Just a fairly simple publish of two dual chart images. They're the same dual images except that the first charts are unmarked and may be suitable for printing, the second charts have been messily marked up by yours truly with my study notes for the curious reader.
Both horoscopes are set for Washington DC:
Autumn Equinox 2023 (lower left) with 9Leo52 rising - and the lustful 7 North Solar Eclipse of April 20, 2023 @29Ari50 conjunct Autumn EQ Midheaven (Goal Point: Jan 6th Mars in the spotlight), and Winter Solstice 2023 (upper right) with 10Vir02 rising and a revealing 8th house midpoint picture of Jupiter-Neptune = Chiron, a cosmic echo of Trump's 2nd house Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio of speculation, fraud, scandal, political conflicts - and his wounded belief system. In fact, Chiron @15Aries (truth seeking) opposes Trump's natal Chiron @15Libra (which values competition--M. Pottenger).
That Autumn EQ Mars conjuncts Trump's boundary-breaking stationary Jupiter suggests the exaggerated role he has and will play in society into next year, plus, upcoming legal decisions for or against him along with possible financial and/or political settlements reached.
Then at Winter Solstice 2023, transit Mars conjuncts the December 12, 2023 New Moon @20Sag02 (and conjuncts Trump's natal South Node, then his natal Moon: anger; separation; more belly-aching and a new cycle of activity) suggesting that rash actions and violence are potentials - in other words, he'll be hot under the collar, with possible health consequences such as thyroid or other glandular issues (R. Ebertin) or even stomach ulcers (M. Munkasey):
For more 2023 eclipse information see 'Fascism Rising' Eclipse of 1933 repeats in 2023 (the current 7 North eclipse as I type); and the forceful, crisis-prone 7 South Eclipse of October 14, 2023 @21Lib06 which will ruffle Trump's Progressed Moon - symbolic, yes, but can be useful as a timing device.
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