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Showing posts with label Allied forces fought the Nazis of Germany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Allied forces fought the Nazis of Germany. Show all posts

Jun 6, 2024

D-Day 1944: The Invasion of Normandy

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Somehow it seems very small on this 80-year anniversary of D-Day June 6, 1944, the Invasion of Normandy, to reduce such massive energies to a mere Horoscope symbolizing the operation that began the beating back of Germany's Nazi forces and the subsequent Allied liberation of Europe.

Today, eighty years later, brutal Nazism again attempts to take over in Europe and where they don't belong--the United States of America! And today President Joe Biden speaks in France at the ceremony honoring the soldiers who are still with us, and those who are not. My uncles who fought are no longer around but the Horoscope of the Normandy Invasion is shown here as a small tribute to all Allied forces led by Allied Commander General Dwight D. Eisenhower, and all other participants in the grand fight for freedom, liberty, and democracy and to those who fought and resisted in other ways:

One interesting chart feature that describes Operation Neptune is that asteroid EROS (the piercing) @00Ari35, the premiere Cardinal World Point of Manifestation, opposes oceanic planet Neptune Rx @1Lib28 denoting the amphibious landings of 1944. And for those who use America's July 4, 1776 late afternoon horoscope (I use 5:09 p LMT), this descriptive opposition lands upon the shores of the chart's MC-IC axis of security, home, and public status.

Then significantly, today is cosmically marked by a New Moon @16Gem18 (conjunct Venus as in 1944!) at 8:38 a edt, the seeding and planning lunar phase which will culminate with the Full Moon of June 21 2024 @1Cap07, a Summer Solstice 2024 Full Moon suggesting a series of fulfilling events through Summer 2024 in relation, I hope, to the further beating back of today's crop of tyrannical despots, wanna-be dictators, and all anti-democratic sociopaths with Nazi leanings.

Horoscope of World War Two.

Previously on SO'W: Neptune and The Nazis Search for the Holy Grail.