by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good
UPDATE Sept 9, 2024: Checking too early for details regarding the September 10th debate, its location in Philadelphia escaped me. So I'll add a Horoscope set for Philly which shows how very little difference between NYC vs Philadelphia locations!
Original post begins here:
Yesterday I heard that Mr. Trump has flip-flopped again and says he will show up on September 10, 2024 at ABC studios to debate his opponent VP Kamala Harris. All along, VP Harris has stated that she will show up for the September 10th debate whether Trump turns up or not. So in case the debate occurs, below you see a horoscope of the event set for the date, hour, and location.
The horoscope has been retitled, Harris-Trump Debate 9/24 (from Biden-Trump) and is followed by the debate's midpoint pictures at 9:00 pm edt.
Then we'll note the first natal planet to rise at 9:00 pm edt, the official starting time of the debate, for both VP Harris and Mr. Trump:
September 10, 2024 9:00 pm edt NYC Midpoint Pictures; any, all, or none of the potentials may be operative; all are subject to activation by transit or progression:
Sun = Moon-Jupiter: Optimism; social outlook;
Moon = Sun-Saturn: depression; fear; feeling inferior;
Jupiter = Mercury-NN: lively communications;
Mars = Mercury-Ascendant: urge for success; emphasizing one's own ideas; quarrels; willingness to negotiate;
Uranus = Jupiter-Ascendant: a fortunate rearrangement of circumstances;
And the ongoing, Neptune = Uranus-Pluto: knowledge of human nature; sympathy; uncertainty and insecurity; nervouse diseases (ex: neuroses.)
(Paraphrasing R. Ebertin.)
With 5Tau41 rising at 9:00 pm edt NYC, the first natal planet to rise of VP Harris is her Jupiter @24Taurus conjoined by debate Uranus which suggests expanded horizons and an opportunity to take an entirely new path. For Mr. Trump, first his natal Midheaven (career point) rises with transit Uranus its recent visitor - Uranus, which suggests a new direction for him as well but changes are triggered or activated by others. First natal planet to rise for Trump is his 10th house Uranus in Gemini, his guiding planet of chaos, disruption, and shock. And as we know, that's how he prefers to do business.
Now while chart/debate ruler Venus @15Libra (conjunct US 1776 Saturn exalted) trines debate Jupiter (20Gemini) which languishes among Trump's 10th house Gemini trio, debate Venus is intercepted in 6th house (Placidus House System) so Trump's usual 'good luck' (his Jupiter-Uranus trine) may seem to be a little on the used-up side these days.
Yet on another level, if we see Venus-conjunct-Saturn intercepted as symbolizing former AG/prosecutor VP Kamala Harris, a measure of interference may be evident, and/or her debate preparation and rhetoric will be something she feels karmically compelled to deliver. Perhaps the interference is partially the call from legal eagles for her to stop using terms like "criminal" and "felon" to describe her out-on-bail opponent, and this could interfere with her popular, "I know his type" assertion during her campaign speeches. Well, he does give felons a bad name, I agree.
And perhaps you agree, that this will be a political debate worth watching. That is if the out-on-bail Uranian nominee shows up to spar with the former AG/prosecutor, VP Harris.
In closing, here's an additional note: 5Tau41 rising brings up Gov. Tim Walz's natal Mercury! Plus, debate North Node (NN) points directly toward Gov. Walz's natal Mars so I'd expect his military service record to be mentioned, and possibly his various comments on tape.
Kamala Harris October 20, 1964 9:28 pm pdt Oakland, CA; ASC 24Gem25 conjunct North Node.
Donald Trump June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens, NY; ASC 29Leo55 conjunct Mars and Regulus.
Natal notes: Tim Walz April 6, 1964
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