On the Wikipedia page of J6 Senator Thomas "Tommy" Tuberville (R-AL), now blocking 184+ military promotions, ostensibly to protest the US military's new abortion policy, we find that the former Alabama football coach was born September 18, 1954 in Camden, Arkansas with an Earth-Air personality blend of Sun Virgo-Moon Gemini (from 16Gem01 to 22:58). This suggests an imbalance of strength on the mental side, weakness on the emotional side. Last I heard, Senator Turberville sits on both the Armed Services Committee and the Veterans' Affairs Committee but it only takes one senator under Senate rules to block such promotions and he's grasping the ball and running with it (with "coach" Trump's approval, one suspects).
See USAToday: Former Pentagon officials on Tuberville blocking nominees turns them into "political pawns" which details the negative consequences - further harm to our country's national security being one of them.
So! Below are two horoscopes: a 'noon' version of Tuberville's natal chart, and an accurately timed horoscope of his 10 South Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') which occurred June 30, 1954 @8Can10 conjunct Trump's natal Mercury with the degree's (possibly disturbing) Sabian Symbol, "A Tiny Nude Miss Reaching Into the Water for a Fish."
This makes me wonder about certain chart factors such as his PE's Neptune = Venus-Mars (penned on the chart as, perversity) and 10 South's themes which are also listed on the chart, highlighted in orange, and which could suggest leaving his coaching career (think Jim Jordan) for a safer, more lucrative career in politics. His natal Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and its conjunction with Uranus suggests fortunate advantages, lots of travel, fortune-hunting, and a leaning toward political reformist activities.
Dual Images:
Tuberville 'noon' natal (lower left); his 10 South PE June 30, 1954 (upper right):
Now the last 10 South Eclipse occurred in 2008 @10Leo (conjunct Trump's natal 12th house Pluto = Mars-Saturn of death), and the next 10 South Eclipse repeats on August 12, 2026 @20Leo conjunct the natal Mars of J6 plotter Patrick Byrne.
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