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Showing posts with label 2nd J6 Public Hearing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2nd J6 Public Hearing. Show all posts

Jun 10, 2022

June 13th Horoscope: The 2nd Jan 6th Public Hearing vs Donald Trump

Friday June 10, 2022

"Be There, Will Be Wild"

Dear Reader,

You know how things go along for some time with little happening in your life but then all of a sudden you're positively swamped? Well, for me this describes today until next Tuesday (6/14) so this post is for publishing the Horoscope of the second of the J6 Public Hearings with 15Leo50 rising on Monday June 13th, at the announced opening time of 10:00 am edt, with the Sun @22Gem33 as chart-and-hearing-ruler. The Sun's two applying aspects (how things will proceed) are listed, lower left corner, plus, the Moon @9Sag38 is quite busy for Luna is out-of-bounds (estranged: not watching? at work? angry?) yet she leads a Locomotive shape of the planets from the domestic 4th house.

Mundane Moon: We The People, The Public, Women, Publicity, Emotions, Moods, Trends, Shifts, Changes

This leading position suggests that the Moon conjunct warring star Antares (obsessed with success) is where most of the second hearing's energies will express. To me this implies the 2nd hearing's focus on women or a woman, plus, a focus on domestic insurrectionists and terrorist militia groups who showed up that day at the Capitol Building (at Trump's invitation and command) spoiling for a fight, ruthlessly determined to disrupt the congressional vote certification, and to threaten, if not physically harm, certain Congress members - and perhaps to execute VP Pence for refusing to go along with saboteur Trump.

Of course, complicit Congress members, part of the 'Big Lie' conspiracy and coup attempt, should be a major focus as well, but perhaps this comes in later hearings with the final one held on June 23, 2022 at 8:00 pm edt. And as we heard from Rep. Liz Cheney in last night's hearing, after the January 6th coup attempt, Rep. Scott Perry and other Republicans asked Trump for pardons to excuse their seditious actions! What a gaggle of malicious and sly dogs they all are. And probably, certain on-air personalities can be included in the seditious gaggle due to their massive disinformation campaign a la the Murdoch family, and the bad 'advice' they gave to Trump which egged him on to the depths.

Then as you see in the horoscope below, the current 6 North Solar Eclipse (@10Tau28, April 19, 2022) is near the top of the horoscope (MC @7Tau12 conjunct two stars: lone pioneer Hamal, and Schedir, the queen) with 6 North Eclipse themes of 'relationship to authority figures' and 'accepting commitments due to another's illness or unreliability' - B. Brady); also at Midheaven, the Goal Point, is the incendiary Mars-Uranus Conjunction which perfected on Inauguration Day 2021 @6Tau44; at MC this suggests such violent acts as 'putting a gun to someone's head' and/or 'taking drastic measures' (N. Tyl). I'd have to say that fomenting a violent coup attempt against the US government in order to stay in power is the drastic measure taken by wanna-be dictator Trump with his thugs fulfilling his wishes against Capitol Hill police officers and others:

June 2022: A Prominent Birthday for Herr Trump!

Anyone familiar with the birth date and/or the natal planets of Donald Trump recognizes that his Solar Return 2022 is happening so I've listed this at the top of the image. As it happens, the Sun returns exactly to natal degree on June 13, 2022, yes, but not until 7:26:15 pm edt. So it's a big fat Happy Birthday to the orange blighter that most Americans would prefer to forget after a cell door is locked and the key tossed away.

Plus, as the Cosmos would have it, it's that time of the month for Herr Trump who will experience a Lunar Return early Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at 4:21:27 am edt (also listed on the image, upper right) and at that very hour, transit Mercury, planet of testimony, hearing/s, messages, witnessing, and information, will rise and will have advanced from 29Tau57 to 00Gem32 - conjunct Alcyone ('something to cry about').

Well, yes, the blighter may boo hoo but most Americans have had much to cry about since Trump announced his candidacy of bigotry in June 2015 under the influence of the Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse conjunct Scheat, star of extreme misfortune - and I would say that Scheat's misfortunes were amped up by the March 2015 Eclipse and that together they 'brought' us Donald Trump, dripping with the karma of America's past actions and deepest neuroses. As you know, Star and Eclipse working together by conjunction amps up both of their indications. And nowadays, as the June 2022 Public hearings are being held, wealthy stealthy Pluto (publisher, corporatist, international banker, assassin, spy, dictator, The Pope) rises with Scheat suggesting catastrophes and possible self-destruction - as the US experiences her first-ever Pluto Return so the plutonian karmic implications are abundant on the negative side for primal violence, exploitation, and persecution. Positively, America wades through the muck and manages to restructure what needs improvement.

So to me, all this points toward our instincts about this year's major significance for our country and in part contributes to that shifting feeling that leaves us uncertain and anxious about America's future. Is it 1776 all over again? Some Uranian zealots and revolutionaries are behaving as if it is - are determined that it is because they say so.

Meanwhile, if We The People cling to the Public J6 hearings this month for an anchor, we may be disappointed that outcomes don't go as far as we think just and fair but let's not give up on outcomes or on the ultimate legal involvement of the DOJ. For as former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner always says, Justice Matters.

And so, dear reader, there are more stars and planetary factors of note in the above horoscope, plus, a few of Herr T's natal placements are penned around the chart (exs: Saturn opposing his natal Mars - resisting authority, anger, violent eruptions - and Jupiter opposing natal Neptune - fantastic schemes, fanatic ideas, confidential matters revealed). Hopefully, you'll suss out a few chart factors for yourself if you're so inclined for I must now skeddadle - why, we even have a family graduation to celebrate this weekend!

My Best to You and Yours, Jude

And in case you missed it: Horoscope of the 1st Public Jan 6th Hearing.