conjunct US natal Saturn, planet of laws--Jupiter-Neptune is the inflationary/speculator/wastrel pair of fanciful dreams and exaggerated plans: 1. December 4, 2016; 2. April 13, 2017 Rx; 3. August 4, 2017; Jupiter in airy Libra says, "It's not fair!" This represents another 'knitting together' of 2016 and 2017.

Conspicuously Related: current Labor Secretary Tom Perez has sharp words for Trump Transition team probes; Astro-Notes for Kellyanne Conway, and Dec 2016 into 2017: karmic planets hit the natal chart of Donald Trump.

Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney; The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar.

Mar 11, 2016

March 23, 2016 Lunar Eclipse in Libra: Do You Love Me? - Barbara Goldsmith

With the March 23, 2016 Lunar Eclipse occurring in early Libra, sign of Partnerships, Relationships, Beauty, Art, Balance, and Diplomacy you'll find that Barbara Goldsmith can sort things out for you:

Jan 4, 2016

2016 Saturn-Neptune Square: What Does It Mean? - Barbara Goldsmith

January 2016 Gets Off to Rocky Start w Saturn-Neptune Square Vibes Strengthening

Since 2010 planets Saturn and Neptune have often been mentioned here on Stars Over Washington. Examples include: separately (Saturn = government, law, business and is a societal planet along with Jupiter; austere Saturn (loss) restricts, Jupiter expands (gain) and they alternate their roles in Mundane/Political Astrology as representatives of the Democratic and Republican Parties; Neptune can inspire but also undermine, defraud, and deceive; karmic Saturn and Neptune bracket America's natal Midheaven, the Goal Point, in July 4, 1776 natal charts set for around 5:00 pm LMT (Sag rising), and their midpoint is the 'illness axis'. Together the pair denotes the weaker, poorer, needier people among us so that our social safety net programs are indicated. Their combined energies also represent such societal movements as Socialism, Communism, Marxism, and Capitalism, and our secret/invisible (Neptune) government (Saturn).

In addition, the Great Conjunction/s of Saturn and Neptune have been previously considered for the current square between them is a phase of their 36-year cycle which began in 1989 with three conjunctions: March 3 @11Cap55, June 24 @11Cap14, and November 13 @10Cap22. Ah yes, Saturn-ruled Capricorn! Sign of Government, Law, Business, Systems, and the status quo. And as you see, the 10--12 degree area of Capricorn has already been trodded upon by creepy wealthy Pluto, god of Hades and the Dragon Guarding the Hidden Treasure (not to miss the resonance with China, land of the dragon, whose stock market drooped overnight which is affecting global markets today); Pluto remains within a 5-degree orb of the 1989 conjunction/s. Therefore, the Collective is experiencing a 'hangover' from 1989 triggered in the form of the downtrodden and fearful images of Saturn-Neptune = Pluto. And let's note that 'methodical execution of plans with painstaking effort' is also denoted by Saturn-Neptune (The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin).

Now as previously discussed here, bass note Pluto in Capricorn keys such images as 'the dictator' and prescribes a long period when governments are toppled and stable institutions and systems are undermined or dissolved (Neptunian words). As 2016 begins (and with 1776's US Pluto @27Cap33 Rx), Americans are feeling the effects big-time especially since our nation has been held up as a model for the world--of democracy, freedom, independence, humanitarianism, and personal and religious liberty. Yet many of us, self included, feel that anti-American forces have taken over Washington and have and will divert America from such a noble course set upon Enlightenment principles in 1776. The 'new order' has become an outdated 'old order', the ruling elite tell us in so many ways. (Ex: a temporary government shutdown with that particular threat now permanently on the political table; even Grover Norquist's 'shrink the US government small enough to drown it in a bathtub' is a Saturn-Neptune threat!).

Years ago, America's exalted-in-Libra Saturn with its Scales of Justice changed course by progression turning retrograde in corporate/big business Scorpio (3-degrees+) where legal-minded lawmaker Saturn remains paralyzed like a fly in amber. And our national Jupiter in Cancer turned retrograde, too, in 1905 when its change of course aided the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Banking System (SP Jupiter remains in Cancer--@15Cancer, the Pentagon's natal Ascendant showing where most of our money goes.)

Now in 2016, societal concerns affected by their tension-filled square include: Saturn in Sagittarius (foreigners/emigrants leaving their native countries, boundaries and borders, a sense of justice, legalities, asceticism and renunciation) and Neptune in Pisces (fear, paranoia, pessimism, contagions, poisons and toxins, epidemics, oil-gas issues, spiritualism, mysticism, psychism, pathological tendencies, the arts). And of course, Saturn's rigid boundaries are under threat of dissolution by urge-to-merge Neptune so corporate monopolies are under the spotlight as well and the tension of their square suggests weather disasters with earth and tectonic plates (Saturn) and water/floods/fumes (Neptune) needing release.

As Above, So Below: Looking Ahead on Such Difficult Topics

Our nation has its very first Pluto Return/s to natal position in 2022--will a new order be in place by then? Plus, the next Saturn-Neptune conjunction conjoins the Aries Point (a World Point of Manifestation) on February 20, 2026 and these cosmic events are major descriptions of what all the distopian films, TV shows, and dire predictions for global society are intended to prepare society for--you know, the 'entertainment' (propaganda) we're constantly being drenched with to make the plans of the power elite seem inevitable.

All this said, perhaps an informative report on the Saturn-Neptune square from astrologer Barbara Goldsmith is appropriate at this juncture and I hope as 2016 gets more fully underway that we'll all be able to take any Saturn-Neptune lessons learned to heart by embracing Neptunian compassion while upholding Saturnian truthfulness:


Blog Note: if I must watch depressing distopian films or films in general, my preference is the classic films and the stars who appear on Neptune's Silver Screen!

And now, here is Brett Dennen on with David Letterman, singing his song 'Heaven' which lyrically sums up all the Saturn-Neptune loss and despair mentioned in my above text. For those who believe in Eternal Life, just think--there are no politicians or prisons in Heaven!

Dec 28, 2015

Happy New Year! Capricorn New Moon AND Mercury Rx: Barbara Goldsmith

Here is an informative New Year 2016 report from Barbara Goldsmith featuring the Capricorn New Moon of January 9, 2016 @19Cap13 (8:31 pm EST). This new cycle of activity imprints its energies upon the year and though it perfects beyond transiting Pluto @15Cap, the planet of power, transformation, sabotage, and wealth is within a 5-degree orb and adding intensity to the New Moon phase which culminates or fulfills in the Full Moon of January 24th @3Leo29 (conjoining President Obama's natal Mercury.)

Also, on January 5th, Mercury's Rx Station @1Aquarius conjoins the 2009 Inauguration Mercury which you'll remember was retrograde and President Obama's Oath of Office had to be re-taken thanks to Justice Roberts' flub (which may have been intentional.) And on January 7th, Jupiter, planet of Money and Politics, retrogrades @23Virgo--conjunct US natal Neptune, an intensified period of fanaticism, paranoia, pretense, and illusion. If a scheme sounds too good to be true, it is.

As you may have noticed, President Bill 'Comeback Kid' Clinton is back in the news cycle thanks to Republican opponents of 2016 candidate Hillary and 1993 is echoed since the January 9th New Moon degree conjoins 1993's three-fer conjunctions of Enlightenment-Age of Reason-New World Order planets Uranus and Neptune so in 2016 we may expect a 'peculiar turn of events' to play out such as during November 2011 into 2012 with the 'Sequestration' scam. Will these odd energies affect the November 2016 Election? My vote is Yes. They're generational and thus affect the Collective on deep levels.

A date to watch for is April 18, 2016 when Pluto's Rx Station occurs @17Cap29 in the Uranus-Neptune vicinity with its vibes of 'the big picture demands a certain course of action, little option to do otherwise' demand (Tyl). Also note that warrior Mars turns Rx one day prior on April 17th @8Sag54, too close to warlike Antares for my taste or comfort.

But that's only Politics! A New Year celebration is upon us so instead, let Barbara inform you on a more personal level and finish her 2016 presentation with a lovely violin serenade:

Nov 4, 2015

New Moon in Scorpio November 11: Barbara Goldsmith - video (w stars @19Scorpio)


Astro-Notes on 19 Scorpio

by Jude Cowell

The New Moon @19Scorpio on November 11, 2015 at 12:47 pm est conjoins what has been traditionally considered an unfortunate degree by some though this is not very reliable. It is associated with tragedy and with the star Unukalhai (now around 22/23Sco) aka, Alpha Serpentis. Insanity and legal problems are implied with this star along with accidents and success in war. (Horary Plain & Simple, A. Louis.)

According to Nicholas DeVore's Encyclopedia the 19 Scorpio degree marks a "crucial point in the war between the Ego and the Supreme Will." This is a war we each must fight at various times in our lives with one path leading to evil and the other path beneficial as karmic progress is made. (To paraphrase Scripture, 'There is a way which seemeth right unto a man but the wages thereof are death".)

Another association with this degree is the starry Northern Scales at around 19Scorpio or so which contains Jupiter-Mercury-Mars flavors and potentials for bringing wealth, honors, and distinction. With Sun and Moon contacts this star may be favorable for civil servants, scientists, and lawyers (Ebertin-Hoffman).

So using Political Astrology to view US Politics, we'll soon see what this new cycle of activity (New Moon) seeds as it culminates with a Full Moon on November 25, 2015 @3Gem20 exactly conjoining the 4th house natal Moon of President Barack Obama.