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Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts

Jun 14, 2024

America's Albatross meets with Maga Congress! June 13, 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

On Thursday June 13, 2024, Donald Trump returned to what folks describe as "the scene of the crime" (his J6 coup attempt) when he met with Republican congress members in order to gage certain things about himself. Yesterday was actually his Zodiacal birthday (78-yo) as you see listed, lower left corner.

Meanwhile, agent orange is now in a stage of figuring out how to make his brutal ideas and plans against America more popular with his intended victims, millions of whom will be voting in the November Election. Sans all the GOP's cheating tactics, the orange marauder, planning a massive purge of US society, might lose the presidency which will make his wealthy backers and foreign handlers extremely angry with him. Then who knows what they'll perpetrate upon him, all that money spent for nothing, and egg on their dumb faces.

Besides, such a planned purge of US society would have to be massive due to the huge number of Americans who despise him and his "policies" - those who "stand in his way" of completing idol Herr Adolf's vision of world domination. And he's being aided by "church people" (aka, ethno-Christian fascists), no less! You'll note Cupido (The Family-The Syndicate-Corporatism) conjunct aggressive Mars @3Tau16 in 9th house: thugs in the House of Congress!

Well, America's albatross, premiere con man, and convicted felon is nothing if not a malicious schemer with his natal Mercury-Neptune square, this we know.

So above is a bi-wheel of yesterday morning's transits on Capitol Hill, a symbolically timed horoscope set for the moment that Trump's natal Mars @26Leo46 rises, and transit Uranus sits upon his natal Midheaven ('MC"), the Aspiration Point of any horoscope - surrounded by the generally accepted Trump natal chart.

Of course, this shows the transit of Uranus-square-natal-Mars for him, an unpredictable period when relationships are troublesome (see his need for feedback and for ideas on how to make his ideas more popular, lower right corner!), work habits are erratic, a change of life direction arrives, and a time when his progress can be impeded by a crowd (of Biden voters?). As you know, the Mars-Uranus duo is known for such activities as radical military involvement (militias on stand-by), viol*nce, and attack.

Other than this, conditions have become riskier and I'd rather refer you to the astro-notes penned on the image rather than typing more such potentials in this text. You understand, I'm sure.

May 30, 2024

Trump Trial May 30-31, 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Today's court session in Manhattan is symbolized by the 9:30 am edt horoscope (lower left) while tomorrow's session (assuming there is one) is shown (upper right) in this dual image:

A few of my study notes are sprinkled about and, as you see, the currently operative Great American Eclipse in the 8 North Saros Series (@19Ari24; April 8, 2024) will top the chart on Friday May 31st with its "dreams and visions" themes in The Goal Point position.

Meanwhile, wounded healer Chiron's presence - also a symbol of a blindspot - continues, and I believe is one of the 'stars' of this legal situation as a lifelong criminal is finally held to account and representing America's wound (racism and all!) - yet for some citizens, Chiron in Aries is their blindspot. Plus, transit Chiron is within process of America's Chiron Return (20Ari08) this very year. Importantly, Chiron also symbolizes the Christ archetype in Astrology which brings in the religious contentiousness now occurring in the US.

Saturn-Neptune: the illness axis of depressed, needy people

Significantly, both days contain Saturn-Neptune with Moon connotations although in a different order from today until Friday and the midpoint pictures' potentials are penned next to each horoscope. A notable cosmic echo is the fact that Baby Donald was born with ASC = Saturn-Neptune (oppressive environment) and now at trial there are strong suggestions of pathological depression, pessimism, and despair involved.


Previously on SO'W is how this legal conflict began for his nibs: Stormy Legalities: The Trump Trial.

May 16, 2024

So Will "The Bulldozer" Return?

by Jude Cowell

Bi-Wheel: The Espionage Act (inner) with Trump natal (outer):

When we glance askance at 2017 and 2018 events in the US with Mr. Trump more or less "manning" the helm of our country, we soon stumble across Paul Manafort who offered his skills for free as "campaign chair" for Trump's 2016 campaign, serving from June 20 to August 19, 2016.

See Trump Campaign's Russian Encounters at RNC 2016 under a Full Moon shining upon spymaster Pluto.

For as you know, then as now, espionage via "collusion" with Russia was part of the atmosphere, many books and articles were published, and soon legal storm clouds formed for Manafort - and in July 2017, the FBI raided his home. Then in October 2017, Manafort, an unregistered foreign agent, and his business associate Rick Gates, were indicted and arrested on multiple charges which included money laundering and election interference (two of Trump's "talents").

Actually, Luke Harding's best-selling 2017 book, Collusion is a great resource concerning these and other events if you're curious. #ad

Ultimately, with legal attempts to hold the lawbreaker accountable only partially successful, Trump pardoned his scofflaw pal (birds of a feather) and Manafort managed to escape the "long arm of the law."

Campaign 2024 and Beyond

Now there's a page you may wish to review because rumor is, Paul Manafort will return to "service" if agent orange manages to coup the White House in November: check out The Trials of Paul Manafort for a fuller picture of his legal travails, and consider his Sun Aries-Moon Taurus "bulldozer" personality.

In closing, you may also wish to see Paul Manafort hearts Cypress for shady banking which includes the founding data for Cypress, something of an island hive of activity for anti-societal birds of a feather when padding their nests as surreptitiously as possible.

May 7, 2024

On the Eclipse of NBC TV

Herr T's Bullhorn for Subversion

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

In recent posts yours truly has been known to fuss over how The Apprentice TV show (2004) gave NY playboy Donald a major opportunity to promote the rumor that he was a "successful businessman." If you still believe this absurd fallacy, then reading Stars Over Washington may not be for you! This is your cue to skedaddle away for best results.

Because for one thing, the good people of New York City knew then and know now that Donald was a mobbed-up "contractor" and a deadbeat in the success and finance departments. Unless we count his experience with money laundering for various entities.

Yes, it was NBC's "reality" TV show that ultimately led to Donald's 2016 campaign for the presidency and, aided by Russia, wealthy corporatists, and a hype-believing public, Donald managed to coup the White House as if he'd won the 2016 Election. And you know the rest.

NBC: A Subsidiary of Comcast

My point is that these twisted political conditions have angered me into a snit of miffdom ever since the orange blighter rode the escalator on the morning of June 16, 2015 at the Gemini New Moon and had someone pay a casting-call audience below to listen to his bigoted swill. Therefore, I must consider The Apprentice's creator Mark Burnett (follow the link, above) partially responsible for the anti-democracy campaign against America and the American people, while a large amount of blame for our predicament must also fall upon NBC, nowadays a subsidiary of Comcast.

Therefore, above is a Horoscope of the 13 South Solar Eclipse which influenced the April 19, 1939 founding of NBC TV. (NBC Radio was founded earlier on June 19, 1926 under the influence of an 18 South Eclipse of endings, partings, grief), but it's the TV division of NBC now starring in this fussy post. Of course, you notice that 1939 is the year that World War Two began when Naz* Herr Adolf invaded Poland.

Now as you can see, 13 South themes are listed on the chart, compliments of Bernadette Brady, and include some sinister energy underneath. Plus, there's a revealing square from Pluto (opposing US 1776 Pluto in Capricorn which also squares the eclipse); potentials are listed on the chart. Activist Mars @15Capricorn leads a Locomotive shape of the planets (the ruthless executive), and don't miss Saturn in Aries at Midheaven, too (see upper right corner). The two planets (actors) were possibly a team since they're in friendly Mutual Reception with one another, and Mars is exalted in Capricorn.

Then there's mass media planet Neptune Rx @21Vir01 conjunct Denebola (going against society) so basically Neptune is in process of performing a US Neptune Return (@22Vir25 in 1776) which suggests a confusing period when ideals can shift or be shifted by propaganda and/or advertising, and the mass employment situation wasn't going well as WWII was brewing abroad and the Great Depression was ruining lives.

Now in addition, the 13 South Eclipse of 1939 @28Ari43 conjoined fixed star Mirach ("girdle" of the Princess in the Andromeda Constellation with its restrictive Saturnian nature and Venusuian flavor: the ladies). Then to me, the Uranus-Midas conjunction (see below) suggests the network's (and other media outlets) tendency to create massive fortunes thanks to the radical activities of Uranus the zealous chaos-creator (ex: the J6 coup attempt, ongoing; and the old "if it bleeds, it leads" mantra of news outlets) while simultaneously taking advantage of the quirky planet's novel, innovative creative content that entertains, surprises, and delights the public - or, stirs up the masses, positively or negatively.

Plus, you also notice the Earth Grand Trine in the 13 South horoscope, a protective, creative closed circuit of energies beween Mars-Uranus-Neptune with radical planet Uranus @16Taurus conjunct gold-loving Midas, as noted, and pointing ahead toward the position of radical reactionary Uranus @16Taurus conjunct the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse when rabid Maga-ites managed to infest the US House of Representatives, spouting their Russian talking points and sporting AR-15 lapel pins. Certain corporations have financially supported this - see corporate Cupido in 4th house,.

Then perhaps you remember that a German Media Baron supported the rise of Hitl*r who thought he should rule the world. Oh the compensating absurdity of some men's massive egos.

In closing, you've probably seen ProPublica's updated list of corporations that vowed to suspend their financial support of J6 politicians just after the 2021 attack yet a number of them have continued supporting election denial after all. You'll easily spy Comcast at number 5.

Well, that's enough fussing for today, so if you've managed to read this far, my thanks and kudos to you! jc

Eclipse of 'The Apprentice'

When Donald Reached For "Pie in the Sky"

by Jude Cowell

Shown below, for your consideration is the Solar Eclipse Horoscope of NBC's The Apprentice which perfected November 23, 2003 @1Sag13:57 NYC in the 5 New South Saros Series set for NYC. At Midheaven: Mars-Neptune = Uranus: "Reaching for 'pie in the sky'; energetically following one's dream" (N. Tyl). As you know, the "reality" TV show was Donald's publicity-infused launching pad for his eventual run in 2016 for the White House.

Then curiously, what turned out to be his "prez bid" New Moon of June 16, 2015 @25Gemini": "A Man Trimming Palms" rises at 8:00 pm est; plus, the novelty-loving planet of anarchy and technology, Uranus @00Pisces, conjuncts Midheaven ('MC': The Goal Point) and is apex of the Mars-Neptune midpoint (see the Horoscope for midpoint potentials):

Now as you know, all eclipses are karmic in nature, may disrupt earthly events, and spark changes of direction similar to the action of unpredictable Uranus. Eclipse themes are always a consideration so 5 New South Eclipse themes are penned on the above chart.

Significantly, erratic Uranus squares the Eclipse which denotes an uncaring attitude toward humanity along with radical activities (R. Lineman). Both these potentials have been demonstrated in recent years by the fellow in question, as you may agree. And for obvious reasons, Donald's "successful businessman" image promoted on The Apprentice supported him on this quest to play the POTUS role although the image is somewhat threadbare now. An additional Uranian note is that Trump's natal 10th house Uranus @18Gemini is oriental so 'the sky god' is his guiding planet of chaos and disruption - the voices in his fantasy-prone head.

A Sagittarius Eclipse: Trump's Moon-South-Node Sign

When a solar eclipse manifests in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, the cosmic spotlight is cast upon frankness and enthusiasm, yet negatively there are issues of false optimism, misguided beliefs, and midirected idealism (such as are seen with the idolatry of cult leaders and the Big Lie of you-know-who). In 6th house the eclipse emphasis is on compatibility in the work space and work ethic. No certainty on such a possibility.

The Apprentice: Money, Power, Fame

Now I've never watched an episode of the show so to set up a Horoscope of the first airing of The Apprentice (or, 'Celebrity Apprentice'--is there a difference?), I've speculatively selected 8:00 pm est (January 8, 2004) because Trump's natal Mars and Ascendant rise and his 10th house of Career and Public Status is suitably atop the horoscope.

Yet if the show's go-time was later than 8:00 pm, we can surmise that a staffer was touching up his orange makeup, powdering his wig around that time, or maybe changing his diaper (staffer Noel Casler has called him DiaperDon). Adjust the hour as you wish, dear reader, for the initial show may have been taped anyway.

Then another factor is the show's creator, Mark Burnett (July 17, 1960 London, UK), who along with wife Roma Downey, is responsible for producing unusual religious content including the film Son of God, an exercise in "presenting another Jesus," or "reinventing" Him. That's a no-go around here! I found Burnett's association with the film by searching for his name and Opus Dei, if that tells us anything about the anti-democracy forces aligned against America. You'll remember that Trump's AG Bill Barr, legendary fixer of legal jams, is said to be a member of the secretive Catholic organization, as are other public figures - some are involved in skewing the US Supreme Court toward right-wing authoritarianism and successfully overturning Roe v Wade.

The Apprentice: A Speculatively Timed Horoscope:

To close, here's an original intro (trailer) of The Apprentice (January 8, 2004 as shown in the horoscope, above):

And if the video is removed from SO'W, here's a link. Think money.

May 6, 2024

Between Two Horoscopes "The Cruelty Is the Point"

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

A few days ago a controversial comparison of natal planets appeared here in the form of a question concerning two individuals who have been compared to one another in the press so I wondered what Astrology might have to say about them in bi-wheel form.

Today on SO'W comes another comparison between natal planets from 1946 to 1740, inspired by the obvious sadism now trying to make a comeback in American society and politics, and across the globe. And in the US it's lifted up by one political party in particular by strong-armed paternalism, misogyny, and holier-than-thou religious dominionism driving their anti-societal demands - in the minority though they are.

So undoubtedly, when it comes to the Republican Party (or what used to pass for it before "maga" took control), you've heard political pundits and others intone that the cruelty is the point. We can look directly at the GOP/Heritage Foundation plan to implement their Project 2025 agenda if a maga-lover should finagle the White House in November 2024 as a ready example of their cruel intentions which they've actually written down for all to read - as if their plan is inevitable! But it isn't.

Cruelty: The GOP War On Compassion

As you noticed years ago, the GOP's old "compassionate conservatism" was merely a political slogan used to gaslight voters into submission. Presently, the damage from SCOTUS' Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v Wade has led to cruel schemes, loss, and denial of medical care against American women and their pregnancies while threatening doctors and others with fines and prison terms for showing compassion and decency.

Meanwhile, the destructive energies and interference in people's medical decisions by paternalistic politicians grievously affect women and their family members but cold-hearted politicians and their backers don't care. And you know about the huge scandal of the moment which tells a sadistic tale: "bad*ss" Kristi Noem's easy execution of her dog, goat, and possibly other animals. Her chance at being selected for a VP run has apparently disintegrated - not because of the cruelty of her actions but because of the media storm it caused.

For after all, as we see via "30 Sagittarius," The Pope Blesses the Faithful, yes? So the order of the day is, control through cruelty, manipulate through fear: in a word, sadism:

Jupiter-Chiron Extremism Then and Now

So above you see a second planetary comparison between a certain two individuals, probably again on the controversial side. Therefore, one of the names has been disguised to protect the guilty, and study notes are penned on including Jupiter-Chiron conjunctions in both charts which indicate their shared extremism and zealotry, with taboo-breaking involved as well. Add to this various factors that suggest tendencies toward violence and anti-social behavior which appear around and between the natal horoscopes. Plus, 1740 Jupiter conjuncts 1946 Uranus, a contact which suggests a meeting of two minds!

Then as you see in the bi-wheel, the emphasis is on their shared Gemini and Cancer placements which include very close aspects both men have with Venus-Saturn conjunctions in Cancer, an aspect of discontent in relationships, although some measure of longevity in unions may also occur.

Now there are other planetary contacts from 1946 to 1740 too numerous to mention in this brief post so I'll leave them up to the curious reader. Suffice to say that cruelty is the point and man's inhumanity to man and woman has become 'the style' once again in this, The New Millenium.

Previously on SO'W a bi-wheel: Roe v Wade Decision 1973 and Roe v Wade Overturned 2022.

May 4, 2024

Is Mr. Trump like Mr. Stalin?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Recently I've heard a pundit or two on TV state that, rather than Herr Adolf, old Donald Trump is more like the Soviet Union's Joseph Stalin. Of course, no dictator is a prize in the humanity sweepstakes, yet if Trump and comrades manage to steal the White House in November we'll all be messing around and finding out through nasty experiences.

A disturbing suspicion is that few Americans of our younger generations are familiar with the horror that was Stalin or are aware of the dystopian society he created, as if it were a good idea (like the psychopath he was).

So naturally I got to wondering what would transpire if I put together a bi-wheel of the Stalin and Trump natal charts to see which planets and points make contact between them - which ones blend, as it were. So see what you think - here is the result:

1946 reaches back to 1878

Obviously, there are significant contacts such as Stalin's natal Pluto Rx @24Tau58 conjunct Trump's Midheaven ('MC' = goals) where enraged star Algol of Medusa fame twinkles off and on. Notably, Algol is often prominent in the natal charts of criminals and murderers (D.K. Rosenberg). Plus, Stalin's Mars-Pluto opposition of brutality and violence sits neatly upon Trump's MC-IC angles - across the possessive Taurus-Scorpio axis. Their Mercuries are in opposite signs, too.

There's even a Trump Moon-SN conjunct Stalin Sun in Sagittarius, quite a match they are, it seems, and with their natal Suns (egos; goals) in opposite signs.

Then Trump's guiding planet, his inner voice of chaos and disruption, Uranus @17Gemini conjuncts Stalin's Syzygy Moon @17Gemini but to make matters more complex, zealous Stalin was a Uranus-Pluto square kind of despot (aka, an extremely violent, revolutionary anarchist) and his radical Uranus @4Virgo rises in Trump's natal chart as does Trump's aggressive Mars @26Leo and royal star, Regulus with its caution against taking revenge, or all that's gained will be taken away.

Then as you know, the Mars-Uranus duo is another cosmic signal for incendiary, erratic, and/or revolutionary activities.

The rest of their contacts I shall leave up to you, dear reader, for I've had all of these two maladjusted miscreants I can take for one post. Except that --

Trump you know ad nauseum, but if you wish, check out a Mini-Bio of Joseph Stalin, "--one of the greatest mass murderers of the 20th century." And yes, the video may be rough to watch, but it cannot possibly be as rough as living in a society where an authoritarian dictator like Stalin decides quirkily if you and your loved ones live, die, or are locked up. Therefore --

Vote Blue in November. Because all of our lives depend on it.

Apr 26, 2024

Remembering the Kent State Massacre

The 54th Anniversary of Nixon's Kent State Massacre

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

In 2010, the Horoscope of the Kent State Massacre May 4, 1970 was published here on SO'W with quite a few astro-notes included. For details of the event and the astrology, I recommend to you a review of this vintage post concerning America's loss of all moral authority under Richard Nixon as he played the role of President of the United States to the extent that Washington had any left after the multiple assassinations of the 1960s, lying the American people into war, and other unsavory actions.

You see, the Kent State student protests were against Nixon's invasion of Cambodia during the Vietnam War, a ritual bloodbath, just like the rest. Subsequently, anti-war protests across the country became more vigorous and were very much a generational clash. And it was the Kent State Massacre that cast a stark spotlight on DC politics gone horribly wrong.

Strong-Armed Paternalism Is Dangerous

Adding complexity to this May 4's 54th anniversary of the tragic event, a deep wound in America's Collective psyche, is the current campaign to force criminal immunity into the tiny hands of one D. Trump, who longs to be in power again and will use whatever force against the American people that his tyrannical dreams of retribution via the ultimate power position require. In other words, mobbed-up Donald wants to be king of America, with no accountability for his crimes. This suggests that Big Orange must be planning some horrific fates for people on his enemies list (the kind of list that vengeful Nixon also maintained).

Yet despite it all, perhaps scofflaw Trump's efforts to change the form of government in our country from a democratic Republic to authoritarian fascism doesn't lead you, dear reader, to link his brutal tendencies with the Kent State Massacre and its perpetrator, Nixon - even though Trump is singing from the If the president does it, it isn't illegal hymnal. Or perhaps you're simply not interested as if such a change wouldn't affect you and your loved ones; or maybe you're a member of the let-someone-else-do-it club.

Well, current campus protests on behalf of the victimized people of Gaza are under scrutiny in many quarters yet with Joe Biden in the White House, assaults against student protesters would have to come from a different source than the Oval Office. And if young voters in November turn from President Biden, they'll be making a tragic mistake for themselves and for our country.

There are videos. One such is the History Channel's The Kent State Shootings, Explained.

8 North Eclipse 1970 Now Repeats in 2024

As for influential Solar Eclipses, the current 8 North, aka, the Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct Chiron (19:24), is the very same Saros Series in which the Kent State Massacre occurred, but then 8N fell @17Pisces on March 7, 1970 with themes of, "dreams, visions, and new-found inspiration" (B. Brady) - to stay in power? For as you know, eclipse cycles and historical cycles tend to be in sync as seen by similar conditions and events. "History rhymes," as they say.

And so below you see an unmarked version of the May 4, 1970 Massacre Horoscope of the moment that students on the Kent State campus were shot by National Guardsmen who were mysteriously ordered to point and shoot in unison via Tricky Dick Nixon. Some say no order was given to fire, but this defies logic. The killings and woundings were perpetrated at 12:24 pm, and two of the fatalities were merely heading to class, and were not protesters at all. You'll note that in 1970, wounded Chiron was traveling through Mars-ruled Aries just as now. In 9th house, Chiron values democratic ideals (not tyranny); in Aries, Chiron values education and actively seeking truth.

Then as you see in the following horoscope, 10Leo27 rises at that fateful minute and only now can we realize that 10Leo02 is the degree of Trump's 12th house Pluto = Mars-Saturn midpoint picture with its deadly implications of destruction, physical harm, the deaths of many people, and the intervention of a higher power (R. Ebertin). Plus, Mars-Saturn (the death axis in any horoscope) conjunct Ascendant indicates potentials for health threats and/or bereavement. Tragically for students in Ohio and their loved ones on May 4, 1970, both potentials became reality.

Now here's the unmarked horoscope for you:

Naturally, other contacts exist between May 4, 1970 planets and Trump's natal planets - Donald was a mere 23 years old on that day - but listing them is beyond the scope of this post which is meant as a remembrance of the 1970 Massacre of students, May they R.I.P. - murdered by an out-of-control psychotic US president, hypersensitive to criticism. In closing, please note that this post is in no way intended to carry even one drop of water for hypersensitive agent orange with his sociopathic authoritarian tendencies.

SC Cons Ride the "Furious Storm"

Wash DC: "The Seat of Criminal Activity"?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Yesterday's oral arguments at the Supreme Court for and against "absolute immunity" for presidents took strange turns thanks to the "conservative" justices, the "Cons" as I'll term them in this post. Justices Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson stood out for their attempts to protect our nation's traditional understanding of what all presidents know as they enter the White House: that crimes can be prosecuted once they're out of office. After all, what was the Nixon pardon about?

Even Con Justice Barrett had a few words to offer; however, she might be symbolized in the 2024 chart, below, by the Scorpio Moon leading a BOWL shape, an advocate for a cause which could be little more than sustaining an attachment to comforts and special privileges. And on another level for the paternalistic theocracy now forcing second class citizenship and handmaidism upon the women of America and infesting state legislatures across the land. (See the description of SO'W written in 2005! It's under the title.)

So from yesterday's Mercurial arguments, it's apparent that the Cons believe, or are pretending to believe, that, "When a president does it, it isn't illegal," as crooked Nixon famously informed interviewer David Frost. I say pretend to believe because they seem to me to be acting under pressure of some kind, if only to protect their personal comforts and the "gifts" they enjoy for their anti-democratic services. Check the chart below for Neptune-Pluto = Mercury (upper center) and Neptune-Pluto conjunct 2024 MC (lower right corner) with the titanic pair symbolizing criminal elements and/or organized crime. Their figurehead of the moment: the long-mobbed-up Herr Trump.

And of course all this shows that Cons intend to dismiss the principles of the great Magna Carta from America! Brazenly arrogant, aren't they?

White Power-Aryanism-'MAGA'

So from whence comes the "furious storm" that Con justices and other Trumpists ride? That would be the 6 South Eclipse of July 1860 with its seditious energies of domination by strong-armed paternalism as their goal. Significantly, 6 South Eclipses repeated in October 2022 @2Scorpio (PE of Midterms 2022 when seditious 'Maga's grabbed control of the House of Reps--and look how they've worked to damage it) and in August 1932 @8Virgo as what I've termed the Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse for obvious reasons. So you see where the Cons are determined to go with this, as if you didn't already know!

Bi-Wheel: SCOTUS 1790 with Mercury Direct April 25, 2024 (Orals):

Now naturally, I had a glance back at the SCOTUS 1st Session 1790 Horoscope (inner), a topic which has been discussed here on previous occasions. Of note is that the current 8 North Solar Eclipse, the Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct wounded Chiron, is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series in which the 1st session of the Supreme Court was held! Are the Court's dreams and visions today the same as those of 1790? What do you think? Well, today it appears that they dream of fascism in America.

So yesterday's oral arguing planets made a few contacts with the 1790 1st session planets as you see above, and I've used the very moment that Mercury turned Direct as a transit chart. In fact, a rather stark cosmic spotlight is cast upon 1790 Mercury @00Pis46 in 12th house. And there's an obvious emphasis on the Venus-Mars duo which spotlights yesterday's male vs female justices and their questions as the ladies brought reality to fantasy (Neptune-MC = Saturn). A few other notes are penned on the bi-wheel but you'll spy several other important factors, I'm certain, because frankly, this post would have to be an e-book to cover them all!

Previously on SO'W: A disturbing question re: the future of democracy in America, May-June 2024: A Lucky Donald Trump? And please be forewarned by: Pushy Mars-Pluto and Election 2024.

Apr 18, 2024

Why The Right is Wrong: Raid on Michael Cohen Isn't Corruption, It's Just -- clip

As you know, the Trump Election Interference Trial began with jury slection in Judge Marchan's Manhattan courtroom on Monday April 15th. In fact, his "hush money" payments to Stormy Daniels are no longer hush-hush and, as expected, Donald is going through some things.

Then back in 2018, the FBI raided Michael Cohen on April 9th, and a SO'W post appeared concerning Cohen, Trump, Pecker, and The National Enquirer.

Upcoming testimonies in Trump's "hush money" trial should be quite engaging, if not riveting. Don't you agree?

Feb 25, 2024

The Antichrist Has Been Identified

Tragically, A False Prophet Deceives the Very Elect

by Jude Cowell, a partisan for the common good

The following video presentation is intended for those with ears to hear, and perhaps not for the ultra-skeptical. But even they might profit by listening to the evidence - evidence that Trump provides himself through his words and actions which perfectly fulfill requirements for playing the role of the antichrist:

Check out 15 Bible Verses That Identify Donald J. Trump as the Antichrist:

And here's a link to the video in case it disappears from SO'W.

Plus, from the same source, there are 12 More Verses on Trump if you care to check out what is quite a large collection of evidence.

Astrologically, it's significant that 'sun god' Apollo is mentioned in the video presentation because Donald was born with asteroid Apollo rising @29Leo45 - and with royal Regulus, no less. And in an apparent flurry of self-worship, Donald's NY apartment sports a painting of Apollo added to the fact that his love of gold and money is well known, a love which everyone knows is the root of all evil. Also mentioned in the video is Trump's identification with King Cyrus the Great, a topic we've discussed here on SO'W in a previous post, if you'd care for a look.

(Full Disclosure: geni dot com informs me that Cyrus and I have in-law connections with 83 relatives between us; but don't judge--because you probably do, too).

So in closing, if I can mention two points they would be that false prophets have and will arise during the end times, and, significantly, scriptural prophecy suggests the appearance of not one but at least three antichrists for which some scholars nominate Napoleon Bonaparte and Herr Adolf as numbers one and two - death-bringers all, and Trump's models for his global take-over behavior.

Feb 19, 2024

WOW Those Gold Sneakers!

The Orange Hawker Strikes Again

by Jude Cowell

Just a brief post today showing a horoscope of the Venus-Pluto Conjunction @00AQ51:02 which perfected on Saturday February 17, 2024, the day that Mr. Trump hawked gold sneakers at sneakercon in Philadelphia, PA. Promoter Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square identifies his sneaky mind so he's quite the sneaker himself. And as everyone must agree, Donald does worship gold: real, fool's, or gilded and this makes him something of a wide-girthed King Midas wanna-be - and with Venus-ruled Tauru$, sign of The Bull (golden calf) at his Career and Public Status Point ('MC'). That's the 'public status' that took a major slapping last week in NY from Judge Engoron, smacking Donald where it hurts - his pocketbook and his overblown ego. After Friday's court session, no rolled up copy of Forbes Magazine was found at the scene, last I heard.

What Is He - Made of Money?

Then notably, the Venus-Pluto duo relates to money and to a potential for bankruptcy which some pundits say Trump will be filing for. If so, it will be the first personal bankruptcy filing for the King of Debt, says David Cay Johnson, whose book, The Big Cheat is about you-know-who. #ad

So you've marveled at the shiny tenny pumps, now shown below is the Venus-Pluto Conjunction Horoscope of February 17, 2024 which also happens to spotlight the current Jupiter-Saturn Cycle (began December 21, 2020 @00AQ29) where transit Pluto continues to trod off and on. Pluto hit Jupiter-Saturn again on February 4, 2024, then will stomp twice more on August 8, 2024 and December 11, 2024, with Election 2024 sandwiched between. And of course, 00AQ+ is the position of US Inaugural Sun, the office of the presidency:

Check out my study notes penned on the image for more details.

Feb 15, 2024

March 2024 Trump Trial: a Lunar Eclipse

by Jude Cowell

Today NY Judge Juan Marchan confirmed that the criminal trial of Donald Trump will indeed go forward on March 25, 2024, the day of the Libra Lunar Eclipse displayed, below. Yes, it's difficult to keep all the 'Trump trials' straight, but this the one that concerns Trump's $130,000 hush money payment to Stormy Daniels in order to keep her quiet about their hook-up just a couple of weeks prior to Election 2016, because such a sex scandal might've "looked bad" to Trump voters - and perhaps keeping the illicit night of amour from Melania might have mattered to him.

So above is the Lunar Eclipse Horoscope of March 25, 2024 surrounded by a few of Trump's natal placements highlighted in blue. Primarily, this revealing eclipse lands directly upon agent orange's natal 2nd hou$e Neptune Rx (6Lib55), planet of secrets, fraudulent schemes, disguises, deception, ideals, and more. Of course, "disguising" his actions is what he tried to do, but testimonies from Stormy and others should hopefully remove the mask from his underhanded machinations. Naturally, Trump's natal Chiron and stationary Jupiter in Libra (the boundary-breaker, always whining it's not fair! when he's in a jam) are part of the action via the Lunar Eclipse and this will add additional energies to the complexity of the situation.

Of course, as with all Full Moons, relationships are major components of the Lunar Eclipse and the trial itself, particularly since it's in Venus-ruled Libra, sign of Partnerships and the Scales of Justice. Plus, full awareness and perhaps a culmination phase will be reached issuing from the planning/seeding stage at the New Moon of March 10, 2024 @20Pis17: that's Pisces, sign of secrets and confusion - unless the Piscean fish swims upward toward the higher realms.

So! My study notes are messily penned on the Lunar Eclipse Horoscope in case you want them. Examples include: Moon conjuncts the defendant's natal Neptune, Sun opposes his natal Neptune, Eclipse Mercury (testimony) squares Trump's natal Saturn, planet of realism, facts, karma, limits, accountability, authority, and the law. And as usual with this defendant, delays may occur or be attempted, and/or communications might be limited in some way. A gag order comes to mind.

Then squished into the aspect grid area are a few notes concerning the Eclipse's unaspected Saturn, plus, listed are cosmic links to the natal Sun, Moon, and Mars of Stormy Daniels. Additionally, a dear reader such as yourself will spy more planetary contacts, I'm quite certain.

Now to close, here's a famous quote from a fellow who shares the Sun Aries-Moon Libra combo of energies of this Lunar Eclipse, journalist-essayist-critic William Hazlitt:

"The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves."

To me, this describes the tiresome, anti-societal Democrat v Republican stalemate used by US politicians against us with one party believing that taxpayer monies are for We the People's needs, while the other finagles all monies toward the wealthy class, while embezzling the rest.

Note: Hazlitt's natal chart has no accurate time but if you glance at it, you'll see multiple contacts from the Libra Lunar Eclipse of March 25, 2024, including the fact that the brilliant fellow is in the midst of a posthumous Pluto Return!

Above image: Pisces: Two Fishes, a pencil drawing by Jude Cowell.

Feb 13, 2024

Putin Threatens Poland and the World

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

As most folks know, Ronald Reagan once described the Soviet Union in a 1983 speech as "the evil empire," a label which now, more than ever, conjures images of the Saturn-Pluto planetary pair. At least it does for most astrologers. A few details are available here: Ukraine Crisis, Putin, and Saturn-Pluto. We should note that 22/23Capricorn is considered a degree of governmental authority (N. DeVore) and is the spot in the Zodiac that the current Saturn-Pluto Cycle began on January 12, 2020 (@22:46) - conjunct Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters.

Saturn-Pluto potentials include, but are not limited to:

Reactionaries; violent people (R. Ebertin); upsets in checks and balances; use of secret or military police; turmoil in older structures; secret preparation for future restrictions (Project 2025?); consideration of ways to remove or destroy (paraphrasing M. Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets #ad). Obviously, sinister motives are implied and bode ill for civilization, just as another world war would do.

Putin: World War III If US Sends Troops to Ukraine

Feeling his oats, Russian dictator, Putin, has made a not-so-veiled threat against Poland during his recent interview with his toady Mr. Carlson (and Effer's Sun-Taurus-Moon Taurus personality), so I'm sharing here the Poland--Democratic Horoscope found in Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes (#ad) in case a reader might wish to check it out, or keep an eye on it, whatever. Plus, there are three other horoscopes for Poland in the book and their data is listed, below the chart:

Poland: #248 November 5, 1916 12:00 CET Warsaw - Independence; #249 November 11, 1918 12:00 EET Warsaw; #250 June 28, 1945 16:00 CED Lublin, Poland.

Related posts include:

Horoscope of Finland (Putin is reported to have amassed troops on Finland's border, Finland now a NATO member, all of Europe at risk);

NATO, which is actually a Treaty that Putin pal Trump if back in the WH can't pull the US out of without full Senate approval.

Putin-Ukraine vs Hitler-Poland (comparing 2022 invasion with the 1939 invasion that started WWII).

America's Initial Saturn-Pluto Cycle of 1750 - with 23Capricorn rising! This I must call a cosmic time link.

And if you wish for something different, here's an intriguing video, Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill, contained in a post which lists the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 1935.

Jan 31, 2024

2024 Progressions of an Orange Con Man

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Although his name shall not be mentioned within this post, you know whose current Secondary Progressions ('SP') the following information refers to, yes?

Radix Horoscope: June 14, 1946 10:54 am Queens, New York; accuracy of his birth data is probable if not 100% certain. My suspicious nature has always suggested an earlier rising degree of 22/23Leo, the own worst enemy, foot in mouth degree. Yet we're seeing the caution of rising Regulus begin to play out in multiple courtrooms where his obsession with taking revenge is not avoided - it's even promised! - with the ultimate result that everything gained shall be taken away. Add his natal Mars rising in boastful, dramatic Leo and his aggressive, grudge-holding, quarreling nature is clear.

So where is the orange-hued fellow on the evolutionary scale?

Using the day-for-a-year method of evolving his natal planets (which are now grouped into the squished-up Bundle shape of a dictator), we find that his natal Sun-Moon personality blend of Gemini-Sagittarius ("the pied piper" combo) has become Sun Virgo-Moon Scorpio with the SP Moon conjunct SP Ascendant (@2Sco24) having recently entered Scorpio - today @00Sco10. Meanwhile, SP Sun is @7Vir14, an Earth-Water personality blend.

Sun Virgo-Moon Scorpio potentials: opinionated, pious (!), subjective, long-suffering (playing the martyr role), a vindictive despiser of weakness; zealous and judgmental with a lack of empathy (The Harveys).

On the health front, one interesting factor is that his SP Moon opposes his SP Hygeia Rx @1Tau41 upon the Asc-Desc axis. Then as you know, his natural weaknesses with Leo rising include heart and spine, plus, a hereditary issue may exist from his maternal side due to a Moon-South-Node conjunction in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius (liver, gall bladder, spleen). Additionally, Scorpio prominent tends to add sex-related potentials such as infections, and/or surgical procedures. Just musin' not wishin'!

Current SP Midpoint Pictures of the orange albatross include:

Saturn-Pluto = MC (8Leo56): "one-sidedness; severity; desire to rise from difficult circumstances through the application of tenacity and endurance; self-sacrifice ("I am your retribution," he moans); a magician, an adept (the devil's apprentice?); separation (flight)."

Neptune-North-Node = Pluto (12Leo11): "exercising a bad influence upon associations between people; the breakdown between people living together."

Neptune-MC = Sun (7Vir14): "putting on an act; hiding one's character by the pretense of qualities one does not have; physical disguise; discontent with one's occupation; vacillation, indecision."

Well, I hope this information may be useful for you as we in America face Election 2024 with trepidation. After all, one candidate is a boastful, low-charactered narcissist, pretending to think he's above the law, but now facing a measure of accountability for his actions that he's never seen before because there's never been anything like it!

Midpoint pictures: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin #ad.

Above image: Moon Phases; pencil on paper by Jude Cowell.

Jan 25, 2024

May-June 2024: A Lucky Donald Trump?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for a democratic Republic

Anyone familiar with the natal planets of one Donald Trump are aware of his "lucky" trine between his 2nd house Jupiter Stationary @17Libra and his 10th house Uranus @17Gemini, his guiding planet of chaos and disruption. The aspect seems to have made possible a so-called get out of jail free card for his use at various times in life (out of trouble certainly) and their fortunate energies may be able to create 'the magic' once again.

Adding to the pair's energies of lucky breaks and break-throughs, there's also the upcoming Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction in money sign Taurus which perfects on April 20, 2024 @21Tau50--near Trump's natal Midheaven ('MC')--as luck would have it.

Tr Jupiter to natal MC and Tr Uranus to natal MC

Above you see a dual image of two horoscopes: May 1, 2024 (lower left) at the moment transit Jupiter conjuncts Trump's natal Midheaven @24Tau18 (but does so only once this time around in its nearly 12-year cycle) with its optimism and international career and travel opportunities, and June 3, 2024 (upper right) the first of three times that transit Uranus reaches his natal MC with the planet's quirky tendencies toward changes in career, perhaps to the point of a catalyzing him into taking a new direction professionally and/or in relation to his public status.

This Uranian transit period is extended due to retrogradation, and the other two dates are penned on the chart: December 10, 2024 and March 21, 2025, aka, Spring Equinox 2025.

Now several potentials are added to the charts and include significant health indicators (exs: Moon-NN = immune system; lymphatic system; tonsils, spleen; and ASC 13Virgo = esophagus and ASC 2Gemini = hepatic arteries)). There are other health indications as well but no room on the image to list them.

Simultaneously, there are his visible career and public status difficulties and strains due to the multiple legal and felonious jams he's in.

And no, this career criminal doesn't deserve to skate from accountability but that's the point of displaying these two horoscopes: the blighter is a lucky guy with friends in high places--however, unsavory, complicit, and enabling they may be. So spotlighting these are dates are meant for those following 'the trials' of Donald J. Trump. Not for his sake, but because he's America's albatross and our country's destiny is tragically tied to his.

Dec 25, 2023

Trump Rally Trail for early January 2024 feat. Noem and Greene

Acting as if he's a normal candidate campaigning in a traditional US Election cycle, sans any court appearances, the indicted Mr. Trump has quite a busy schedule lined up as 2024 gets underway.

From the Trump website (and subject to change), here's a list of his early January 2024 rallies and Maga events: all events are scheduled for various locations in the state of Iowa:

Jan 3, 2024: Maga event with Gov. Kristi Noem Sioux City, IA 7:00 pm CST;

Jan 4, 2024: Maga event with Marjorie Taylor Greene Keokuk, IA 7:00 pm CST;

Jan 5, 2024: Caucus Rally Sioux City, IA 4:00 pm CST;

Jan 5, 2024: Caucus Rally Mason City, IA 7:30 pm CST;

Jan 6, 2024: Caucus Rally Newton, IA 1:00 pm CST;

Jan 6, 2024: Caucus Rally Clinton, IA 4:00 pm CST.

Now here's a little Astrology concerning maga Republicans, Noem and Greene, with both women operating under the nebulous influence of their deceptive, delusional Neptunian natures as they angle for a seat at Trump's dystopian table where he intends to serve the special American Carnage dish he and his enablers have been baking since at least January 20, 2017:

For bio details, check out the Wikipedia page of Kristi Noem (nee Arnold) born November 30, 1971 in Watertown, SD under the vibes of a 9 New South Eclipse @27Leo (negative issues: pride, pomposity, vanity) with themes of 'worries over paperwork and/or health issues surface and come home to roost' with a 'feeling of destiny or fatedness attached'; last occurrence in 2007, next 9NS occurs on September 21, 2025 @29Virgo. The first lady governor of South Dakota was born during a Saturn-Neptune opposition suggesting a tendency to always try to avoid paying dues. The Saturn-oppo-Neptune aspect is labeled "SUBTERFUGE" by Alan Oken, plus, her Sun-Neptune conjunction implies an active fantasy life (suitable for fantasist Herr Trump).

Then there's the sparsely filled in Wikipedia page of another fantasist, Marjorie Taylor Greene with her birth date listed as May 27, 1974 (nee Taylor); This gives her Sun in early Gemini opposed by Neptune Rx in early Sagittarius, an aspect Oken labels, The Chameleon and The Psychic, which suggests that 'MTG' is a highly sensitive individual, with a bit of a powder keg temperament, imho. She was born under the auspices of a 12 North Eclipse @3Capricorn (negative issues: selfishness and avarice) with themes of 'accepting commitments due to another person's inability to carry on'. Obviously, with Capricorn trouble with authority figures is involved, as we've seen by her behavior. A 12N Eclipse last manifested in 2010 and the next will occur on January 26, 2028 @6AQ - conjunct US 1776 South Node, a separative influence.

So continuing in US Politics in 2024, we have the curious threesome of Trump, Noem, and Greene - a trio of fantasists now popular with the QAnon/Freedom Caucus crowd, most of whom are not too shabby themselves in the fantasy department. And that's putting it mildly.

To close, here's a related post: Astro-Notes: An American Tragedy of Mass Delusion.

Eclipse info: paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

Dec 16, 2023

Moon-Pluto: Raw Russian Intel gone with Trump

Trump's Theft and President Biden's Early Oath-Taking

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

On January 20, 2021, in the final chaotic minutes of the Trump White House, chief of staff Mark Meadows rushed to the DOJ to "hand-deliver a redacted copy" (of the "binder" of raw Russian intel) "for a last review"."

Is this why Joe Biden took the 2021 Oath of Office at 11:15 am instead of the traditional noon hour? (Horoscope shown, below.)

Well, so far, the most comprehensive details concerning the missing intelligence "binder" (stack) of raw Russian intelligence that I've found is The mystery of the missing binder: How a collection of raw Russian intelligence disappeared under Trump, a joint reporting effort by CNN.

Now there are multiple horoscopes involved with this intelligence failure and if a mere post could be an e-book, I'd publish them and we'd discuss at length. However, briefness is a virtue in the blogging sphere so let's consider a previously discussed post from way back in 2015 because I figured it would be a big deal in the world of secrets and Trump collusion with Russia, Horoscope of the RNC Full Moon Conjunct US 1776 Pluto. This Full Moon in July 2016 became exact during the RNC, and cast a lunar spotlight upon, not just America's Pluto (27Cap33), but upon our national Mercury-Pluto opposition of surveillance and secrets, those withheld, leaked, and shared by and against our intelligence agencies. After all, knowledge is power, as 'they' always say, and our Mercury-oppo-Pluto wants total control of it all.

So here's a newer version of the RNC 2016 Full Moon Horoscope snugged as a transit chart around America's Powell Horoscope ("first vote," as championed by historian-astrologer Gary Lorentzen), showing that, among other cosmic factors, this now-revealed - though still mysterious - intelligence theft by Trump, aka, agent orange - is very much a Moon-Pluto affair:

Curiously, the planet of chaos, rebellion, and assault, radical reactionary Uranus, conjuncts the IC (Foundation) of the July 2016 Full Moon Horoscope with an intriguing Sabian Symbol word picture: "A Double Promise Reveals Its inner and Outer Meaning." My suspicion is that the disappearing binder of secrets revelation of December 2023 is one clump of secrets now in process of being revealed.

Meanwhile, below is another bi-wheel of horoscopes which might interest a reader or two since the above "final chaotic minutes" of the Trump White House on Inauguration Day 2021 could have been a factor in why Joe Biden actually took the Oath of Office a few minutes prior to the usual noon time especially since Trump's term didn't officially end until noon. Perhaps the Biden team thought there could be legal or practical reasons why an early Oath-Taking was a good idea. We may never know, but here's the bi-wheel where we find Inaugural Venus @15Cap04 conjunct Inaugural Midheaven ('MC") and conjunct RNC 2016 Pluto, a transit suggesting that Joe Biden took control of the situation; a few other contacts are notated as well:

Edit 12/16/23: Note that 11:47 am est is the time of Joe Biden's Oath of Office; 11:15 am shown here is the VP Oath of Kamala Harris; even so, Venus remains @15Capricorn+ conjunct our 1776 Pluto! jc

On a related topic, here's this from 2018: Homeland Security to Compile Database of Journalists, Bloggers with the "sentiment" of coverage noted. Well, fussy as some of my posts may be, my own "sentiment of coverage" always leans toward democracy and the common good, and are my small way of paying tribute to Revolutionary War ancestors who sacrificed, fought, and died to help establish our nation! And I firmly believe that allowing fascism in America was no part of their sentiments.

Dec 13, 2023

Dec 2023: Leona occults Betelgeuse!

Rising: The Constellations in the Sky

by Jude Cowell

On December 11, 2023, a rare celestial event occurred when asteroid Leona (#319), discovered on October 8, 1891 at the Nice Observatory in France, occulted starry Betelgeuse in the right shoulder of constellation Orion. Perhaps you caught the story in or on Scientific American published December 11th. An Eastern Time of 8:17 pm is cited in the article for the seconds-long occultation, with December 12th the date the path crossed Southern Europe, Turkey, Greece, and Sicily.

Setting a December 11th horoscope for Washington DC for 8:17 pm EST shows America's 1776 North Node rising with Midheaven @23Ari30 conjunct the transiting North Node @23Ari28 although other times and locations of the occultation would naturally vary, and you'll see sprinklings about Trump on the chart, plus, with asteroid Leona, you know that Supreme Court whisperer Leonard Leo must be lurking about somewhere.

Well, here's a quickly marked-up horoscope for your consideration which may also be used as merely a transit chart for December 11, 2023:

Keywords for Betelgeuse: Fame, success, good fortune, determined, shrewd, a rebel, rash, inventive, fevers, acute illness (A. Louis). Note that there are indications of someone's nervousness and/or neuroses on the chart (see lower right corner's New Moon) although admittedly, this could describe many people in light of current events. The occultation's Vertex ('VX' of fated encounters) conjuncts Trump's natal Moon-South Node of fluctuating popularity and emotional estrangement.

Dec 11, 2023

Mike Johnson: In the Realms of Jupiter

by Jude Cowell, partisan for American Democracy

As you've heard, Speaker of the House (Maga) Mike Johnson has now revealed that he's the "new Moses" according to the voice of God, he says. This is much too arrogant for this Protestant, especially if one supposes that Johnson believes his 'mission' is to bring down a new law from Mount Sinai - or from Capitol Hill, more like.

Then of course, mundane Jupiter represents religious and morality issues along with the financial and corporate realms. Broadcasting, propagandizing, teaching, politics - the possibilities are close to endless with expansive Jupiter, the guru or priest.

So let's take a look at the natal Jupiter of Mike Johnson, noting that his Great Benefic's position is prominent in Jupiter's own sign of Sagittarius. However, afflictions to Jupiter such as squares and inconjuncts can result in narrow-mindedness and a self-righteous attitude. But for the purpose of this post, aspects to natal Jupiter will inform us and we'll use Johnson's natal chart set for "12:00 pm CST" since an accurate birth time is hidden, last I checked.

A variety of study notes are penned on the natal chart, below, including Johnson's 10 North Eclipse which manifested on January 16, 1972 @25Cap24, with Baby Mike coming along on January 30, 1972, Shreveport, Louisiana. Other folks born into a 10 North Saros Series include: Justice Antonin Scalia, Confederate General and Freemasonic grand pooh-bah Albert Pike, former White House denizen Reince Priebus (see link, below), and the Capital City of Washington DC (May 3, 1802 with Jupiter in Leo).

As you see, 10 North themes are listed, and Capricorn eclipses relate to issues with authority figures, and with a potential for governmental work and leadership. The next 10 North eclipse occurs in February 2026 @29AQ, identifying 2026 as a busy year for "Moses Mike."

Then considering the current authoritarian atmosphere in US politics with threats of force flying through the airwaves, a disturbing sidenote is that Mike Johnson's natal Sun @9-11AQ conjuncts asteroids Nemesis (divine retribution) and Tisiphone, archetype of retaliation. As you see, Johnson's Uranus in Libra conjuncts Trump's stationary Jupiter so there's rapport between them although one-sided views may cause trouble. Additionally, Mr. Johnson's Saturn @29Taurus, a critical degree, is prominent at Station Rx and forms a dissociate opposition with Neptune in Sagittarius, an aspect which suggests potentials for criminal tendencies and/or subterfuge (A. Oken):

Mike Johnson: In the Realms of Jupiter

Jupiter square Pluto: evangelical work; religious and philosophical dogmatism; needs to remake institutions and force reforms upon others; intellectual pride and willfulness; ambitious to achieve big things; extremism leads to unpopularity.

Jupiter trine Mars: evangelical interests; puts religion into practice; expanded ambition; abundant energy and enthusiasm.

Jupiter inconjunct Saturn: a conservative attitude; a serious demeanor and discriminating nature; pomposity; legalistic; skewed perspectives; may be pennywise and pound foolish.

Well, that's all I have concerning Jupiterian "Moses Mike" with only a noon birth time for him. This is the first "In the Realms of Jupiter" post published here in quite some time so here's a list of a few of Mike Johnson's fellow Jupiterians:

Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Jared Kushner, Reince Priebus.

Dear Reader: please share this post if you dare! Google has stopped indexing SO'W posts so if no one finds and reads them, then I should be spending my time elsewhere. Know what I mean? Jude