Beware: The Mars-Jupiter-Neptune Trio from 1792 Soon Repeats
by Jude Cowell
For astrologers, key dates in the History of the French Revolution reveal intriguing planetary alignments with the Marseillaise Trio of Mars, Jupiter, and Nepune prominent and coming to represent extreme violence such as stormings, breaches, and mob riots against established authority. Note that when the Storming of the Tuileries palace occurred on August 10, 1792, the planetary Trio was aligned in late Libra, sign of balance and justice, as the populace demanded an end to the French monarchy of King Louis XVI and proceeded to dethrone the king. Follow the link, above, for more details concerning the events.
But why mention this historically significant planetary alignment now?
Because a heads-up may be in order for unfortunately, the Marseillaise Trio will form in 'marching order' once again and can be seen in the Horoscope of the April 30, 2022 Solar Eclipse in the 6 North Saros Series (shown below) and ranging from 23Pisces to 1 Aries with globally significant Aries Point included, one of the four Cardinal World Points of manifestation. Here, Venus is among the Trio which will tighten on May 18, 2022 when Mars and Neptune conjunct @24Pis59:35 and Jupiter inches slightly into Aries (1:22).
Initial 6 North Eclipse of May 15, 0850 (28Taurus) Repeats on April 30, 2022
May 15th, the 'Ides of May', is a significant date in history and marks the Roman Festival of Mercury, aka, Mercuralia, when merchants honored Mercury and prayed for profit and the ability to continue cheating customers. And as you know, messenger god Mercury is called Hermes in Greek mythology and is well known for her/his commerce, trading, communication, teaching, tricksterism, thieving, and other talents and skills. Interestingly, Mercury rules both the Ascendant and Midheaven of the April 30, 2022 eclipse chart and @00Gem48, conjuncts Alcyone with its keyphrase, 'something to cry about'. Or, perhaps Mercury conjunct Alcyone will simply bring rain a bunch!
April-May 2022 Solar and Lunar Eclipses
So yesterday when we discussed some prominent Karmic Planets That Block President Biden's Plans into 2022 I hadn't yet thought much about the first Solar Eclipse of 2022 occurring April 30th @10Taurus28 in the 6 North Saros Series and what changes and disruptions its 'wild card' Uranian energies could bring to the White House and to the US government. Adding to this is erratic Uranus @14Tau32, the degree of America's Inaugural Ascendant every four years and spotlighting fixed star Menkar with its 'victim of the unconscious' implications and link to Jonah and The Whale (saying what must be said, as presidents with bully pulpits do).
Since 6 North themes involve 'relationships to authority figures' and 'taking control and responsibility' we must, however reluctantly, consider the April 30, 2022 Solar Eclipse (DC horoscope, below), plus, the accompanying May 16, 2022 Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio (not shown - and perfects within a day of May 15th depending on your location and time zone). As you know, accompanying Lunar Eclipses reveal clues concerning societal reactions to their related Solar Eclipses (these across the Taurus-Scorpio axis). And as you see, the Solar Eclipse's 3rd cusp @25Sco36 (when set for DC) points toward the May 16, 2022 Lunar Eclipse which may actually signify the Full Moon referred to in the Symbol for the Venus-Jupiter Conjunction @28Pisces (6th house; wealthy people) - which in turn relates to the symbol for the Solar Eclipse itself ("11Taurus") via the concept of Gardening Under the Full Moon, at the culmination stage of plans seeded at the previous New Moon.
Note: Sabian Symbols supply additional information for those who use them and several are penned upon the chart.
So besides the 'take control' energies contained within 6 North themes (see the top of the chart for the rest), the Symbols identify gardening, care, development, and cultivation as additional underlying potentials of both April/May 2022 eclipses, plus, Taurus is the sign of growth. And in a flurry of synchronicity, a cosmic time link exists between this Solar Eclipse's Syzygy Moon (the previous lunation) - also a Full Moon which perfects on April 16, 2022 @26Lib46 with its degree spotlighting the 1792 Marseillaise Trio. As you see, the April Full Moon in Libra conjuncts the 2nd cusp of the eclipse chart implying revelations concerning finances and/or values:
6 North Solar Eclipse April 30, 2022 4:27:55 pm EDT White House, Washington, DC: Hour of Jupiter (conjunct Venus--two money planets); Mutable/Earth; a Bundle shape of planets suggesting a concentration of 'take-over energies' which resonates with the themes of 6 North eclipses; quirky Uranus nearby emphasizes karmic debts and resources, and solar eclipses in the 8th house link the past, present, and future, and are particularly karmic. Manifesting in Venus-ruled Taurus, the Taurean traits of endurance and reliability are required for best results (R. Lineman) concerning events brought by the eclipse. (I suspect you know what this eclipse may refer to without my having to type it, dear reader, for I do not want to do that in case it attracts the loss or dethroning of a leader via illness or unreliability.)
Now in closing, here are three midpoint pictures an their potential expressions from the above chart: *Pluto-NN (North Node) = Neptune: 'success attained through lies and fraud; disadvantages and losses'; Mercury-Pluto = Venus = Jupiter: 'propaganda; persuasion; crooks and swindlers'; and, Mercury-Uranus = NN: 'surprising news; turns or changes; cooperation' (Ebertin).
Plus, penned on the chart, lower left, you see the only applying Ptolemaic (major) aspect made by chart-ruler/Midheaven ruler Mercury - a sextile to Venus (2A52) indicating opportunities for diplomacy and for forming alliances. My first thought? That Venus might very well signify VP Kamala Harris.
(Note: any, all, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions.)
*Besides the 'common destiny of a large mass of people' and 'powerful groups', Pluto-NN is the "tiger by the tail" combo!
Dear Reader: As always your on-topic comments and observations are welcome as long as you don't sign with 'Unknown' or 'Anonymous'! jc
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