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Showing posts with label DOJ natal horoscope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DOJ natal horoscope. Show all posts

May 3, 2019

May-Aug 2019: Jupiter Rx crosses DOJ Midheaven

Previously we discussed the DOJ dedication chart and its three-fer Uranus Return with its third conjunction perfecting on February 18, 2019 (29Ari21). A 'break away from the past' is suggested and we see such an attempt in stark relief under the auspices of Donald Trump and his personal Attorney General William Barr who 'testified' on Capitol Hill, May 2, 2019 (outer chart). Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) opened the hearing at 10:06 am edt so the May 2 chart is set for that time.

The Department of Justice building was dedicated by President Franklin Roosevelt in Masonic ceremony on October 25, 1934 at 3:00 pm et (Ovason) with 7Pis43 rising and 17Sag33 at MC, the Goal Point. Therefore, Jupiter rules both the Ascendant (Pisces) and Midheaven (Sagittarius). As you see in the bi-wheel charts below, the current course of Jupiter Rx is in DOJ's 10h house and Jupiter, planet of law, justice, politics, and religion, is in process of transiting across the DOJ Midheaven (MC) and will conjoin the MC again once Jupiter turns Direct @14Sag30 on August 11, 2019. The third exact conjunction occurs on September 26, 2019, a transit that, if mishandled, can include a potential for making unwise choices. And so the political and legal dramas continue.

Penned on the chart are transit Uranus opposing DOJ Jupiter, transit Pluto opposing DOJ Pluto, transit Jupiter conjunct MC, and the transiting Mars-Jupiter opposition now affecting DOJ's MC/IC axis (Career/Public Status/Security). Not penned is the transit of undermining Neptune @18Pis03 in DOJ's 1st house which has recently opposed DOJ Neptune @13Vir49, a period of a struggle against or challenge to ideals and ideologies and a time when some form of persecution is on the menu.

Please enlarge the image for a few notes are penned upon the chart/s if you care for a look: