In America Neptunian Rebels Are Rising Again
by Jude Cowell
April 9, 2021: With today being the 156th anniversary of General Robert E. Lee's Surrender at Appomattox Court House, here's a view of the Civil War Horoscope (lower left), plus the war's Secondary Progressed Full Moon ('SP') which perfected on December 14, 2020 @26Pis05. Some amazing synchronicities were, or are, in effect, what I tend to call 'cosmic time links' involving 1861 Neptune in Pisces (with deceptive, deluded Neptune progressed in December 2020 to the very public Aries Point), and the Electoral College Vote count on that very day. As you see, at the start of the war (April 12, 1861 4:30 am LMT) Neptune was rising along with Scheat, star of misfortune and murder, plus, a midpoint picture between Mercury-Neptune = ASC reveals potentials for 'overreaction to others' and exploitation' (Tyl). A veil of Neptunian deception and misconception was cast over the proceedings, and emotions were played upon in 1861, a description of many of our 2021 conditions as well.
Now outside the foundational 4th house of the upper right horoscope (SP Full Moon @26Pis05) I've notated the December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 in the difficult 4 South Saros Series - the influences in which the world continues to stew (until late May or early June 2021, when the next Solar Eclipse in Gemini begins to influence societal conditions and events, and our dreams become prophetic). Thing is, the December 14, 2020 Eclipse is a time link for current seditionist activities for it manifested on the very day of the Electoral College Vote, the count for which violent insurrectionists on January 6th temporarily interrupted the work of the US Congress as it fulfilled its constitutional duty of certifying the vote count for President Joe Biden - aka, the former guy's infamous, deceitful "stop the steal" ploy which led to violence and death. And as you know, the grifter's big lie about Election 2020's outcome is the basis for the false narratives and shady laws being perpetrated in state legislatures such as in my home state of Georgia where 'white supremacy' somehow retains a base of radical reactionaries who are often signified in horoscopes by Utopian zealot and radical, disruptive politician, Uranus.
Uranus and Neptune
Now looking ahead, one interesting, or perhaps predictive, feature is that the Civil War will experience a three-fer Neptune Return/s on March 28, 2025, October 24, 2025, and January 24, 2026 - all 're-conjunct' 1861 Scheat, and as you see, at a critical 29th degree of shady Pisces (see the blue box on the left). Another thing is transit Uranus, America's planet of rebellion, conflict, and potential for violence, now traveling through Venus-ruled Taurus ('the bull'), has already caused trouble including from its Mars-Uranus Conjunction (6Tau44) on Inauguration Day 2021. Fortunately, the ceremony and Oaths of Office were uninterrupted by sore losers - because the capital city was prepared and snugly fenced in.
So lower left beside the 1861 chart, you see listed a midpoint picture with transit Uranus at apex which in part describes recent, current, and probably future events, as you may agree: fanaticism and the urge to fight. Add in the energies of SP Mars conjunct SP Sun-Jupiter and we have a portion of the zealotry, aggression, and warrior spirit (Mars) that helps fuel the miguided, anti-societal efforts and attacks of seditionist rebels as they proudly march under authoritarian symbols of neo-nazism.
And my suspicion is that these rowdy miscreants are being 'inspired' to act on behalf of the former guy by the reigning crop of crooks and swindlers and can be seen in the SP midpoint picture: Sun-Mercury opposite - you guessed it - SP Neptune Rx @00Ari20, conjunct the SP 8th cusp.