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Oct 24, 2024

11 South Eclipses: dissolved systems and removals

by Jude Cowell, partisan for America

In December 2017, we considered the Horoscope of Russia - Flag Raised which marks the official moment that the Soviet Union turned into "Russia." Upheaval in society and in government had been occurring for a few years as we read on the events' Wikipedia page, Dissolution of the Soviet Union. And as you know, "dissolution" is one of mundane Neptune's favorite activities.

Crazily, in the Russia - Flag Raised Horoscope linked, above, the IC (Basis-Foundation-Root Point) is @9Sco58 which conjoins the position of the November 1, 2024 predictive New Moon Prior to our 2024 Election @9Sco35. Also, the Scorpio New Moon Horoscope of November 1st shows Russia's 1991 Venus-Pluto Conjunction in Scorpio rising (21/22 Scorpio) which suggests those who wield a fascinating influence upon the public.

Incidentally, Russia's 1991 IC was conjoined by the Inauguration 2017 Moon @9Sco21 which could add to the case of Russia's multi-pronged pro-Donald interference in our 2016 Election. And/or the contact symbolizes agent Trump's 2017 voters being emotionally all-in with his Russia connection and his idolatry of dictator Put*n. According to the November 1st New Moon, these lunar connections continue.

The Point: 11 South August 2, 2027

Meanwhile - and believe it or not! - the aim of this post is to publish the Horoscope of the 11 South Eclipse of August 2, 2027 @9Leo55 (shown above) with its themes of "systems fail; new methods or ideas are needed to deal with events; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed" (paraphrasing B. Brady).

A sad example of this theme occurred under the influence of the 11 South Eclipse of July 11, 1991 (conjunct Casolaro's natal Mercury - conjunct the sometimes murderous star Castor) for writer Danny Casolaro was "violently or tragically removed" by "suicide" as he worked on a book about a global criminal network he called, The Octopus.

As for Trump himself, will 11 South eclipse energies that conjunct his Pluto = Mars-Saturn in 2027 be utilized by his nibs against others or will they land upon his felony-prone head? Well, since Astrology is an AC-DC type of situation, things could go either way - or both ways all at once.

In closing, if you've so far avoided it, do read the neo-gnatzies' fascist Project 2025 agenda to see what maga extremists hope to have in store for the American people. If their draconian ideas are implemented, conditions in the US will echo those of the Soviet Union in the lead-up to December 25, 1991 when their system of government failed and new ideas were needed.

This is not a comforting post, dear reader, but please remember: forewarned is forearmed.

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