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Showing posts with label CNN June 1 1980. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CNN June 1 1980. Show all posts

Jul 6, 2017

Ethics Scandal now but here's CNN First Hour: June 1, 1980

July 6, 2017: now embroiled in an ethics-challenging blackmail scandal, Cable News Network (CNN) began its on-air life with a reasonable amount of credibility on June 1, 1980 5:00 pm edt NYC. Here's a video of its first hour which opens with a broadcast tone you may wish to mute but the jabber soon begins:

Video Link in case of removal from SO'W.

As you know, 'twas the quirky Sun Scorpio-Moon Libra personality, Ted Turner, who founded both CNN and TBS. Here's Turner's accurately timed (RR: AA) natal chart if you'd care for a peek.

And don't miss Astrolibertarian's post on the CNN Blackmail Scandal where you'll find a bi-wheel of the network's natal horoscope with transits.


Astro-Notes on CNN's natal horoscope: the network's beginning included an initial fight against oppression (Pluto-NN = Saturn) yet with a tendency to replace real emotions with 'commmon sense' as they sidestep the emotional realm (Sun Gem-Moon Cap - the Harveys). Obviously we get Mercury-ruled Gemini communications with the network's determined ambition for success (Saturn-ruled Capricorn Moon, which is now being visited by transit Pluto, the destructive manipulator of power, control, psychology, and propaganda).

Here are CNN's June 1, 1980 natal planets with a few notes added:

8th house Sun @11Gem29 (transit Saturn opposed CNN's Sun of public image in late 2015 and again in Autumn 2016 = damaged image/ego)

3rd house Moon @17Cap26

8th house Mercury @1Can34 conjunct 8th house Venus @1Can17

10th house Mars @10Vir27 conjunct one of the victim stars, Zosma

10th house Jupiter @2Vir10

11th house Saturn @20Vir17 conjunct Denebola (to go against society; out of the mainstream as it was at the time)

1st house Uranus Rx @22Sco47 and rising

2nd house Neptune Rx @21Sag34 conj blue star Ras Alhague and Trump's natal Moon and SN--all 3 now being hit by transit Saturn again which simultaneously opposes Trump's natal Sun-NN

12th house Pluto Rx @19Lib09 soon to be transited by Jupiter which will increase CNN's power and control, and benefit its resources

Natal ASC 2Sco45 (Mars = chart-ruler with Pluto as sub-ruler); MC 9Leo03 ruled by the Sun.

And of course we have the skeptical Mr. Trump's undermining of CNN and other US media as 'fake news' (because they criticize him--though they are agents of propaganda as we know) while speaking in Poland today which emboldens authoritarian leaders across the globe. In a flurry of blatant warmongering in Warsaw, Trump said that the West is "at risk". Yes, in many ways we are. So why did we become the preemptive war aggressors? Hmm...maybe Washington DC and the Pentagon should stop their unconstitutional behavior and avoid the blow back against innocent people.

Update 7.8.17: turns out the White House and its political operatives think they're being tres slick by sending out 'fake news' tips to news outlets that are actually traps--stories that can be debunked later thus discrediting the reporting of said outlet. This includes the supplier of the 'tip' insisting that they be called an 'anonymous source' and may be the process used to discredit CBS's Dan Rather years ago concerning George Bush's fraudulent military training debacle. Dubya was off partying, y'know.