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Showing posts with label Hopi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hopi. Show all posts

May 8, 2024

A J6 Solar Return Horoscope for 2025

A Forewarned Is Forearmed SO'W Post

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

A topic of discussion for political pundits these days is that Donald and his never-give-up comrades are likely to be planning another J6-style coup attempt of the US government which may include violence, so I set up the J6 Solar Return Horoscope for 2025 to see what we could see.

Instead of a physical attack, cyber warfare is a likely method of taking control (ex: Election 2024), or, some virulent combination of physical and cyber may be under consideration by these win-at-any-cost ruffians and thugs. In addition, it remains uncertain if stolen documents are being held over certain heads in order to force Donald's will for power and retaliation upon our country - in other words, to force his way back to the power that nests within the White House, thus pleasing his foreign bosses, comrades, and financiers.

Potentially, a second coup attempt could occur in 2024, of course, but let's focus on the 2025 Solar Return ("SR") of the Breach! J6 Horoscope (with US 1776 Uranus rising at 2:15 pm est when the Capitol Building was breached: Uranus = shock, revolt, and/or assault) for the chart shows us the planetary energies in play on the day of the 2021 coup attempt's 4th anniversary, January 6, 2025, at the very moment the Sun returns to its J6 position in 2021. No, I'm not saying that this is the exact day that saboteurs may take further action against America, however, the 2025 Return Horoscope merely symbolizes possibilities and trends of such anti-government behavior.

Mars-Pluto: Force, Brutality, Atomic Energy; Uranus-ASC: Upsets, Excitement

The current Mars-Pluto Cycle (use of force; violent measures) began on February 14, 2024 @00AQ46. What must be mentioned is the Mars-Pluto opposition which is Angular (prominent - like a Full Moon phase in their cycle), and radical zealot Uranus Rx rising - doubly Angular for it lands upon the natal Midheaven ('MC') of Mr. Trump indicating a potential for a major job change (Uranus-ASC = n MC); this is if his fascist authoritarian dream of dystopia comes true, or if he's somehow knocked out of the running and must make other arrangements:

ASC 23Tau52 makes unaspected Venus in Pisces the chart-ruler with unusual perspectives, lack of self-control, an impressionable nature, and isolation (R. Ebertin) more or less in charge. At MC, the Goal Point, we find manipulative, wealthy Pluto in Aquarius with exaggerated plans for reform, or, popular plans for bringing folks together as a community. Obviously, this depends on who manages to nab the presidency in November 2024. Also of note: mundane Pluto can wear a variety of hats including that of The Pope, the spy, and/or the assassin.

The Solar Return Sun and Moon

Sun @16Cap41 conjuncts asteroid Hopi, known for its association with ambushes and prejudice, while the Sun applies twice: 1. square Chiron which spotlights a potential for gaining center stage by a restless character, and 2. trine Uranus which implies technological cooperation, and novel or unusual ideas and methods. Notably, the J6 Sun also opposes the natal Nemesis (16Can40) of Herr Trump which may symbolize little more than his nibs' challenge to national leadership and his determination toward retribution for his loss.

When a Solar Return Moon is in Aries, a new element can be expected within the environment, and heading in a new direction is indicated (C. Teal). However, the square from the Capricorn Sun shows conflict through insensitive or arrogant people making unrealistic demands that interrupt or interfere with our druthers. In 12th house, a SR Moon suggests a period of reflection, recuperation, or possibly confinement. The Moon-Chiron conjunction places an emphasis on patriotism, while the Moon-Jupiter sextile offers assistance and a ray of hope (A. Oken).

As for J6 SR 2025's Earth-Fire Sun Capricorn-Moon Aries blend of conscious and unconscious energies, its "Image for Integration" tells a tale all its own:

"A Roman City-State Is Attacked by Barbarians But Its Solid Walls Keep Marauding Bandits At Bay" (The Harveys). Well, it worked before, may it do so again!

Meanwhile, orating Mercury, the messenger planet in late Sagittarius is the ruthless executive leading a Locomotive shape of planets and in Jupiter-ruled Sag may denote the rhetoric of a religious figure (real or imagined). Provocation, aggressive language, and abuse are in the mix via the Mercury-Mars inconjunct, and the aggression could possibly transfer energies into physical activities, or enthuse others into taking action. Additionally, the deceptive, fantasy-prone, skewed perceptions of the Mercury-Neptune square echo the same square in the natal chart and psyche of malicious schemer, Herr Trump.

Activist Mars @The Foundation

Significantly, warrior planet Mars @30Cancer ("A Daughter of the American Revolution") is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') so who knows what he (or she!) is up to off on his/her own yet can also represent foreign actors as can ivory tower Pluto in 9th house of Foreign Lands and Legal Affairs. My suspicion is that outside agitators should be expected to enter our domestic scene (IC) in order to participate, a ploy we've already seen in current campus upheavals, and have experienced in the past (ex: DNC 1968 Chicago).

The Love of Money Is the Root of All Evil

Financial indicators (exs: embezzlement; foreign raids; more tax breaks; bribery) are bunched around the 2nd cusp of the National Treasury and Earning Ability and include Jupiter, gold-hoarding Midas, and Cupido, asteroid of Corporatism, The Syndicate, the mafia, and/or 'The Family' (also a reference to the power-craving "religious" fundamentalist group in DC that journalist/author Jeff Sharlet has written about and which was made into a Netflix documentary). Then on a more positive note, US employment numbers may continue to impress!

The Jupiter-Saturn Cycle Squared

As you know, their 20-year cycle began with the Conjunction of December 21, 2020 @00AQ+ (conjunct the current Mars-Pluto Cycle @00AQ+), and it would take an additional post for more than a mention of the Jupiter-Saturn Cycle once January 6, 2025 rolls around. For as you see, generous Jupiter in Gemini (Rx until early February 2025) and restrictive Saturn in Pisces (conjunct the Republican Party's 1854 Neptune in mid-Pisces: the grim face of reality transit) are at a square stage of blockages and obstacles. Specifically, we may expect projects to begin before previous projects end, some financial imbalance, and of course, there's the pair's typical association in government of checks and balances which could be part of this picture especially considering the afore-mentioned marauding bandits in the form of the seditious saboteurs, foreign and domestic, who continue to afflict the US government - our government.

Well, there you have my look at the J6 Solar Return Horoscope for 2025. Other planetary factors exist which may stand out more clearly to you, or which may take precedence as we approach Election 2024 and enter the New Year. A variety of transits and progressions will certainly change the cosmic picture substantially along with events as-yet unknown, so let's keep our chins up, our eyes peeled, and fervently hope that our solid walls hold as needed, shall we?

Related posts include: America, Neptune-Pluto, and Organized Crime and The 119th Congress Opens (January 3, 2025 horoscope shown).

Apr 27, 2021

May 2021 Lunar Eclipse reacts to December 2020 Solar Eclipse Themes

Solar/Lunar Eclipses Knit Together December 2020 and May 2021 and Beyond

by Jude Cowell

April 27, 2021: As you know, the Lunar Eclipse that accompanies a Solar Eclipse provides clues concerning our instinctive reactions to the karmic situations and conditions associated with the previous Solar Eclipse. The current 'cosmic blinks' fall into the Gemini-Sagittarius sector of the Zodiac with its Mercury-Jupiter influences that spotlight logic, reasoning, mental agility, fluent communications, morals, ethics, and the search for ultimate truth. All this as "the big lie" and its spawn continue to undergird the anti-democratic objectives of the Republican Party and sore losers cause nothing but trouble.

So while society remains under the auspices of the difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 (until about the June 10, 2021 Solar Eclipse, listed, lower right on the chart - conjunct the former guy's natal Moon-SN) which manifested upon the very day of the 2020 Electoral College Vote (the GOP's political bone of contention), here's a look at December 2020's 4 South Eclipse with its karmic themes of 'strong feelings over money and/or relationships; a sudden desire to end relationships' (Brady), plus, the accompanying Lunar Eclipse of May 26, 2021 @5Sag25 which significantly conjuncts, reflects, and reveals transiting Nemesis (@17Sco43 in December) conjunct the eclipsed Moon. Both eclipses are Total, thus bringing strong influences upon conditions and events.

Planet Mercury (highlighted in green), is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') in both charts, isolated from input by the rest of the planets, and opposing its Sag position of 2020 by the time of the 2021 Lunar Eclipse, when it's happier in its own sign of Gemini, as you see. Obviously, potential shifts in communications and planning are denoted along with changes in other realms ruled by Mercury such as commerce, education, and young people's concerns (increased innoculations?). Changeable Mercury is chart-ruler in May (ASC 26Gem24) and as such, applies to a dramatic inconjunct with powerful, wealthy Pluto (adjustments are needed), a pleasant conjunction/meeting with Venus, then speeds on to trine expansive Jupiter in compassionate Pisces (conjunct MC and benevolent Fomalhaut!) bringing uplifting ideas and plans, some perhaps of the 'big picture' variety.

Note that in December, the Virgo-Pisces polarity is intercepted, a karmic implication suggesting veiled factors being hidden from view but which must be dealt with. My suspicion is that the May 2021 Lunar Eclipse conjunct the Saturnian South Node (of the Moon) indicates that best results can be attained when past hurts and festering grudges are let go so that forward progress can be made and new opportunities embraced. This would be the wisest way to respond to the difficult conditions and events heralded by the December 2020 4 South Eclipse. Yet not everyone can manage to do this. I refer to the May Eclipse's Midheaven holding high asteroid Niobe (the grieving mother) along with the Saturn-Neptune midpoint of suffering, illness, loss - and the social safety net programs so many of us need right now.

Now at critical degrees in both charts we find Mars, planet of energy, action, motivation, and conflict, in 2021 squaring his 2020 position in his own sign of Aries and indicating an unfavorable period for decisive action, a lack of cooperation, and lending a forceful, determined air to what are very busy proceedings. There's a decidedly masculine influence pervading activities which may lift slightly with Mars in Cancer, sign of family and home, although in emotional Cancer, the potential for fiery anger often increases - especially for those with hot tempers - while the square brings blockages, frustration, and delay. Plus, significantly, Mars is the planet of police and military men and at the Lunar Eclipse, asteroid HOPI joins Mars with its ambush and/or prejudice vibes. The two stars of Gemini also join in - Castor and Pollux - so that 'murder, cruelty, crippled limbs, mental illness, and/or sudden fame or loss' (A. Louis) continue as possible outcomes in certain situations especially those involving (rogue?) police officers or the military (deployed and coming home: Cancer). Meanwhile, we should be aware that difficulties, conflicts, and hostilities could peak around the first week of June 2021 when Mars and Pluto oppose one another across the Cancer-Capricorn axis, a cosmic suggestion that interfering with the status quo will be more unwise than usual due to the tremendous, forceful energies within the Mars-Pluto combo along with the Lunar Eclipse conjunct Nemesis and leading a Locomotive shape of planets which indicates a 'high-powered executive ruthlessly determined to achieve success'.

Wonder who?

Sep 3, 2016

Senator Barry Goldwater Clues In 2016 Candidates and Astrology Occurs

An Echo from 1964 Reverberates in 2016

by Jude Cowell

Since the former governor of Arizona and USA senator, Barry Goldwater, ran for the presidency in 1964, it occurred to me that his advice could be valuable to our two erstwhile (okay, one erstwhile) candidate/s so here is a sample of Goldwater Wisdom:

"Now those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth, and let me remind you they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyranny."

Let us hope not on the 'hellish tyranny'. Besides, isn't it enough that in 2016 the American people have had two baggage-toting 'candidates' forced upon us (both seeming to have underworld elements lurking about) so that shadowy Global Government figures can impress us with the idea that America's electoral system and every other US system of government we can name is in serious danger of crashing into ruins? If so, we can blame the instigators, agents, bankers, and the other shills and crooks who infiltrated our bureaucracy several decades ago. They are tenacious. But our form of government remains unsullied by their villainy.

Astro-Notes: Barry Morris Goldwater

Born on January 2, 1909 (one source says 'Jan 1') in Phoenix, Arizona, Mr. Goldwater seems to have a practical double Earth Sun Cap-Moon Taurus personality blend of sound intellect and moral fiber. A sense of proportion and preference for traditional values must have been at odds considering the quirky Aquarian flavor of the man. Check out his natal horoscope and you'll see what I mean about this Republican environmentalist!

Barry Goldwater's natal horoscope carries only a 'DD" rating because the birth data is Conflicting/Unverified (collector: Rodden). Even so, you may be impressed by his Capricorn trio of Sun-Uranus-Mercury (11Cap--17Cap) which spotlights a progressive, original, maverick-like personality (Sun-Uranus) and suggests a man who is futuristic, inventive, and easily or quickly bored (Mercury-Uranus). All his Aquarian tendencies are filtered through Saturn-ruled Capricorn which made Politics a natural career choice and channeled his inventive nature into practical concerns.

Also see Goldwater's Wikipedia page where you'll find that he was a 33rd degree Freemason and he collected Hopi kachina dolls. Call me old-fashioned, but to me a major doll collection of any kind seems pretty darned Aquarian with his bad self...

Yet the quirkiness continues! Because 2016 candidate Donald Trump has a curious (but probably unconscious) link to the prophetic Hopi Indians, too, via his Natal Moon and the Sapphire Star which is more prominent in his natal horoscope because his Sun and Moon are in opposition across the Gemini-Sagittarian axis--and on the Nodal axis as well.

Well, maybe the Hopi connection for both presidential hopefuls relates subliminally to America's Founding Fathers and their design and construction of Washington DC because the Star of Prophecy, Porrima, (and you can't make this up) is the star that the phallic Washington Monument was designed to emphasize, with Porrima also a star of fertility.

Can you imagine Mr. Trump filling the monumental boots of General Washington? Can you imagine how huge the monument a 'President Trump' would demand?


Upcoming Event: Astro-Notes on the Sept 26, 2016 POTUS Debate unless Mr. Trump chickens out or Hillary has another health crisis or sends another email that rises to the level of a scandal. Here's hoping that their 'debate' won't turn into an embarrassing spectacle of barking insults and resting rich face.

Aug 13, 2011

Horoscope: a sinister Solar Eclipse 2Sag37 Nov 25, 2011

Solar Eclipse November 25, 2011: A Peculiar Turn of Events

by Jude Cowell

A Solar Eclipse in early Sagittarius, fiery sign of The Seeker, occurs in Washington DC on November 25, 2011 at 1:09:36 am est during an Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, changes, and unstable conditions in Mutable Sagittarius.) Lord of the eclipse is Jupiter through the Jolly One's rulership of Sag, but Mercury Rx is chart-ruler through the Ascendant (ASC) 21Virgo17. Mercury also rules this Midheaven and US natal Mars and Uranus. Gold-loving MIDAS and Pan (panic, panorama, pan-hellenic, pan-American, panacea) continue traveling in tandem with US natal Uranus 8Gem55, here in 9th house of Philosophy, Religion, and the Justice System (what little of one we still have.)

This Solar Eclipse falls in the 14 North Saros Series, details below. A 14N eclipse last occurred in 1993 @ '22Sco', the year of the Great Conjunction/s of NWO planets, Uranus and Neptune, which conjoined during the Age of Reason (aka, The Enlightenment.) Their cycle is approximately *171 years long.

Both horoscopes shown below (which are the same eclipse, differently marked by yours truly) reveal Fixed Star Denebola rising, keywords: to go against society; out of the mainstream--this is VP Joe Biden's natal Midheaven (MC) degree/star; our VP is an avowed 'Zionist' and seems to be proud to acknowledge it. Does a Zionist stance in America 'go against society'? I believe it does for those who desire a sovereign America that doesn't spend all its money on war while we-the-people go without the basics of life as our society crumbles around our ears. If the power elite's plan wasn't clear before 2011, it should be now, even to the politically apathetic.

The Mercury/MC midpoint is rising as well: Mercury/MC = ASC: propagating one's opinions which influence the environment; thinking/writing that spur advancement or growth. Mercury, ruled here by idealistic guru and money man Jupiter, has a 'grand plans' connotation. And if we place US natal Mars in the equation in the MC's stead, we get another picture for Nov 23, 2011 which lasts the life of this eclipse's influence:

Eclipse Mercury/US n Mars = ASC: stormy or turbulent proceedings.

Yes, our warring US natal Mars in duplicitous Gemini tops the chart at MC (Goals; Aspirations) which makes the US military and our government's actions 'most seen' in the wider world. In fact, the misguided energy/idealistic motivations/veiled or confused motivations of our natal Mars/Neptune square is front and center, with natal Neptune 22Vir25 first US planet to rise in this chart putting our unfortunately misdirected square at two Angles, ASC (WHAT?) and MC (WHY?)

Are more military invasions for deceptive reasons on the Pentagon's drawing board? This chart indicates Yes, or perhaps only dealing with the wars we've already forced upon other nations, wars which are not going as well as Washington would have us believe. Yet since eclipses tend to reveal hidden things and once-secret crimes or scandals, this fact may become even more evident as the 14 North eclipse season grinds on into 2012.

Another thing about Mars square Neptune: there's difficulty facing reality (see 14N info below.) Sinister, subversive forces can gain control which this eclipse's Mars working behind the scenes in the 12th H of Politics and Secret Deals describes. Conjoining the president's Pluto, what deals will be made? Is Obama's physical safety in question? He's a US president with enemies, so it always is. And he's half black, a fact that some just can't get over.

Yes, a Mars/Neptune square is compelled to blame others when things go wrong in an attempt to divert criticism. Sound like any nation you know?

Note: America's natal Neptune in Virgo, sign of Work and Health, has always been an unstable placement indicating idealistic yet dissolving work, employment, and health conditions. Notice that in the US, health insurance is primarily attached to employment, a linkage in process of being jettisoned for financial reasons.

And the US-FDA barely performs its role of protecting our health as its budget twists upon Congress's conservative chopping block and corporations defy regulations that affect their almighty profits, the health of Americans be dam*ed.

First displayed is a skimmed-down version of the chart with a few details not included in the text below: hemispheric emphasis (Self/Other is balanced; emphasis on Private over Public sector, including the eclipse in 3rd house), asteroid Hera Rx (keeping accounts, bringing to account, or balancing accounts, legalities or legal partnerships) conjoins the Solar Eclipse 9Can12 of July 1, 2011 in this chart's 10th house (Public Standing) which has direly affected the US natal Sun/Jupiter conjunction (5-14 Cancer; plus, US Sun conjuncts Fixed Star SIRIUS: the mundane becomes sacred; the fire of immortality.) But these days, America doesn't seem so immortal after all with attacks coming from without and--worst of all--from within.

Then there's America's Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) degree 00Pis33, here in 6th house of Work, Health, Military and Police Services, which has been crossed and re-crossed recently by both dissolving Neptune and wounding/spiritualizing Chiron.

America's PE 00Pis33 (12 South Series) repeated last on July 11, 2010 @ '19Cancer' which conjoined Fixed Star Castor (pos: to write or create; neg: murder; crippling of limbs; loss (A. Louis.) This one @ '19Can' eclipsed the UK's natal Moon, the people. Then the Solar Ecl of July 1, 2011--the one in force as I type, eclipsed UK natal Sun, leadership, and we lament the UK's violent troubles now.) 12S = 'successful outcomes to long term worries' (this eclipse timed the capping of the Deepwater Horizon Blowout in mid-July 2010); 'issues at first seem worse, then clear,' - Brady.

The Flywheel of the Universe: Jupiter v Saturn

The Jupiter/Saturn pair of societal planets--one expands, one constricts and the tension keeps our solar system's planets in their courses...yin-yang!--hold prominent roles in the eclipse chart with a stand-off across its 2/8 money-values axis as our debt, economic, and austerity issues--stirred up more than improved by political gamesmanship--continue. Jupiter 1Tau57 is Rx, and Saturn in balancing Libra is conjoined by asteroid Hopi, keywords: ambush or prejudice. Yes, I do hope the work of the un-Constitutional 'Super Congress' improves US financial and societal conditions but I'm not holding my breath...

Ex: eclipse Saturn conjoins Fixed Star Arcturus (Alpha Bootes, a pathfinder; a leader who protects people as they embrace a new lifestyle (-Brady.) A 'new lifestyle' of want, loss, and need caused by others' greed, it seems. Can the much-touted, totalitarian, sucky 'New World Order' be nearly upon us?

Jupiter and Saturn here, plus the date of the eclipse, indicate the November eclipse's timely connection to the deadline of the 'Super Congress' recommendations on November 23, 2011. Since this eclipse occurs on November 25, it falls too close in time/date to be uninvolved in these super-external financial deliberations of a US Congress which now vacates once again their oversight duties laid out in the Constitution.

Now here is the second version of the Nov 23, 2011 Solar Eclipse chart with my usual loaded application of details added. Artists can be so messy, yes? Well, don't place a pen or pencil near me unless you want this sort of thing to happen!

Click either chart to enlarge. A few details appear on both charts.

As you see, activist Mars 6Vir47 is working busily in the behind-the-scenes 12th H of Politics, Secret Deals, and Hidden Enemies--and 'he' conjoins President Obama's natal Pluto, a transit for him indicating a time to be forceful, purposeful, and more focused. There's a need for patience and concentrated efforts yet jealousy, revenge, and danger are part of the scene. Something the president was karmically meant to do comes along; imperative is evaluating investments ("invest in America!", he says but will he be able to with so much opposition from a GOP intent on his--and our--failure?), and investigating a mystery may also indicated. Will 'leaks' confuse issues even further and contribute to America's slow recovery?

An Earth Grand Trine--But in Houses of Water: 4, 8, 12

Well, if leaks occur, they will probably tie into financial and political concerns since Mars is involved in an Earth Grand Trine pattern with 8th H Jupiter Rx in money-loving Taurus (the Bull of Wall Street), and powerful, subversive Pluto, now destructuring all institutions and systems of the Saturnian kind (Capricorn, sign of Government, Law, and Business.)

Evaluating Venus 28Sag26 nears Pluto in 4th H of Real Estate, Homeland, and Finalities across the Security axis (4/10) with Venus conjoining Fixed Star Acumen (enduring attacks which weaken--not a good portent for the US housing foreclosure mess which will continue well into 2013 or even 2014.

Now Grand Trines in materialistic Earth signs usually provide a calming, comforting, soothing energy for it prefers to preserve the status quo (here, the system of Capitalism?) Earth Trines tend to attract resources and do not respond well to drastic, critical life changes (beware 'Super Congress' recommendations and the automatic "trigger"!)

Tangible support and worldly position are offered by an Earth Grand Trine if resources are skillfully managed--but as we know, this has not been the case by the US government, the over-extended, tapped-out American public, or by the fraud-infused global banking industry--unless you happen to be a member of the power elite of such organizations. Of course, if they manage to crash the world economy as they seem intent on doing, their money will be worthless, too, until the next currency is set up, a plan already on-tap, I suspect. ('Amero'? Watch the brief video at the end of this post.)

So the Mars-Jupiter-Pluto trio plod on, focused upon goals, and inspired by a dynamic vision (Utopians!) of an ideal structure which most of us feel is debasing our nation. Yes, the losses of Financial Collapse 2008 undermined what little confidence in government's good intentions we may have felt (as NWO creeps intended), and events of 2011 have not improved our negative outlook about the US government's ability--or, some say, desire--to bolster our society, and place we-the-people's needs over corporations' bottom lines, have they? (See Cupido in 12th H--corporations, The Family (Doug Coe?), The Syndicate, including the global Organized Crime network which some have called, The Octopus.

There's a Uranian Planet named Cupido, too--here, conjunct Mercury Rx and the IC...The Drain (see 14N info below: 'draining of energy'--the power grid?)

And though Earth Grand Trines can sense their own power and strength, the usual oh good! feeling most astrologers get when a Grand Trine of opportunity is present in a horoscope, is here tamped down by the reality of difficult conditions caused by the extreme inequality of income in this country (though Britain rivals the US in income imbalance which pushes The People's backs against walls of austerity in both our nations. Austere Saturn is posited in a money house (2nd) with evaluator Venus ruling; Venus also rules the 9th H of Philosophy and Foreign Lands such as America's Biggest Creditor, China. Plus, restrictive Saturn rules the 5th H of Risk-Taking and Gambling.)

In 7th H of Open Enemies, Legal Affairs, and Partnerships, is Utopian rebel Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries, conjoining US natal IC, as mentioned above. Utopianism is now in America's 'house'! Trickster, magician, and alchemist Hermes continues hanging about in transit with Uranus, planet of revolution, liberation, and disruption: strikes, protests, and sit-ins (indicating peaceful demonstrations, hopefully, the only way to best the armed shock troops already being sent out to control us with their Darth Vader looks.)

As mentioned above, explosions cannot be ruled out especially with activist Mars in the secretive 12th H squaring the Solar Eclipse--and Uranus helpfully trines the eclipse as nebulous, deceptive Neptune squares it as well. Difficult aspects tend to block an eclipse's more positive expressions though dynamic energies of a square can also stimulate action. Mars opposed Chiron which brings in the sacred warrior energy though its ideals and guiding light are not guarnteed to be fact-based.

So with testy Mars ruling 8th H of Debt, Credit, and Big Business--and Jupiter Rx posited there and ruling 4th H of Real Estate where Pluto resides, and Pluto as co-ruler of the 3rd H of Neighborhoods and Communications, I see the Earth Grand trio of planets in the closed circuit of energy of the Trine representing the 'Super Congress' (aka, 'Super Committee') which the US Congress has brazenly set up to deal with problems they wish to avoid taking the heat for as austerity of a 2nd H (Money; Worth Issues) Saturn 25Lib07 opposes Jupiter in greedy Taurus, intolerant of the poor whose threadbare benefits it wishes to cut.

In 6th H of Work and Health, Neptune 28AQ12 Rx has re-entered Aquarius and moved closer once again to US natal Moon (we-the-people) which continues this difficult transit for America with its 'sense of inferiority, rootlessness, homelessness, and loss as fraud (Neptune) is visited upon (by transit) the American people (Moon.) Neptune represents the fraudsters, banksters, and the media in collusion against the working class and all those in need who are disenfranchised by larger forces.

As you know, disappointment, despair, and uncertainty have trailed in Neptune's oceanic wake--including disappointment with President Obama's failure to uphold the value of protecting the Middle and Working classes--shown astrologically by his natal Mars (motivation, desire, action, energy) precisely conjoining US n Neptune, a tenuous connection. This astro-link is one I groused upon in posts many times before and after Mr. Obama entered the White House! "Few if any in Washington will cooperate with him if he intends to 'help' us", I blogged. Well, do they?

Chart-ruler Mercury Rx 20Sag03 Conjoins IC

Now ordinarily I would begin such a horoscope analysis by listing any applying aspects made by the chart-ruler but that isn't necessary with this Solar Eclipse chart because there are none. This emphasizes the sign and house placement of Mercury, and its retrograde condition. A Rx chart-ruler indicates delays, shortcomings, and limiting conditions and events which interfere.

Mercury conjunct IC portends more American moving in with relatives (Rx = moving back in with parents, or parents with kids!), and/or the home being used for study, work, and communications--aka, working from home. Mercury, planet of young people, oration, contracts, negotiations, news, commerce, trade, and thinking processes, is in its detriment in Sagittarius, and denotes those who are concerned with attitudes rather than facts, and with codifications of social thought in religion, higher education, law, and philosophy. The 'Super Congress' comes to mind.

Plus, conjoining the 3rd cusp 16Sco57, you see asteroid Atlantis (a stand-in for America, a nation founded as the Utopian vision/dream/ideal of a 'New Atlantis' in the New World--ripe for the plundering of natural resources) with Atlantis's keywords, abuse of power; where we feel doomed, which intimately relates to the legend of Atlantis, the Lost Continent.

Note: this posting was interrupted on Saturday by a lightening storm--the following is my completion of this article. Your on-topic comments are invited, as always but be advised that All Spam will be moderated and deleted so don't waste your time on that.

UPDATE 8.15.11: back today, Monday, to continue this article for you!

Let's look at the 14 North Saros Series itself. To get a better idea of its potential influence, I shall quote directly from the excellent Bernadette Brady's book Predictive Astrology, my italics:

"A most peculiar eclipse family heralding an acute time of confusion in personal relationships, unexpected happenings in financial matters, and possible illness. Unrequited love, despair, confusion, a draining of energy, a peculiar turn of events. No important decisions should be made concerning incoming events as there is too much confusion and possible delusion to make clear judgments."

14N has manifested in the years 1903, 1921, 1939, 1957, 1975, 1993, (Nov 2011), and will next occur in 2029. Its initial eclipse occurred on April 29, 1074 (OS) @ 13Tau54 (our US inaugural ASC each January 20th at noon, DC) with Venus @ 4Ari57 which is the position of Uranus now (Venus/Uranus = extravagant or erratic with money!) America's PE 00Pis33 in 1776 (which our nation carries as a permanent part of national identity) has testy Mars 00Pis30 upon it.

A Muddy Saturn/Neptune Vibe

There's a Saturn/Neptune opposition in the initial eclipse chart of 1074 which denotes a natural distrust of competitors and irrational fears of failure which cause a retreat from competition (stock market? jc); this creates a vicious circle or self-fulfilling prophecy of failure, and when finding others deceitful, some use this as justification for acting deceitfully, too.

Financial loss and great difficulty facing reality are prevalent.

Well, you may not agree that an initial eclipse in a Saros Series can still have meaning centuries later but I believe the Saturn/Neptune opposition speaks directly to what's going on in 2011. Can you feel it?

Now what else may we expect from the November 25, 2011 eclipse? Since it's ruled by Jupiter, then Jupiter-ruled and 9th house matters will be uppermost for the revelations and events it portends. Long distance travel (including that of President Obama), religion, philosophy, higher education, and the legal system are key areas for the revelations and events. Transportation, transport workers, banking (of course!), and the extension of US power into the world are on tap, as noted, supported by US Mars at MC.

Will one revelation concern crimes and zealousness of the US military (Mars in 12th H conjunct Mr. Obama's Pluto)? Surveillance scandals? 12th house matters such as hospitals, prisons, and grand reforms ('Super Congress' recommendations due November 23, 2011) are on the eclipse agenda. Yes, death, as previously noted, is somewhere lurking, for a noble, monarchist, or a head of state, with scandals on the rise!

Plus, the 3rd house position of the eclipse @ 2Sag37 indicates worker discontent, potential accidents, and possible strikes, protests, and...hate to say it, but riots may turn up. Also of note is that the Nov eclipse opposes President Obama's natal Moon in Gemini which relates personally to him, his wife, and family though it may be only that emotions (Moon) are stirred up.

The 14N eclipse @ 2Sag37 triggers a few natal planets worth noting:

NYC (Uranus 1Sag42), the White House (2Sag11), NASA (Mars 1Gem58), Roswell NM (Moon 00Sag04 and Mars 2Sag13); also, Afghanistan (Neptune 4Sag55 Rx), Australia (NN 29Sco50), China (Chiron 5Sag29), Mexico (Jupiter 1Gem23), France (Mercury 00Sag08 and Venus 2Sag23 Rx), and North Korea (Moon 2Sag17.) I'm certain there are more triggerings but these are what I have in my files.

As for the US horoscope, the December 20, 2011 Lunar Eclipse @ 18Gem11 conjoins US natal Mars and this chart's Midheaven which indicates a watershed time for the effects of the November 25 Solar Eclipse eclipse and is probably when most of the scandals and crimes will be revealed--on or about December 10th by the light of the Full Moon.

November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse Midpoint Pictures

Still in effect will be the speculator-wastrel pair's midpoint with disruptive Uranus in Aries at apex. As always, any, all, or none may apply:

Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus: coming down to earth with a bump; imagination v reality; sudden recogntion of a difficult situation.

And the eclipse itself is at apex of--you guessed it--the Mars/Neptune midpoint....

Mars/Neptune = Sun: discontent; weakness; an undermining of health (well, for one thing, we know radiation is doing that-jc); danger of infection; dissolution of a body.

Mars/Neptune = Moon: crooks; nervous weakness; feeling inferior; danger of infection.

Sun/Pluto = (unaspected = detached) Mercury: consciousness of aim or objectives; organization; prudence; aspiring to intellectual supremacy; an orator with suggestive powers.

Moon/Pluto = Mercury: special far-reaching plans; pursuit of comprehensive ideals with great zeal; public speeches or writings that wield great influence ('Super Congress'? A rising dictator? Other? jc)

Mercury/Pluto = Venus: a ruthless desire to control others.

Mars/NN = Saturn: disadvantages through unions or associations; teamwork that is rendered more difficult as time goes on ('Super Committee'> jc); separation or a case of death. (All pictures from R. Ebertin.)

Another word about the unaspected Mercury 20Sag03 Rx sitting precisely on the IC, the Foundation and Basis of the Matter: its Sabian Symbol for '21Sag' - EXAMINATION seems to me to relate directly and unfortunately to the 'Super Congress' and its report (Mercury) due November 23rd--and the degree's negative expression of "distorted vision" and for the purpose of grasping power (Sun-Pluto).

No, not everyone is impressed by Utopian Uranus-in-Aries's vision of global domination and totalitarian control. Plus, the Jupiter/Saturn opposition across the Money axis of this chart echoes their Conjunction of May 2000 @ '23Tau': "A Jewelry Shop Filled with Magnificent Gems"--the ones they've stolen from the US Treasury and the people's pockets and pensions, turns out.

And remember that the eclipse's "peculiar turn of events" vibe can well describe the unprecedented set up (staging) of a 'Super Congress' as if our regular government just can't handle current problems!

Meanwhile, the practical Earth Grand Trine, closed circuit energy as it is, links the high stakes planetary trio as mentioned above, with subversive, wealthy Pluto conjoining asteroid Panacea, something that seems an improvement yet does little actual good. It's all in the mind! Yet money planets Venus and Jupiter in an opportunistic trine (120 degrees) are in Mutual Reception and thus support one another in their efforts.

Now will this medicine be what we-the-people need from a power elite who buy off our Congress with fat donations and other considerations? I don't think so, though perhaps decent reform may be instituted to aid the struggling Real Estate market (Venus in 4th H, Jupiter in 8th. This would be a harmonious and welcome change which we may experience more fully once Jupiter resumes direct motion and releases some of his wealth. However, the ourrageous Republican 'Trickle Down Economics' won't work as it hasn't all along. Eight years of Bush-Cheney should be enough to convince anyone of that. And here we are.)

So shall I leave it for you to decide for yourself if the 'Super Congress' medicine is efficacious as November nears and the ASC's negative expression ('22Vir') makes itself known: subtle exploitation of the unwary = PREROGATIVE..."A Royal Coat of Arms."


Inspirations for this post: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney; The Astrologer's Handbook, Sakoian and Acker.

Please pardon any pesky typos: adding an Update to my original post does not allow a Save of Draft or spellchecking, and my eyes and fingers are quite wumped out with this much typing! jc


*The earlier Great Conjunction of scientific Uranus/Neptune occurred in mid-Sag: '16Sag' = "Sea Gulls Watching a Ship" = ALERTNESS, negative: aimless expectation. Their 1993 conj/s were at or about '18Cap' = "The Union Jack Flies on a British Destroyer' = POLITICAL POWER, negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism; the conj of Oct 24, 1993 times a modern natal chart for the NWO.

Through the Sabian Symbols of two eras, we see how NWO promoters have sharply focused themselves in time for Year 2012. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones, and Solar Fire software.) Yet I do believe that the Rothschilds of Europe and the Rockefellers of the US have much to answer for in the sweet bye-n-bye, and for now, should be identified and prosecuted for crimes against humanity (Denebola rising!) along with all enablers and colluders of the satanic persuasion, and with regular citizens serving on the jury--if we could catch the elusive reptiles.

NAU = North American Union of America, Mexico, and Canada:

Jul 13, 2009

Sotomayor: a wise Latino woman on Capitol Hill 7.13.09

Yes, today is the day that SCOTUS nominee Sonia Sotomayor makes her way to the Masonic Temple on Capitol Hill, affectionately known as 'our' Capitol Building, to begin the process of being vetted for the top bench of the nation.

Questioning begins tomorrow, Tuesday, yet her statement today makes for an interesting combination of Sun in Cancer, Moon in Pisces, then Moon on to Aries Point at 10:39 am edt. Aries Point (AP) is, of course, a World Point where important things can happen within prominent personal projections. The AP is ruled by contentious Mars rather than by the dreamy Jupiter/Neptune of inspired Pisces.

My thought is that Sonia Sotomayor wouldn't be where she is today without a strong natal Mars being consciously and assertively channeled...Pisces to Aries: dreams put into action.

Yet there are small men on Capitol Hill who feel threatened by a woman with such a well-directed Mars! And we'll probably be aware of their names before the week is out if we don't know them already. "Outside the mainstream" and "judicial activist" are their complaints so far, yet she is a more experienced (Mars) judge than any of the exalted ones who now sit on the US Supreme Court bench.

But tossing a wrench in the works may be all the Rs can manage to do to undermine the president's agenda, so the Rs must have a chance to try their spins by performing their tricks this week at the Capitol Hill Theater.

If astrologically we take today's planets (and their aspects to one another) as indicative of Sotomayor's singular week on The Hill, we see that support is certainly there for the Moon (a woman) from Mars and from Saturn with only one very big fly in the judicial oiuntment - a square from heavyweight Pluto.

This indicates that her determination to achieve will be deeply tested while her previous personal history and old attitudes are placed under the microscopes of Congress and the media. Publishing, of course, is linked with Pluto, and Moon/Pluto signifies public relations and propaganda (both for and against the nominee.)

Well, I wasn't feeling too optimistic for Judge Sotomayor's SCOTUS prospects when I wrote about her nomination chart of May 26, 2009, 10:15 am edt even though the Moon 4Can31 had moved beyond opposition from Pluto, but was conjunct her natal Sun 3Can+ (birth time unknown, born June 25, 1954, Bronx, NY.)

Her May 26 nomination chart shows 4Leo50 rising with Sun as chart-ruler making no applying aspects (which emphasizes the Sun's sign and house position - 5Gem28 in 11th house conjunct asteroid, Pan, one of the trickster elements but associated with law through the ancient sign of Capricorn); May 26 was just after the New Moon 3Gem28 which fell upon Mr. Obama's natal Moon, a fortunate factor for new beginnings in his Lunar Return of May 2009.

Transiting Astraea - keywords: law and justice - is Rx at 3AQ08, interestingly the position of Inauguration 2009's Jupiter in 10th house (noon est, Capitol Building, Jan 20, 2009.) One of Jupiter's many hats is: the judge. This indicates that if confirmed, Judge Sotomayor will be an integral part of the president's team (or so presidents always assume about SCOTUS judges!)

Charts for tomorrow, when the questioning begins, show Moon reaching '13Aries'..."A Bomb Which Has Failed to Explode Is Safely Hidden."

I mention this primarily because Republicans have stated that Sotomayor will be confirmed unless something 'explosive' occurs during the hearing - hark! I think I hear the sound of GOP operatives tinkering away at the wires now...especially considering today's position of asteroid Hopi - keywords: ambush; prejudice - conjunct Sotomayor's natal Sun 3Can+ and thus opposing her natal Mars.

So today's Pluto 1Cap29 is conjunct Sotomayor's natal Mars 2Cap20 (in her 12:58:02 pm edt chart, the hour of Sun-to-Midheaven in NY on her day of birth) so plutonian power has come to call with the ability to 'magic wand' her Supreme Court hopes into the annals of history as long as her actions (Mars) coordinate with the larger program of the ultimate behind-the-strings power-player, Pluto in Capricorn, sign of law, the courts, politics, and business.

Here's the CSPAN video feed of the proceedings this morning though I don't know how the link will work later on if you find this post after the hearing ends.

May 11, 2009

Atlantis launch 5/11/09: horoscope

Not liking the looks of this chart, is it too much to hope that the launch of the Atlantis space shuttle this afternoon might be delayed or cancelled?

Today's launch is a re-schedule already and I certainly want them to repair the aging Hubble Telescope which, if successful, will have its photography life extended by 5 years or more.

Cape Canaveral, FL, 2:01 pm edt.

5 is the number of Creativity and when applied to Astrology's '5th house' can imply Speculation and Risk-Taking. But of course any space venture is a risk being taken - and this time there are 7 astronauts on board.

It's now 12:03 pm edt and NPR is reporting that the countdown, which began at 4 pm edt on Friday, has been flawless so far.

The chart of the most recent lunation, the Full Moon 18Sco41 of May 9, 2009 contained a YOD (Finger of God pattern (special task; crisis; adjustment - as with repairing Hubble) with Mercury 1Gem35 Rx as apex planet with a definite leaning toward scientific recognition and fame.

Guess I can type out the word pictures (midpoint pictures) pointing to energetic Mars, strong in mid-Aries, 8th house; conjunct Part of Organization, and the asteroid Terpsichore, whose archetypes include: the orchestrator.

Two T-Squares form, both with the Ascendant 3Vir03 and Ceres. This is one degree from the US Secondary Progressed Moon Sec Full Moon in Dec 2008 if progressions are based on the US Sibly chart - soon-to-occur in 2009 if based on other US natal charts - but still at the same 4Vir/Pis10 degrees. You may go to Jude's Threshold and look in Pages column in left sidebar for chart with details.)

Jupiter/ASC = Mercury: gladdening news; intense exchange of thoughts; good suggestions, stimulating ideas; delight in contact.

Jup/ASC = MC: being in the right place at the right time; successful positioning; success with public contacts; harmony.

Neptune/ASC = Mercury: guided by wrong impressions or perceptions; being deceived regarding other people's character; exploiting others' weaknesses; taking the wrong path; malicious scheming.

So you see quick-traveling Mercury, conjunct Fixed Star Alcyone 00Gem00 (something to cry about; exile - Anthony Louis, Horary Astrology) elevated in the launch chart if all goes as scheduled today at 2:01 pm edt. A retrograde Mercury can indicate glitches but could signify the glitches they're going into space to fix, too. (With Astrology as it describes Life, it's all about levels, isn't it?)

If you click to enlarge the chart you see a midpoint which falls on action-oriented Mars in 8th house...

Neptune/MC = Mars: playing a role; charisma for gain in the arts; acting without clear understanding or purpose; desire to bring wrong ideas into realization; study of metaphysical subjects; a desire to harm other people. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

The midpoint pictures given above are mixed at best, and with asteroid Hopi 1Gem51 (ambush; prejudice) at Midheaven as well, I don't want to say more about the chart with risk-taker who fell to Earth Icarus at '10Pis' = 'An Aviator in the Clouds'...but only whisper a little prayer for safe mission and a safe return for all.

~:~ Roxanna Saberi has been released from an Iranian prison today - hoorah!